View Full Version : Need help with attache points

January 8th, 2009, 03:56
i attached the landing light effect to my lighting poles, but the spot is too far away. Is there a way to move it closer to the poles or do i have to create a new effect file?
And secondly, i want that the light effect is only displayed at Night, Dawn and Dusk. For that i use "Night=1;DAWN=1;DUSK=1;" parameters, but the light effects are displayed also at day time.:help:

Thanks for any help!

January 8th, 2009, 04:26
Hi Nils,

The landing light effect cannot be controled with the Day/Night parameter. It is controlled by a switch when used as an aircraft part but when used for scenery, it will always show.

The cone of light is controlled by the angle of the poly that you used to attach the effect to. if you vary the angle around the horizontal, you will vary where the cone shines. For front/back, just rotate the poly in the top view. In my lights library I put a single spotlight in so where the cone of light shows can be controlled by pitch and bank angle...significantly harder to do when the effect is attached to a pole. :jump:LOL.

For the localized bright light, I use either the beacon or navwh effect which can be controlled by the effect parameters. One caviat, however, you will need two poly's to do the job as the effect parameters must be done in pairs like this:

DAY=0,NIGHT=1 and DAWN=1,DUSK=1 ... the ones are on, zeros off.

Hope this helps. To get the right angle, I just make a single light and put it into instant scenery, vary the angle till it's right then go back to GMAX and set the angle.


January 8th, 2009, 04:50
I don't know if it's a good idea to use such an effect in your scenery. It has a big drawback: when the source of the light is not on the screen, then the spot on the ground dissappears !
This is really annoying when you are taxiing, depending where you are looking, the spots on the ground toggle on and off. This happens for example on the "Snow Dogs Tours" sceneries.

January 8th, 2009, 05:28
Ahhh... but isn't that the beauty of Freeware? You can do whatever you want.:)


January 8th, 2009, 09:00
Thanks a lot Jim!
I had used the parameters as pairs for placing my sound effects in the scenery but i wasn't sure if and how that should work with the model.
Now i have cloned the poly and it is working - also with the angle.

Thanks Daube! I will search for a suitable solution. I use this scenery mainly to learn and i'm interested that everything is working properly.

The texturing is a little bit poor because i only have images found via Google.
If someone has images of FBKE, it would be great if he could contact me. Especially for the surrounding buildings and the tower.