View Full Version : Commanwealth C.A.C. 28C Ceres

October 2nd, 2012, 11:02
id love to see someone build this sexy cropduster,its ugly,yet cool,looks like a fun plane,has a radial........ive tried to learn GMAX,but i just cant do it i guess....ADD/ADHD,,,if someone were to sit next to me at my decktop and worked with me,i could learn,but to read the instructions myself,and do the tutorials,,,i just cant do it,i get confused and frustrated,same with painting,,i did a few paints,,looked pretty good,,,but i dont under stand the "alpha channel" and allways had a shine that seemed like chomed paint.

Ian Warren
October 2nd, 2012, 11:10
:icon_lol:Ha ha ha , the Wirraway that tried to be a Harvard and just gave up only to dust of it wows and become this :icon_lol: Sure as hell better looking than a Airtruk !:running:<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input jscode="leoInternalChangeDone()" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setT imeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

October 2nd, 2012, 18:12
Is that an actual production aircraft, or something that was built on the "Pimp My Wirraway" TV show? :icon_lol:

October 2nd, 2012, 20:51
There were actually several built after WWII and used as cropdusters. I think there is one being restored to flying condition ..... if it hasn't already flown.