View Full Version : Help needed

March 11th, 2013, 09:49
id like to find one of those sketch/drawing pads,you use a stylus with...USB connection i hope...but for the life of me i cant find one,ive tried frys' walmart,radio shack,did a google search..bestbuy had something...but i lost the page when the cat stepped on the keyboard and i have yet to recover the webpage...

i did find something called a "monet" by penworks..but it was $199.95,and seemed to be a stand alone unit that could be connected to a PC if need be..

am i not calling it the correct thing/name? i know what i want.....its a flat pad,that you use a pen/pencil like thing to draw on it with,and you work in a CAD or drawing progrm on your PC

March 11th, 2013, 09:55

Try "graphics tablets" on Google. There are many listings and FAQ's; seems the popular brand out there is WACOM, and they're reasonably priced.

Hope that helped...


March 11th, 2013, 09:58
Yep Viper has it right


March 11th, 2013, 11:36
Here ya go Dave:


March 11th, 2013, 13:19
thanks guys..found what i wanted....