View Full Version : Full motion simulators...anyone have one?

Navy Chief
May 17th, 2013, 05:10
It's always been a dream of mine to own a full-motion flight simulator. The cost of one is not cheap, and then there's the problem of space to put one.

But maybe someday. I am not mechanically-minded enough to build one, so a ready-made model would be my choice. The "Dreamflyer", I think, is one of the more reasonably priced ones available. Although I have built a couple simpits, a motion simulator would be awesome!




May 17th, 2013, 06:47
Totally agree with you. I'd really like to give that moving chair a try, just to see how it really reacts in the simulator.
Now imagine sitting on that chair with the Occulus Rift on your head :D

Navy Chief
May 17th, 2013, 06:57
Totally agree with you. I'd really like to give that moving chair a try, just to see how it really reacts in the simulator.
Now imagine sitting on that chair with the Occulus Rift on your head :D

This is why I like SOH so much; I had never heard of the Occulus Rift until you posted....thanks.. NC

May 17th, 2013, 07:41
Here is a PVC cockpit that you can build very easily it is called the JoyRider


Navy Chief
May 17th, 2013, 08:15
Here is a PVC cockpit that you can build very easily it is called the JoyRider


I remember seeing that years ago, but besides not having the mechanical know how, I like the Dreamflyer-type construction.... Pete

Dangerous Beans
May 17th, 2013, 09:14
I had a very quick go on one of these last summer.

http://www.rcsimulations.co.uk/shop/page/26?sessid=FrGS3J07daq8miBfAgD4vfUuelNMlXmu3Rphk8eG UZEXBM0q8w8XxLD1f3qwk5Ze&shop_param=

Seemed very good considering the limited time I had on it.
Its very compact and quiet, a bit pricey though.

May 17th, 2013, 09:30
The best were built by Xesa..... I think they may still be in business: http://www.xesasystems.com/

May 18th, 2013, 00:58
A good curry and a packet of laxatives. That should give you a full motion quite cheaply.:icon_lol: