View Full Version : IRIS Christmas Sale

December 18th, 2012, 10:38
Iris is having a Christmas Sale of all products at $10 each.
Now you can get that F-15E Mudhen (http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4) or their new Venture MG.1 (http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=15).

http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/ (http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/)

December 18th, 2012, 13:35
I just got the A-10. Thanks for remembering us ole guys who just want to get into the air. I'm referring to the quick start function.:wiggle:


December 18th, 2012, 17:27
Downloading the Venture - their version of the Grob. Unless I'm mistaken, it comes with a girl in the right seat. Also must mention how smoothly this purchase was made compared to the hoops I jumped through to accomplish the same thing with Sibwings.

December 18th, 2012, 19:20
Yeah guys,

Get the F-15E cheap, cause shortly after the New Year, Metal2Mesh will be selling the "Avionics Upgrade" for it.

Features improved or new are:

NEW Radar Functions and Modes
Now you can select targets with the TDC (Target Designation Control), set the antenna elevation, azumith, and range. Including various modes listed below.

Air to Air (A/A) Mode capabilities:
TWS - Track While Scan
VS - Velocity Search
RWS - Range While Search
STT - Single Target Track

Air to Ground (A/G) capabilities:
MAP - Radar Mapping
GMT - Ground Moving Target
SEA - Sea Surface Search
TA - Terrain Avoidance

Completely NEW UFC navigation
There are alot of bugs in the current IRIS version. We wanted to fulfill the promise made by IRIS to the customers of this aircraft, and address those areas by a completely new and improved code which features way point programming. Including TACAN, GPS, INS, NAV 1 +2, COMM 1+2, AP.

Air to Air Refueling
Getting low on fuel? Why not call up a flying Texaco? Now a KC-135 (AI Model Included) will fly racetrack pattern 50nm out.

NEW Enhanced Textures
We went ahead and had the textures redone by one of the best texture artist in the business. Including the Diffuse, Specular and Bumps, a brand new look from inside and out for your newly upgraded Mudhen.

Paint kit will be included.

December 18th, 2012, 20:55
Hey Tim,

Iris F-15E customer here.

While I look forward to these upgrades/bug fixes, I find it a little strange that I and other customers will have to pay for what should have been part of the initial release (or at least service pack).

I understand this endeavor was undertaken outside of Iris. Did they simply abandon the project?

I understand 100% you guys have to make a buck, as you put time and effort into the Avionics Upgrade.

What I don't understand is why Iris never did the fixes themselves and made them available for free as a service pack.

All the best, Diego

December 18th, 2012, 21:00
Hey Tim,

Iris F-15E customer here.

While I look forward to these upgrades/bug fixes, I find it a little strange that I and other customers will have to pay for what should have been part of the initial release (or at least service pack).

I understand this endeavor was undertaken outside of Iris. Did they simply abandon the project?

I understand 100% you guys have to make a buck, as you put time and effort into the Avionics Upgrade.

What I don't understand is why Iris never did the fixes themselves and made them available for free as a service pack.

All the best, Diego

:applause: Well said!

December 18th, 2012, 21:15
Hey Tim,

Iris F-15E customer here.

While I look forward to these upgrades/bug fixes, I find it a little strange that I and other customers will have to pay for what should have been part of the initial release (or at least service pack).

I understand this endeavor was undertaken outside of Iris. Did they simply abandon the project?

I understand 100% you guys have to make a buck, as you put time and effort into the Avionics Upgrade.

What I don't understand is why Iris never did the fixes themselves and made them available for free as a service pack.

All the best, Diego

Sorry Diego,

You probably want to direct that question to IRIS. Asking me, will do little good, I can't answer or know what their plans are.

I can say, what we are offering is miles ahead of what's in the product now, or what IRIS can offer. Unfortunately to have a coder do the work and texture artist to redo the look, is why it costs money. We kept the price as low as we could.

December 18th, 2012, 21:22
Sorry Diego,

You probably want to direct that question to IRIS. Asking me, will do little good, I can't answer or know what their plans are.

I can say, what we are offering is miles ahead of what's in the product now, or what IRIS can offer. Unfortunately to have a coder do the work and texture artist to redo the look, is why it costs money. We kept the price as low as we could.

Hey Tim,

Thanks for the response.

I look forward to seeing the upgrades, and again, I understand why you guys have to ask for money (work isn't free).

All the best, Diego

December 18th, 2012, 21:25
So this update and the cost do not go to IRIS? IF not I too can understand why there is a cost involved. I'm looking forward to the new texturing myself.

December 18th, 2012, 21:39
Hey Tim,

Thanks for the response.

I look forward to seeing the upgrades, and again, I understand why you guys have to ask for money (work isn't free).

All the best, Diego

Not a problem,

Yes another thing we wanted to make sure of, is to offer the product support. That was something that really annoys me. I feel the customer should be happy and continue to remain happy, even if there is a problem after purchase. The majority on the price is to other people and what little that is in the project is for it's administration just for that purpose.

I am proud to say, we have support forums set up to make sure the customer is not neglected.

So this update and the cost do not go to IRIS? IF not I too can understand why there is a cost involved. I'm looking forward to the new texturing myself.

No it has nothing to do with IRIS.
Thanks, I am really hoping to make the aircraft outstanding, It's laying the ground work with the new aircraft we have set up for the future. With some of the coders we really want to develop some ground breaking features.

December 18th, 2012, 21:44
Not a problem,

Yes another thing we wanted to make sure of, is to offer the product support. That was something that really annoys me. I feel the customer should be happy and continue to remain happy, even if their is a problem after purchase. The majority on the price is to other people and what little that is in the project is for it's administration just for that purpose.

I am proud to say, we have support forums set up to make sure the customer is not neglected.

Can you make a post at OZx please Tim, a lot of Iris owners go there looking for the support forums after clicking on the link on the Iris page and find out it does not exist and end up posting the support questions in the general forums

There have been several F15 questions the past months, it might help your cause if you can re direct the f15 owners else where

December 18th, 2012, 21:53
Can you make a post at OZx please Tim, a lot of Iris owners go there looking for the support forums after clicking on the link on the Iris page and find out it does not exist and end up posting the support questions in the general forums

There have been several F15 questions the past months, it might help your cause if you can re direct the f15 owners else where

Ok will do.

Dave Torkington
December 18th, 2012, 22:20
Iris is having a Christmas Sale of all products at $10 each.
Now you can get that F-15E Mudhen (http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4) or their new Venture MG.1 (http://www.irissimulations.com.au/ols/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=15).


For $10.00 AUD how can I hold back the plastic...! Thanks for the heads up Frank :salute:

Looking forward to the upgrade too - thank you Tim.

Cheers, Dave.

December 19th, 2012, 02:01
The update for the Da42 Twin Star wasn't free either.. I'm not going to re-buy an aircraft just to get an update, not even for $10. Not happy with them, especially since they didn't respond to my question and I had to find out through Simmarket. Not buying from them anytime soon..

December 19th, 2012, 11:19
I am going to get the MilViz F-15E on the 21st at their 50% off sale. But I decided to also get the IRIS F-15E Mudhen since with my points it only cost me $5.00. Very happy I got it...damn nice model, flies like a dream.

December 19th, 2012, 21:15
This is a third-party adding additional features to the plane that Iris never promised in the first place, kids.

It's like buying a nice car and then getting an aftermarket turbo, cooler wheels, and a nav system for it. Third-party add-ons that make it better but cost money.

December 19th, 2012, 21:24
I am going to get the MilViz F-15E on the 21st at their 50% off sale. But I decided to also get the IRIS F-15E Mudhen since with my points it only cost me $5.00. Very happy I got it...damn nice model, flies like a dream.

I have both and fly both.....both have plues and minues...but my nod goes to MilViz on clarity, detail. IRIS gets the nod on its burners.......
