View Full Version : Pearl Harbor

December 7th, 2012, 16:01
December 7, 1941. 71 years ago. Let's remember those brave souls and the few still with us.

December 7th, 2012, 16:06
I'm with you !

December 7th, 2012, 16:16
Our watch on the quarter deck was reading out the "play by play" if you will today at the various times things happened. It is very true that the very day will live on in infamy for as long as the US is around. At least the World's finest Navy is still standing the watch to this day in every corner of the Earth. They may have won the battle that day but not the war in the end. Lets hope that the civilians also remember in this time and age as well though. The more of that generation that leaves it seems the more and more people forget about all the lives that were lost and what happened.

December 7th, 2012, 16:31
Steve, you mentioned the word "infamy" above. Did you know that in President Roosevelt's speech before Congress originally was written "A day that will live in world events." After practicing the speech several times FDR took his pen an scratched out the words "world events." He added the word "INFAMY." Looks like he made the right choice of words.

December 7th, 2012, 17:17
I certaintly never knew the back story behind it. Is cool to know. Is one of the good things about being in the US Navy I suppose is that we take the time on these days to remember, and read about the stories of our shipmates who went before us and died. I remember on my first deployment in 2005 I was aboard the USS Doyle (FFG-39) and we happened to be deployed on the anniversary of the USS Stark's misfortunes. I have learned a lot of Naval history through the Chiefs, and by the 1MC memorials. FDR certaintly did make the right choice of words though. It really makes you wonder back then if they really knew how that time period would carry on and being remembered through the years. Can only hope that it never happens again.