View Full Version : Sibling problems, again.....

Navy Chief
April 16th, 2013, 07:14
I moved out of the house my sister owns on Sanibel last December. She knew approximately what I had paid to have my "man cave" built in her basement. She and her husband had told me they would reimburse me for my expenses, as my apt was an improvement to their property.

Well......they finally emailed me last night to tell me that, after much consideration, they would only offer me less than 1/3 what I paid for construction of my apt.

I won't go into details, but suffice it to say the amount I paid was a lot, and this is the last straw.

I am already estranged from my older sister. This action is enough for me to cut off ties with the other sibling.

Enough is enough.


April 16th, 2013, 07:51
With Relatives like that,you do not need Enemies!...sorry for you Chief..but your a young man and there is a future for you to seek!..get out of Florida,too many Sun baked Brains there!....My Advice to you??? DIVORCE THEM!.Lots of nice Women there!.First loss is the best loss!..http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon23.gif

Navy Chief
April 16th, 2013, 08:07
With Relatives like that,you do not need Enemies!...sorry for you Chief..but your a young man and there is a future for you to seek!..get out of Florida,too many Sun baked Brains there!....My Advice to you??? DIVORCE THEM!.Lots of nice Women there!.First loss is the best loss!..http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/icons/icon23.gif

Oh, life is good with the exception of my sister. I will be married this Oct., and not quite a year from then, we will be Costa Rica bound :wavey: NC

April 16th, 2013, 08:18
GREAT Chief!....As The French Say.."MAZZELTOFF'...Good luck ,Vin:applause:

April 16th, 2013, 09:37
If anybody's gonna pork you, it'll be your family before your friends . . .

It feels funny to talk w/someone about their sibling in an environment like this, but, speaking from experience, you've got to think of your own brain, sanity, and happiness first, so grab the handles and eject! You've got a future lined up now, and things can only improve from this point on, so remember that. Going through a similar experience now, but with my in-laws following my MIL's death in January; I've severed all association with them, and not through anger, but through a conscious determination to not let them and their eccentric behavior intrude on my happiness. There is no "hate" involved, just a sincere desire to be left alone and be free from aberrant behavior. The wife can talk with them & visit as she wishes - I just have no desire to have them around me. You may want to follow the same route. It's something most people can't fathom, though - isolating yourself from others and their hurtful problems without thinking badly of them; it's just that after 23 years of Fed service, and all the BS that involved, plus a heart attack caused by them, I don't need to be around more of the same offensive or eccentric behavior. You may want to consider the same idea - in fact, it already seems you have!

April 16th, 2013, 12:08
Its Always Money...Money! The root of all evil...and I'm one of its biggest Rooters..:icon_lol:

April 16th, 2013, 12:48
Agree 100% with SSI101. We do what we can for family irrespective of their attitudes but when it reaches a stage when their behaviour is affecting your health, relationship and sanity ya just gotta pull that handle.


Navy Chief
April 16th, 2013, 13:32
Agree 100% with SSI101. We do what we can for family irrespective of their attitudes but when it reaches a stage when their behaviour is affecting your health, relationship and sanity ya just gotta pull that handle.


Exactly, well said ......NC