View Full Version : Area 51 Simulations developing a....

December 27th, 2012, 13:52

....Cool. Saw it on the Facebook page, and decided to share it here for those SOH'ers not on FB.....

December 27th, 2012, 14:24
Interesting indeed, that would will be a tempting buy I think. :) I don't own any Area 51 products, so how is the cockpit fidelity in their products usually?

December 27th, 2012, 15:47
Honestly, they are really middle-of-the-road; not terrible, and not PMDG either...I have the C-5 and the U-2. I like them for what they are...decent addons at a decent price.

December 27th, 2012, 15:49
...since they don't tend to model variants, and don't like releasing paintkits

December 27th, 2012, 16:59
ya...wish there were a paint kit for the Cobra...I loe the helo but the paints are not very good. Maybe its time for me to do my own paint kit for it........:banghead:

January 12th, 2013, 06:34
Some new pictures on FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Area51Simulations


January 12th, 2013, 06:48
I quite like their choppers, not that easy to fly but not impossible either.
While this looks promising it certainly is not high on my priority list.
It will sell for them of course.

January 12th, 2013, 06:50
I am getting this!

January 12th, 2013, 07:13
The external detail actually looks pretty good. . .some VC pics will go a long way to whether it sells well or not. Depending on what that looks like and how integrated the VC functions are. . .could make it a must have or just something folks might pick up if the price is right. Military aircraft and Commercial Jets aren't something I fly much any more, so the allure has kinda gone out of it for me. Not to say it won't be a good seller, just not something I would fall over myself to get when it's released.:salute:

January 12th, 2013, 07:59
im not a big fan of military types,i do like "warbirds" for "airshows"..lol..but depending on final price...i might get this depending on the VC quality,just for the "coolness" factor....

i know on all my posts i seem to tell a stupid story and here i go again...

a few years ago,at the California Capitol Airshow at Mather field, Sacramento ,the year all the flying P-38s in the USA but one that broke down enroute where gathered together,a B2 Spirit did a flyover,not unusual in itself,but what was unusual was that both pilots of the B2 were from Grass Valley Cal,50 or so miles east of Mather,the B2 was based in Missouri,both pilots families,friends and others had been contacted and told these youngmen would be in the aircraft for the flyover ,and the family members were brought to the airshow free..when the B2 does an airshow flyover..they make one fairly low slow pass...turn around make a second pass..and leave,this time,because of the unusual circumstances they were given permission to make several passes,we saw bomb bays open,,a slow wheels down pass....a very low ,very HIGH speed pass..which was beyond awesome...and then they swung out wide,and i looked to the right,where a B-25 was taking the runway..he lifted off got in formation with the B2 for a pass...well they did a fine job of coridanting it..they came down the main for a pass together..was just cool...and i was so busy watching this....coolness....i didnt get a pic..

January 12th, 2013, 08:23
About VC I think it will not be high level, just Area51 standard with some non clicable panels in the cocpit, just hope FM will be corect.
Price about 19$, perhaps...

January 12th, 2013, 08:27
Now that would be awesome to see. Normally, when an aircraft is assigned to an Airshow like that, they mark it off as either "Training" or a "Cross-Country" and log the hours (obviously), and while they have the discipline to not "go crazy" with the airplane while at the show, it's usually at their discretion, just what it is they will do or won't do. Glad to see these Airmen gave the folks a good look at what their taxpayer dollars went for. Well Done.:salute: