View Full Version : B-17 447th Bomber Group Mission 207 Wesel.zip

September 20th, 2012, 11:00
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 Missions Add-Ons

Description: n207447wesel.zip (27.94 Kb) (downloaded 456 times)

Semi-Historical: This mission is based upon combat strike mission #207 of the 447th Bomb Group, Eighth Army Air Force conducted on February 1, 1945. The mission objective was to destroy a railroad bridge at Wesel, Germany. This was to help support the Allies push across the Rhine into Germany. This was a part of the Eighth Air Force mission 814 to hit bridge and rail targets. 236 B-17s are sent to hit the railroad bridge at Wessel and 36 B-17s hit the marshalling yards at Krefeld, the secondary target. 49 P-51s escorted the bombers.
by rbp71854 (2006-09-25 08:22:15)

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