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March 13th, 2010, 17:26

I was wondering if you could perhaps verify the information in this thread for me.


With the arrival of the Bf-110c, I am throwing in an update to Hellas. I had previously added Gladiators and Hurricanes, but the addition of Fulmars, Buffaloes, Blenheims, Lysanders, and Swordfish would make the campaign more diverse and interesting.

This campaign also covers the Battle of Crete.

March 13th, 2010, 18:06
I have some scattered information about Crete. I believe that German types included the Ju-52, Ju-87b, He-111h, Ju-88a-4, Dornier Do-17Zs, and the Bf-110c.

For the British, I believe they had Fulmar Mk. Is from HMS Formidable, as well as Beaufighters, Hurricane Mk. Ia fighters, Gloster Sea Gladiators, Brewster F2A Buffaloes, and both Marylands and Blenheims.

Is there any other information that can be provided? The campaign dates are 20/3/1941 to 5/6/1941.

March 13th, 2010, 19:27
Hi Rami,

Not too sure about the accuracy of the site you wanted me to 'look' over. There are some inconsistencies, but, the Swordfish squadron 815 was operating in that area for a short while.

HMS Formidable did operate in the Med until she was damaged 26th May 41, her air wing at the time was:-

803 sqd Fulmars
826 sqd Albacores
829 sqd Albacores and Swordfish
805 1 flight of Fulmars*
806 sqd Fulmars

* the remainder of the sqd can be seen here-

regards Collin:ernae:

March 15th, 2010, 14:34
This will make Cowboy1968 happy: http://www.warbirdforum.com/crete.htm

Robert John
May 14th, 2012, 09:15
I get this sometimes as I am still loading aircraft, objects, etc, etc.
It could be to many aircraft, cant find aircraft including wepons, cant find objects, airfields,
A bgl in dp folder. mdlnames folder to large, many things can make an install go wrong.

May 14th, 2012, 11:15
I get this sometimes as I am still loading aircraft, objects, etc, etc.
It could be to many aircraft, cant find aircraft including wepons, cant find objects, airfields,
A bgl in dp folder. mdlnames folder to large, many things can make an install go wrong.


You wanted suggestions for you mag,well here's the perfect thing to put in it.

Explain some of the mistakes that are made when putting in addons for CFS2.I noticed lately alot of people are having this problem.

December 20th, 2012, 00:38
Good morning,

I just wanted to let your know my absence in CFS2 has officially ended. I've spent the last three-plus months collecting, analyzing, and explaining evidence in writing that I know how to teach to the State. (something I'm required to do every three years now, thank God, rather than EVERY year as a non-tenured teacher)

This document, called a Professional Performance Assessment, was 25 pages in length, but the evidence collected to prove I was proficient at all thirty-three professional standards was some 275 pages, all of which had to be BOTH organized and sent electronically and via mail.

As you can imagine...I didn't have much time for CFS2, or for talking with my friends on Skype. I can't wait to get back into CFS2; shooting down some Jerries or Tommies will be a nice tonic for my burnout!

(I also need to adjust some campaigns to meet Achim's new fields...)

December 20th, 2012, 04:28
Isn't beauracracy great? In a computer age and so called "brevity rules" what used to be done in 5 pages now is almost 25x more. I recently also had to do something that, while not as large as 275 pages, used to be able to be filed on a postcard. The same item is now a two page questionaire!!!!!!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 20th, 2012, 09:44
Congratulations Rami!

Although now I am out of the teaching world, I know exactly how you felt and the size of your task. I was not pleased at all to have to prove myself every so often, expecially when I had to do it during my free time, as I was paid only for teaching hours.

It's behind me now, I am sure we'll both spend our Holydays with a sense of satisfaction this year.

HAPPY HOLYDAYS to you, Erica and the kids! :santahat:
:snowman:KH :ernae:

December 20th, 2012, 10:14

Congratulations Buddy!


December 21st, 2012, 07:11
Good to have ya back Rami! :salute:


Shadow Wolf 07
December 21st, 2012, 07:43
Congrats and welcome back! :salute:

John Pirnie
December 22nd, 2012, 13:17
Yes, Congrats and welcome back.


December 24th, 2012, 09:26
Good afternoon,

I just wanted to pass along that I have completed the airfield modifications and mission adjustments for Gladiators, Hellas, Heinkels!, the Tuskegee Airmen, and Fleet Air Arm. I will be uploading them to SOH and my site over the next couple of days.

Then, I have a BIG decision to make...

December 24th, 2012, 15:21
Glad to have you back.

Is your big decision that your buying the FS/CFS line from MS and making it all freeware? ;)

December 25th, 2012, 16:40
Good evening,

Several campaigns have been updated to mesh with Achim's new fields here at SOH and my website...here is the list:

Fleet Air Arm

December 26th, 2012, 04:26
Hey guys,

I've heard a lot of feedback over the years that the Gladiators! campaign ranks amongst your favorites. (And mine!) I was wondering if y'all would have any interest in a sequel. Back when Don Pyers did the original campaign, he also had a "coming soon" section with Hurricanes in the Balkans.

Through my own research, I've looked at the exploits of "Pat" Pattle and Nigel Cullen, and think I can work with the action reports and about three other sources to do some Hurricane missions on the exploits of RAF 33 Squadron, RAF 80 Squadron, and RAF 112 Squadron following RAF 80 Squadron's acquisition of Hurricane Mk. Is in February of 1941. :icon_lol:

My stop point would be the "Battle of Athens," or MAYBE I could expand it to Crete.

If anyone knows of any other good sources for this, please let me know!

December 26th, 2012, 10:47
INTEREST?? You must be kidding - my mouth is already filled with saliva - please, please DO make it Rami.:jump:


December 26th, 2012, 13:40
You can definitely count me as on board with this one. Along the same lines, an early Malta (Sea Gladiators, etc) campaign, would also 'float my boat.'

December 26th, 2012, 13:52
Good evening,

All right! It looks like I'll be making a list of missions to do, and gathering some sources on this. :salute:

December 26th, 2012, 15:02
congrats on finishing the Eval and good to see you Back Rami, all the best !

Captain Kurt
December 26th, 2012, 22:50

December 27th, 2012, 12:38
Good afternoon,

Here is the first mission...escorting Blenheims to Berat the day they received their Hurricanes; 20 February, 1941.

"title_string"=Hurricanes Vs R.A. - The new mounts see action
"summary_string"=Good afternoon! Our commanders in this theatre have been able to secure new Hawker Hurricanes for RAF 80 Squadron. These new aircraft should be much more effective against the Italians than the Gladiator biplanes we have been using. Today, you will test them out by escorting sixteen Bristol Blenheim bombers to attack the Italian airfield at Berat. Good luck!
"objective_string"=For several months, RAF pilots fighting in Greece and Albania were flying the Gloster Gladiator and managed to keep the Italians at bay with dash and daring, while suffering heavy losses. The addition of the Hawker Hurricane gave the Royal Air Force the upper hand, as it was more than the equal of both the Fiat Cr-42 & the Fiat G-50. It forced the Italians to deploy the Macchi Mc-200 Saetta into the theatre, an aircraft that was a relative match for the Hawker Hurricane.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you should meet up with the main bomber flight, & the other Blenheims will meet up with you before you cross into Albania. The enemy fighters in the area will be expecting Gladiators, so you will have the initial advantage of surprise, & an increase in performance over the Gladiators, especially in firepower, should allow you to make quick work of any Italian fighters. Above all else, make sure to protect the Blenheims!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

December 27th, 2012, 18:09
Good evening,

Here is the second mission...escorting Blenheim bombers to Valona on 27 February, 1941.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Escort Blenheims to Valona
"summary_string"=Listen up! Blenheim bombers are being dispatched to Valona to cripple Italian fighter resistance in the area, and our flight has been asked to provide them with air cover. You will be accompanied by another flight of Hurricanes, and it is your job to make sure the bombers come back unscathed. Good luck!
"objective_string"=On 27 February 1941, nine Blenheims, escorted by an equal number of Hurricanes, bombed and badly damaged the enemy aerodrome at Valona. Over the target, the formation was jumped by thirteen Fiat Cr-42 Falcos. In the ensuing dogfight, the Falcos were able to reach the bombers and damaged five of them, although all were able to make it back to their airbases. Kill numbers were wildly inflated; further investigation revealed that these Italians lost two Cr-42 fighters, while the Royal Air Force suffered no losses.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Eleusis, you will meet up with the main flight of Blenheims close to Larisa, while the other Blenheim bombers will meet up with you near Paramythia. The other Hurricanes will protect the smaller bomber flight, it will be your job to guard the main force. You must keep any enemy fighters away from the bombers!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

December 28th, 2012, 00:51
There's a surprising amount about this period in Roald Dahl's "Going Solo".

December 28th, 2012, 07:01
Good morning,

Here is the third mission...A fighter patrol between Tepelene and the Albanian coast on 28 February, 1941. There will be a second sortie this same day, it was a busy one!

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - "Pat" Pattle's first encounter
"summary_string"=To your planes, gentlemen! Several Italian flights, including fighters and bombers, have been spotted in an area between Tepelene & the Albanian coast. Your flight is being sent up to patrol, looking for these enemy formations. Gladiators from both RAF 80 Squadron and RAF 112 Squadron will also be in the area to assist. You should expect to see major action today. Don't come back empty-handed!
"objective_string"=On the afternoon of 28 February, 1941, the Royal Air Force engaged in one of the biggest dogfights of the entire Balkan campaign. During the initial engagement, four Hurricanes engaged retreating Sm-79s near Corfu, while Pattle's flight of four Hurricanes bounced ten Fiat Br-20s heading south from Valona. Pattle shot down two Br-20s before he was jumped by five Fiat G-50s while trying to clear his windscreen of smeared oil from one of the Br-20 Cicognas he shot down. As he retired to Paramythia to switch aircraft, eighteen Gladiators on patrol joined the fray, & claimed several Cr-42 and G-50 fighters shot down.
"intelligence_string"=The Italian fighters have been reported in an area between Tepelene and the Albanian coast. Another flight of Hurricanes just spotted Sm-79s, but we think that there are even more enemy aircraft out there. Gladiator patrols will also be in the region, so be careful what you shoot at! Take down all the enemy aircraft you can. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

December 28th, 2012, 17:41
Good evening,

Here is the fourth mission...A solo fighter patrol between Tepelene and the Albanian coast on 28 February, 1941. "Pat" Pattle returns to the combat area after briefly heading to Paramythia, landing, and changing aircraft.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - "Pat" Pattle's second encounter
"summary_string"=Attention! Flying as "Pat" Pattle, you put down at Paramythia and hopped into a new Hurricane after your first Hurricane was damaged & smeared with oil. All the other Hurricanes and Gladiators were heavily engaged with enemy fighters and bombers when you left, & you're to fly back to the combat zone and engage any Italian aircraft that you see. Good luck!
"objective_string"=After Pattle nursed his damaged Hurricane to the aerodrome at Paramythia, he switched out aircraft & headed back to the combat area. While the Fiat bombers & their escort were nowhere in sight, Pat Pattle did spot a flight of three Fiat Cr-42 Falcos heading toward Valona. He pounced on the flight, downing two of the three Fiats before retiring to Paramythia. This proved to be the most successful days in the Balkans for the Royal Air Force, with twenty-seven kills & eleven probables. In reality, enemy losses were four bombers & three fighters, as well as several other bombers damaged.
"intelligence_string"=When you had to leave the initial engagement, the other Hurricanes and three flights of Gladiators were engaging Italian bombers and fighters close to the Albanian coast. You are to proceed there at once, engaging any enemy aircraft that are still in the vicinity.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Paramythia

December 28th, 2012, 20:44
Definitely interested Rami, the Glad campaign is one of my favourites. Thank you :salute:

December 29th, 2012, 16:50
Good evening,

I added a fifteenth mission to the Gladiator campaign; the Italian bombing of Yanina airfield on 10 February. It was the only mission that Don Pyers did not do. This is the last mission before RAF 80 Squadron received Hurricanes on 20 February.

"title_string"=Gladiator Vs R.A. - Yanina under the gun
"summary_string"=To your fighters, gentlemen! Italian bombers have been pounding the airfield at Yanina. Your task is to get into the air & confront the Italian bombers directly, trying to bring down as many of them as you can. Don't let them continue getting away with this onslaught!
"objective_string"=On 10 February, 1941, the Regia Aeronautica took vengance on the Royal Air Force by pummeling the Greek airfield at Yanina. These attacks took place throughout the daylight hours, & involved all major Italian bomber types; The Br-20, the Sm-79, & the Cant Z 1007. The RAF and the Greek Air Force put up Gladiators and PZL fighters to try and counter the bombers, & over the course of the morning and afternoon, several enemy bombers were claimed to be shot down while waves of bombers struck the aerodrome at Yanina.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will fly a patrol to the north of Yanina, looking for any sign of the approaching bombers. If you see bombers coming in, you are to engage them immediately, & try to make them abort before reaching Yanina. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

December 30th, 2012, 04:43
That is - as usual - awsome. Can't wait till you have finished.:jump:

December 30th, 2012, 10:55
Good afternoon,

I decided to build harbor facilities at Valona....here's what it looks like in Mission Builder. I'll post a pic or two when I convert it into GSL.

December 30th, 2012, 11:15
Hello again,

Here is the view in free flight...now I just have to add the AA guns, vehicles, and ships for a mission. :jump:

Achim was also generous enough to create an airfield at Petrich, Bulgaria for this campaign.

December 30th, 2012, 13:41
Hey guys,

I've heard a lot of feedback over the years that the Gladiators! campaign ranks amongst your favorites. (And mine!) I was wondering if y'all would have any interest in a sequel. Back when Don Pyers did the original campaign, he also had a "coming soon" section with Hurricanes
If anyone knows of any other good sources for this, please let me know!

How about something as messy as "Second Battle of Sirte", S.E. of Malta. (Wiki description). Defense of Convoy, with a strategic loss, (but much aerial fighting) against the Italians, and in harbour defense against the Luftwaffe?

December 30th, 2012, 15:28

I could throw that into Desert Air Force, but I see a couple of problems with that. First, I'd need information on the air battles, specifically what types were involved, how many there were, and what their objectives were. (For example, torpedo attack, air cover, etc.) Second, I loathe missions that involve building or working with convoys, because they are a royal pain in the arse.

It doesn't mean I won't do missions with convoys or ship formations if I have no alternative, but I typically avoid them like the plague.

That's why Pedestal is taking me so long to update; I can only stand working on one or two missions at a time.

December 31st, 2012, 07:37
Good morning,

Here is the next mission...1 March 1941. Hurricanes, after a successful bomber escort, dropped down to make strafing runs at Valona harbor. There were three separate flights escort flights that day, and no aerial opposition was reported.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Strafing runs at Valona
"summary_string"=Listen up! Your flight has been ordered to escort a pair of Blenheims being sent out to strike Valona harbor. Other flights sent over Albania today have reported no aerial opposition. Let's hope our luck continues this afternoon, but make sure you don't let down your guard.
"objective_string"=1 March 1941 saw Hurricanes of RAF 33 Squadron and 80 Squadron escort Blenheims three separate times. The targets included Berat, Valona harbour, and Paraboa. Zero aerial opposition was reported. Seeing no enemy fighters, Lieuteant Pattle & Pilot Officer Percy Newton of 33 Squadron dove down below cloud to look for enemy shipping in Valona harbor. Seeing a large merchant vessel, they made strafing passes on it, with Pattle making a second strafing pass at very close range. This mission is an amalgam of the day's activities.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll link up with the Blenheims & the other Hurricanes near Paramythia. Once you cross into Albania, the other Blenheims will head for Berat, while you head for Valona. If you find no aerial opposition, you may break away from the bombers when they turn for home, and strafe any shipping you find in Valona harbor. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

December 31st, 2012, 08:03
How do you do these so fast? It takes me at least a week or two to do one. Maybe I add too many triggers and events. Hummmm...

December 31st, 2012, 12:07

I've done missions for so long now I pretty much have a set way of doing specific types of missions; fighter sweeps, bomber escorts, intercepts, etc. The circumstances and specifics change based on geography, aircraft types, and other variables, but the way I set up the triggers and events basically doesn't change. I copy and paste a lot of texts, and there are many other various "tricks" that an experienced mission builder can do to cut down their workload.

(Ready-made layouts are a great example of this...)

Accordingly, I can churn missions out pretty quickly when I have the time to do it.

This next mission, by the way...will be a doozy. Thirteen Blenheims, escorted by ten Hurricanes with seventeen Gladiators assisting, against sixteen Fiat G-50s and fourteen Cr-42s. :icon_eek:

December 31st, 2012, 19:29
Good evening,

Here is the next mission...4 March 1941. A massed dogfight over a small Italian naval force that was shelling the Albanian coast. Blenheims were sent out to attack them, heavily escorted by Hurricanes and Gladiators. They encountered equally strong Italian air cover that was protecting the small naval force. A series of running dogfights took place as a result, and in the process, Australian "ace" Nigel Cullen was lost.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Tangling over the fleet
"summary_string"=Listen up! Italian naval vessels have been shelling coastal towns near Valona, & Blenheims are being dispatched to attack the enemy ships. The Italian vessels reportedly have very strong fighter cover, so along with your ten Hurricanes, Gladiators of RAF 80 and 112 Squadrons are being sent along to assist on this mission. Make sure that the bombers can attack the ships and get back home alive!
"objective_string"=On 4 March, several Italian ships, with strong air cover, shelled the Albanian coast. Blenheims from RAF 211 & 84 squadron were dispatched to attack the vessels, & were escorted by Hurricanes from RAF 33 and 80 squadron and Gladiators from RAF 80 and 112 squadron. Over these Italian vessels, a series of running dogfights commenced. The Royal Air Force claimed to encounter about thirty enemy aircraft, mixed between Cr-42 and G-50 fighters. During this mêlée, Flying Officer and Australian "ace" Nigel Cullen was jumped by a Fiat G-50 and never seen again. Total British claims amounted to about ten Italian fighters shot down, and at least five more damaged. The Italians claim to have only lost three or four fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll link up with the Blenheims and their Hurricane escorts near Paramythia. Your flight of two will be above the formation, acting as weavers to look for any sign of trouble & head off any Italian fighters. The Gladiators will also drop back slightly during the flight to protect the rear of the formation. If you spot enemy aircraft, tear into them without hesitation, and draw their fire away from the bombers. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

January 1st, 2013, 05:34
Good afternoon,

Here is the next mission...the first of two on 23 March, 1941. On this mission, Blenheims attacked Berat airfield in Albania, flying in under a low cloud deck. They were escorted by Hurricanes and Gladiators, and not much action was seen until the formation neared the Greek border on their return.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Blenheims under the clouds
"summary_string"=Listen up! Despite the cloud cover, Blenheims from RAF 84 squadron are heading out anyway to raid the airfield at Berat, flying underneath the cloud deck. Your flight has volunteered to escort them, and you must keep any Italian fighters off of the bombers, making sure they come back alive.
"objective_string"=On the morning of 23 March, "Pat" Pattle led RAF 33 squadron in combat for the first time, leading thirteen Hawker Hurricanes as they escorted six Bristol Blenheims to strike the aerodrome at Berat. They were joined by eleven Gladiators from RAF 112 squadron. Heavy cloud cover over the target forced the Blenheims to bomb from just under 500 meters, but they made a successful strike, and AA defenses inflicted only minor shrapnel damage to the bombers. However, anti-aircraft fire did more damage to two Hurricanes, who returned to Larisa. After leaving Berat, they were jumped by two Fiat G-50s near the Greek border, and Flying Officer Chandler Dyson's Hurricane was badly damaged.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with Blenheims from Eleusis, and bring them up to Berat, linking up with Gladiators from Paramythia along the way. As you approach the target, stay alert for Italian fighters and stick close to the bombers. You must ensure the Blenheims come back alive! Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 1st, 2013, 18:40
Good evening,

Here is the next mission...the second of two on 23 March, 1941. On this mission, ten Hurricanes strafed Fier airfield in Albania. Before reaching the airfield, the Hurricanes ran into approximately twenty Fiat G-50s and Mc-200 Saettas. In the ensuing dogfights, several fighters on both sides were claimed to be shot down, while combat reports showed no losses. Only two Hurricanes, flown by "Pat" Pattle and Vernon Woodward, actually reached Fier airfield to strafe it.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Entrance of the Saetta
"summary_string"=To your planes, gentlemen! After our first venture into Albania today, we've been ordered to return there and strafe the aerodrome at Fier. We hope that by coming in so soon after the first raid, we can catch the Italians napping after the raid this morning. Make your ammo count, & inflict as much damage as you can!
"objective_string"=After the morning escort on 23 March, Pattle was back at it during the afternoon, leading a flight of ten Hurricanes to strafe the Albanian airfield at Fier. As the Hurricanes neared the aerodrome, they were attacked by some twenty Fiat G-50s and Macchi Mc-200 Saettas. In the ensuing dogfights, both the British & the Italians claimed losses, but the actual combat reports indicate no losses. "Pat" Pattle was furious that due to the encounter with enemy fighters, only he and Flying Officer Vernon Woodward actually carried out strafing runs at Fier. This mission also announced the entry of the Macchi Mc-200 Saetta to the Balkan theatre. This fighter was comparable to the Hawker Hurricane, with the notable exception of armament.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly a nearly direct course to the airfield at Fier, setting up about ten miles out for the attack run. When strafing the airfield, keep low & fast; this will ensure your best chance for survival. If you encounter any enemy fighters, engage them at will; the best way to maintain air superiority is to eliminate any opposition!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 2nd, 2013, 09:50
Good afternoon,

I was able to obtain Roald Dahl's biography "Going solo" from my local library today...it looks like I have some reading to do! :wavey:

January 2nd, 2013, 14:25
Good evening,

Here is the next mission...6 April, 1941. On this mission, twelve Hurricanes patrolled near the Bulgarian border. Near Rupel Pass, the twelve patrolling Hurricanes encountered eight Bf-109e fighters from 8/JG 27. Bouncing them from a superior height, they managed to bring down four of them, while suffering no losses of their own.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Arrival of the Luftwaffe
"summary_string"=Get into the air! German forces have been building up in Bulgaria and Romania for some time, and now they have been spotted moving into Greece through Rupel Pass! We're to fly a patrol over the border, looking for and engaging any Luftwaffe fighters in the area. Let's show them we'll defend Greece to the last!
"objective_string"=On 6 April 1941, the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia & Greece began. Ground forces started pouring into Greece through the Rupel pass and other locations along the borders of Bulgaria. Further north, Axis forces poured into Yugoslavia from the borders of Hungary, Romania, & Bulgaria. RAF units in Greece reacted by staying at instant readiness and flying patrols along the Bulgarian border during the day. During RAF 33 squadron's patrol in the afternoon, they successfully jumped a flight of eight Bf-109s from 8/JG 27, claiming four of the eight-aircraft formation.
"intelligence_string"=As you near Rupel Pass, be aware that Bf-109s are much more dangerous than the Italian fighters we have battled in the past year. The only advantage you will have is turning ability, the Messerschmitt is marginally superior to the Hawker Hurricane in most other areas. If you encounter Bf-110s, you'll maintain an advantage with superior agility. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larissa

Capt. Winters
January 4th, 2013, 01:49
Hi Rami,

Campaign detail is great really looking forward to this one. This will see me move back to CFS2, after 10 years of CFS3.

regards Rob

January 4th, 2013, 05:07

Thanks. One of the things I like to do is the research and writing the descriptions. (Most of the time, anyway...)

January 4th, 2013, 18:43
Good evening,

Here is the next mission...8 April, 1941. Eight Blenheims, escorted by nine Hurricanes, attack the German-held aerodrome at Petrich, Bulgaria. After the Blenheims released, half the Hurricane flight dropped down to strafe the enemy airfield. Several enemy planes were reported destroyed; two of these were claimed by "Pat" Pattle himself.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Payback over Petrich
"summary_string"=Attention! Today, we'll ambush the Luftwaffe and attack their airfield at Petrich. Blenheims will be responsible for striking the aerodrome, while your Hurricanes, led by "Pat" Pattle, will drop down & strafe the enemy airfield, focusing on any parked aircraft & any fuel supplies. The more successful we are today, the fewer enemy fighters we'll have to deal with in the future!
"objective_string"=On 8 April, eight Blenheims of RAF 211 Squadron, escorted by nine Hurricanes, set out to attack the German-occupied aerodrome at Petrich, Bulgaria. After these Blenheims bombed the aerodrome, the escorting Hurricanes dropped down to strafe the enemy airfield, leaving several fighters in flames. Pat Pattle was credited with leaving two of these Messerschmitts in flames.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly a north-northwesterly course to meet up with the Blenheim bombers. The other Hurricanes with you will be responsible for escorting the Blenheims, but you'll help them until reaching the field. Over Petrich, you'll drop down to strafe the enemy field, as the other Hurricanes will escort the Blenheims home. Over Petrich, make sure to use your ammunition to attack any aircraft in the area & strafe the aerodrome! Focus on any parked aircraft and fuel supplies. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 5th, 2013, 08:14
Good afternoon,

Here is the next mission...actually, it comes before the last post. During the late afternoon of 7 April, three Blenheims of RAF 11 Squadron set out to attack German columns just east of Strumica, Yugoslavia. They were escorted by a pair of Hurricanes from RAF 33 Squadron. The Blenheims were able to strike the columns without incident, and "Pat" Pattle claimed to have shot down a Dornier reconnaissance aircraft during the mission.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - The enemy lies beneath
"summary_string"=Let's get airborne! Blenheims are on their way to attack German ground units just east of Strumica, Yugoslavia. Your Hurricanes have been assigned to be their escort. Your task is to make sure that the Blenheims return to Greece unscathed. Good luck!
"objective_string"=During the late afternoon of 7 April 1941, a flight of three Bristol Blenheims set out to raid German columns near Strumica, Yugoslavia. These bombers were able to raid the Wehrmacht columns without incident, and as these Blenheims left, "Pat" Pattle spotted a single Dornier bomber several thousand feet below him. Diving to attack, Pattle claimed to have shot the "Do-215" down in flames, although it seems more likely it was a Dornier Do-17 from StG 2.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving, you will fly a north-northwesterly course to meet up with the Blenheim bombers. You will then stay with them until you reach the enemy columns just east of Strumica. Your first priority is to protect these Blenheims, but if you encounter any enemy aircraft, you have permission to engage them, so long as you do not put any of the bombers in danger.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 5th, 2013, 16:26
Good evening,

Here is another mission. Again, it is slightly out of sequence. On this mission, Hurricanes escorted ten Blenheims to attack German vehicles spotted on the Bitola-Prilep road in Yugoslavia. The Luftwaffe intercepted them with both Bf-109s and Bf-110s, but heavy cloud cover helped shield the British bombers from attack. "Pat" Pattle claimed damaging a Bf-110 and shooting down a Bf-109, but German combat records put this in dispute.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Danger lurks in Yugoslavia
"summary_string"=Listen up! Today' we are going to escort Blenheims into Yugoslavia, keeping up our efforts to try and disrupt the German invasion strategy by harassing their vehicle columns. You must make sure to keep any Luftwaffe fighters away from these bombers; they must be protected at all costs!
"objective_string"=On 10 April, ten Blenheims from RAF 11 Squadron attacked German vehicle columns moving along the Bitola-Prilep road. They were escorted by Hawker Hurricanes from RAF 33 Squadron. Over the road, they were intercepted by both Bf-109e & Bf-110c fighters. Heavy cloud cover provided some relief, and "Pat" Pattle reported damaging both a Bf-110 and forcing the Bf-109 pilot to bail out. However, German combat records indicate that two Bf-110s from 7/LG 2 were lost, along with a Bf-109 from Stab/JG 27, but were the result of accidents.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll link up with the Blenheims well before they cross into Yugoslavia. Remain on high alert over the target area; the Luftwaffe has gotten wise to RAF tactics of striking Wehrmacht vehicle columns, & are sending fighter protection to cover them. Expect to tangle with them over or near the target!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 5th, 2013, 18:48
Good evening,

Here is the next mission...actually, it comes before the last post. On 9 April, two Hurricanes from RAF 33 squadron scrambled from Larissa and intercepted a Dornier Do-17z, and the kill was confirmed as it was brought down near Larissa after "Pat" Pattle had shot into the starboard engine, setting it afire.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Dorniers among the clouds
"summary_string"=To your fighters, gentlemen! Our ground observers have spotted German aircraft in the area, heading toward Larissa. It is unknown whether these are bombers or fighters. You are being sent up with a wingman to find out. You much protect Larisa from being identified or bombed, otherwise we will be forced to retreat!
"objective_string"=On 9 April, two Hurricanes from RAF 33 squadron were scrambled from Larisa with reports of enemy aircraft in the area. Once airborne, Pat Pattle saw a twin-engined aircraft disappearing into the low cloud deck. Believing it to be a Junkers Ju-88, he got a good burst on the starboard engine before it disappeared into the murk. His kill was confirmed and upon seeing the wreck, it was identified as a Dornier Do-17z (U5+B7) piloted by Unteroffizier Ulrich Sonnermann.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off from Larisa, you will fly a patrol about ten miles away from the airbase, looking for any incoming Luftwaffe aircraft. Permission has been granted to bring down any German aircraft you encounter. It is critical you do so before they get the chance to overfly Larissa; if they spot the field we'll be forced to retreat; this will provide the Luftwaffe with aerodromes which put Athens within their range. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

Tomorrow, it looks like I'll be building a new GSL harbor near Volos, Greece.

January 6th, 2013, 17:23
Good evening,

Another GSL harbor was required for this campaign...this time in Volos, Greece. During mid-April, Ju-88s from Fliegerkorps X (based in Sicily) attempted to lay mines in the harbor in order to block the port. So, I figured I'd build it tonight.

January 6th, 2013, 17:30
This is looking bloody marvellous! cant wait

January 6th, 2013, 19:23
Good evening!

Watchdog...thanks for the support! Anyway, here is the next mission..."Pat" Pattle's little early-morning adventure.

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Dreifingers over Volos
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! Coastal spotters in the west have observed unidentified aircraft coming into Greece from a southwesterly direction at low altitude. If they were coming from Sicily, then these aircraft are likely Ju-88s or He-111s from Fliegerkorps X. You are being sent out to find out, and if they are enemy aircraft, you must destroy them!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 11 April, 1941. "Pat" Pattle took off from Larissa after breakfast. Once in the air, he was vectored toward a number of unidentified enemy aircraft flying low near the Port of Volos. The aircraft were identified as Ju-88s & He-111s. They were trying to drop mines at the entrance to the harbor area. Attacking at once, he claimed one of each bomber type before the standby flight of Hurricanes reached the area. Further evaluation revealed the formation consisted of Ju-88s, with two losses coming from 7 Staffel & 8 Staffel of III/KG 30.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will fly a southeasterly course to reach the port city of Volos. Your job is to try and prevent enemy aircraft from bombing the port or dropping mines near the harbor entrance. Once you find enemy aircraft, radio back to your base, & a standby flight of Hawker Hurricanes will be dispatched to your location. Take down as many of the enemy aircraft that you can! Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

January 7th, 2013, 11:46
Good afternoon,

I am so excited...I now have all 459 pages of "The Balkans Bible." :applause:

January 10th, 2013, 11:57
Good afternoon,

I just wanted to let you know there is nothing wrong; I've been entranced by this book about the Balkans, and have only read about one-third of the book, yet there is a lot more I might be able to do with this campaign; including the FAA, the Germans, and the Italians.

I'm sorting though the material and making a list...it's really interesting to see the possibilities.

Seagull V
January 11th, 2013, 04:50
Some additional reference material: -

Official RAAF history WW2 - Greece, Syria, and the Western Desert


January 11th, 2013, 05:06
Some additional reference material: -

Official RAAF history WW2 - Greece, Syria, and the Western Desert


Seagull V,

Thanks, I already have that....and I know about that wonderful site. I was also using this: http://surfcity.kund.dalnet.se/commonwealth.htm

But, it turns out they're using materials ripped out of the source I'm reading now, with the notable exception of events which occurred prior to the RAF moving to Greece.

January 11th, 2013, 14:15
How goes it Rami. Still reading?

So, does the book alter any of your previous missions? I've found that after reading from another source, that it changes my approach.

January 11th, 2013, 16:36
How goes it Rami. Still reading?

So, does the book alter any of your previous missions? I've found that after reading from another source, that it changes my approach.


Actually, yes. I'm now up to page 324. One of the things that has been most helpful is it has given me insight into events after April 20th, known as the "Battle of Athens." Also, there are many Greek missions and Italian missions I was not aware of, and am thinking about possible doing the Italian side.

In addition, the Greek missions might have to be placed under the "British" flag, but they would offer combat with Mb-151s and PZL P-24s; aircraft that do not get a lot of play in CFS2.

I'll post a list of my mission log when finished.

January 11th, 2013, 23:04
I bought a copy of this book a few weeks ago, but haven't started reading yet. I also have several other books by this author. They are a great source of information for mission building!

Rami, I'm looking forward to your missions!

January 12th, 2013, 03:18
Hey guys,

Skylane is one hundred percent right; this guy is nothing short of a prolific author for those interested in CFS2 and mission building.

Here is a listing of his books: http://books.stonebooks.com/author/14609/

And skylane...thanks for the support!

January 12th, 2013, 09:58
Good afternoon,

I'm finished reading, here is my campaign log....for missions not completed yet, or missions I might do. :mixedsmi:

January 12th, 2013, 10:06
There is a place that you can download freely with a lot WW2 useful books: http://www.freebookspot.es (http://www.freebookspot.es)

At this moment I'm downloading a torpedo bomber book: http://www.freebookspot.es/TopTen.aspx?Category_ID=123

January 12th, 2013, 14:32

Actually, yes. I'm now up to page 324. One of the things that has been most helpful is it has given me insight into events after April 20th, known as the "Battle of Athens." Also, there are many Greek missions and Italian missions I was not aware of, and am thinking about possible doing the Italian side.

In addition, the Greek missions might have to be placed under the "British" flag, but they would offer combat with Mb-151s and PZL P-24s; aircraft that do not get a lot of play in CFS2.

I'll post a list of my mission log when finished.

Bill Dickens = Bismarck13, did an MB 151 (no cannons) which I am not sure was ever uploaded at least I don't see it now. This can be easily remedied.

January 12th, 2013, 16:57
Bill Dickens = Bismarck13, did an MB 151 (no cannons) which I am not sure was ever uploaded at least I don't see it now. This can be easily remedied.


You mean these?

Mb-151: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=55&id=15216

PZL P-24g: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=55&id=751

January 13th, 2013, 07:50
Hey guys,

For those of you who dabble in Mission Builder, I thought these might come in handy...for your operas.dat file

MTO-Crete, N37 15, E23 15, N34 31, E26 41
MTO-Greece, N41 47, E18 53, N36 23, E25 56
MTO-Rhodes, N36 32, E27 31, N35 51, E28 23
MTO-Bulgaria, N44 51, E22 02, N39 26, E29 30
MTO-Romania, N48 37, E21 52, N43 14, E29 44

January 13th, 2013, 13:20
Good evening,

Another GSL harbor in the works...this time at Thessaloniki, Greece. I tried to build a "cityscape" into this.

UPDATE: All I have do now is turn it into GSL...and done!

January 14th, 2013, 00:45
For a little bit site seeing - is there a way to add the Acropolis to CFS2?

Maybe an addon for Fs2000 or Fs2002?

Best wishes

January 14th, 2013, 01:42
For a little bit site seeing - is there a way to add the Acropolis to CFS2?

Maybe an addon for Fs2000 or Fs2002?

Best wishes


I wouldn't bother with an FS2002 or 2004 add-on, honestly. It would be much more effective to have someone make it for CFS2, that way it could be multi-lod, and thereby FPS-friendly. Good idea, though! :salute:

January 14th, 2013, 08:31
Great pictures of Thessaloniki! This keeps getting better and better!

January 14th, 2013, 18:21
Good evening,

For some of the bombing missions, the harbor of Khalkis was needed. It is about thirty-five miles north of Athens, Greece. Khalkis at the time was fairly big, but the port was small. Accordingly, I give the area a "town-ish" feel, and limited the size of the buildings.

Athens and Pirarus are the next targets for GSL work...that may take a couple of days!

January 15th, 2013, 17:19
Incredible sceneries Rami!!! They look great!!

January 16th, 2013, 13:34
Good evening,

I haven't even gotten to the "cityscape" yet...but this is what Piraeus/Athens harbor looks like, including adding trees to the islands. I have a feeling the object layout once this is all said and done is going to be upwards of 2,000 individual objects. This is by far my biggest one yet. :isadizzy:

January 17th, 2013, 05:34

I like where you are going with this.

Check this out, quick and dirty...



January 17th, 2013, 07:03

I will look at this, and La Spezia, when I get home. I'm on the way into Boston for a medical appointment. Thanks for this, and your support!

January 17th, 2013, 08:11

I will look at this, and La Spezia, when I get home. I'm on the way into Boston for a medical appointment. Thanks for this, and your support!

Rami, are you going to be home to watch the Pats?

ok on to Business. How do you do the GSL for your Cities?

I've been wanting to do a few GSL sceneries around the Front but i haven't been able to get the layouts quite right. have any thoughts?

January 17th, 2013, 08:41
Rami, are you going to be home to watch the Pats?


No. I'll be away on a mission trip with my church. (See the library notice thread) As far as GSL editing goes...having Martin Wright's GSL tool is a good start. The rest I will explain when I get home this evening.

January 17th, 2013, 15:50

It would be easier to explain the GSL / Mission Builder process over Skype, that way, I can share my screen with you and explain it to you. :wiggle:

January 17th, 2013, 16:06

Regarding La Spieza, am I missing some textures?

January 17th, 2013, 16:17

Sorry, copy this to this main texture folder. It's a road texture found in one of Jean Bomber's sceneries.




January 17th, 2013, 16:25

Eureka! Thanks, buddy...:salute:

January 17th, 2013, 16:43

I also want to thank you for the Athens coastlines...but using them means I have to go back and make some minor to major adjustments, depending on the location of the piers in the original layout. Ah well, it gives me something to chew on! :wiggle:

January 29th, 2013, 18:40
Chris and Achim,

I know I'm probably the last person you'd see hit the panic button, but I'm hitting a wall here and don't know how to deal with it. Since you two are admittedly the GSL maestros of CFS2, I bow to the masters on this one.

I've been working on making a GSL Athens for more than a week, and finished it tonight to my reasonable satisfaction. I followed the usual GSL procedures, including running the GSL files through Gob check, so that there are no overlapping problems. I made sure to include the layout for Achim's Piraeus airfield so that the GSL gobs would not interfere. (In the process, I also found out that Gob check will not work on a layout file larger than 100kb)

However, when I tried to join the separate GSL files together, (I split the Athens layout file into four sections - a,b,c,d to keep the layout sizes under 100kb) the GSL gobs overwrite one another, and I have absolutely no idea how to rectify the situation!

The GSL gob files are listed as follows

Athens_a: 20210e, 20410e
Athens_b: 20010e, 20210e, 20410e
Athens_c: 20010c, 20010e, 20210c, 20210e, 20410c, 20410e
Athens_d: 20210c, 20410c

Any ideas that you have to try and save more than a week's worth of work would be profoundly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

January 29th, 2013, 21:25
what file are you trying to merge them into?

have you tried merging two at a time. in other words merge A and B to get 1 half. then C and D to get the other. then merge the halves together.

thats all i've got.

Athens_a: 20210e, 20410e
Athens_b: 20010e, 20210e, 20410e
Athens_c: 20010c, 20010e, 20210c, 20210e, 20410c, 20410e
Athens_d: 20210c, 20410c

it looks like A and D can merge or B and D. i'm asuming that the same number overwrite. you can't rename them, can you. hummmm....

Rami do you have the Layouts saved?

Try another Mission Builder from one of your other installs. if you have the layouts then you should be able to recreate it. maybe it will give different names to the gobs.

again i'm guessing. and it may not make a difference.

January 30th, 2013, 00:38
Hi Rami,

This is from memory, it's a while since I did any gsl creation.

I would suggest trying to get a list of single gob gsl entries first.

If a single layout is more than 100kb:icon_eek:, I think there's no option but trying to thin out the objects into multiple layout files (so you can check each with gobcheck), then combining into a large layout (no need to check thru gobcheck - all the component layouts have been checked) & create a single gob gsl file.

If you want to go merging single gob gsl files, you can then use MW gsledit to combine the single gob gsl files.

I think that'll work - eat the elephant one step at a time ...

January 30th, 2013, 01:03
What file are you trying to merge them into?

I'm try to create one GSL file for Athens, or create multiple ones where the GSL gobs don't overlap one another.

Have you tried merging two at a time. in other words merge A and B to get 1 half. then C and D to get the other. then merge the halves together.

Yes, several times, when that failed is when I began to sweat!

Rami, do you have the layouts saved?

Of course! (See attachment in thread)

Try another Mission Builder from one of your other installs. if you have the layouts then you should be able to recreate it. maybe it will give different names to the gobs.

Interesting, I may try that!


January 30th, 2013, 01:20

Thanks for responding, now allow me to tackle your questions...

I would suggest trying to get a list of single gob gsl entries first.

Done, and I listed them in the thread when I posted, good buddy!

If a single layout is more than 100kb, :icon_eek: I think there's no option but trying to thin out the objects into multiple layout files (so you can check each with gobcheck), then combining into a large layout (no need to check thru Gobcheck - all the component layouts have been checked) & create a single gob gsl file.

Actually, you have that one back as*wards, my friend. I divided the original layout file into four parts. When I each one through Gobcheck, it would say "the objects fall into two gob areas, or three gob areas, etc.") It would then split the GSL file for me...

If you want to go merging single gob gsl files, you can then use MW gsledit to combine the single gob gsl files.

That's the GSL proggie I swear by, she is my bread-and-butter.

Actually, you got me thinking. Since I have the layout files split up through gob check...I might be able to match the gob with the split layouts and just combine those, that way the layouts for that particular gob are not split among three different layouts. It might be a way to crack this walnut.

I'll deal with this at a normal hour...time to get up and go to work!

Thanks for getting the ol' brain working again, you guys...

January 30th, 2013, 02:20
Actually, you got me thinking. Since I have the layout files split up through gob check...I might be able to match the gob with the split layouts and just combine those, that way the layouts for that particular gob are not split among three different layouts. It might be a way to crack this walnut.

This idea worked in theory...but some of the coordinates were thrown WAY off...but I think I'm on the right track.

January 30th, 2013, 03:20
Hi Rami,

Glad you're on the right track. I really do think the key start point is a single layout for each single gob. You already noted you have the same gob number appearing in different "athens_#.gsl" files, & each overwrites the other.

This is because the gob numbers are unique, coordinate driven numbers. I believe they are the same for all installs, as the sequence is a global sequence covering the entire planet. Rhumba would be able to explain it much better ...:blind:

I never use the splitgob tool as I've had mixed results. Quite often the split files would still have elements from different gobs in them, often just a single tree! So the split tool isn't foolproof.:mix-smi:

A more tedious way I use is to use the gobcheck screen to assess where the split is, use Mission Builder to create some split layouts (using the gob number as filename), then check each new layout with gobcheck. Eventually I have a single layout for each unique gob number. I can then review & combine into a single gsl as needed.

January 30th, 2013, 03:21
Good morning,

Before I left to go to work, combining the split layout files so that they corresponded with the appropriate gob didn't work either. Back to the drawing board...:banghead:

January 30th, 2013, 04:03
Hi Rami.

From time to time an odd little quirk comes up. An object will sit exactly on the line between two gobs and gets included in both split layout gobs. When this happens, even though Martin layout splitter is normally infallible, that one object will wipe out the objects in the other gob. Which gob gets wiped out will depend upon which layout gets loaded first.

What you need to do is examine the object layout near the edge of the gobs and see which object is likely causing the problem. Either tweak the position of the suspect object(s) slightly or delete them. It usually isn't too hard to find. What you will notice is that your total number of layout objects listed in the MB work screen (total number in the un-split original layout) will not match up with the total number of objects in your split layouts. The total number of the objects in the split layouts will be greater because one or more of the objects is getting counted twice. I am pretty sure that this what is happening. MR

PS I just noticed that UT has already mentioned this! ;^)

January 30th, 2013, 04:11
PS2 Of course you might consider working around the problem entirely and use MB's built-in GSL editor. It isn't as convenient for experimenting and playing with layout as you work toward the final product but it won't wipe out any pre-existing scenery objects either. MR

January 30th, 2013, 04:29

With about 8,700 objects in total, that may take a while! :isadizzy:

January 30th, 2013, 05:52
With about 8,700 objects in total, that may take a while! :isadizzy:

Hi Rami,

Understood. Yes, that is a very densely packed layout indeed!

Ok, so, you have a layout file with 8700 objects saved and you have the mission containing the layout saved- even though you can't fly it- its saved?

Forget about gob-checking and file splitting and merging and all that. The gobcheck is really more of a tool for small areas- single airfield type things where your want to be able to create and test, create and test as you go along. Like you I totally rely on it during the mini-building stage of a project when I am working on separate airfields and locals. But, for me, when it comes time to put everything together into one big final package- like the entire Solomons Chain for instance- MBs' GSL Editor is the way to go.

Try this:

The attachment below contains a file named empty.gsl
Copy and paste empty.gsl into your cfs2/gsl folder.
Make a copy of your CFS2.cfg file.
Rename the copy emptyGSL.CFG
Open emptyGSL.CFG in Notepad
Under PREFS section title add UseGSL=empty.gsl
Save and close emptyGSL.CFG
Make a copy of your CFS2 Mission Builder start-up shortcut
Rename it CFS2 MB Empty GSL
Right click on it and click properties
In the target window add: /CFG:emptyGSL.CFG to the command line
So that the whole thing reads: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2\cfs2.exe" /CFG:emptyGSL.CFG /BUILDER: (or whatever the correct path to cfs2.exe is on your machine)
Click ok.
Now, open open Mission Builder using the CFS2 MB Empty GSL shortcut.
Go to your Athens start location- don't open the mission with the layout- just go to Athens
Activate the MB GSL Editor by clicking (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G).
Load the Athens layout file- make sure to check the box about keeping it at its original location. Then, after it is loaded
Click (Ctrl + Alt + S), this will save the layout to the currently loaded gsl- the empty gsl.
Click (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G) to exit the MB GSL Editor.
Close CFS2
Rename empty.gsl athens.gsl (or whatever you wish) and Bob's your uncle!
Distribute the scenery with GSLMan

This sound rather complicated but once you have the empty.cfg and empty start-up shortcut set up the rest is pretty easy to repeat.

I honestly hope this helps. Do remember though that unlike Martin's GSLEdit, MBs' GSL Editor does not over-write objects already in a gob. It adds to them. So, if you aren't on your toes you might end up with 17,400 scenery objects at Athens or 26,100! Not a good thing for frame rates!

One other thing. If you want, instead of loading the entire unsplit athens.lay in one fell swoop, you can load smaller portions of it- the splits perhaps- one at a time. But don't save them to the GSL until they are all loaded.

Hope that is fairly clear!

Find attached Lindsays' MB GSL Editor Tutorial.

PS!!!: Forget what I said about the layout objects needing to be hi-lighted in order to save them to the GSL. I miss-spoke- they don't. Only when saving them as a layout do they need to be hi-lighted.

January 30th, 2013, 06:10
Hi Rami,

Last year I tried to add some GSL scenery to Athens and encountered the exact same problem. There appears to be some strange anomaly with the GSL scenery in that part of the world.

I considered moving the aerodrome to its correct location at N37 53 E23 44 which is in a different gob area. However, I got distracted with the moving of files from the archive to the library project and never got back to it.

Perhaps you should remove the airfield GSL scenery to see if that makes a difference. If that works, it may be worth moving the aerodrome.


January 30th, 2013, 07:58
i use the MB built in GSL editor for mine. i create a new clean file then add my layouts and save them.

the one for belgium has all of my aerodromes. then i use the gslman to add it to my scenery. i'm using two different mission builders. one to do the GSL work and the other to do the missions and such.

Actually if you did that Rami you should be able to do all of Athens in one go.

The quick tutorial or Lindsay's abbreviated guide by Me.

--for anyone not familiar with the built in GSL editor.--
In MB hit ([CTRL] + [ALT] + [Shift] + [G]). That opens the GSL editor. When you are done adding items hit ([CTRL] + [ALT]+[S]) to save. Then hit ([CTRL] + [ALT] + [Shift] + [G]) again to close the editor. I believe it only adds the visable area. so if its real big zoom out before you save.

To save a layout in MB hit ([Shift] + [W]). Make sure the items you want to save are all "GREEN". Then name the layout and hit Save. To load a layout hit ([Shift + [L]) find the name and load it.

Thats the basics. I haven't run into too many issues. remember to save the layout before you start another area. i actualy close MB then restart it before i go to other locations. and never save the mission when doing GSL work.

note on the MB GSL editor. if you open and old GSL location, you will have to select every item. if you run in to this, just click on the edges of the map. in the case of Rami's scenery it will take all 8700 clicks to get every item. move around the map until you get them all. DON'T MOVE THE MAP LOCATION and DON'T CLICK THE ITEM DIRECTLY. you might move it or them by mistake. you can try boxing the whole area but i've never tried that.

one last thing. If you add 5000 trees in the Editor and do everything right. then you go into your CFS2 in to free flight and they are not there. try this. in settings under the graphics set it to extremly dense. you should now see your trees. it happened to me the first time i tried.

till later

January 30th, 2013, 10:44

check your mail. I made a gsl file but I am missing some objects.



January 30th, 2013, 12:43

Thank you, once again I bow to the masters. I would like some volunteers for FPS testing, and I have a listing of the objects that you will need for this GSL file.

Large city blocks - (Wolfi's library objects, part V): http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6061

Mediterranean houses: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6062

Small city blocks: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6058

Usio's lighthouses: http://www.geocities.jp/usio_no_ibuki/EFFECTS/JMK_inf_Light_House.zip

Barrage balloons: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5850

Wolfi's metal warehouses: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6059

Wolfi's oil and fuel refinery objects: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6063

Xavierb's warehouses: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5853

Xavierb's piers and breakwaters: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5854

Wolfi's cranes and piers: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6065
Update: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=6064

AF airfield pack: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5932

AF Coastal defense pack: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5901

Xavierb's tents: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5859

Gary burns objects (Just for the oiltank and Bicester): http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=2668

AF bunker pack: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=5925

LWD trees: http://forum.lwdesigns.com.au/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=401

LDW trees: http://forum.lwdesigns.com.au/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=13

Lw_library_objects: http://forum.lwdesigns.com.au/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=7

Please test this GSL scenery and let me know how your rig handles it. I have a feeling the areas in the northwest and northeast of Athens will need to be cut down.

January 30th, 2013, 19:49
Good evening,

Now that Athens is being tested, I can go back to working on missions. Achim was generous to provide five new airfields so far...Sedes, (near Thessaloniki) Argos, Almyros, Menedi, and Kalamata.

Petrich has already been made for this campaign...and the old Thessaloniki airfield across the bay from Thessaloniki has been renamed "Kitros." There are other airfields in the works, including more in Greece, Albania, and Bulgaria, which is where Fliegerkorps VIII was based in 1941.

January 31st, 2013, 08:11
What a monumental effort Rami! Well done! :applause:

The lowest frame rates I got were 18 in free flight over the centre of the city.

It's a pity those large city blocks are a different scale to the mediterranean houses and buildings - a four storey city building is over twice as high as a three storey med building. The multi storey mediterranean buildings which you used in your Souda Bay scenery are the same scale as the med houses. I think they would blend in better, especially in the suburbs of Athens.

January 31st, 2013, 08:27

I'm going to wait for a few other people to respond, but thank you. I also don't like those buildings, and may undertake your suggestion while I cut down the extremely dense areas somewhat.

Having said that, the lower-density areas I thought came out quite well...and I am very satisfied with the harbor; that really came out much better than I expected, considering its odd angles and the limited space I had to work with there.

January 31st, 2013, 18:52
To our fellow mission builders,

Here's a quick example of how not to reinvent the wheel. Do you have a mission you need to do from both sides? Here's an example of this I tackled tonight.

This "Hellas" mission was already set from the German viewpoint; defending German troops in the Monastir Gap while on fighter patrol. A flight of Blenheims, escorted by Hurricanes, might show up to give you some trouble.

When reading through my sources, Hurricanes did escort Blenheims to this location. Rather than create an entire mission from scratch, all you really have to do is replace the player flight with its German equivalent, copy the waypoints manually in the mission file so that the new AI flight corresponds exactly with the original flight path.

Once complete, do the same thing for the flight you want to "take over", in this case a flight of Hurricane escorts. Once you have done this, then delete the AI escort flight and replace it with yours. You will have to redo the dynamic elements and rewrite the mission texts, but that's really small potatoes.

Here is the German mission...

"title_string"=Hellas - Zerstörer sweep over Monastir
"summary_string"=Besatzungen, aufgepasst! This morning, we'll fly a patrol over the Monastir area. Your orders are to intercept any intruding allied air attacks, and you have free reign to strafe any available targets of opportunity which arise.
"objective_string"=Wehrmacht ground forces made excellent progress toward the Monastir Gap. From this location, they closed off the escape of Yugoslavian forces from locations further north, & penetrated to the south between the Greek armies in the west as well as the British and Anzac armies in the east. On this day a flight of Blenheims were annihilated during a raid on German ground forces.
"intelligence_string"=We have a grouping of our tanks and soldiers due southwest of the aerodrome at Gorna Dzhumayo. It seems that the British are sending out a Blenheim squadron to attack them. Your job is to stop them!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-110c
"airfield_string"=Bulgaria - Gorna Dzhumayo

Here is the British mission...

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs R.A. - Protecting Monastir Gap
"summary_string"=This morning, you will once again escort Blenheim bombers back into Yugoslavia; they'll be attacking German ground units in the Monastir Gap along the Bitola-Veles road. It's your job to keep Luftwaffe fighters away from these bombers; further losses will cripple our ability to resist!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 12 April 1941, Blenheims from RAF 84 Squadron hit German tanks and vehicles in the Monastir Gap, traveling along the Bitola-Veles road. It's not known if they were intercepted, but an attack the previous day had been met by heavy ground fire, and all the Blenheims during that raid had suffered damage.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll meet up with the Blenheim bombers close to Trikala, and proceed due north toward the Monastir Gap, where Wehrmacht units are making their way along the Bitola-Veles road. Over the target area, engage any German fighters that try to engage the bombers; we cannot afford to lose any more aircraft!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Trikala

February 1st, 2013, 09:39
To our fellow mission builders,

Here's a quick example of how not to reinvent the wheel. Do you have a mission you need to do from both sides? Here's an example of this I tackled tonight.

Thanks Rami. I´m not flying much this days. Here we are in summer and its a VERY HOT summer. I jut take a look from time to time to see what´s happening.

Cheers, Discus

February 2nd, 2013, 19:28

I've installed your package, but i'm afraid this full scenery layout is a little too much for my processor to handle in conjunction with air to air action. Without air traffic i get between 20 to 37 fps, sometimes dipping into the high teens depending on the direction of my panning view. In addition to this, the GSL objects of Achim's Pireaus base are completely wiped out by gob conflict. But overall, its a good representation of a dense Med metropolis for the limitations you're working with in this sim.

My biggest problem is with the coastline in this region. I can't help wishing that Sander had finished this one. I have my MTO install set up as per your instructions in the version III guide featuring Rhumba's mesh rather than the Version II which features Josiah's mesh. I followed it verbatim. It doesn't call for Rhumba's coastal files, but without them i get blocky coastlines in the entire eastern Med region. With them, i get a more natural looking coastline at the Athens region, albeit without sandy beach edges, but its also some distance inland and it puts the industrial complex and nearby hangar infrastructure (?) and the trees all in the water - in a harbor bay to be exact. So i'm damned if i do and if i don't use the coastal package. The frame hit of your city layout is my least concern at the moment until i can sort out this coastline problem. I can always dump some objects and go lighter.

I think i'd rather forego this Athens package for now and just keep the area stock plain, keep Achim's Pireaus base intact and restore the regional coastlines as they were with the coastal package activated. Thanks for allowing the test.

February 2nd, 2013, 19:30

Oops...I forgot something important. Tobob made coastlines specifically for Athens in this thread. It's post number 67. I'll give instructions on how to install the coastlines in the morning, right now I can't keep the eyes open!

February 3rd, 2013, 04:18

Oops...I forgot something important. Tobob made coastlines specifically for Athens in this thread. It's post number 67. I'll give instructions on how to install the coastlines in the morning, right now I can't keep the eyes open!

Thanks for the reply Rami, but no joy on that idea. I tried installing it to two places: first to the scenedb\world\scenery folder and then again to the Eurw\scenery folder. Either way doesn't make any difference in the outcome. Are you guys using Rhumba's watermasking or no? What about Jean Bomber's Desert Scen install for North African coasts? It only extends coverage as far as N35* latitude, which is a little further south of the target area:

Desert scenery for cfs2
Egypt Lybia Tunisie
first attempt to give coastlines at sea level,roads,railways,new water and land masks to fit with the mesh in these part of the world in cfs2 where it's really a desert.
The shorelines land and water masks have been realized with G2k from Geo tiff srtm and swdb Data sources.
The road have been drawed from historical 1950's US army maps.

The scenery began to Sfax (Tunisia) to Alexandria (Egypt)

nw N35*00' E10*00
ne N35*00' E30*00'
sw N30*00' E10*00'
se N30*00' E30*00'

There is a begin of land water class rework mainly to patch the "blue squares" areas bug in the cfs2 landclass.
the scenery will work on a stock cfs2 and also with the new Rhumba's Cfs2 watermasking.


I was thinking the JB package might be the culprit but its northern boundary doesn't extend to Greece at all per JB's readme, so that's a doubt. I'm sure that i'm missing something simple in this aspect if all of you guys are working with new scenery in this region without mentioning this type of annoyance. I'm gonna go play around with the scenery hierarchy a bit. Maybe there's a solution in that.

February 3rd, 2013, 05:18
BTW, in a related matter, the scenery.cfg hierarchal examples in your guide show the default listing/placement of Title=Terrain, which is a universally critical piece of the default scenery ladder, in a #2 spot lower than Default Scenery. As you know, this entry is the listing for the all-important Scenedb\world\scenery folder, which also happens to be the placement folder for Rhumba's watermask files, per your instructions.

According to the sim's scenery convention, the Terrain entry is "locked" in the highest default position and cannot be swapped with the Default Scenery entry into your recommended positions using the sim's Settings> Scenery Library dialog. The sim will not allow this entry to be moved at all. The user will have to swap these two manually by editing the scenery.cfg outside of the sim. I can't determine if this was an oversight typo or an intentional reformat in your guide, but if this "swapping" is an important piece, you might want to update the guide to mention this for the users following you. Just thought i'd mention it for the benefit of others who might have noticed this.


Regardless, it makes no difference in my 'situation'. Still looking for an answer...

February 3rd, 2013, 07:44
OK...made a touch of progress. I'm sure i missed this one somewhere earlier in this thread or another, but after uninstalling Achim's previous Greek and Albanian works and installing the updated combined package, i realized that the location and layout of the new Piraeus fits perfectly with certain parts of your Athens GSL infrastructure in this exact same location.

So, for those slow-pokes like me testing this new Athens deal, be advised that you have to take out Achim's previous Greek and Albanian sceneries (along with their GSL objects via GSLMAN) and install the update first. Then install this beta. The GSL layout of the new Piraeus will be automatically wiped out by gob conflict with this Athens beta, but its infrastructure layout is included and replaced perfectly by those within this beta deal. I still pulled the beta out in the meantime until i perfect the coastal issues, but understanding its connection to the JHS Greek-Albanian update was a step in the right direction.

February 3rd, 2013, 07:53

Rest assured, Jean Bomber's scenery and coastlines are not the culprit. Regarding Athens, I have a combined scenery folder for all of Tobob's add-ons. This Athens .bgl package should be in a separate folder in case you don't have it set up like I have mine. Having it in place "above" Sander's layers should solve your problem.

Here's what my Athens area looks like...and yes, I will be cutting some areas of the city down.

February 3rd, 2013, 07:58

Yes, the old Greek and Albanian airfields will have to be removed and the updated airfields before installing this package...The GSL file for Athens was created knowing that it would wipe out Piraeus...I had that one figured out long before I started to build the city.

February 3rd, 2013, 12:55
...This Athens .bgl package should be in a separate folder....

Ok, i hear ya man...

Yes, the old Greek and Albanian airfields will have to be removed and the updated airfields before installing this package...The GSL file for Athens was created knowing that it would wipe out Piraeus...I had that one figured out long before I started to build the city.....

:icon_lol: Yeah, see, i could sue here for failure to provide a readme and withholding critical consumer information, leading to the obstruction of progress.:isadizzy:I had absolutely no way of knowing you had already made the switch when you uploaded the test files. It just kinda hit me at some point that maybe you had already done so, so i plugged in the switch myself and got a different look.

February 4th, 2013, 14:52
Good evening,

It appears the engineers are at it again...:wiggle:

February 4th, 2013, 17:39
Fine work as usual, Achim. And i sincerely appreciate the Ramitelli update.

Man, i'm just about burnt out with Greece after this past weekend of working on that pesky Athens coastline problem. I can only imagine the amount of flight time you've put in there. I finally found the handle and got it looking right, but i had to improvise and go "old school" in a departure from the instructions in Rami's MTO guide to get it done. Now i have to turn my attention to a somewhat related regional coastline problem around Southern Peloponessus. ~sighs~ At least i have the consolation of looking at some shiny new airfields.

CheerZ! :icon29:

February 6th, 2013, 13:04
Good afternoon,

Here is another one...Molaoi. :medals:

February 6th, 2013, 15:40
Lookin' good!

Will these replace the previous Greek airfields or are they additional scenery addons?

February 6th, 2013, 15:56

A couple of months ago, all of Achim's old airfields in Greece, Bulgaria, and Albania were replaced by this new package in the library...


The airfields you see (except Ramitelli) will be added to this package.

February 6th, 2013, 15:58
That last one looks kool. I like it.

February 7th, 2013, 15:10
Good evening,

Here is another one, and it's a mouthful. Argyrokastron, in Albania. :wavey:

February 8th, 2013, 08:17
Good afternoon,

Here is another one...Belitsa, Bulgaria. It was used by Fliegerkorps VIII during the Balkan campaign. Thanks, Achim! :applause:

February 10th, 2013, 18:13
Hey guys,

I have a couple more for you...Krainici and Plovdiv, both in Bulgaria. I can post pictures again, my internet and phone are up-and-running. :mixedsmi:

February 11th, 2013, 15:08
Good evening,

This is yet another base in Bulgaria...Vartna, very close to the Black Sea coast. :wiggle:

February 12th, 2013, 00:28
Wow, this is shaping into something monumental!

February 12th, 2013, 03:19
They are a great addition!! :jump:Thanks a lot. :applause::applause::applause:It seems you have a production line running 24/7!!

Cheers, Discus

February 12th, 2013, 04:36
Watchdog and Discus,

First, thank you for the support! :salute:

If I'm going to labor over this, I'm going to make sure I do it right. The Gladiators! and Hellas! campaigns will be incorporated into this compilation package, but the Hellas! campaign will be modified for greater historical accuracy.

Other campaigns, such as the FAA campaign and Heinkels! will touch on this theatre, but I really enjoy researching this. Once the airbases are finished, (there are only a couple left to do for these campaigns) I will get back to cranking out missions.

The Hurricane campaign is about fifteen missions in, and then I'll have to figure out where to put the Greek missions in the country.cfg file. (I'm leaning toward the British) That campaign will feature Gladiators, PZL P-24s, and Bloch Mb-151s.

The Italian campaign can be done in part by "flipping" the Gladiator, Hurricane, and Greek missions, except for those which need to be made from scratch.

The German campaign, like the Hurricane and Greek campaigns, will have to be from scratch. The Bf-110 is covered by "Hellas," but I'll want to do some Bf-109 missions and maybe some bomber missions as well. It would be similar (although likely one a smaller scale) to the Kampfgeschwader campaign over Britain.

As typical with me, I am planning a summer release, so those of you in the southern hemisphere will get the first crack at it, while many here will save it for those winter months.

However, if I keep getting snow days off, the pace might accelerate a little. :wiggle:

February 12th, 2013, 13:20

The Gladiators campaign, it turns out, will also be modified. I'm not messing with the missions much in terms of the way they play out, but the locations will be different. Koritza, for example, is badly mislocated compared to the correct location of the city, and there are other examples. So, the approaches to the combat area might be different, giving you a fresh look. :jump:

February 12th, 2013, 15:28
Hey Rami,

As I find more and more info into my WWI Aerodromes, I'm finding errors in a few of my locations. I've been plotting them with Google Earth. I'm working on a way to convert the GE coords into CFS2. I have a spreadsheet finished. I Just have to modify it a little bit.

Once completed, I hope to be able to take any point in CFS2 or GE and have it placed into the other. If you'd like to test any of this out I'd be happy to send it to you.

For now I can only do the North Eastern Hemisphere. But hopefully I can get the Formula to reconize all four zones.

February 12th, 2013, 15:31

Thanks, but I like doing the legwork myself and making adjustments. It's the curse of being a historical researcher. :mixedsmi:

February 14th, 2013, 14:58
Good evening,

Here is one of the bases close to the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. This one is called Vbra.


This is another one of the bases close to the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. This one is called Filiporci.


February 14th, 2013, 19:40
Good evening,

I'm back on the horse again....


"title_string"=Operation Emergenza 1 - Initiation over Thessaloniki
"summary_string"=Attenzione, aviatori! Today, we will commence the offensive that will bring the Greek people to their knees! We will demonstrate to the German military machine that the Italians are second to none! You will begin this offensive by escorting our bombers to Thessaloniki so they can destroy the ability of the Greeks to make war!
"objective_string"=2 November, 1940 saw the initial major offensive operations carried out by the Regia Aeronautica, as Cant Z 1007 and Sm-79 bombers hit the city of Thessaloniki in two separate waves, with the Cant bombers attacking the Greek airfield of Larisa en route. During the raid, Galeazzo Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister & Mussolini's brother-in-law, led the Sm-79s. Surprisingly, one of the Cant Z 1007s was piloted by Mussolini's eldest son, Cpt. Bruno Mussolini. Another of his sons, Vittorio, may have also been involved. All survived the mission.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the Sm-79 bombers just to the east of Koritza, and maintain an easterly course as you accompany the bombers to Thessaloniki. The bombers will target the docks and warehouses. The Greeks won't take too kindly to our intrusion, so be ready to tangle with enemy fighters. Above all else, ensure that the bombers stay safe!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Albania - Koritza

February 15th, 2013, 04:25
Looking good Rami! Nice touch of gossip in the object_string. It make thing even more real, at least to me. Now I know I´ll have something very interesting to fly when the cold weather arrives here, altough it´s never too cold. I´m located at the equivalent latitude as Crete.

Cheers, Discus

February 16th, 2013, 05:09
Good morning,

Here is the final airbase needed for the Balkans, also near the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. It's called Vrajdebna. Thanks, Achim! :ernae:

February 16th, 2013, 06:55
Wow, Italian missions also! This keeps getting better and better!

February 16th, 2013, 14:50
Hey Rami,

Were you able to resolve your GOB issue?

I just had the same problem come up. it seems my old scenery and my new one are over writing each other.

Should I just make a new one with the old scenery added?

How did you solve yours?

February 16th, 2013, 14:55

Yes, I was, with help from Achim. I had the same issue with a relocated airfield at Valona, Albania that was wiping out my harbor. I was able to use Martin Wright's GSL editor to combine the two layouts and prevent them from being overwritten.

I will have to revise Athens though at some point.

February 16th, 2013, 17:10

Yes, I was, with help from Achim. I had the same issue with a relocated airfield at Valona, Albania that was wiping out my harbor. I was able to use Martin Wright's GSL editor to combine the two layouts and prevent them from being overwritten.

I will have to revise Athens though at some point.

Where do you get the editor? I have the GSLMan.

February 16th, 2013, 18:09

Contact Martin Wright directly through his website: http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/

Click on "Developers Corner," and follow the instructions. E-mail him, and explain your purpose in needing the GSL Manager.

Martin's usually pretty good about responding quickly.

You should get two proggies...GobTools and GSL Manager. Both programs come with instructions, and this goes a long way toward making any GSL work easier (in 99% of cases, Athens notwithstanding) than using the built-in GSL editor.

February 24th, 2013, 14:40
Good evening,

I finished another mission, this one is a fighter sweep up the Struma River Valley from east of Thessaloniki up into Bulgaria. After this day, at least from the British point of view, things get really bad. The following day, Volos harbor will be attacked by some seventy Ju-88s!

"title_string"=Hurricane Vs Luftwaffe - Sweep over the Struma
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Today, we'll continue to protect our borders by flying a fighter patrol through the Struma River Valley. Your task is to shot down any German aircraft that you encounter, & report back on any enemy troops movements. Good luck!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 12 April, "Pat" Pattle led a formation of RAF 33 Squadron Hurricanes on a fighter sweep up the Struma River Valley. As they passed east of Thessaloniki, they intercepted and shot down a Dornier reece aircraft. While the rest of the patrol was uneventful, upon reaching Larisa they were warned of enemy aircraft in the area, & encountered three Sm-79s, escorted by Luftwaffe Bf-109s. According to British records, two Sm-79s were brought down, while "Pat" Pattle damaged a Bf-109. However, the claim is unverified by either German or Italian records.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Larissa, you will fly northeast to the mouth of the Struma River, and then follow up the Valley into Bulgaria, looking for any German troop movements or fighter patrols. After reaching Lake Pchelina, you will then turn back for Larisa. Make sure to bring all of your fighters back if possible; the Germans are pressing us hard along all fronts!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

February 24th, 2013, 18:26
Good evening,

Here is another mission...this one is an intercept mission over Volos harbor. Without escorts, this may be easier than other missions to this point, so long as you avoid getting caught in the sights their gunners.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Luftwaffe - German pressure increases
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Ground observers to the east of Thessaloniki have reported a sizable formation of Ju-88s, heading southwest, with Volos being their likely target. You must confront the Germans over the harbor, and make sure they pay a heavy price for their audacity.
"objective_string"=13 April saw a marked improvement in the weather, and thus a corresponding increase in activity from the Luftwaffe. That morning, some seventy Ju-88s bombed & decimated the harbor at Volos. One unit of twenty Ju-88s from I/LG 1 was intercepted by seven Hurricanes from RAF 33 Squadron. On this day, "Pat" Pattle claimed five aircraft enemy shot down in his battle diary, but this seems impossible to claim based on available records.
"intelligence_string"=We know that Fliegerkorps VIII is operating out of Bulgaria, so expect Luftwaffe bombers to come in from a northeasterly direction. After taking off, climb hard to an altitude of Angels 15; the German bombers seem to like bombing from an altitude of 4,000 to 5,000 meters. Tear into the bombers, but try to avoid damage to your Hurricanes. We can't afford to lose the ability to keep fighting!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

February 25th, 2013, 15:40
Good evening,

Here is another mission...the first day activity on the Albanian frontline picked up again after the German invasion of Greece.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - The respite is over
"summary_string"=Listen up! Hurricanes of RAF 33 and 80 Squadron are needed to escort several attacks by Blenheim bombers to targets in the Florina sector. Our task is to fly an offensive patrol over Koritza to draw up and engage enemy fighters and keep them away from the attacking Blenheim bombers. Do not come away empty-handed on this one!
"objective_string"=13 April witnessed the end of a pronounced lull in the Albanian sector which occurred following the German invasion of Greece. On this day, patrolling Gladiators of RAF 112 Squadron bounced a flight of Sm-79s, escorted by four Mc-200s, while over Koritza. In the ensuing dogfight, one Mc-200 was lost, with a confirmed loss of one Gladiator, while Italian gunners in the Sm-79s claimed two more as probables.
"intelligence_string"=On patrol over Koritza, your assignment is to hunt for any German or Italian fighters and keep them busy; this will allow our Blenheim bombers to raid German ground positions in the Florina region. If you encounter enemy bombers you may attack, but doing so places you at great risk, as you will need to get in close to damage the enemy bombers with your rifle-caliber ammunition. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

February 27th, 2013, 10:48
Good afternoon,

Given that I have the information, I decided to add some more Gladiator missions; here is an example of one.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Trouble near Yanina
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! Today, we will follow that first detachment of RAF 80 Squadron Gladiators which moved to Yanina yesterday. Once airborne, you'll fly a short patrol to the north of Yanina along the Albanian front looking for any enemy air activity. Following this patrol, we'll join our fellow airmen at Yanina!
"objective_string"=Following the arrival of twelve Gloster Gladiators from RAF 80 Squadron to Yanina airfield, another detachment was sent up to Yanina the next day. As this second detachment patrolled north of Yanina prior to landing, they encountered three Sm-79s, escorted by a dozen Cr-42s, led by Captain Nicola Magaldi. In the ensuing dogfight Cpt. Magaldi was killed, & another Cr-42 piloted by Serg Negri was badly shot up. No British losses were reported.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, maintain a northwesterly course toward Yanina, & then briefly patrol the frontline between Yanina & Paramythia, looking for any sign of enemy activity. If you run into Italian aircraft en route, try to concentrate on the bombers while the other flight engages any fighters. Have a safe trip!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Trikala

February 27th, 2013, 13:04
Hello again,

Here is another mission that will now be included in the Gladiator portion of the campaign. This represents the prelude to the next mission in the original Gladiator campaign when you search for Sykes, the downed British pilot.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Sykes goes missing
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Today, we're going to assert our strength in this sector by flying a patrol along the Albanian border, looking for any Italian aircraft that might also be patrolling the area, or incoming bomber raids. Let's show the Italians that we will not be intimidated!
"objective_string"=On 28 November, six RAF 80 Squadron Gladiators departed Yanina on patrol. Over Delvinakion, they ran into ten Cr-42s of 150 Gruppo, led by Captain Giorgio Graffer. During the whirling dogfight that soon followed, Flight Officer Sykes and Sergeant Corrado Mignani collided. Both pilots were killed, though this was unknown at the time.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, your flight will patrol in the same area which you did when you flew into Yanina two days ago. The most likely area to find them is the narrow valley that extends from Yanina northwest into Albania. You have orders to engage any enemy aircraft you encounter, but your primary targets are bombers. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

February 28th, 2013, 18:15
Good evening,

Here is another one; it's an amalgam of two Italian bomber flights that struck Athens in the early afternoon on said date. In the first raid, the Italian bombers escaped because the patrolling Gladiators were at 10,000 feet, and the Cant Z 1007s bombed from 13,000 feet. I tried to replicate this in Mission Builder and I could not catch the bombers, even when I tried it from a slightly higher altitude.

The only real solution was for you to intercept at 15,000 feet, as the Gladiators were when they encountered the second wave. That way, you can dive down and use your momentum to engage the enemy bombers, preventing them from pulling away. I also had the Italian bombers drop down to 10,000 feet after they release their bombs, so this should allow you to keep your momentum.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Alciones over Athens
"summary_string"=To your fighters, gentlemen! Italian bombers have been spotted in the vicinity, & you are being sent out on patrol to protect Athens from attack. Other flights will assist you once airborne, and your job is to intercept any Italian aircraft you encounter. Make sure to get in close to inflict damage; we've learned their Sm-79s and Alciones can take heavy punishment!
"objective_string"=On 21 January, four Cant Z Alciones were spotted approaching the city of Athens, and three Gloster Gladiators of RAF 80 Squadron were scrambled to patrol over the city. A second pair of Gladiators & two Bristol Blenheim fighters were also scrambled to intercept. The initial wave could not be caught because the Gladiators were 3,000ft beneath and couldn't close the distance. Once the second wave appeared over Athens, the Gloster Gladiators were at 15,000ft & positioned to intercept. One Italian bomber was lost during the raid. This mission is an amalgam of these two waves.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, climb hard & head directly toward Piraeus. Italian bombers like to pass north of the city and then swoop down to the west, so they can use their momentum to clear the area quickly. It is your job to get to Athens before they do, & bring down as many enemy bombers as you can!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

March 1st, 2013, 16:45
Good evening,

Good news, sports fans...Smashing Time has agreed to do some historical skins for the Gloster Gladiator from RAF 33, 80, and 112 Squadrons.

March 2nd, 2013, 05:16
Good morning,

Here is another one in the books...

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Royal Air Force revenge
"summary_string"=Listen up! Our forces are fed up with two days of incessant attacks, so it is time for major revenge! Blenheim bombers from 84 and 211 Squadrons will attack Italian forces near Telepene, & your flight will be responsible for escorting half the bomber formation. Make sure that these Blenheims all get back to Greece safely!
"objective_string"=On 13 February, the Royal Air Force responded to two days of Italian attacks by sending out twelve Blenheim bombers of RAF 84 and 211 Squadrons to attack Italian forces heading through the narrow valley near Telepene. As these Blenheims released on the targets, they were ambushed by Fiat G-50s of 154 Gruppo, who were in the area after having escorted reece planes. Just after these Blenheims released the Fiats attacked, claiming one bomber. The Gladiators did not follow the Blenheims when they dropped through the clouds to hit the target, and missed the Italian fighters.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll rendezvous with the first wave of bombers from Menedi before reaching the frontline. The second wave of bombers, with their escort, should meet you near Paramythia. You'll be responsible for the "Gorsebush" flight, the second flight will be protected by their escort. Make sure to keep any Italian fighters off the bombers; this winter has been tough enough on our equipment as it is!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

March 2nd, 2013, 08:15
Good afternoon,

Here is one of the many player-flown Gladiator missions for the RAF...

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Fiat furball over Berat
"summary_string"=Listen up! Following a busy morning, we have been called upon again to escort bombers into Albania; this time they are heading to the airfield at Berat. Make sure you do a better job than this morning's escort did in picking up and engaging any Italian fighters, we just can't afford to lose our limited striking ability!
"objective_string"=Following the morning raiders, six Blenheims from 211 Squadron set out to bomb targets near Boussi, while six others from 11 Squadron headed out for Berat aerodrome. These two flights were escorted by an equal number of Gloster Gladiators. Similar to the first raid, the escort didn't spot the Italian fighters at first, and four of the twelve Blenheims damaged or lost. To simplify the mission, both the Blenheim flights are being portrayed as attacking Berat airfield.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the second Blenheim flight and their escorts near Paramythia. Following them toward the front, you should meet up with 11 Squadron's Blenheims right before you cross into Albania. While near the enemy airfield, keep a close watch for enemy fighters, because we have been a little slow picking them up as of late!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

March 2nd, 2013, 14:38
Good evening,

Well, we're back in the Hurricane stable, for now. (There's still four more player-flown Gladiator missions to do) This one is a test flight by Richard Acworth, with Flight Officer Cullen and Pilot Officer Vale backing his solo flight. This one is for all you "turkey shoot" lovers.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Hunting for Alciones
"summary_string"=Attention, Flight Officer Acworth! The repairs on your Hurricane have been completed, and you will take up your Hurricane for a test flight. However, the tactical picture remains unstable, so your test flight may be cut short if Italian aircraft are out and about. Keep your radio channel clear, just in case. Good luck!
"objective_string"=On 3 March 1941, three of 80 Squadron's Hawker Hurricanes headed out for a morning patrol while Italian bombers of 50 Gruppo struck the damaged town of Larisa. The solo Hurricane was piloted by Richard Acworth, who despite being out on a test flight, intercepted these Italian bombers near the town of Prevenza. The other flight of Hurricanes joined in & pursued these bombers toward Corfu. Cullen claimed four Cant Z 1007s on this day, but available combat reports seem to confirm only two of them.
"intelligence_string"=Your patrol will take you south of Yanina, toward the western coast of Greece. Italian bombers like to cross over the coastline in this area in order to avoid the aerodromes near Albania where we have fighters stationed. Keep your radio on in case you receive orders. If you do sight Italian bombers on your own, tear into them & bring down as many as you can!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

March 3rd, 2013, 14:06
Good evening,

Here is another one...this is an offensive fighter sweep over the Albanian front which turned into a big furball on 9 March, 1941.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Blunting the offensive
"summary_string"=Attention, pilots! The Italians have renewed their offensive, & our commanders are ready to answer the challenge! You'll fly a fighter patrol over the frontline where our troops are moving through the narrow valleys. Let's show the Italians that their renewed effort will not succeed!
"objective_string"=On 9 March, Italian forces renewed the offensive along the border by sending out waves of bombers over the front to raid Greek forces in the narrow valleys. The Royal Air Force countered this threat with offensive fighter patrols and by sending out their Blenheims to attack Italian troop movements. On this mission, fifteen Gloster Gladiators of RAF 112 Squadron engaged some twenty mixed Italian bombers, escorted by twenty-five Mc-200s, in the Kelcrye-Telepene sector. In the ensuing dogfight, the British claimed several kills, but only one was actually confirmed. This mission also represented the debut of the Macchi Mc-200 to the Albanian theatre.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you'll fly northwest to reach the patrol zone between Kelcyre and Telepene. If you spot Italian bombers, tear into them. However, be sure to look out for any escorts. Rumor has it that the Italians have deployed a newer fighter to this theatre, and it can engage our Hurricane on equal terms.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Paramythia

March 4th, 2013, 05:51
Good morning,

Here are is another one, after this there are four missions left for this campaign...

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Paramythia under fire
"summary_string"=Attention! We're sick of being harassed by Italian fighter strafes the last couple of days, and more enemy fighters appear to be inbound. You're going to meet the enemy in the air, & show them that we will not be scared away from this place so easily!
"objective_string"=After Italian reece flights spotted the airfield at Paramythia on 22 March, strafing attacks by their fighters were not far behind. The early afternoon of 26 March was the third time inside of just four days that Paramythia aerodrome was strafed. This time, four Gladiators were able to get into the air to confront the attacking Macchi Mc-200s. In the ensuing dogfight, the four Gladiators were able to chase the Macchis out to sea, & the airfield only suffered minor damage.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, fly a short patrol to the northwest of the base & look for any sign of incoming enemy fighters. Engage any that you find immediately, & try to keep them away from the airfield! Once you are out of ammunition, landing back at Paramythia will complete the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Paramythia

March 4th, 2013, 05:54
Good morning,

Here are is another one, after this there are three missions left for this campaign...

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - The Albanian front ends
"summary_string"=Attention! With German pressure increasing on all fronts, we must make sure to defend the territory we have left. Italian fighters have continued their strafing raids upon aerodromes near the Albanian border. Let's get into the air and catch the enemy before they can strafe!
"objective_string"=As the campaign against Yugoslavia rapidly wound down, so to did Italian involvement in Greece. The strafing raid on 15 April by fighters of the Regia Aeronautica became the conclusion of their major involvement in the theatre. At dawn some nine Fiat G-50s, with another fifteen maintaining top cover, strafed the airfield at Yanina, while twenty-two Macchi Mc-200s strafed Paramythia. Gladiators of RAF 112 Squadron engaged the attacking Fiats, as six got up and a whirling dogfight quickly ensued. Aside from one Gladiator which was badly shot up in the fight, no British losses occurred.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, fly a short patrol to the northwest of the base & look for any sign of incoming enemy fighters. Engage any that you find immediately, & try to keep them away from the airfield! Once you are out of ammunition, landing back at Yanina will complete the mission.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Yania

March 4th, 2013, 17:31
Good evening,

Here is another mission, there are only two missions left for this campaign, which is one phase of the Balkan War project.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Final flight of the Falco
"summary_string"=Listen up! Today, we are going to help sustain the pressure on the Italians by escorting Blenheims to attack enemy forces advancing through the narrow valleys. Let's show the Italians that we will never retreat in the face of pressure!
"objective_string"=On 14 March, the British continued their offensive by sending along three Hawker Hurricanes of RAF 33 Squadron to escort eight Blenheims of RAF 211 Squadron to Telepene. They were accompanied by fifteen Gladiators of RAF 112 Squadron. Over the target area, the formation engaged some sixteen Macchi Mc-200s of 24 Gruppo and twelve Cr-42s of 160 Gruppo. British claims during the dogfight were several Mc-200s shot down.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Larisa, hold a west-northwesterly course and climb to rendezvous with the Blenheims & the fighters from 112 Squadron at Paramythia. You will be responsible for guarding the bombers, so only attack enemy fighters if the Blenheims are directly threatened. Above all else, make sure the bombers get back alive. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

March 5th, 2013, 06:50

Your work is outstanding! Reading the "objective string" of your missions is like reading a book. It's like attending a History lesson.
How many missions are you going to do? :pop4: I remembered the book from where you based this campaign. You are "only" in page 125 of "Air War for Yugoslavia Greece and Crete 1940-41"!!!! Really amazing.

Cheers, Discus

March 5th, 2013, 10:37
Good afternoon,

I have another mission completed, this one will be a real mess...you will have quite a furball on your hands! After this, there will be only one mission left for this campaign.

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - Tussling over Telepene
"summary_string"=Listen up, pilots! Today, we will continue to assert our presence by flying a fighter sweep along the Telepene-Kelcyre sector, scanning for any enemy bombers or fighters in the area. Engage any enemy that you find at will; we want to show the Italians who owns the skies in this area!
"objective_string"=During the afternoon of 13 March, six Hurricanes from Larissa patrolled along the Telepene-Kelcyre sector, together with fourteen Gladiators of RAF 112 Squadron. While in the patrol zone, they soon engaged fourteen Sm-79 bombers of 104 Gruppo, with eleven Macchi Mc-200s & twenty-eight Cr-42 Falcos as their escort. A massive dogfight quickly ensued, with the Italians claiming four Gladiators and the British claiming two Cr-42s. This scuffle was quickly followed by a second engagement with 38 Stormo Br-20s, escorted by additional Cr-42s. It was a very busy day for both sides.
"intelligence_string"=After departing Larisa, hold a west-northwesterly course & climb to reach the patrol altitude. After meeting the Gladiators near Paramythia, they will remain below you, & assist you if you are engaged by any enemy fighters. Try to avoid damaging your fighters, we simply cannot afford replacements at this point!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

March 5th, 2013, 10:45

Your work is outstanding! Reading the "objective string" of your missions is like reading a book. It's like attending a History lesson.
How many missions are you going to do? :pop4: I remembered the book from where you based this campaign. You are "only" in page 125 of "Air War for Yugoslavia Greece and Crete 1940-41"!!!! Really amazing.

Cheers, Discus


For the RAF campaign against the Regia Aeronautica, there will be thirty-five missions. I am one mission away from having that campaign finished, and have pegged you, Japlance, Skylane, kdriver, and watchdog22 for beta testing.

I have already done nine missions for the campaign for the RAF against the Luftwaffe. I will do more missions on that campaign as soon as I finish up the first one.

March 5th, 2013, 11:26

For the RAF campaign against the Regia Aeronautica, there will be thirty-five missions. I am one mission away from having that campaign finished, and have pegged you, Japlance, Skylane, kdriver, and watchdog22 for beta testing.

I have already done nine missions for the campaign for the RAF against the Luftwaffe. I will do more missions on that campaign as soon as I finish up the first one.

I´ll be glad to beta test the missions. I´ll have to update my MED install.

March 5th, 2013, 17:05
Good evening,

Here is the last mission against the Regia Aeronautica...I should have a beta-test package ready this weekend. I will then move into Phase II...the British Vs the Luftwaffe. I already have nine missions done for that one...

"title_string"=RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica - High cover for the Blenheims
"summary_string"=Listen up! Today, we're going to accompany twelve Blenheims from RAF 211 Squadron which will raid Axis vehicles along the road from Gllavë to Buzë, Albania. We're not expecting a smooth ride; these Italians have been sending out waves of fighters & bombers over this area the last few days. Your task will be to remain above these Blenheims and then engage Italian fighters, leaving the other two escort flights to guard the bombers. Do not come back empty-handed!
"objective_string"=On 11 March 1941, Blenheims of RAF 211 Squadron struck Axis vehicle columns along the Gllavë-Buzë road. Fourteen Gladiators from RAF 112 Squadron provided the escort. Over the target, they ran into some forty-to-fifty G-50 Freecias of 24 Gruppo. About half the Fiats broke to engage the bombers. During the ensuing dogfight Royal Air Force pilots claimed five G-50s, one probable, & several more damaged, but actual British losses for the mission are unknown.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the Blenheim bombers before proceeding into Albania. The other two Gladiator flights will stay with the bombers; your job is to climb above them and scan for any enemy fighters. If you spot them, use your momentum to engage the enemy, & try to carry the fight away from the bombers. Make sure that the escorting Gladiators can do their jobs. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Gloster Gladiator Mk. II
"airfield_string"=Greece - Paramythia

March 6th, 2013, 17:22
Good evening,

I did a final run-through of all the thirty-five missions, and will begin putting together a best-testing package tomorrow. :jump:

March 7th, 2013, 18:43
Good evening,

To my Balkan beta testers, (Japlance, kdriver, Discus, watchdog22, and skylane) Phase one of this project is ready for testing. This campaign is the Royal Air Force against the Regia Aeronautica. You'll fly a short prelude in North Africa before moving to the Balkans by mission five. From that point on, this revised campaign covers most major engagements in that theatre from November, 1940 until April, 1941. You will fly both the Gloster Gladiator and the Hawker Hurricane in this campaign. "Pat" Pattle's engagements take center stage, but this campaign now focuses on other events as well.

As this is being tested, I'll continue the campaign against the Luftwaffe, and am working on the tenth mission of that campaign.

Here's the skinny..."This is my rework and expansion of the “Pattle” Gladiator campaign by Don Pyers. This campaign is one of my personal favorites, in part because you get to the magnificent Gladiators that Thicko built, and from the fact that once you get to Albania, the terrain you fly over because a part of the battle, and in many cases can help or hurt you, depending on your skills. Flying biplanes against other biplanes is a very rare experience in CFS2 as well!!

One of the three primary revisions of this campaign is the use of two Gladiator types instead of one; this was actually a compromise Don Pyers had to make when he originally wrote the campaign. (The Mk. I wass used in North Africa, and the Mk. II was used in Albania.) Another is the use of Jim Jacobsen’s Westland Lysander, as it was originally intended. (When he wrote the campaign, he had to use the Bristol Blenheim as a substitute.)

The final revision is the inclusion of twenty-one original missions, which expands the campaign from fourteen missions up to thirty-five. These include additional missions with the Gladiator prior to 20 February, 1941, when RAF 80 and 33 Squadrons switched to the Hawker Hurricane, and additional missions with RAF 112 Squadron, which continued to fly the Gladiator after this point. In all, you will fly twenty-five missions as a Gladiator pilot, and ten missions as a Hurricane pilot. The Hurricane will be used much more extensively in the next campaign, as you take on the Luftwaffe. Several missions of the original Gladiator campaign have also had their combat locations modified for greater historical accuracy."

Please send me a PM with your e-mail so I can send this out to you.

March 8th, 2013, 02:55
Good morning,

Beta testing for this is not limited to the people on this list; if others want to test this, they are welcome to. Just please make sure to provide honest and plentiful feedback.

Update...it looks like I'll have some time to work on CFS2 today...school was cancelled. This was an odd storm; it was on-again, off-again, on-again. Tuesday they were saying 6-12 inches of snow, Wednesday it was going to be rain or a sleet mix, and finally, last night, they switched back to 3-6 inches of snow, and then had to up the snow totals again at 11pm.

Gotta love these March snowstorms in New England...and by Sunday, it will be in the low 50s, with Monday's highs near 60 degrees.

March 9th, 2013, 06:19
Good morning,

Thanks to Discus and kdriver for volunteering to beta test so far.

March 10th, 2013, 07:14
Good morning,

While the RAF / Regia Aeronautica campaign is being beta tested, I'm continuing work on the RAF / Luftwaffe campaign. Here is another completed mission, which combines some of the events on 14 April.

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Blunting the Axis advance
"summary_string"=Listen up! Greek ground forces are rapidly pulling back to the Olympus-Servia line, and we must slow the Wehrmacht advance by attacking their ground forces. A large thrust of their advance is massing at Ptolemais, and our Blenheim bombers are being sent out to strike them before they push further south. You must make sure these bombers get back safely, we will need them to try and halt the Axis advance! Good luck!
"objective_string"=On 14 April, the Greeks completed a withdrawal to the defenses along the Olympus-Servia line. At the same time, Blenheim bombers took to the air in two separate waves, escorted by Hurricanes, to attack German troops & vehicles north of Ptolemais. Over the target, the early-morning raid was intercepted by two Bf-109s. As the later-morning raid headed home, they came across Stuka dive-bombers near Servia that were attacking Allied troop positions. The escorting Hurricanes peeled off to attack the Stukas, which were without escort. One Stuka was claimed by Pilot Officer Bill Vale, and three more were claimed by Hurricanes protecting Servia in the afternoon. This mission is an amalgam of these three events.
"intelligence_string"=After getting airborne, you'll rendezvous with the Blenheims near Larisa. You will be responsible for guarding the 'Heathcliff' flight. Other Hurricanes will be airborne to assist you, so there should be nearly an equal amount of Hurricanes & Blenheims. Above all else, you must protect the bombers, but given the fluidity of the frontline, you might come across Luftwaffe raids, which you may attack at your discretion.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

March 10th, 2013, 13:08
Good afternoon,

Here is another mission..it covers the German attacks on Royal Air Force and Greek aerodromes on 15 April. The next mission will be Roald Dahl's adventures against Ju-88s, chronicled in his autobiography, "Going Solo."

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Jagdgeschwader attack!
"summary_string"=Scramble! Messerschmitt fighters are swooping in on Larissa, & are determined to destroy all of the fighters they can! We must get all our Hurricanes in the air and engage them, preventing them from making their strafing runs on our parked fighter aircraft, which we will need to keep resisting the Axis advance!
"objective_string"=On the morning of 15 April, German fighters from JG 27 & JG 77 made low-level strafes on Larissa, Kalambaka, & Niamata. When Messerschmitts from I/JG 77 strafed Larisa, six Hurricanes were just getting into the air, and were immediately engaged by the Bf-109s. Three Hurricanes were lost during the skirmish, and Greek pilots at Kalambaka fared no better against pilots from II/JG 27. Blemheims based at Niamata were also heavily damaged, with four bombers being lost to German strafing runs. Larisa was also damaged further by a second wave of fighters which struck some time after the first, and these other aerodromes were also damaged by further raids on this day.
"intelligence_string"=Once in the air, immediately engage the Luftwaffe fighters & take down as many of them as you can. Fight until you're completely spent of ammunition, & then put back down safely at Larissa. Doing this will successfully complete the mission. Good luck!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Larisa

March 24th, 2013, 03:33
Good morning,

I just wanted to pass along an update. This project is still very much ongoing, but I start to feel bogged down and bored if I work in one area for too long. I started working again on the Pedestal convoy missions in the Sicily / Malta sector, and will have all the Malta-based / Sicily-based missions completed by tomorrow night.

I may work on a few Desert Air Force missions before heading back to Greece. (I like having several irons in the fire at one time)

March 24th, 2013, 06:32
I would like to test this missions too. (It's just that I can't wait :icon_lol:) But first at all, there is a scenery and objects tutorial? perhaps had already been treated but I have not read all the thread.

March 24th, 2013, 08:11
Hi All,

The Hurricanes are looking fabulous with their new Greek campaign colours and instrument panels by Morton.

However, I'm having problems with their behaviour on the ground. They land with their noses buried in the runway and their tails in the air, often causing them to crash.

They are also impossible to steer when taxying.

Otherwise the mission testing is running well so far. The mountainous terrain of Albania and northern Greece makes the dogfighting interesting.


March 24th, 2013, 09:17
I would like to test this missions too. (It's just that I cant wait :icon_lol:) But first at all, there is a scenery and objects tutorial? perhaps had already been treated but I have not read all the thread.


Yes, the missions include scenery instructions and other materials, just as I would do if I released them publicly. You want to test the Balkan missions, right? The Pedestal missions aren't ready just yet.

March 24th, 2013, 09:28

Yes, the missions include scenery instructions and other materials, just as I would do if I released them publicly. You want to test the Balkan missions, right? The Pedestal missions aren't ready just yet. Ok, I´ll be ready when u want!

March 27th, 2013, 17:35

I have an early start tomorrow, (5:30am) but I will finish up the beta-testing readme and should have the package ready by tomorrow evening.

April 13th, 2013, 09:05
Good afternoon,

Now that Pedestal has been released, I think I will toy with Athens and try to finish up "Hellas" tonight.

May 5th, 2013, 07:16
Hey guys,

Was anyone else a fan of Roald Dahl's books when you were younger?

I read The Witches, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and others when I was growing up. If the German bomber gunners had shot a little straighter, this would not have been the case.

Based in part from his account in "Going Solo"...

"title_string"=Royal Air Force Vs Luftwaffe - Roald Dahl's first encounter
"summary_string"=To your fighters! Wehrmacht forces have begun to pressure the Olympus-Servia defensive line, and enemy bombers have been spotted over Athens! Get into your Hurricane fighter immediately and show the enemy that these skies do not belong to them!
"objective_string"=Some two hours after the raids on Greek airfields by fighters of JG 27 and JG 77, some twenty-five Ju-88s from I/LG 1 & I/KG 51 were spotted over Athens. Six RAF 80 Squadron Hurricanes and four Blenheim Mk. IFs of RAF 30 Squadron immediately departed to intercept. Among the Hurricane pilots was Pilot Officer Roald Dahl, who was nearly lost to the ages on 15 April. He dove on a formation of six Ju-88s from above and behind, and wound up directly in their line of fire before these bombers went into a line astern formation moving through a narrow pass. Fortunately, his plane only suffered minor damage, & he was able to shoot down one of the Ju-88 bombers. Upon landing, he was severely lectured by his commanding officer.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, climb at the maximum rate and look for German bombers coming in from the northeast. Their most likely target is the harbour at Piraeus, & possibly the nearby airfield. Attack the German bombers ferociously, but if at all possible, try to bring your Hurricane back intact. At this point, it is nearly impossible to get replacements!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Hawker Hurricane Mk. I
"airfield_string"=Greece - Eleusis

May 5th, 2013, 07:43

That's a coincidence! I am just reading the latest issue of Aeroplane Monthly, and in it there is a great article on the Gladiators vs Regia Aeronautica in the eastern Med in 1940, which includes a short piece on Roald Dahl. I knew he was in the RAF as a pilot, but no details. You'd love this article as it's about the ac and locations you've been working on. There's also a good article on Wellesley ops, which is something you don't see every day.

Check it out at http://www.aeroplanemonthly.com/magazine/latest-issue

I think I'll get 'Going Solo', bound to be a bit deep and dark, hopefully.....



May 5th, 2013, 07:48

Actually, it's not deep and dark. It's kind of in the same vein as his children's books except geared toward a early-mid adolescent audience. I read it on a rainy afternoon with time to spare, taking notes along the way. I convinced my school district to include it as a summer reading book, and I offer it as an assignment to my history students reading World War II.

May 16th, 2013, 07:32

Sólo quería hacerle saber que no me he olvidado de hacer la parte del eje de pedestal. No puedo decir que voy a trabajar en este proyecto a una velocidad vertiginosa, pero la operación Mezzagosto está en marcha, y estoy usando las misiones pedestal como una base para "dar la vuelta" y convertirlos en misiones Axis-temáticas. La primera es una Vichy reconnoitre francesa del convoy justo después de entrar en el Mediterráneo ... Yo no quiero darte algo demasiado difícil para empezar, ¿sabes?

In English...

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about doing the Axis side to Pedestal. I can't say I will work on this project at breakneck speed, but Operation Mezzagosto is underway, and I am using the Pedestal missions as a base to "flip" them and turn them into Axis-themed missions. The first is a Vichy French reconnoitre of the convoy just after it enters the Mediterranean...I didn't want to give you something too difficult to start, you know?

"title_string" = Funcionamiento Mezzagosto - Intrus dans la Méditerranée!
"summary_string" = Ecoutez, les pilotes français! Un enorme convoy aliado ha entrado en el Mediterráneo, y es nuestra tarea para analizar la composición de este convoy y pasar la información a nuestros amigos alemanes e italiano cerca de Cerdeña y Sicilia. El convoy no está a su alcance por el momento. Las operaciones de combate pueden depender de la inteligencia, así que vamos a conseguir es correcta la primera vez!
"objective_string" = convoy WS-21 / S entró en el mar Mediterráneo en 10 de agosto 1942 en la ruta de las islas británicas. Para las fuerzas italianas y alemán en cuestión, el objetivo era simple ... erradicar los comerciantes y los engrasadores de negar Malta su línea de vida y obligan a sus ciudadanos asediados a rendirse!
"intelligence_string" = Nuestros amigos alemanes todavía se niegan a darnos cámaras superiores, por lo que para hacer un reconocimiento de estos convoyes con éxito, no puede desviarse por encima de 4.250 metros. Hacer esto le obligará a desprenderse y viene alrededor para otro pase. Una vez que reciba un mensaje Allied convoy se ha fotografiado con éxito, la radio en la sede y regresar a La Senia. Je te dis merde!
"player_aircraft_name_string" = Dewoitine D-520
"airfield_string" = Algeria - Oran (La senia II)

In English...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Intrus dans la Méditerranée!
"summary_string"=Écoutez, les pilotes français! An enormous Allied convoy has entered the Méditerranée, and it's our task to analyze the composition of this convoy and pass the information along to our German & Italian friends near Sardinia and Sicily. The convoy isn't within their grasp just yet. Combat operations may depend on your intelligence, so let's get it correct the first time!
"objective_string"=Convoy WS-21 / S entered the Mediterranean Sea on 10 August 1942 en route from the British Isles. For the Italian & German forces involved, the goal was simple...eradicate the merchants and oilers to deny Malta her lifeline and force her beleaguered citizens to surrender!
"intelligence_string"=Our German friends still refuse to provide us with superior cameras, so in order to reconnoitre these convoys successfully, you can't stray above 4,250 meters. Doing this will force you to break off and come around for another pass. Once you receive a message this Allied convoy has been successfully photographed, radio in to headquarters and return to La Senia. Je te dis merde!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Dewoitine D-520
"airfield_string"=Algeria - Oran (La senia II)

May 16th, 2013, 08:16
Very interesting Rami. Never seen the mission builder info before, (don't dabble in the dark arts!).


May 16th, 2013, 13:55
Okay, my friend. I'll be waiting with calm! The Axis side will let us use all models involved in the conflict, especially the Italian machines. :mixedsmi:
Thanks for warning, because I was expecting it. :icon_lol:
Take your time, you've done enough. :medals:

May 16th, 2013, 17:44

I completed the second mission tonight, but I'm too tired to re-write the mission text. The mission is a second reconnoitre, this time from a German Ju-88 based on Sardinia...higher up at 5,500 meters. After this mission, you will participate in an evening torpedo run onboard a Heinkel He-111.

May 17th, 2013, 15:49

I completed the second mission tonight, but I'm too tired to re-write the mission text. The mission is a second reconnoitre, this time from a German Ju-88 based on Sardinia...higher up at 5,500 meters. After this mission, you will participate in an evening torpedo run on board a Heinkel He-111. I love to drop torpedoes and bombs in fact also strafing runs against moving objects! :jump: But the He-111 seems to me something weak against enemy fighters, I'll need good escort!! :icon_lol:

May 18th, 2013, 11:11

Here is the scoop for mission two...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Dreifinger reconnaissance
"summary_string"=Kamerad, herhören! After being alerted by French reconnaissance that the enormous Pedestal convoy entered the Mediterranean, we gained intelligence from our own source as to where the Allied convoy should be. Your mission is to find and photograph them. Make sure that you take the pictures and get home without incident!
"objective_string"=The Pedestal convoy was identified at about 0830 hours on 11 August, 1942 by a Ju-88 bomber on a reconnaissance mission. Once the Pedestal convoy was spotted, the Axis forces sat & waited for the convoy to get within range of their airbases, then raided it during an evening assault by bomb-laden Ju-88s and torpedo-carrying He-111s.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, hold a west-southwesterly heading and climb up to a cruising height of 5,500 meters. The estimated convoy position is to the southwest of the Baleric islands. Once over the convoy, hold a steady course and speed as you photograph, but don't stray above 5,700 meters, or the photos will lack detail. Once this is completed, you may return to Sardina. Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-11 (Italy, 1941)
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Elmas

May 18th, 2013, 11:13

Here is the third mission description...I'm still working on the mission itself.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - A greeting by Der spaten
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! After gaining intelligence on the fleet's location earlier in the day, we have decided to greet the massive Pedestal convoy with a combined raid of both level & torpedo bombers. Your target is the carrier HMS Indomitable.
"objective_string"=Through the early evening of 11 August, 1942, the Pedestal convoy sustained the first significant air attacks of the battle by four successive waves of Axis bombers: thirty Junkers Ju-88s & six He-111 torpedo planes were just one attack. In this raid, no hits were scored on the vessels, and two of the Ju-88s were shot down.
"intelligence_string"=The enemy convoy sighted yesterday is now within range of Sardinia. We're prepared to execute the first assault. Take your place in an Heinkel He-111 torpedo bomber and direct your torpedoes toward the enemy carriers. The Ju-88 bombers will attack the remainder of the enemy fleet. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Elmas

May 19th, 2013, 05:59

Here is the third mission description...I'm still working on the mission itself.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - A greeting by Der spaten
"summary_string"=Achtung, Meine Herren! After gaining intelligence on the fleet's location earlier in the day, we have decided to greet the massive Pedestal convoy with a combined raid of both level & torpedo bombers. Your target is the carrier HMS Indomitable.
"objective_string"=Through the early evening of 11 August, 1942, the Pedestal convoy sustained the first significant air attacks of the battle by four successive waves of Axis bombers: thirty Junkers Ju-88s & six He-111 torpedo planes were just one attack. In this raid, no hits were scored on the vessels, and two of the Ju-88s were shot down.
Just give me the chance! and we´ll see what happen with the vessels;)

please , make them destroyable!

May 23rd, 2013, 04:47
Hey guys,

Rami's "skunk works" have been secretly active in Europe again...can anyone guess the location? I have a couple more locations on this theme to do...

Hint: The Allies targeted this location heavily during World War II.

May 23rd, 2013, 05:16
Lorient sub pens!

May 23rd, 2013, 05:32

We have a winner! :salute:

I actually had to place the U-boat pen just across the harbor from its actual location...because the amount of land available was not enough to place the U-boat pen correctly. I also used the other space to built a pretty large port...on the scale of Southampton. Luckily, almost the entire area was flat, so it made building relatively easy.

Also on the slate are Bordeaux, and St. Nazaire.

May 23rd, 2013, 08:02

If I remember well Robert John made St. Nazaire and other sub-pens. With the lively ports you make they will get good company and make for excelent scenery.

Cheers, Discus

May 23rd, 2013, 08:02
Hey guys,

I'm having an unusual problem, and need some help. In Tobob's LaRochelle scenery, there is a scenery object called "tb_warf." When I'm using this object at Bordeaux, because space is tight, it is not generating a .cdp file when I try to fly a mission to check its placement. Because no .cdp file is generated, the mission will not load. If I remove that piece, the scenery loads fine.

This is the scenery package: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=45&id=4071

Does anyone know what the problem is, and/or how to fix it? :isadizzy:

May 23rd, 2013, 09:02
Wish I could help Rami, but it's beyond me.

May 23rd, 2013, 10:01
It seems to be something related to the dp. It has 12 boxes created under the section. But in the [BOXMAP] section boxes 2 through 5 have no boxmap asigned.

; Created or Modified by DPED.
; 3/7/2011 7:02:31 PM



; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_1

; Box = 44

; Box = *** New Box *** (2)

; Box = *** New Box *** (2)

; Box = *** New Box *** (2)

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; Box = dp_box_0

; System = dp_box_0


"box_name.3"=*** New Box *** (2)
"box_name.4"=*** New Box *** (2)
"box_name.5"=*** New Box *** (2)

; DPED Version 1.21

Try this one: 87576

May 24th, 2013, 06:20
Good morning,

And here is Bordeaux. There are two main concentrations of GSL scenery...just north of the city, where I chose to locate the U-boat pens, and just south of the heart of the city, where I chose to locate the commercial port. Also included are two road bridges over the river and a rail bridge.

May 24th, 2013, 06:59
Hey guys,

I went ahead and updated by GSL ports package to include Lorient, Reykjavik, and Bordeaux. It's in the library, as well as at my website.

May 24th, 2013, 10:26
Great!! Thanks Rami

May 24th, 2013, 20:24
These are great additions to your original Ports, Rami. All of them are really excellent. My favorite is Reykjavik. But, I ran into a funny thing when I loaded in the new JHS Norway in order to have an airfield in Iceland to fly in and out of. When I loaded the Norway GSL, it wiped out the Ports GSL. I played around with it to make sure and every time I loaded the Norway GSL after the Ports GSL, boom.....your Ports were gone. The Scenery Library adds in JHS Norway didn't have any adverse affect one way or the other.

I would have just left it at that and dispensed with loading up the JHS Norway GSL since the airfield at Reykjavik was adequate for my needs without the GSL, but I found that Kefalvik airfield was sorely lacking without Achim's GSL. So, with nothing to lose , I reversed the order of installation, Norway first (both GSL and Scenery Library) and then Ports second. That seemed to cure it. Now both GSLs are showing up.

I don't know if all this makes any since; it could be just me. It's also way past my bedtime and I'm seeing double so that might be the problem too.

May 25th, 2013, 00:02

(Smacking head) I forgot to mention that! I always do in a campaign package, but I forgot in this one. Because in certain cases (Brest, Bordeaux, Reykjavik, Bodoe, etc.) the GSL scenery is close to Achim's bases, I include the airfield layout as part of the .gob work. I will have to specify that. You should always install Achim's bases first, then the GSL ports, which will add the second layer.

May 25th, 2013, 05:28
Ahhh, so that's the answer. Well, you can't be expected to think of everything all the time. That's another great attribute to CFS2....there always seems to be something new.

May 25th, 2013, 14:36
I hate to be a pest, but can anyone tell me where to find these three objects. They keep coming up as missing in some of the new port scenery.


May 25th, 2013, 15:44

Here you go. I uploaded the package again to my site and to SOH. I am also including the missing files here, and made sure to include the instructions about installing Achim's airfields first.

And no, you are not being a pest.

May 26th, 2013, 09:44
Thanks very much Rami - the scenery looks great. However, I can't see any sign of the U-Boat pens in Bordeaux (all the other GSL scenery is there).

Here's a seaplane AFD file for Lorient to save flying over from Vannes. For those who want extra realism, Frédéric Picci (AVSIM) made the Port Louis citadel at the entrance of the harbour.

May 26th, 2013, 10:07
Thanks very much Rami - the scenery looks great. However, I can't see any sign of the U-Boat pens in Bordeaux (All the other GSL scenery is there)


Take a closer look at these pics. I used the lower-profile type used in tobob's La Rochelle scenery by Robert John, because I was working in a extremely confined space. I left the Shift-Z coordinates up so you know where to look, and I also used different, more militaristic buildings than I typically use in a civilian port.

May 26th, 2013, 11:12

The buildings and trees on the river bank are all there but none of the infrastructure in the river is showing up. These are the gob's I have for Bordeaux in you Europe ports GSL: 25eff8, 260ff8 and 260ffa. There aren't any subpen files in them unless you've updated them since I downloaded them yesterday.

Thanks, Kevin

May 26th, 2013, 12:18

This sim is really starting to give me the red a*s. :angryfir: You can see from Martin Wright's GSL editor that it IS included in the .gob file, but for some reason, even though I ran it through .gob check and tested it ELEVEN times, the bunker, warf, and other object, as well as four bunkers and three warehouses, do not show up.

I think this might be .dp file related, but I'll have to defer to Achim and see if he can help me straighten this one out.

May 26th, 2013, 13:38
Kevin and others,

Nope, I think I have this one licked. Luckily, I saved the original layout files and was able to see what (only a small portion) got wiped out.

So this time, I just used the layouts and used Lindsay's empty.gsl file from his tutorial, renamed it, and used the built-in GSL editor. The next step was to then add that multi-gob GSL file to the main ports GSL file. You should have no problems with the package now, and I included the Bordeaux GSL file in this attachment. Just add it using the GSL tool, removing the first incarnation to wipe it clean.

May 27th, 2013, 05:18

Captain Kurt
June 4th, 2013, 07:47
:cool: :applause:

June 4th, 2013, 08:17
Looks like you are all over this one!:salute:

June 4th, 2013, 10:04

Sorry for the delay. Lifes been REAL busy!

I hope you enjoy this St. Nazaire port!



June 4th, 2013, 13:07

That's awesome! I will get to work on this immediately. :salute:

P.S. - I knew you were busy, that's why I chose not to pressure you. :applause:

June 4th, 2013, 14:16

I sent you an e-mail on this, I need some help. :isadizzy:


June 5th, 2013, 11:22

Thanks, I sent you a response...I think I may need to reorganize and resort these scenery files.

June 5th, 2013, 13:03
Throwing something else into the pot.....;)

Been working on this for a while. In Fs9 looks fairly good, I'm just getting to grips with how to make damageable items/building etc, so I can take it into CFS2. I don't know if the poly count will be prohibitive, we'll see.



ps. The Wellington's getting near(er)!

Robert John
June 5th, 2013, 13:22
Hi all,

Nice to see the subpens being used.

Sketch up models have to many polygons, but good to use as a modeling template.


June 6th, 2013, 05:56
Your MB skills are getting better and better! And with this you get some well deserved credit to all those who flew Lightnings in the ETO.

I´m fiddling with some KG40 missions and I can´t get passed the basics!! I´m having some trouble with the airbase. I get CTD all the time. And unfortunately my CFS2 t¡me is very limited!!

Cheers, D

June 6th, 2013, 06:32

What airfield are you having problems with? Bordeaux-Merignac? I think that one needs a retouch, I'll mention it to Achim once he's done in Afrika. :mixedsmi:

June 6th, 2013, 09:15
Yes. That´s the one. But I´m not sure why. I´m trying to isolate the problem with my limited knowledge

June 9th, 2013, 16:17
Good evening,

With a few minor adjustments, the mission works! Onto the next...

June 10th, 2013, 02:30
I want to give Rami and Cap'n Krunch errrrrrrrrrrrr . . . Kurt a big THANK YOU for all the campaign work they have been doing. I wish I could hammer out a campaign, or just a mission as quick as you guys do.

I have been a little absent lately because I wanted to do something I haven't done in a couple of years, and that is to fly all the way through a campaign. I have finished the first 10 mission of the Captain's new "Defense of the Republic" campaign, but I spent a month setting up a new SCW era install for it. Thanks again for that Cap'n Kurt!

:medals: :salute:

June 10th, 2013, 13:38
I want to give Rami and Cap'n Krunch errrrrrrrrrrrr . . . Kurt a big THANK YOU for all the campaign work they have been doing. I wish I could hammer out a campaign, or just a mission as quick as you guys do.


Thanks for saying that. I find more and more that I end up doing about a 50 / 50 split between campaign projects I really want to do, (Frantic / Corpo Aereo Italiano / RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica / 20th Fighter Group, etc.) and ones I feel obligated to update / overhaul for the betterment of the CFS2 community. It's also why I always have multiple projects going on at the same time; it satisfies my severe ADHD. If I get bored with one campaign, I work on another for a while and come back.

It's the "shiny red ball" syndrome.

Also, Talon said to me once that campaign and mission building should be projects that you want to do, and what interests you. I post progress threads and things like that to keep you all informed, but I don't get devastated when I don't get feedback on it. It's just more of a "FYI" principle.

June 12th, 2013, 02:19
it satisfies my severe ADHD.

Yes, I can't help but start one project and get distracted by another due to ADHD. I also find myself distracted by tidying up my files in the process. Perhaps this is due to a slight tendency toward comorbid OCD? Isn't it funny how we have begun to describe our personality characteristic in such a way? In our business its very useful if we adjust the way we teach individual students according to these labels, but not all teachers do. OH :censored:, I'M DOING IT AGAIN!

June 15th, 2013, 05:24
Hey guys,

Now that I was able to get Tobob's landclass and scenery modifications working properly, I am building sub pens and facilities at St. Nazaire and Trondheim. When constructing these facilities, I am using the building objects found in the La Rochelle scenery package.


The problem is that at least a couple of the damage profiles appear to be flawed, in that they do not generate .cdp files. This means that in Mission Builder, I can build the scenery, but I cannot fly over it to test and examine it, because when I try to fly a sample mission where I have the scenery, the mission will not load because it cannot generate the needed .cdp files, so it just sits there and does nothing.

Specifically, it's the tb_build3.dp that gives me the most trouble, though I'm wondering if there are others as well.

Can anyone help me here? :banghead:

June 15th, 2013, 09:42

Are you trying to fly the mission within MB?

I flew one of the Kondor missions within Campaigns and everything worked well at Bordeaux. A .cdp file was generated for Tobob's wharf.

June 15th, 2013, 10:27

Are you trying to fly the mission within MB?

Yes, so I can test the scenery before making it into GSL. I did not use the wharf this time...it's TB_build3 that will not generate a .cdp file.

I tried running the mission in "normal" mode...same result.

June 17th, 2013, 09:58
Hey guys,

Now that I was able to get Tobob's landclass and scenery modifications working properly, I am building sub pens and facilities at St. Nazaire and Trondheim. When constructing these facilities, I am using the building objects found in the La Rochelle scenery package.


The problem is that at least a couple of the damage profiles appear to be flawed, in that they do not generate .cdp files. This means that in Mission Builder, I can build the scenery, but I cannot fly over it to test and examine it, because when I try to fly a sample mission where I have the scenery, the mission will not load because it cannot generate the needed .cdp files, so it just sits there and does nothing.

Specifically, it's the tb_build3.dp that gives me the most trouble, though I'm wondering if there are others as well.

Can anyone help me here? :banghead:


I recently found some problems with these objects (some won't load into Model convertor X) and will send an updated version ASAP. The DP's very well could be messed up, that was an early project. I will take a look at that as well.

Sorry for the inconvenience fellas.

P.S. Rami in another thread you mentioned a dry dock object. If I were supplied some info maybe I could help out there.


June 28th, 2013, 19:50
Good evening,

Misson, here are a couple more for you...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Aerosiluranti from Sardinia
"summary_string"=Attenzione, i piloti! This morning's attack was met with intense opposition, so we are sending out our Sm-84s & Cr-42 Falcos with two flights of escort fighters. You'll compose part of this escort group. Let's cover the torpedo-bombers and allow them to make a successful strike, & then bring them safely back home!
"objective_string"=The first Italian torpedo strike started at midday on 12 August, 1942. Two formations of five Sm-84 torpedo planes, along with eight bomb-laden Cr-42 Falcos hit the Pedestal convoy, and were escorted by fourteen Mc-202 Folgores. However, the enemy anti-aircraft fire & enemy fighter patrols proved very strong, and the attacking planes were unable to score any hits.
"intelligence_string"=Your flight of Macchi Mc-202s will be responsible for guarding the Sm-84 torpedo bombers striking the convoy, while the other flight of Mc-202s will guard the Falcos. Near the convoy, you may find it helpful to gain altitude and attempt to avoid heavy anti-aircraft fire. Make sure that you deflect any British fighters away from the Sm-84s, especially during their attack run. Buona fortuna!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Decimomanu

"title_string"=Operation Mazzagosto - Morgen Angriff der Dreifingers
"summary_string"=Kameraden, herhören! We'll follow up our evening greeting last night with another raid this morning. Our commanders have decided that their merchant ships are the primary targets. Since enemy fighter opposition has been light, we won't have an escort for this mission. Get in, pummel the enemy vessels, and return to Sardinia! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=The initial strike during the morning of 12 August was undertaken by nineteen Ju-88s. These Ju-88s were unable to secure hits on the Pedestal convoy, although there were a few near-misses. The enemy fighter cover was intense over the convoy, a total of eighteen Hawker Sea Hurricanes as well as six Fairey Fulmars were scrambled at once in order to intercept the Ju-88s.
"intelligence_string"=Your flight of Dreifingers will lead the other two flights to the fleet, where you'll focus on sinking the freighters, a raid later in the day will handle the enemy carriers. We want to make sure that the British fleet has nothing left to protect! Hals und Beinbruch!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-88a-11 (Italy, 1941)
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Elmas

June 29th, 2013, 13:26
Hello again,

Misson, here is another one for you...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Germany draws first blood
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Today, you will be part of the escorting armada bringing nearly forty Ju-88s to attack the Pedestal convoy. The Junkers will be pummeling their freighters, & your task is to keep their tails clear, engaging any enemy fighters and allowing the bombers to do their jobs unmolested. Hals und Beinbruch!
"objective_string"=Immediately following the second torpedo assault, thirty-seven Junkers Ju-88s attacked the Pedestal convoy at altitude, from between 3,000 and 4,000 meters. Some of the bombs hit the merchant vessel Deucalion, the first aerial success of the day, and there were many more near-misses. A few minutes later, two Re-2001 fighters, each specially loaded with one 640 kg AP bomb, scored two hits on HMS Victorious, but the aircraft carrier suffered only slight damage, thanks the armoured deck.
"intelligence_string"=After leaving Decimomanu, proceed due south and climb to meet up with these Ju-88s between three and four thousand meters. As you head toward the Pedestal convoy, be wary of enemy fighter patrols and make sure to keep any fighters away from the bombers. Maintain your height over the convoy, we do not want to lose fighters to anti-aircraft fire. Make sure to get all the bombers back to Sardinia safely. Viel Glück!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Messerschmitt Bf-109g-2 (Trop)
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Decimomanu

June 29th, 2013, 16:20
Good evening,

Misson, here are a couple more for you...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Aerosiluranti from Sardinia
"summary_string"=Attenzione, i piloti! This morning's attack was met with intense opposition, so we are sending out our Sm-84s & Cr-42 Falcos with two flights of escort fighters. You'll compose part of this escort group. Let's cover the torpedo-bombers and allow them to make a successful strike, & then bring them safely back home!
"objective_string"=The first Italian torpedo strike started at midday on 12 August, 1942. Two formations of five Sm-84 torpedo planes, along with eight bomb-laden Cr-42 Falcos hit the Pedestal convoy, and were escorted by fourteen Mc-202 Folgores. However, the enemy anti-aircraft fire & enemy fighter patrols proved very strong, and the attacking planes were unable to score any hits.
"intelligence_string"=Your flight of Macchi Mc-202s will be responsible for guarding the Sm-84 torpedo bombers striking the convoy, while the other flight of Mc-202s will guard the Falcos. Near the convoy, you may find it helpful to gain altitude and attempt to avoid heavy anti-aircraft fire. Make sure that you deflect any British fighters away from the Sm-84s, especially during their attack run. Buona fortuna!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Decimomanu

I have my Folgores ready!! In fact perhaps before your campaign release, I could make a update for that Macchis , specially about air files. They must be more easy to manouver them. What Folgore do you think to use?



June 29th, 2013, 16:24
I have my Folgores ready!! In fact perhaps before your campaign release, I could make a update for that Macchis , specially about air files. They must be more easy to manouver them. What Folgore do you think to use?



Mario, I use this one...


With a specially modified airfile by Peperez.

June 29th, 2013, 17:21
Mario, I use this one...


With a specially modified airfile by Peperez. i´ll take a look to it.

July 1st, 2013, 09:53
Hey guys,

I just wanted to pass along that I updated Bruno's Fairey Fulmar. One of the new users flying Pedestal informed me that the Fulmar would not load when installed. Looking at the download again, when uploading, Brunosk forgot to "de-alias" the sound files from his own system files, so it was looking for the sound.cfg in a location that wasn't available. I re-alaised the sounds to the stock P-38 Lightning.

Also, I wasn't sure if I posted updates for Battle for Europe, Kondors, Heinkels, Bardufoss Hurricanes, and the Tirpitz missions. All except for "Battle for Europe" were modified to accommodate Achim's new Norwegian airfields. "Battle for Europe" was modified for the missions (USAAF and German) involving the attack on St. Nazaire, which have now been modified to use the new scenery.

Since these are all completed some time ago, they now move back onto my official "retired" list.

July 1st, 2013, 10:54

He terminado de otra misión de la campaña Mezzagosto, pero no soy lo suficientemente seguras como para firmar en él, porque creo que la misión es demasiado peligrosa para completar con éxito. Después de haber volado dos veces, la perspectiva de tratar de buceo-bomba contra una flota enemiga con el Cr-42 Falco es muy arriesgado. Además, las bombas son muy pequeñas, e incluso si tienen éxito, es prácticamente imposible de hundir un comerciante o un portaaviones con dos bombas de sesenta kilos, incluso si usted hace ametrallando ataques.

Veo dos maneras de lidiar con esto ...

1) Dejar la misión "tal cual" y decir "buena suerte", como me río con un aullido mal, sabiendo lo que se encuentra en más de la flota. Después de todo, esta misión es históricamente exacta, la Cr-42 se ha ejecutado el ataque.

2) Modificar la misión de la siguiente manera: La escolta para esta misión son Reggiane Re-2.001 combatientes Falco II. Podría cambiar la misión de modo que la Cr-42 va a escoltar a los bombarderos Re-2001, equipados con bombas anti-navales. Ellos tendrían una mejor oportunidad de hacer daño a la flota. El problema es, que la escolta, que ahora se quedaban atascados en un mano a mano contra el Grumman F4F "Martlets."

Mi opinión personal era que la campaña "dinámica" y tienen la misión configurado como un escenario de "A" o "B", lo que significa que tendría una oportunidad aún durante la campaña de volar una misión u otra.

Cualquier comentario que pueda proporcionar sería agradecida!

Con agradecimiento,


I have finished another mission for the Mezzagosto campaign, but I'm not confident enough to sign off in it, because I think the mission is far too dangerous to complete successfully. Having flown it twice, the prospect of trying to dive-bomb on an enemy fleet with the Cr-42 Falco is very risky. In addition, the bombs are very small, and even if you are successful, it is virtually impossible to sink a merchant or an aircraft carrier with two sixty kilogram bombs, even if you make strafing attacks.

I can see two ways to deal with this...

1) Leave the mission "as is," and just say "good luck" as I laugh with an evil howl, knowing what you are in for over the fleet. After all, this mission is historically accurate; the Cr-42s did execute the attack.

2) Modify the mission in the following way: The escort for this mission are Reggiane Re-2001 Falco II fighters. I could switch the mission around so that the Cr-42s will escort the Re-2001 fighter-bombers, which are equipped with anti-naval bombs. They would have a better chance of doing damage to the fleet. The catch is, as the escort, you would now be stuck in a dogfight against Grumman F4F "Martlets."

My personal thought was to make the campaign "dynamic" and have this mission set up as an "A" or "B" scenario, meaning you would have an even chance during the campaign of flying one mission or the other.

Any feedback you can provide would be appreciated!

With thanks,

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Taking another shot at them
"summary_string"=Attenzione, i piloti! Several attacks from Sardinia have had little effect on the Pedestal convoy, with only a single merchant vessel sunk and a few other near misses to show for it. Before the convoy slips beyond our grasp, we are sending our your Cr-42 Falcos to attack the convoy, while escort fighters keep the enemy at bay. Make sure to score hits on the fleet, this convoy creeps ever closer to Malta!
"objective_string"=In the late afternoon, the Italians mounted a final attempt from Sardinia to raid the Pedestal convoy, deploying eight Cr-42 Falcos as dive-bombers with an escort of nine Re-2001 fighters. No hits on the convoy were scored during this raid...however the convoy would come under an intense raid less than three hours later.
"intelligence_string"=Despite the large-scale assaults today, the overall cost to the convoy itself has been largely minimal, with only the loss of MV Deucalion; this vessel had to leave the convoy together with HMS Bramham to protect her. Your Cr-42s must add to those losses, because once the enemy convoy slips further past Sardinia, Pantelleria and Sicily represent the last line of defense. Focus on the merchants, a massive raid is gathering for an all-out assault before the torpedo boats go to work tonight. Don't come back empty-handed!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Decimomanu

July 1st, 2013, 16:27
my answer is if you can, choose the option A, if the mission was truly impossible, the option A, will do honor to the history and the players involved specialy to the italian fighters. sometimes when I play a campaign, the missions are so difficult that I tell myself, WELL..WORST WAS IN THE REALITY, and I escape to fight the next mission, the same must have been in reality. altough i konw that u must to equal the true Vs to enjoy the mission. I like your style in the hour to play your missions , so dont doubt, it will be fun.
I'm who says thank u.
cheers my friend

July 2nd, 2013, 04:50

Here is the other version...

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Taking another shot at them
"summary_string"=Attenzione, i piloti! Several attacks from Sardinia have had little effect on the Pedestal convoy, with only a single merchant vessel sunk and a few other near misses to show for it. Before the convoy slips beyond our grasp, we're sending out our Reggiane Re-2001s to raid the Pedestal convoy, whilst your escort fighters will keep the British at bay. Make sure to guard these Reggianes, we want them to be able to strike the enemy carriers unmolested!
"objective_string"=In the late afternoon, the Italians mounted a final attempt from Sardinia to raid the Pedestal convoy, deploying eight Cr-42 Falcos as dive-bombers with an escort of nine Re-2001 fighters. No hits on the convoy were scored during this raid...however the convoy would come under an intense raid less than three hours later. (Note - In this mission the same aircraft are used, but their roles are reversed.)
"intelligence_string"=Despite the large-scale assaults today, the overall cost to the convoy itself has been largely minimal, with only the loss of MV Deucalion; this vessel had to leave the convoy together with HMS Bramham to protect her. The Re-2001s being sent out will add to those losses, because as the enemy convoy slips further past Sardinia, Pantelleria and Sicily now represent the last lines of defense. We know from past attacks that the aircraft you might face can't maneuver as quickly, but they all have advantages in speed & firepower. Utilize your turning ability to stay behind the enemy fighters, and draw them away from the Reggianes! Buona Fortuna!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Fiat Cr-42 Falco (368 sq)
"airfield_string"=Sardinia - Decimomanu

July 2nd, 2013, 16:54
Some times i cant uderstand why the italians sent a few Cr42 and Regianes, being the last atempt to inflict damage to that convoy. Perhaps to be a Kamikase was a viral desease in these times! I can't imagine to fight against a hurricane or fulmar with a Cr42. To low speed and low fire power. and the regiane had the same problem . It does'nt matter, dont make any ship invinsible , i'll be sinking!:wiggle:

July 5th, 2013, 13:56

Here is the first mission from Sicily, a massed attack by Ju-87 Stukas and Ju-88 Dreifingers at 9:15am on 13 August, 1942.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Zeit für einen Stuka-Angriff!
"summary_string"=Aufgepasst, kameraden! Now that the enemy ships have passed by Sardinia & suffered badly during last night's torpedo boat attack, it's up to us here on Sicily to destroy the remainder of this British convoy. Today, you will take your place in a Stuka and focus on sinking the remaining merchants and cruisers! Viel Glück!
"objective_string"=Following the devastating evening attack the night before, the second massive raid from Sicily on the Pedestal convoy occurred at 9:15am on 13 August, 1942. Twenty-six Ju-88s & sixteen Ju-87 Stukas hit the convoy, escorted by eight Bf-109 fighters, & eight Bf-110 Zerstörers. During this attack, the Dorset was spotted and finally sunk.
"intelligence_string"=After taking off, you will meet up with the escort shortly after departing Palermo. The Ju=88s from Catania will join you minutes before you strike the fleet. Over this convoy, focus on the two cruisers (Charybdis and Kenya) or the remaining merchants. Their destroyers aren't considered important. The fighter escort of Bf-109s and Bf-110s should keep you safe from British attacks. Und passen Sie auf sich auf!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Palermo

July 5th, 2013, 13:59

This is another one, which occurred ten minutes after the preceding raid. It's very similar to American attacks on the Japanese at Midway; some of the British fighter cover was still engaged with the departing first raid.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Taking advantage of chaos
"summary_string"=Per i vostri combattenti, aviatori! The British ships have now passed Pantelleria, and a massive raid is being sent out to attack it. The Stukas you will be escorting are following several minutes behind the first strike, hoping to take advantage of the chaos caused by the initial raid. If British fighter cover has been pulled down to sea level, your job should be easy!
"objective_string"=Just ten minutes after the first assault, at 9:25am on 13 August 1942, a group of eight Italian Ju-87 dive bombers struck the Pedestal convoy escorted by ten Macchi Mc-202 Folgores; they were in turn intercepted by Malta Spitfires. This attack would be followed by yet another strike two hours later.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll meet up with the Stukas and head out toward the British convoy. Your flight of five Mc-202 Folgores will be directly responsible for shielding the Stukas from British fighters; the other Folgores will engage any enemy fighters and keep them far away from you. Above all else, make sure that the Stukas can return to Sicily intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Trapani

July 5th, 2013, 18:19

Here is yet another one, the third raid on the morning of 13 August, 1942.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Combattimento con un pari
"summary_string"=Ascoltate i piloti! The enemy convoy has dealt with two attacks in extremely rapid succession, and we will continue to apply pressure by bringing several Sm-79 torpedo bombers to raid the British convoy. Let's make sure this raid is a success, our chances to destroy the rest of this convoy are not infinite!
"objective_string"=Following the first two attacks of the day, a third strike occurred around 11:25am, executed by five Italian Savoia-Marchetti Sm-79 Sparvieros loaded with torpedoes, whilst fourteen Mc-202 Folgores kept intercepting Maltese Spitfires away, tangling with them high above the fray.
"intelligence_string"=As the enemy draws ever closer to Malta, you must do everything possible to ensure that the Sm-79s can hit the convoy without any interference. Over the convoy, you will remain at altitude to keep any British fighters at bay. Once the Sparvieros finish the torpedo run, bring them back safely to Sicily. Buano Fortuna!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Trapani

July 5th, 2013, 19:20

This is another one, which occurred ten minutes after the preceding raid. It's very similar to American attacks on the Japanese at Midway; some of the British fighter cover was still engaged with the departing first raid.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Taking advantage of chaos
"summary_string"=Per i vostri combattenti, aviatori! The British ships have now passed Pantelleria, and a massive raid is being sent out to attack it. The Stukas you will be escorting are following several minutes behind the first strike, hoping to take advantage of the chaos caused by the initial raid. If British fighter cover has been pulled down to sea level, your job should be easy!
"objective_string"=Just ten minutes after the first assault, at 9:25am on 13 August 1942, a group of eight Italian Ju-87 dive bombers struck the Pedestal convoy escorted by ten Macchi Mc-202 Folgores; they were in turn intercepted by Malta Spitfires. This attack would be followed by yet another strike two hours later.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you'll meet up with the Stukas and head out toward the British convoy. Your flight of five Mc-202 Folgores will be directly responsible for shielding the Stukas from British fighters; the other Folgores will engage any enemy fighters and keep them far away from you. Above all else, make sure that the Stukas can return to Sicily intact!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Trapani Hey , if i have more oportunity in this case i would like to fly with the stukas again!:icon_lol:

July 5th, 2013, 19:25

I know that in this campaign you will get to fly the Stuka at least twice, there might be a third mission during this campaign. You will also get to fly the Mc-202 Folgore, the Sm-84 torpedo bomber, the Cr-42 Falco, the Heinkel He-111, the Messerschmitt Bf-109g, and the Junkers Ju-88.

The Ju-87 missions are great fun to fly, because the AI behavior of Wolfi's Stuka is so exquisite, you can literally drop back in the formation and play "follow the leader" all the way to the target. The Stukas also hit the target with extraordinary accuracy, which is an added bonus!

July 7th, 2013, 09:31
Dear Rami, I think that your campaign deserve the best planes that we can get. So i´m working as I did before with the MC202 Folgore (time ago i uploaded the same model but 356sq with many improvments), but in this case I have requested some permissions to other members , to include their works like panel and sound.
And also , I´m working important aspects like air and aircraft files, with ACM and Airwrech to get the most realistic plane behaving.

July 7th, 2013, 09:39

Buddha13's conversion does come with the Bf-109 sound pack from Lawdog2360 already.

Regarding a panel, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, Morton already has it covered: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=46&id=6884

(This panel happens to be one of my all-time favorites)

I can lend you my panel.cfg which already has the virtual cockpit covered.

Please work with these files...they have already been modified by Peperez. Now...if you can figure out why the drop tanks don't release, you'll be my hero.

July 7th, 2013, 10:27

Buddha13's conversion does come with the Bf-109 sound pack from Lawdog2360 already.

Regarding a panel, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, Morton already has it covered: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=46&id=6884

(This panel happens to be one of my all-time favorites)

I can lend you my panel.cfg which already has the virtual cockpit covered.

Please work with these files...they have already been modified by Peperez. Now...if you can figure out why the drop tanks don't release, you'll be my hero. My idea was to have all this in just one pack. I made some improvements with the virtual cockpit , about the dead gauges, to make them work is necesary modify the texture folder.(like i did in the mc202folgore 356 squad http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?70041-CFS2-updated-Macchi-Mc-202-356-Squadriglia-zip). And i think the geometry and balance need to be improved.
I´ll see about drp tanks trouble.

July 7th, 2013, 16:15

Here is another mission, it is kind of a composite, but reasonably accurate.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Kampfgeschwader attack!
"summary_string"=Kameraden, zuhören! Our intelligence that most of the escort ships have left the convoy, and that one of the freighters is badly crippled & being helped along by two destroyers. You are being sent out to attack these remaining vessels, and make sure this crippled merchant never makes it to Malta!
"objective_string"=Between the hours of 15:37 & 19:00, the remaining ships came under attack by several small waves of Ju-88s and He-111s. The four Ju-88s that hit the oiler Ohio severely crippled the ship & temporarily put an end to the effort to tow her to Malta. This mission is written to be an amalgam of the attacks during this brief period.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, join up with the Dreifinger flights & take the low position as you head out toward the remaining enemy ships. During the approach, you'll drop down to wavetop height to make your assault. The Ju-88s will remain at altitude to hit the ships, & provide a distraction to keep any enemy fighters from compromising your attack. Make sure to place your torpedoes on the Ohio, we must prevent Malta from getting her precious oil!
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Heinkel He-111h-6
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gela

July 7th, 2013, 18:50

This is the only massed raid that occurred during the time when the convoy was under attack by several small raids. The last one with be on the morning of the 14th, before a fictional mission on the following day.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Piercing the fighter cover
"summary_string"=Per i vostri combattenti, aviatori! The British oiler Ohio has somehow managed to remain afloat, so we are sending out Stukas to put the crippled ship out of her misery. Because fighter cover is so intense, we're sending out an entire Groupo to ensure that the Stukas can get through. Make sure they can do their job. Buona Fortuna!
"objective_string"=Between the hours of 15:37 & 19:00, the remaining ships came under attack by several small waves of Ju-88s & He-111s. The lone exception was a strike at 17:02, when five Italian Stukas, escorted by no less than twenty-four Mc-202 Folgores, struck the British ships. A fighter cover of sixteen Spitfires & a handful of Beaufighters brought down at least three Italian fighters.
"intelligence_string"=Now that the enemy ships are under fighter cover from Malta, they are being covered by an umbrella of sixteen Spitfires, so you can expect to be kept busy near these enemy ships. Our Folgores will be staggered at different altitudes to ensure nothing gets by to hassle the Stukas. Your flight has been tasked to perform the escort mission, so make sure not to stray far away from them.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gela Sattelite

July 8th, 2013, 04:41

This is the only massed raid that occurred during the time when the convoy was under attack by several small raids. The last one with be on the morning of the 14th, before a fictional mission on the following day.

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Piercing the fighter cover
"summary_string"=Per i vostri combattenti, aviatori! The British oiler Ohio has somehow managed to remain afloat, so we are sending out Stukas to put the crippled ship out of her misery. Because fighter cover is so intense, we're sending out an entire Groupo to ensure that the Stukas can get through. Make sure they can do their job. Buona Fortuna!
"objective_string"=Between the hours of 15:37 & 19:00, the remaining ships came under attack by several small waves of Ju-88s & He-111s. The lone exception was a strike at 17:02, when five Italian Stukas, escorted by no less than twenty-four Mc-202 Folgores, struck the British ships. A fighter cover of sixteen Spitfires & a handful of Beaufighters brought down at least three Italian fighters.
"intelligence_string"=Now that the enemy ships are under fighter cover from Malta, they are being covered by an umbrella of sixteen Spitfires, so you can expect to be kept busy near these enemy ships. Our Folgores will be staggered at different altitudes to ensure nothing gets by to hassle the Stukas. Your flight has been tasked to perform the escort mission, so make sure not to stray far away from them.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Macchi Mc-202 Folgore
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gela Sattelite sì signore, mio comandante!!!!:salute:

I found the reason why the tanks doesnt drop. The problem is in the air file, some in the exadecimal ??? items, so I ´m making a new air file from a P38 airfile but moving all fields an values , the performance is not the same and i´m trying to fix it.:mix-smi:

July 8th, 2013, 04:46
sì signore, mio comandante!!!!:salute:

I found the reason why the tanks doesnt drop. The problem is in the air file, some in the exadecimal ??? items, so I ´m making a new air file from a P38 airfile but moving all fields an values , the performance is not the same and i´m trying to fix it.:mix-smi:


No need, I know how to fix that.

July 8th, 2013, 04:51

No need, I know how to fix that.please share your knowledge !!!:ques:

July 8th, 2013, 05:48
please share your knowledge !!!:ques:


Here are the corrected files, with the entries included for the drop tanks. The Mc-202 could carry two 100-liter drop tanks. I made sure this was accurate when I modified the fuel capacity. The only problem is the wing racks drop, but one of the drop tanks does not. The wing racks should not drop.

Also, smaller drop tanks should be used, because these are ridiculously over-sized.

July 8th, 2013, 06:03
Test this, it was made with airwrench and acm and I like the performance. Drops two tanks!

July 8th, 2013, 06:15
This includes your Dp

July 8th, 2013, 08:00
This includes your Dp I had to repair the quantity of liters in the aux tanks

July 8th, 2013, 10:53
I had to repair the quantity of liters in the aux tanks Now it doesnt work for me, I´m giving up!

July 8th, 2013, 11:47

When you did yours, you forgot to copy over using the clipboard in AirEd the entries for the two drop tanks. As far as the fuel is concerned, the airfile by Peperez is dead-on accurate. The main fuel tank in front of the pilot held 270 liters, the one behind the pilot held 80 liters, and each of the two reserve wing root tanks held 40 liters. The two wing-mounted drop tanks could hold 100 liters of fuel each.

As far as the performance is concerned, I prefer the files I already have by Peperez. The only thing I will change is I think the Mc-202 can roll better than it does at the moment, so I will alter the aircraft.cfg files and increase both the rudder and aileron effectiveness. As far as top speed, climbing, and diving performance, the airfile I have does a very good job hitting the specs required.

The one thing I do like is the .dp file, you did great work on that. However, you have to be careful in the [MISC_DATA] section, because the speed is listed in km/h, and the altitude is listed in meters.


July 8th, 2013, 11:56
Ok , i found the way to simply add the drop tanks in the airfile, i´ll make changes again but only in the peperez airfile.

July 8th, 2013, 12:01

I already made the mods for the ailerons and rudder. Also, the .dp works fantastic, but where do I find the "canon?"

July 8th, 2013, 12:04

I already made the mods for the ailerons and rudder. Also, the .dp works fantastic, but where do I find the "canon?"it not should be there haha!

But thinking about it , i did not put there!

July 8th, 2013, 20:24

Here is yet another one, the last historical mission before the Ohio arrives. (There is one additional fictional mission, as well as the two other missions which will be the hardest to modify)

"title_string"=Operation Mezzagosto - Final chances for success
"summary_string"=Attenzione, i piloti! Our combined efforts against this enemy convoy has been a tactical success, but the oiler Ohio has somehow managed to stay afloat and is being towed. If this ship makes it to Malta, her precious fuel will be utilized to increase their aerial operations and attacks on our own shipping, especially to Rommel, who is nearly at the gates of Cairo! Head out to her tattered hulk and finish the job.
"objective_string"=On the morning of 14 August, the Italians sent out a final effort to try & sink the oiler Ohio. Due to the intense fighter cover over the vessels, the five Stukas sent out were covered by an entire Gruppo of Macchi Mc-202s, but the British Spitfires were able to shoot down several of the Italian fighters. Though practically crippled, the oiler Ohio finally made it to Malta under tow on 15 August, 1942.
"intelligence_string"=Once airborne, you will meet up with the Folgores and then head out to the enemy vessels. The escort flights will hold positions above and below you to make sure that you can assault the remaining ships unmolested. Your primary target is the oiler Ohio. Make sure to keep an eye out for any fighters that get past the Macchis.
"player_aircraft_name_string"=Junkers Ju-87b 'Stuka'
"airfield_string"=Sicily - Gela