View Full Version : 'Twin seat' Mustangs, talk about coincidence...

August 26th, 2012, 21:54
While researching new paint schemes, I came across a two interesting paint schemes, each with a very similar, and remarkable story behind them, and a funny coincidence. These paints are for the A2A Mustang.
The first one is a scheme from the 52nd FG, based in Italy:



P-51D-5-NA 44-13287 WD-M was the aircraft assigned to Lt William Parent of the 4th FS/ 52nd FG, based in Italy. On the 1st of September 1944 however, it was being flown by Major Wyatt P. Exum during an escort mission to Hungary. It was Maj. Exum's first operational mission in the ETO btw. On the way back from the mission, the squadron strafed an airfield, before spotting a moving train. Lts Strout and Wilson attacked the train, and as a result of Lt Wilson's attack, the engine blew up while he was overflying it, damaging his cooling system and setting the engine on fire. The fire quickly blew out, and Lt Wilson decided to make an belly landing in a recently plowed field. Over the radio, he heard Maj Wyatt Exum transmit "I'll be down to get you, Charlie!" and indeed the major landed close to Lt Wilson's aircraft. Lt Wilson managed to turn Maj Exum's aircraft, as its tail wheel had become stuck in a rut in the field, and both men tried to squeeze into the cockpit. Meanwhile, men on horseback were approaching, shooting several holes in the aircraft. While Lt Wilson shot back with his .45, Major Exum gunned the engine, and they managed to take off with Lt Wilson half outside the cockpit with his .45. They flew the 400 miles back to Madna in Italy on their last fuel, and landed with other Mustangs landing from the other side. Major Exum received the Silver Star for this action, as well as from the undying gratitude and admiration from Lt Wilson.


The second paintscheme is one for the 4th Fighter Group, based in Debden, UK:

P-51D-20-NA 44-63736 WD-M was the aircraft flown by Lt George Green of the 335th FS/ 4th FG on 18 march 1945 during a mission to Berlin. While the 335th was strafing Prenslau Aerodrome, Green's CO, major Pierce McKennon, was hit by flak and had to bail out. Green landed in the field where McKennon had come down with his parachute, threw out his parachute, and the two of them squeezed into the small Mustang cockpit, Green sitting on McKennon's lap. While the rest of the squadron kept the Germans at a distance, Green managed to get 'Suzon' airborne again with centimeters to spare. They flew the 600 miles back to the UK, sharing an oxygen mask. Green was promoted to Captain by a grateful CO.




Talk about a coincidence, two aircraft used to pick up a downed pilot, and both with the same registration: WD-M. What are the chances?
Does anyone know of other Mustangs used in this way?

August 27th, 2012, 21:48
ooops, I spotted a few errors in the 'Pendaja' paint, I hope to upload an update over the weekend, sorry about that..


August 28th, 2012, 05:49
outstanding work sir!!!!! keep'm coming! On my next day off I am going to count the total number of mustangs I have in my hangers.....thanks to you and a couple other very talented painters. :salute: