View Full Version : Default Cessna 172 textures

May 4th, 2013, 06:16
Lately, I've been noticing something weird with the default Cessna 172.

What I'm seeing is that the textures are not loading all the time. When the aircraft is used as an AI, like with the ORBX scenery, the aircraft doesn't display the assigned textures but instead is all white. Other times the textures are fine.

If the default Cessna 172 is the first aircraft I select after loading FSX, everything is as it should be. But if I'm flying another aircraft and either land somewhere with an AI Cessna or switch aircraft to the Cessna 172, the texture is white.

I thought I read somewhere that this is a bug or problem with the default Cessna 172 model, and that there is a fix. Before I go messing around, I thought if someone else might have some idea as to what causes this and any solution.

Thanks in advance.

May 4th, 2013, 08:02
I had the same problem and the fix was to eliminate the entry number 5. I went through all the default aircraft and eliminated all the aircraft that had the texture entry blank to make sure that it did not happen to those aircraft. Here is the thread that I started.


May 4th, 2013, 08:50
Okay. Thanks. Now I know what to look for.

I reconstructed the folder setup for the default Cessna and it appears to have fixed the issue for that aircraft. Essentially I created a texture.5 folder containing the needed files for the [fltsim.5] entry, modified the aircraft.cfg accordingly, and removed the redundant texture files from the root texture folder so all it contains are the common files.

It seems to have fixed the issue for the default Cessna, so now I'll have to keep an eye out to see if the other default aircraft need the same fix.

After my first post I did some testing and found something else that was interesting. Apparently, the textures were either showing or not based on my viewing distance to the AI. Here's what I mean....

86115 86116 86117 86118

Notice the textures of the default Cessna in the background as I taxi for takeoff. In the 1st, 3rd and 4th image is the same default Cessna, but as I taxi away from it the texture is lost. There are other default Cessna's in the background as well that remain white.

Thanks again..