View Full Version : Turbo Connie Makeover

February 20th, 2013, 01:17
WIP on the exterior model --


For more pics go to Calclassic -- http://calclassic.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=screenies&action=display&thread=5645

February 20th, 2013, 02:42
Wow! Manfred! What a gem!
She's looking fantastic! :applause:

February 20th, 2013, 04:02
-Oh yes,very beautiful!! :applause::applause::applause:



February 20th, 2013, 04:12
YES!!! You have no idea how much I like this plane. I've been flying the original since it's release a few years ago. Looking forward to seeing the re-vamp.

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

February 20th, 2013, 07:55
Woohoo! Thank you, Manfred!

February 20th, 2013, 10:33
That looks wonderful Manfred. Working on the Basler has obviously fired up your interest in turbo-props. Hope this is for FS9 as well . . . . like the Basler will eventually be . . . . .
Lovely work.


February 20th, 2013, 10:51
Very nice, looking forward to seeing more of this!


February 20th, 2013, 13:04
Wow! I'm looking forward to it.

February 20th, 2013, 14:08
Wow! Great work! The turbo Connie is one of my favorites.

Ian Warren
February 22nd, 2013, 12:49
I Knew there was a reason to re-install FS9 again , that is looking superb :cool:

February 22nd, 2013, 13:13
That triple-tailed beauty is a sultry mistress. You can walk away from here for a bit and spend your time with stubby little things that drag their single tail through the mud.
Might even pretty them up with some fancy new hardware ......
But sooner or later you are back looking at those lovely lines that are simply right from every angle and you can't resist the urge.

Well done as usual Manfred :ernae:


February 22nd, 2013, 17:39
Sexy lady! Very happy-exciting news! Looking forward to Turbo-Connie revisited:jump:
(And maybe some fictional airline markings?)


February 22nd, 2013, 20:25
I hope this means there's a vc in her future! I've always liked the original.

February 23rd, 2013, 02:42
When I made the switch to flying mainly in FSX I only brought over 2 planes without VC's and this is one of them, and I'll continue to fly it even if it never gets one.


But I'm sure alot of us would be ecstatic to even get just the prop VC refitted with turbine gauges, no matter if it's truly realistic to type or not. I know the design team tries to give us the most realistic planes they can and might not like that idea so I'll be more than happy with whichever version the update comes in.


February 23rd, 2013, 06:55
As of right now the VC version is still a WIP ... But there will be a VC and it will also have a FDE developed directly on lessons learned from all the other Connie's and the engine information we have since gathered for the C-133.
We have been unable to locate a real world pilot who flew the Turbo version and documentation is not as plentiful as for the other airplanes in the series. So there will be some artistic license and good old fashioned guess work. But the only person who could really say so is exactly who we are looking for...


February 24th, 2013, 05:48
As of right now the VC version is still a WIP ... But there will be a VC and it will also have a FDE developed directly on lessons learned from all the other Connie's and the engine information we have since gathered for the C-133.
We have been unable to locate a real world pilot who flew the Turbo version and documentation is not as plentiful as for the other airplanes in the series. So there will be some artistic license and good old fashioned guess work. But the only person who could really say so is exactly who we are looking for...



Here's another one missing from your line up of Connies! You already have the basic airframe (the PO-1 FAA model) that needs radomes and antennas added!


February 24th, 2013, 07:28
Well we do have EC-121 or WV-2 variants of the L-1049 with ventral and dorsal radomes already. The PO-1 was of course the test airframe based on the L-749. Since this would be 99.9% Gmax work and very little FDE work if Luis can extrapolate the added drag, it is up to Volker to decide if he wants to tackle this one.

But let's not side track the Turbo-Connie thread with piston powered ones :)


February 24th, 2013, 16:28
Well we do have EC-121 or WV-2 variants of the L-1049 with ventral and dorsal radomes already. The PO-1 was of course the test airframe based on the L-749. Since this would be 99.9% Gmax work and very little FDE work if Luis can extrapolate the added drag, it is up to Volker to decide if he wants to tackle this one.

But let's not side track the Turbo-Connie thread with piston powered ones :)



Could you PM me his address so I could ask him and send the pics.


February 24th, 2013, 16:39
He is around here regularly. But I would advise to wait with any requests until we are done with the current projects. The odds of a positive consideration go up when the workload is low.
