View Full Version : Removing A Pilot Figure

Typhoon Willy
April 21st, 2013, 11:04
Hi all,

I like using the add-on pilots in some of my CFS2 aircraft. When the pilot texture(s) are independent of other textures for a plane, I have an alpha texture I use to make the original disappear than add the new pilot as a load-out. However, when the pilot texture is NOT independent of other aircraft texture, I am unable to use this method. My question is can I use hex-editing to remove the original pilot from the plane, and if so, how is it done?

Kind regards,


April 21st, 2013, 11:58
What aircraft are you trying to remove the pilot from?

Typhoon Willy
April 21st, 2013, 23:06
Hi Allen,

I was looking to replace the pilot and observer in Paul Clawson's SOC-3 Seagull with an add-on pilot and tail gunner (facing backward).



April 22nd, 2013, 01:18
Two solutions:

1 check in the DP file that both pilot and gunner are not added as payloads in the [PAYLOADS] section. If so, just delete the corresponding payloads.

2 if the pilot in part of a bigger file in the texture folder, the only solution is to create an alpha file that will make them disappear.

April 22nd, 2013, 01:55
The pilot and gunner bodys for that model are not textured but the color is done by material setting. They can't be alpha-ed out...

April 22nd, 2013, 02:46
Maybe you can use Martin Wright's mdlcolour or mdlmat to render the polys transparent (if you know which part they are)?

Typhoon Willy
April 22nd, 2013, 05:23
Hi everyone,

fde_bressy: Thanks for your response, however, if the pilot and gunner were added as part of a payload, then I' d be all set, as that's what I'm looking to do. As far as making only part of a texture file alpha-ed out, I wasn't aware that could be done.

Allen: Yes, that's what I figured. The pilot's head is part of a texture file that includes the engine and the prop blade, but not his body.

UncleTgt: Sorry, I don't know which part they are, I was wondering if there was a "standard code" for pilots, unfortunately it appears to be a "hunt and peck" kinda thing.

Thanks to you all for responding.


April 22nd, 2013, 11:44
Try the model below. I think I got the right model and remove the pilots with MDLMat.

Typhoon Willy
April 22nd, 2013, 13:07
Hi Allen,

Thanks for the modified mdl. The faces of the original pilot and observer still showed up as they are mapped in one of the texture files. I was able to compensate for this by positioning both pilot and observer so that the faces of the original figures were hidden within the new ones. I also modified the dp as the one that was included had a single hard-point located under the fuselage, but directly over the main float. I created hard-points, one under each wing for use with 250lb bombs. I found this information on Wikipedia of all places.



April 22nd, 2013, 13:25
A couple of things chaps,
TW, if you use Allens' modded mdl, then you have to alpha the face tex on the SOCparts.bmp, this then gets rid of 'faces'.

A suggestion, if Allen would like to mod and convert the original Fs9 version, you get an animated rear cockpit canopy and gun as well, which the specific CFS2 does not have. So you can have it both ways, when flying!



Typhoon Willy
April 22nd, 2013, 16:43
Hi Shessi,

In order to alpha out the faces on the socparts.bmp, that would require software such as paint shop pro, or is it possible to do that using one of Martin Wright's programs?



April 23rd, 2013, 09:03
Here ya go....you could do it with M$ Paint and DXTbmp.

If you don't mind Allen, Included the converted animated Fs9 mdl.



This would be a nice update project as it's a good model and looks the part, but is basic inside........hmmmmm???

April 23rd, 2013, 14:22
Quite busy ATM.


April 24th, 2013, 05:41
No, no Allen, I wasn't hinting about you, but saying about myself! ha ha.;)

Like you I'm v.busy, but maybe in the future.....hmmm...


April 24th, 2013, 08:50
The SOC was also used as a land plane for carrier pilot training.

April 24th, 2013, 10:39
I regret being the bearer of bad tidings but it would appear that the alpha channel method used on the cockpit transparencies renders any add-on pilots / gunners transparent as well, at least when the sliding parts are closed. :banghead:

April 24th, 2013, 10:47
No, no Allen, I wasn't hinting about you, but saying about myself! ha ha.;)

Like you I'm v.busy, but maybe in the future.....hmmm...



I regret being the bearer of bad tidings but it would appear that the alpha channel method used on the cockpit transparencies renders any add-on pilots / gunners transparent as well, at least when the sliding parts are closed. :banghead:

Try changing the format to 555-1. I know one of the fomat DXTbmp has will fix this.

April 25th, 2013, 07:59
Thanks for the tweaked mdl
As Allen said, you will have to save the SOCpart.bmp texture in 555-1 format.
But if you want to see the pilot and gunner when canopys are closed, you'l have also to "apha" the glasses in the SOCtrans.bmp
texture and to save it in the 555-1 format.

To all
Here is a zip with the tweaked bmps

the mdl provided by Allen has animation for both front and rear canopy (this one opens/closes using the "gear" key)

April 25th, 2013, 15:08
Yes, 555-1 works to render the canopy transparent but, IMHO, it makes it too clear. Saving in other formats (DXT3, 32 bit, etc) makes the clear areas slightly opaque and more realistic in appearance. When add on crew members are present, they show up when viewed from the front but viewing from the side on back they disappear. I've been trying a number of approaches but am unsatisfied with the results so far. I think that I will just make the stockers khaki & live with it.
BTW: The B24 Guy has an updated version of the SOC-3 in the downloads here with a functional VC - http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=52&id=13921