View Full Version : Bretoal Br-693 skin package by Dombral

April 28th, 2013, 04:34

The Breguet discussion has been visited before, and there is a decent version of the Breguet Bre-693 and Bre-695. Click on this link: http://simviation.com//1/search?submit=1&keywords=Breguet&categoryId=&page=3&filename=

And here is the thread. If I recall, kelti told me once that trying to redo the prop texture on the aircraft was pure hell.


puisque que l'on parle du Br693 d'Alain breton , voici la bete.

As we talk about Br-693 by Alain Breton, here the beast.


les bombes (8x50kg ou 2x200Kg) étaient dans une soute entre le poste du pilote et celui du mitrailleur.
les Br-693 équipaient les GBA I/54 II/54 et I/51 II/51 en mai 1940 soit en théorie environ 50 avions, mais ce n'était pas le cas.

The bombs (8 x 50kg or 2 x 200Kg) were in a bunker between the position of the driver and the gunner.
The Br-693 equipped the GBA I/54 I/51 II/54 and II/51 in May 1940 is theoretically about 50 aircraft, but this was not the case.

April 28th, 2013, 05:16
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Skins - Other

Description: Three skins and .dp for the Bretoal Br-693.

Merci à Alain Breton pour ce model qui ne fait pas son age.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Bretoal Br-693 skin package.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=16302&catid=61)
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.

Typhoon Willy
April 28th, 2013, 08:28
Thank you for the new skin Dombral!

April 28th, 2013, 09:55
Thank you for these skins. We have far too few French WW2 (NOT to mention WW1) planes, and this actually is VERY good, even though a bit dated. Yet, this is a very much welcome addition, so please come with more. :-)

April 28th, 2013, 10:49
Looks excellent.

All ready to fight the Blitz.

Seagull V
April 29th, 2013, 14:54
Dombral - superb work from you again !!!!!!!

Also many thanks to Alain Breton for his aircraft models !!!!!!!

Regards SGV

April 29th, 2013, 22:55
Thank you very much Dombral for both the excellent repaint job and for including Alain Breton's model so that we do not need to do an extensive research for this aircraft over the net.

Sadly, flight sim websites including CFS2 models are getting less and less, this pack will save a lot of time!

A big thank you to Alain Breton for this Breguet 693 as well!

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

KH :ernae:

May 3rd, 2013, 02:50

I just found yesterday Alain Breton's entire Breguet 690 series for CFS/CFS2 over at www.flightsim.com (http://www.flightsim.com)

5 models altogether: 691, 693A/B, 695A/B, plus a 2d panel specifically done for them with Alain's nice collection of historical French metric gauges included.

All you have to do is a search of the entire archive using "Alain Breton" as serch key and Flightsim's search engine pinpoints them in no time.

KH :ernae:

Seagull V
May 3rd, 2013, 03:20
Kelti - great idea, and you gave me an idea as well !!!!!!!! :jump::jump::jump::jump:

Another search to do while at www.Flightsim.com (http://www.Flightsim.com) is for:-
FSFW95 Amiot A354 French twin-engined bomber

ADDITIONAL - Not working in CFS2, replaced airfile, used MDLRepair, also tried Tex512, no joy. Will try a few more things. If anyone else has success let us know. Will be a very simple model, but at least it would fill a gap until a new one is built.

May 3rd, 2013, 07:21
remember this is and original CFS model. you may have to convert it to CFS2.

Seagull V
May 3rd, 2013, 08:09
Actually the original model is either FS5 or FS95.

I have FS98 installed on my computer, and have run through the FS98 conversion several times.
The model is still not working in FS98, and when I take it into CFS2 and use CFS2 files with it, it is still not working.

Sometimes the models convert through okay, sometimes not.
I had more luck with the conversions on XP rather than on Vista. :mix-smi:

Have one more idea then it will be up to someone else to try.

Regards, SGV

Seagull V
May 3rd, 2013, 09:41
She flies !!!!!!!!!!! Another one for you Dombral.


Problem with Vista.
To convert will need the aafconv98 in FS98. If using Vista, copy FS98 to another spot away from the default C-drive, and match the paths with aafconv98.
To convert the textures to bmp use the Tex512 program to convert the model, and DXTBmp for the textures.

Remember the designer still has rights to the design, so unless he can be contacted and he agrees - all conversions are private use only.

May 3rd, 2013, 09:47
Awesome!! :applause:

FS98... Wow, thats an old model.

Glad to see you got it.

Typhoon Willy
May 3rd, 2013, 13:04
Hi all,

There is Jim Jacobson's (Rockster22) Bre695, which is a new plane compared to Alain's work.


May 5th, 2013, 02:47
Hi all,

There is Jim Jacobson's (Rockster22) Bre695, which is a new plane compared to Alain's work.

le Br693 695 ed Jim Jacobson est très valble mais je préfère celui d'Alain Breton , il est plus exact dans ses formes et surtout on peut lui refaire des skins ce qui n'est pas possible avec celui de J jacobson (impossible de placer correctement les cocardes d'aile)

pour les autres modèles de Bretoal bien que conçus pour CSF1 ils restent valables sur CFS2 (Bl210 AM351 4 6 70 Am153) seul le Potez 63II pose vraiement problème dommage car il n'y a pas d'alternative et cet avion était le plus nombreux en mai1940 .
pour les Amiots 35 je peux re-uploader les fichiers pour la conversion .


Seagull V
May 5th, 2013, 22:04
Hello Dombral

If it is possible for the Amiot series done by Alain Breton to be uploaded it would be much appreciated.
Also if they are CFS1 models then they could be uploaded into the CFS1 library, ensuring Alain Bretons work is not lost.
I would be happy to do the conversion for the textures if any conversion is required, but ensuring that the work remains in Alains name.

Currently doing a list of projects for future work and sorting out my reference material for them, so anything that I can cross off the list
as already done would be much appreciated !!!!!!!

Regards, SGV

May 9th, 2013, 02:44
Hi all,

There is Jim Jacobson's (Rockster22) Bre695, which is a new plane compared to Alain's work.


Hi TW,

I remember having issues with Rockster22's Br693/5. The ghastly (to my eyes) prop blurred textures included in both packs cannot be replaced because they spin so lopsided the aircrafts don't even seem real. There are also some heavy texture mapping issues.

A SOH member, whose pseudonim I cannot recall right now off the top of me head, contacted me a couple of years ago and sent me his mdl update of it. Together, we were able to improve it considerably and I even came up with a 512x512 blurred prop texture, but, at some point, he decided to put the update on hold and I haven't heard from him since. :frown: When I go home from work I'll find out his name.

On the other hand, I second Dombral's comment about Alain Breton's Br.690 series, when he says they are old models but they do not show their age!

KH :ernae:

Typhoon Willy
May 10th, 2013, 17:23
Hi Kelti,

I keep your 3 blade prop blur close by at all times as I often use it whenever a new plane is downloaded. Regrettably, I'm not always able to use it, as in the case of Rockster's Bre695. It would be great if this plane can be updated, but as we say, "it's the only game in town." I feel that French aircraft are not always well represented, if at all, in CFS2. William Dickens (Bismarck13) has done an extremely well job on his Bloch MB152, D520, and a few others that escape my memory. Hope you can get this project going again.


May 14th, 2013, 01:21
Hi Kelti,

I keep your 3 blade prop blur close by at all times as I often use it whenever a new plane is downloaded. Regrettably, I'm not always able to use it, as in the case of Rockster's Bre695. It would be great if this plane can be updated, but as we say, "it's the only game in town." I feel that French aircraft are not always well represented, if at all, in CFS2. William Dickens (Bismarck13) has done an extremely well job on his Bloch MB152, D520, and a few others that escape my memory. Hope you can get this project going again.


Hi TW,

I found out from my old records our friend who worked for a while on Rockster22's Bre.695 was JapLance. I haven't heard from him since March of 2011, the last mdl he sent me dated the end of February.

JapLance was able to center the propeller spinning axis, but when he cured another model glitch the axis went off again and I guess he had it for the time being.

I'll try sending him an e-mail him to find out if he would be interested in picking up the project where he left, I assure you he was getting very nice results. I came up with 512x512 blurred textures which reduced the pixel sizes and the visual effect was very nice.

I have a sitting project since then to turn all of my prop textures from 256x256 to 512x512 but it's a huge eye effort, after a few times I work on it I drop it again. Once I can get a full size blurred texture, fitting it to a given model is not that big deal.

As to what you wrote, not everybody knows that each model designer assigns a different prop disc diametre to their creations and that each aircraft needs to be checked whether the outer prop disc diametre is the correct one or not. Often enough, models designed by the same author differ from one another, which blows my mind! :icon_eek:

If the outer diametre is too small we get the hidoeus effect of seeing the propeller shrinking as soon as the sim engine displays the blurred disc, if it's too large we see the outer prop circle displayed polygonal, because that's what any aircraft *.mdl has. It's possible to see the shape of these polygonal prop discs just by moving the blurred prop texture temporarily out of the aircraft \texture folder.
Through the alpha texture of the blurred prop file the sim displays it transparent, without it, it is displayed completely opaque. Allen posted a perfect example here:


So, in order to have a perfectly round prop disc, as it always is in real life, the blurred texture must be a pixel or two smaller than the mdl disc, hiding with the outer transparent portion the polygonal profile of the prop disc.

In a few words, the sim engine "maps" the prop texture on the mdl disc, what becomes a true headache is when the propeller texture is incorrectly mapped and it spins lopsided, one pixel out of place is enough. Since I have to design perfectly round discs as they must always be, any wrong prop texture mapping, whose responsibility is of the original designer, shows up as a wobbling propeller, the most improbable thing that can happen since, in real life, vibrations caused by an unbalanced propeller would destroy the plane!! :gameoff:Any of us probabaly experienced something of the like when our tyre place did a poor job balancing our new tyres, as soon as we drove up to speed the steering wheel started vibrating. In car a new balancing job would cure the problem, in a prop-driven airplane this would lead to disaster. This is also why I wrote a few times that my prop textures tend to enhance any original design defect and even the original stock blurred discs are not correct, as they are smaller than the actual length of the stock models prop blades.

I hope I explained you enough why there are times when you cannot use my generic textures, which I do not reccomend anymore since the time I discovered each aircraft model needs a taylored, custom blurred prop texture.


Typhoon Willy
May 14th, 2013, 17:05
Wow! I did not realize how much work was involved in a prop disc! Yes, I've seen a few wobbly wheels and misshapen discs over the years, just never thought about the effort it takes to correct them. Kelti, I do look forward to your prop discs, whenever it is you have time to complete them.

Kind regards,


May 15th, 2013, 00:24
Wow! I did not realize how much work was involved in a prop disc! Yes, I've seen a few wobbly wheels and misshapen discs over the years, just never thought about the effort it takes to correct them. Kelti, I do look forward to your prop discs, whenever it is you have time to complete them.

Kind regards,


Thank you, TW!

I have to adjust my previous comments about Alain Breton's Breguet series, last night I installed the 693 with Dombral's repaint. The aircraft animation behaves in a CFS1 fashion displaying the spinning blades on top of the blurred disc, something that should not happen, even at idling rpms. :confused:

At first, I thought Dombral included a more recent mdl file because it would have corrected the problem, but the mdl replacement did not cure the problem. What's worse is that one engine spins always the prop as if it were windmilling, absolutely not realistic. :frown:

I was quite disappointed, because all five aircrafts do look very nicely shaped and there's nothing I can do as there is not a separate prop texture file. I had also to adapt Rockster22's Breguet flight model to Alain's Br.693, with the original files it refused to take off.

At this point, someone with modelling skills should step in and update Alain's Breguets.........AAAAALLLEEEEEEEENNN.........!!!! ;)

KH :ernae: