View Full Version : Best native freeware helicopters

October 5th, 2012, 16:12

I got the heli fever after i discovered the "flying banana" today, just wondering if there are any other native helicopters you guys recommend


Dain Arns
October 5th, 2012, 16:20
Hovercontrol has an FSX Helicopters Download section.
Many of them are nice, including the ones by Jordan Moore, Dirk Fassbender, and the Eagle Rotorcraft Sim crew.


October 5th, 2012, 16:27
Hovercontrol has an FSX Helicopters Download section.
Many of them are nice, including the ones by Jordan Moore, Dirk Fassbender, and the Eagle Rotorcraft Sim crew.


+1 times a million. Great site that concentrates on helos.

October 5th, 2012, 17:30
UK Mil has the Westland built Seaking and Aerospatial Gazelle that are both FSX Native and someone repackaged/repainted the FS Painter AS350 for FSX, everything works in it including the VA as well as it having 3 styles of instrumentation. The EC 135 is at HC with a S:censored:load of options. And Let us not forget Piglet's H-6 series.

October 5th, 2012, 17:58
UK Mil has the Westland built Seaking and Aerospatial Gazelle that are both FSX Native and someone repackaged/repainted the FS Painter AS350 for FSX, everything works in it including the VA as well as it having 3 styles of instrumentation. The EC 135 is at HC with a S:censored:load of options. And Let us not forget Piglet's H-6 series.

I'm sorry for the trouble but can you send me the links please

October 5th, 2012, 17:59
Hovercontrol has an FSX Helicopters Download section.
Many of them are nice, including the ones by Jordan Moore, Dirk Fassbender, and the Eagle Rotorcraft Sim crew.


ill check them out right away, anyone's that you recommend.

October 5th, 2012, 18:59
I'm sorry for the trouble but can you send me the links please

Piglet's H-6 can be found in the SOH Library or here at Simviation....


The Gazelle @ Simviation....


And the AS 350 @ Simviation, on this one READ THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS, it goes into FSX in a different way than normal but it will work....

http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=FSX+AS350+BA+B2+Final+Edition+Version+A+R e-Assembled&x=14&y=13

As for the EC135 it's at Hovercontrol on the first or second page for the FSX Helo downloads.

October 5th, 2012, 19:05
Piglet's H-6 can be found in the SOH Library or here at Simviation....


The Gazelle @ Simviation....


And the AS 350 @ Simviation, on this one READ THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS, it goes into FSX in a different way than normal but it will work....

http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=FSX+AS350+BA+B2+Final+Edition+Version+A+R e-Assembled&x=14&y=13

As for the EC135 it's at Hovercontrol on the first or second page for the FSX Helo

thanks a lot, I appreciate it, I'm flying the EC135 as I speak :-D

October 5th, 2012, 21:30
UKMIL Puma, Dirk Fasbenders Super Puma, love the way the pilot slaps back his coffee! Alphasim Whiskey Cobra, FS northwests fsx Bell 47, CBFS fsx Sycamore- Rick Pipers? FSX Dragonfly here in the library. Basic but a (slow) riot.

Peter SWE
October 6th, 2012, 01:35
I've had a lot of fun with the old alphasim super-cobra, ex payware now free. I bought in on initial realese and been flying it since then. It doesent really fly realistic in the sim, the FDE is rather dumbed down but it is still al lot of fun.



Dain Arns
October 6th, 2012, 02:11
I've had a lot of fun with the old alphasim super-cobra, ex payware now free. I bought in on initial realese and been flying it since then. It doesent really fly realistic in the sim, the FDE is rather dumbed down but it is still al lot of fun.


Go to the HC link I posted above instead.
Jordan Moore completely revamped a lot of things, including the FDE and Sounds.
You can download the entire package there.

EDIT: or just go here:

EDIT EDIT: Also if you have Acceleration, open the Panel.cfg and look for this line under [Vcockpit02]:

;gauge00=fa-18!hud_2d, 150,00,680,1000, 4

Simply remove the ';' , save, and the HUD will now be active.

Peter SWE
October 6th, 2012, 02:34
Go to the HC link I posted above instead.
Jordan Moore completely revamped a lot of things, including the FDE and Sounds.
You can download the entire package there.

EDIT: or just go here:

EDIT EDIT: Also if you have Acceleration, open the Panel.cfg and look for this line under [Vcockpit02]:

;gauge00=fa-18!hud_2d, 150,00,680,1000, 4

Simply remove the ';' , save, and the HUD will now be active.

Aha, cool! Thanks a lot!