View Full Version : Defense of the Republic New Version 2013.zip

Captain Kurt
February 15th, 2013, 13:43
I just uploaded an updated version of the Defense of the Defense of the Republic campaign.

This version provides a number of changes to the old 2005 release. It changes needed add on files which are no longer available for download, provides good URL addresses for files which have had download locations changed, and replaces some aircraft with newer improved models. Some mission files are also modified.


February 15th, 2013, 15:47
Thanks, I'll be snaggin' that one for sure.

Captain Kurt
February 15th, 2013, 17:32
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Campaigns Add-Ons

Description: This version provides a number of changes to the old 2005 release. It changes needed add on files which are no longer available for download, provides good URL addresses for files which have had download locations changed, and replaces some aircraft with newer improved models. Some mission files are also modified.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Defense of the Republic New Version 2013.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=15353&catid=44)
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.

February 15th, 2013, 17:34
Captain Kurt and all others involved,

Thank you so much for resurrecting this campaign, with new bases and other enhancements, I'm sure it will be outstanding! :ernae:

February 16th, 2013, 07:16
One of my all- time favourite campaigns! This is a nice surprise! Thank you, Kurt!

February 16th, 2013, 08:45
Excelente el aporte de esta actualizacion de la campaņa defensa de la republica vamos a probarla:ernae:,muchas gracias Capitan Kurt por el trabajo.

February 16th, 2013, 09:52
Thank you for making this wonderful update. I am working on the install, but already have a problem: In the SCW screen the country .cfg file has the two Spanish sides as number 3 and 4, while yours is having them as 17 and 18, thus either your campaign or the screens will not work. How do we fix that?

Captain Kurt
February 16th, 2013, 21:25
Hi Finn,

Have you tried it yet? Use the campaign country.cfg. It works fine on my computer.

February 17th, 2013, 02:35
Yes, I have installed all as per your fine instructions (wonderfully clear) and have started to fly the first mission for the republican side - but without the scw screens.

Captain Kurt
February 17th, 2013, 15:01
Yes, I have installed all as per your fine instructions (wonderfully clear) and have started to fly the first mission for the republican side - but without the scw screens.


I hope you enjoy the campaign. You really should try to install Juankar's screens. They do work with my country.cfg file.

The only conflict would be if you install the campaign into a CFS2 folder that you already have American or Japanese campaigns installed in. Then you could get some screens mixed up. That's one of several reasons it should be installed in a dedicated SCW CFS2 folder.

February 18th, 2013, 03:12
Thanks soooooooooooooo much!

February 18th, 2013, 06:56
Boys, I face a much worse problem. I wasn't aware of the need to delete the in-borne campaigns, but now I have. But I get a total distracting flickering of colors all over the screen. I fear, I may have a grapic card problem, but then I can still fly in other installs. Any suggestions from all you computer geniusses out there? The mission loads normally, until I turn on the engine, then everything disappear in a bewildering array of colorful flickering stribes.

February 20th, 2013, 07:20
Yep boys - Finn is not flying for some time. My graphic card was failing, and I was stupid enough to ask Nvidia for help. They managed to kill it completely, so until I find the money for a replacement, I cannot enjoy Captain Kurt's wonderful update on SCW. :blind:

February 22nd, 2013, 13:23
So I am finally back and able to fly this wonderful update campaign. And I must say, that I am (once again) totally amazed with the fantastic detailed scenery Capt. Kurt spoils us with. I simply love the moving trucks and all the other eye candy he filled this game with. Capt. kurt, once again you set the standards higher than ever before. THANK YOU FOR THIS BEAUTY.:applause: One small begging: Will there be a Fascist campaign too?

Captain Kurt
February 22nd, 2013, 23:17

Ummm, maybe. The Legion Condor campaign needs to be updated too. It uses the exact same scenery files as the Republican campaign so it could go together fairly quickly. However, I have a very heavy workload at the moment and expect to until the end of April. I'll see how it goes after I can get home again.

I'm glad you got your 'puter working again and are enjoying the campaign.

February 23rd, 2013, 05:15
Hello Kurt!

I have one small issue with one of the downloads: The Breguet 19 comes with DPs and BGLs for the bombs, but no textures for these, therefore the bombs donīt show on the airplane.

Do you have these textures, or can you tell me where to find them? The weapons are: Bomb_22, Bomb_110 and Bomb_440.

Thanks for the great campaign!!


February 23rd, 2013, 14:10
I am slowly getting the campaign installed so I can't say I have flown it. But, I know most of the ins and outs (pitfalls) of SCW installations. Two things are slowing me down. One, I have probably accumulated all of the SCW files CFS2 has to offer, including some that were never uploaded, and I want to pick through them to build the best SCW install ever. Second, I have this side project that has fascinated me. I know the Germans used the SCW to test and develop the 109. I am trying to learn enough about air files to come up with a plane that represents those first few 109s. If you don't know what I'm talking about see http://www.zi.ku.dk/personal/drnash/model/spain/did.html and look up the 109s. This guy did what amounts to a meta-analysis of the 109s used in this conflict. It will probably take me a few more months to come up with a realistic air file for Bf109V-3 or Bf109A (I'd like to use more than just AirWrench). I'm pretty sure you would not want to take on an I-16 in one of those little kites but I would like to stick one in a mission where I'm flying for the Nationalistas. Maybe someone with a better knowledge of air files wants to take on this project so I can start flying again.

Captain Kurt
February 23rd, 2013, 18:28
Hi Skylane,

The bomb texture is included in the SCW Br19-N Nationalist version. It is omitted in the Republican version. Actually, your bombs should show up anyway even without the texture. They would be whatever the base color is in the .bgl - usually a gray shade. If you don't see them, double check to be sure you have their .bgls in your SceneDB/weapons/scenery folder.


You are quite right about the air files for the early Bf109s by Isol4gatti. Very fanciful - they fly like maneuverable biplanes. Good luck with your efforts.

February 25th, 2013, 09:49
Just finished this wonderful update of the SCW campaign. But I had to re-start two times because of too many wingmen lost. This is due to a sad tendency of those drunken pirates to run into each other during take-off. I had two or more doing that more than half of the times. Do anybody have a good idea of how to avoid it?

In one mission they even flew right into one of the mowing trucks, destroying no less than 3 wingmen (and the truck, I guess):isadizzy:


March 5th, 2013, 09:16
Good Evening!

A question: Did anyone else have a problem with mission 26 crashing to desktop when loading?

I can open the Advanced Information briefing, but when I select "Fly Now" I get a CTD after a few seconds.

Everything worked fine up to this point.

Thanks for any suggestions!


June 8th, 2014, 14:58
Hola Captain Kurt (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/member.php?694-Captain-Kurt) hay una mision que se podria agregar a esta campaņa , la mision seria el hundimiento de un barco de guerra fascista frente a la bahia de Santander por la aviacion republicana.
Este hecho es motivo de discusion por parte de los historiadores ya que no se sabe seguro si el hundimiento del barco fue por el bombardeo o por una mina , ya que hay constancia de presencia de minas en esa area.
Creo que seria una buena mision para incluir en la campaņa y si al Captain Kurt le interesa crearla le daria toda la informacion necesaria para su edicion.

Un saludo a todos :untroubled:

June 8th, 2014, 15:34
Long time no see. How are you doing these days?

What ship was that?

June 16th, 2014, 08:11
Long time no see. How are you doing these days?

What ship was that?

Hola amigo Blood_Hawk23 gracias por acordarte de mi ,un saludo.



June 16th, 2014, 12:55
I don't have the campaign installed but that looks like an interesting recreation. I don't think we have that ship. I wonder if Stuart would be interested in making one.

I afraid my CFS2 time is limited these days. I'm working alot more overtime. In fact they just called a little bit ago and see if I wanted to come in.

I'm glad to see that you are back. If you think of doing any more video, could you do some WWI?

Take care my frined.

Till Later,

June 16th, 2014, 12:59
Here is a translated page if anyone is interested.

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbhac.net%2FRepublica%2FColabor a%2FGourdou%2FGourdou.htm&edit-text=&act=url

June 18th, 2014, 17:00
Hola amigo Blood_Hawk23 no veo ninguna campaņa de la WWI para CFS2 y poder documentar el video .
Si quieres algun video en especial dimelo para saber que buscar.

un saludo

June 19th, 2014, 03:13
AHHHH... Then allow me to show you where it is hiding.

To start with...


The campaigns are of 1916. Both British and German.

I'm Working on a 1917 Belgian campaign. I have a few missions completed but not that many. I've been stuck in scenery creating mode for a while now. I hope to finish it soon.

I do have a Duel of Aces Mission with Guynemer vs Osterkamp that you can find here...

I have another mission with Guynemer and Udet. That one isn't finished yet. Though I could have it done in a week or so if I was to get back into it.

There is enough available for some one to do a French campaign.

Oh I'm also working on the Tondern Raid.

Here is some of the History on it.

Let me know if anything strikes your interest.