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View Full Version : Star Trek: New Voyages

June 4th, 2013, 07:34
The Star Trek Phase II people have released an extended trailer to their newest production, called "Kitumba". Kirk and the Enterprise visit the Klingon homeworld in an attempt to head off a war after the unexplained disappearance of the Organians. If you understand the implications of what I just said, YOU ARE A NERD. Come to terms with it. You can run but you can't hide from your true self. Gil Gerard appears in this clip. Buck Rodgers is Federation Starfleet now!!!


I just happened on this other fan-made video by mistake. This isn't Phase II. This group calls itself "Star Trek Continues" but the concept is the same; the continuation of the TOS five-year mission. This episode "Pilgrims of Time" is their first outing, and features actor Michael Forest, who played the god Apollo on TOS.




June 4th, 2013, 07:41
This is a fan-edited trailer including footage from all the Star Trek movies I just thought looked really cool in full HD. Enjoy.



June 4th, 2013, 16:06
Love the Phase 2 stuff, kind anxious to see what the others do.. Buck Rogers, thats cool! :salute:

Dain Arns
June 4th, 2013, 17:16
I am not a nerd.

If I were, I would know that in the first episode 4x08 "Kitumba" that was posted, it was Andrew Probert that stepped off the transporter pad with Gil Gerard and introduced as "Commodore Probert".
I would be more excited that it WAS Andy Probert, the same one who did the drop dead gorgeous Enterprise re-design for the Motion Picture and designed the Enterprise "D" and Bridge for the Next Generation.
He was also chief designer for the actual but cancelled "Phase II" as Paramount switched from a new television series to a Motion Picture.
That he designed the DeLorean "Time Machine" for "Back To The Future", and he appeared as one of the Post Atomic court members in the Next Generation pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint".

Maybe I said too much... :icon_lol:
(Yes. Actually I was more excited to see him than Gil Gerard, sorry Gil!)

June 4th, 2013, 18:05
That was good stuff Eoraptor, always love to see the dream of Roddenberry continue from the fans.

This is a really good series pieced together by a fellow. A rewritten dominion war, much much longer. Using clips from Ds9 and the other series. 70 part about 10 mins each.

