View Full Version : Vehicle Convoy objects?

June 2nd, 2013, 18:54
Some of the guys I fly with, create virtual missions to meet an objective. Whether it's inserting a SOF team by helo where someone will fly the transport and the others the gunship escorts, or flying a CSAR mission with multi-levelled assets. Helos, escorts, fighters, tanker, etc...

Anyhow, I started thinking of how we often use AIcarriers to place a ship at some coordinate on the map. Usually a known waypoint and have it move to the next. Well, why not add a vehicle convoy instead? Or a wrecked aircraft? The trouble is that I have not been able to find anything close to what I'm after. Usually they are just single trucks.

So I ask you guys if any of you know of such objects. Maybe even a multi-object SAM or AAA emplacement. Some scenery BGLs have this already, but I dont know how to unpack these.

I've seen some screen shots from VRS users, but I dont have it so I'm trying my own way.

Any ideas?


June 3rd, 2013, 10:28
some things like these???

http://s19.postimg.org/68nx3ls6r/gaskin.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/rv2xkmqr3/full/)

http://s19.postimg.org/by45nwycz/btr70.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/7ozflqv3j/full/)

http://s19.postimg.org/sofjd8ws3/brdm3.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/p4tlnfu27/full/)

June 3rd, 2013, 11:43
You idea is great, but AIcarriers won´t be the answer: AI objects only move when placed on the sea. I use a KC 130 AI tanker with AI carriers (considering it as a ship), and it only flies over the sea. When there is no sea under the KC 130, the plane stops.

Anyway, if somebody has a solution, I can offer many convoy objects.


June 3rd, 2013, 12:13
I would love to have a convoy of these rolling around Afghanistan, LOL
When I did my military sceneries for Iraq and Afghanistan, I wanted to have some of my vehicles moving around, preferably in convoys, but I could never figure out how it could be done. Would be nice if there was a tool or option like in SbuilderX where you define road traffic, where you can draw the routes out and select any object set up for road traffic and have it work.


Nice work jagl04, looks like there is no shortest of models for this, LOL.

June 3rd, 2013, 13:07
Have you tried this?

I played it with "captain sim weapons" and it's awesome

June 3rd, 2013, 13:27
That is on my trying list

Microsoft FSX Animal and GroundVehicle SimObjects Living World V1.1

but some said it wont work with FSX ACc.

June 3rd, 2013, 13:39
I would love to have a convoy of these rolling around Afghanistan, LOL
When I did my military sceneries for Iraq and Afghanistan, I wanted to have some of my vehicles moving around, preferably in convoys, but I could never figure out how it could be done. Would be nice if there was a tool or option like in SbuilderX where you define road traffic, where you can draw the routes out and select any object set up for road traffic and have it work.


Nice work jagl04, looks like there is no shortest of models for this, LOL.

I began to design my own military objects when I saw MCDesign ones. Great job, we all have enjoyed your nice work. Thanks

June 3rd, 2013, 15:41
Glad the idea has met with some interest. Shame that I cannot get AICarriers to move the vehicles over land, but I do understand everything has limits.

How about static vehicles then? Take some of Jagl04's wonderful looking models and place them in a column and then place them at a waypoint. Not exactly perfect, but good for some make believe threats.


P.S. Which of the KC-130 was used with AICarriers to have as a tanker? Might have to try that with the KC-135.

June 3rd, 2013, 15:46
I began to design my own military objects when I saw MCDesign ones. Great job, we all have enjoyed your nice work. Thanks

Thanks man, nice to hear! :salute:

June 3rd, 2013, 15:50
Glad the idea has met with some interest. Shame that I cannot get AICarriers to move the vehicles over land, but I do understand everything has limits.

How about static vehicles then? Take some of Jagl04's wonderful looking models and place them in a column and then place them at a waypoint. Not exactly perfect, but good for some make believe threats.


Jeff, I have 2 sceneries at AVSIM with quite a library of military objects and scenery similar to what you are talking about. Look for mcdfsxiraq.zip for FSX and mcdmil.zip for FS9. If you use them, just follow the readme.

June 3rd, 2013, 20:28
just verified that if you use an AI vehicle and create a formation entry for it in AICarriers it works
- spawned vehicle on land
-commanded forward motion , speed was as specified in sim.cfg for object
-commanded course changes , responded as commanded

did not test for halted motion if attempting to cross from land onto water or vice versa (amphibious)

i wonder if boattraffic addon will do this also?

June 4th, 2013, 07:11
just verified that if you use an AI vehicle and create a formation entry for it in AICarriers it works
- spawned vehicle on land
-commanded forward motion , speed was as specified in sim.cfg for object
-commanded course changes , responded as commanded

I wonder if AI vehicles will also work on land using files created in AI Boat Traffic Compiler (AIBTC)?!


June 6th, 2013, 13:53
When i have time i am hoping to try using AI carrier to run Dyanmic trains on the RR lines of FSX, we have a library of them now of over 60 models..sounds like same thing can be done with vehicles. Lots to look forward to.