View Full Version : OFF McKeever Douai, France Patrol.zip

September 18th, 2012, 11:56
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 Missions Add-Ons

Description: mckeever_mission.zip (9.12 Kb) (downloaded 573 times)

Andrew Mckeever and Observer Lt. Powell Mission Date: 10/16/1917 Aircraft: A7159 Time: 10:20 While on patrol South of Douai, Mckeever encountered a German two seater escorted by a pair of Dvs. McKeever and Powell downed both Dvs kills #21 and 22. You will need the Bristol F2B by Robert Bruce available here on SOH.

by O-1Driver (2006-04-08 07:15:21)

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