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January 2nd, 2009, 17:26
to revamp my carriers...

when I DL new carriers from I can't remember his name... should I just replace the OLD files with these new ones? Or are the old carriers I fly of off pretty accurate?

January 2nd, 2009, 17:38
I usually use carriers by Usio for Japanese and Collin and VN for the others.These are more acurrate than the stock ones in size.Plus they look better.I don't change any files and keep the stock ships this way in mission building I can cut down on the fps when needed.Some people do replace the stock ships by renaming the new ones with the stock names.I have over 170 ships in my ships folder with no problems so never felt the need to change anything.


January 2nd, 2009, 18:23
I use the USS Yorktown 43 by Collin as a replacemet for the stock Essex class. Other than that I haven't changed any thing.

January 2nd, 2009, 19:42
If you want to replace the old MS ships with new ships, follow this procedure. This way whenever a stock or downloaded mission calls for a stock ship, your new ship will show up instead.

Let's say you want to replace the stock MS "SHA_ESSEX_CV9" with one of Collins super detailed Essex class aircraft carriers. It's easy to do and the process will apply to any replacement ship you want to use in the place of a stock MS ship.

1. Rename your original MS ship to something like: SHA_Essex_CV9_Orig
2. Make a new folder in your ship folder and name it: SHA_ESSEX_CV9
3. Unzip Collin's Essex class and place the contents of his ship in this folder.
4. Rename the DP file from USS_Essex44 to: SHA_Essex_CV9
5. Open up the Ship.cfg file and edit in the following:





Save and return to your main menu and now whenever you select a mission that calls for the stock MS Essex, your new Collin Shipyard Essex will appear.

Remember that the sim= line, the DP title and the ship's folder name must all match or CFS 2 will not be able to load the ship. Somehow they are interconnected and must match. Follow this procedure for any MS ship that you want to replace with a more detailed one.

I rarely see a stock MS ship anymore and when I do, I bomb it till it sinks!

January 2nd, 2009, 19:46
That what I have done there Jag. It a nice ship he made.

Shadow Wolf 07
January 2nd, 2009, 19:58
That's a good idea... usually I open the mission I want in MB and edit in the carrier I want. Jagd's method takes care of all the missions with the CV-9 at once.

I did a few mods of my stock Essex that I like - it now has a solid "island," blue deck and increased pitch and roll. I can't remember, do Colin's ships have solid (collideable) islands?

January 2nd, 2009, 20:11
Also get the Blue decks on the US Carriers (http://www.netwings.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcd.cgi?az=redirect&link_id=000000250&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.netwings.org%2Ffiles%2Fship s%2Fblue_us_carriers.zip) at netwings at the buttem of page.
