View Full Version : RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica and Hellas released!

April 20th, 2013, 19:06
To all,

Shadow Wolf 07, along with others, have pointed out that many of the Simviation links to my campaigns are dead. As such, I have spent the last two days providing new links to these items, or linking you to SOH / Lindsay's whenever possible. I uploaded all of the revised campaign and mission packages to my site tonight, and will do SOH and Lindsay's tomorrow. The following campaigns and missions now have updated readme files....

56th Fighter Group
357th Fighter Group
486th Fighter Squadron
A Bridge at Remagen
Bardufoss Hurricanes
Battle for Europe
Battle of Britain - RAF
Battle of France (RAF)
Battle of France (Stuka)
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Somme
BFE - The Regensberg Raid
Corpo Aereo Italiano
Dora and Pfeil and Spitfire
Dunkerque! campaign
Fall Gelb - Jagdgeschwader
Fall Gelb - Kampfgeschwader
Fleet Air Arm campaign
Henkels! campaign
Hellas! campaign
Italians in War campaign
JV44 - Galland's circus
Kondors! campaign
Malta Spitfire
Messerschmitt Me-262
Mosquito Squadron
Mustang Vs Fw-190
Operation Exporter (Vichy)
Operation Frantic
Operation Juggler
Operation Tidal Wave
Royal Canadian Air Force
The Tuskegee Airmen
Tirpitz missions

In campaigns that use B-24 Liberator, I changed the model to the overhauled B-24 by The B24 Guy, and changed the payloads as well.

I found a slight AA gun flaw with the Focke-Wulf Fw-190 mini-campaign.

I also discover a missing aircraft from the Operation Pedestal campaign, which is now corrected.

I will upload these uploaded campaigns to SOH tomorrow, as well as Lindsay's.

Shadow Wolf 07
April 20th, 2013, 22:18
Damn, that's a lot of work! We all appreciate and thank you for your efforts. :salute:

April 21st, 2013, 15:30
Good evening,

At long last, I have released Phase I of the Balkans project - RAF Vs Regia Aeronautica. Here is the skinny...

This is my rework and expansion of the “Pattle” Gladiator campaign by Don Pyers. This campaign is one of my personal favorites, in part because you get to the magnificent Gladiators that Thicko built, and from the fact that once you get to Albania, the terrain you fly over because a part of the battle, and in many cases can help or hurt you, depending on your skills. Flying biplanes against other biplanes is a very rare experience in CFS2 as well!!

One of the three primary revisions of this campaign is the use of two Gladiator types instead of one; this was actually a compromise Don Pyers had to make when he originally wrote the campaign. (The Mk. I wass used in North Africa, and the Mk. II was used in Albania.) Another is the use of Jim Jacobsen’s Westland Lysander, as it was originally intended. (When he wrote the campaign, he had to use the Bristol Blenheim as a substitute.)

The final revision is the inclusion of twenty-one original missions, which expands the campaign from fourteen missions up to thirty-five. These missions include additional missions with the Gladiator prior to 20 February, 1941, when RAF 80 and 33 Squadrons switched to the Hawker Hurricane, and additional missions with RAF 112 Squadron, which continued to fly the Gladiator after this point. In all, you will fly twenty-five missions as a Gladiator pilot, and ten missions as a Hurricane pilot. The Hurricane will be used much more extensively in the next campaign, as you take on the Luftwaffe. Several missions of the original Gladiator campaign have also had their combat locations modified for greater historical accuracy.

This campaign is fought differently than most; you will find that in many cases the terrain dictates the battle. All of the missions now start on the ground, as opposed to my earlier update. Be warned that there is scattered flak throughout the mountains of Albania, so make sure to keep your eyes open for tracers, just in case.

This is a replacement, enhancement of the original "Gladiators" campaign rework. My sincerest thanks to kdriver, watchdog22, Smashing Time, Morton, Discus, and Misson for their assistance in putting this project together and/or testing it.

April 21st, 2013, 15:33
Hello again,

I have also released the Hellas campaign once more. Both campaigns include the city of Athens, which has been modified from the beta testing version to just use wolfi's city blocks outside of the pier and airfield area at Piraeus. This does have the negative effect of having the buildings "pop up" when you get near them, but the improvement in framerates is worth that price.

Also, thanks to Shessi for his creation of the Pantheon, and tobob for his coastlines around Athens! Both of these enhancements are a nice added bonus.

April 21st, 2013, 16:23
You're building them faster then I can fly 'em. Thanks Rami and all those guys listed above.

April 21st, 2013, 17:15

I always have several projects going on at once, sometimes the projects can come to an end in close proximity to one another; this is the case here. And thank you! :wavey:

April 22nd, 2013, 05:45
Thanks a lot Rami!

I wish I was a cat in order to have the 7 lifes needed to fly all your wondefull campaigns!! I don´t want to miss any mission.

Cheers, Discus

April 22nd, 2013, 07:49
Thanks for the updates Rami! They really keep CFS 2 alive, well and growing.

Shadow Wolf 07
April 22nd, 2013, 13:39
Thanks Rami. I don't know how you do it, but you keep cranking em out. :salute: I've downloaded this one and will install it tomorrow. I won't be able to get into it until I finish "Pedestal" though.

April 22nd, 2013, 14:38
Hi Rami,

Your efforts are much appreciated.:salute:

I don't know how you find the time, with family and work commitments.

Take care,


April 25th, 2013, 22:31
Thanks very much, Rami! I'll fly it as soon as I have some more time off.

April 27th, 2013, 05:27

I have downloaded almost all of your campaigns.
However, one has to download so many aircraft and other things, that it will take days to get all.
I was wondering if you make something simpler, with 3-4 a/c included. If you cannot, I will try myself some time.

Thanks and best regards

April 27th, 2013, 15:14

It is not the "Pantheon", it is called "the Parthenon". That is a temple on top of the rock of the Acropolis, in the center of Athens.

There was no airfield at Piraeus either, but the one you want is Elefsis, west of Piraeus on the coast. I am Greek and can assure you of all that.

Otherwise, I have downloaded the Hellas campaign and need to download the extras.

Nick from Athens, Greece

April 28th, 2013, 11:44

It is not the "Pantheon", it is called "the Parthenon". That is a temple on top of the rock of the Acropolis, in the center of Athens.


Yes, I am aware of that, and I got it right in the readme. Call that one a Freudian slip.

As far as the airfields, yes, there is some artistic license there, but it works well for the purposes of the campaign and that theatre.

April 28th, 2013, 11:50

I have downloaded almost all of your campaigns.

However, one has to download so many aircraft and other things, that it will take days to get all.

I was wondering if you make something simpler, with 3-4 a/c included. If you cannot, I will try myself some time.

Thanks and best regards


I have thought for a couple of days about this question. I understand your concern and appreciate your point, but in a lot of cases, I am trying for historical accuracy, and like to use the numerous aircraft that were involved, rather than just one or two types. In a specific theatre, I tend to use the same "core" of aircraft, and so once you install a major campaign in that theatre, the amount of downloads required for subsequent campaigns in that theatre is much less.

The "Western Desert" campaign of 1942 will be an example of this.