View Full Version : Using static objects from other sims..for FSX

Navy Chief
May 10th, 2013, 07:08
I've recently read posts about using static objects from other sims, such as CFS. The general concensus, as I understand it, is that it is possible, but with necessary modifications.

Arno has created some great software. Does anyone know if his software, or any others, will easily convert these objects for use in FSX scenery? Thanks. NC

May 10th, 2013, 08:15
Arno's ModelConverter software can open several file formats, API, SCM, SCASM, BGL to name a few. These can then be converted to the 3ds format, which allows the object to be imported into gmax. I don't have any CFS versions currently loaded to test, but I suspect ModelConverter will do the job.

Navy Chief
May 10th, 2013, 08:19
Arno's ModelConverter software can open several file formats, API, SCM, SCASM, BGL to name a few. These can then be converted to the 3ds format, which allows the object to be imported into gmax. I don't have any CFS versions currently loaded to test, but I suspect ModelConverter will do the job.

Arno's Model Converter software was mentioned in an earlier post I'd read. This is a good example why YouTube video tutorials are helpful. Am off to see if there might be one? NC


Just checked. Saw at least one that is applicable. If I can figure this out (a true challenge!) it would be awesome. So many cool objects that could be used. Additionally, I need to learn how to organize my object library so I can more easily find things.