View Full Version : Departing the Airspace

December 30th, 2008, 18:04
After much consideration I have decided to return to my old ways.

For many years I happily played with Gmax and FS, and was only active in the design oriented forums. For various reasons (some more obvious than others) I have decided that I need to return to that routine. This decision is not entirely driven by the recent turn of events here, but I will admit that in the last week here I have realized that I have to become more focused on my work.

To that end I am pretty much done here, and at other forums, at least for awhile. I sincerely hope that things work out for SOH. I will still provide updates to things I am doing at FFDS and FSD.

I have made many good friends here, and I have very much appreciated all of the support you guys have given me. I look forward to providing you with quality products in the future. I'll check in every now & then.


December 30th, 2008, 18:22
Wow, I'm at a serious loss for words....

December 30th, 2008, 18:22
Sorry to see you go Robert!
All the best,


December 30th, 2008, 18:30
Robert please don't be a stranger. I don't know what is going on I have been away for a few days. I hope it's just something in the water. Please reconsider.

December 30th, 2008, 19:06
..It must definitely be something in the water......


December 30th, 2008, 19:18
Perhaps we all need to "pause" for a bit, digest things....Heck, take a week's leave of absence.....

The door is always open for you Robert....

December 30th, 2008, 19:21
Its like the fall of Rome or something......

It just keeps getting ,errrrr...Stranger and Stranger....

Best of luck in all your endouvers!

December 30th, 2008, 19:36
I've been here for the last few days, and I'm still lost. There's a place for everyone in this community, and I don't understand why so many are jumping ship. Was there a serious 'I'll kick your @$$' PM war or something?

Surely this can't all be over something as dumb as the BS threads.

December 31st, 2008, 06:14
Sheesh, just as I start frequenting SOH on more than a once daily basis, all hell breaks loose?

I mean, I DO take a frequent bath .....


December 31st, 2008, 06:25
Clearly, I have missed something?
Perhaps it's better that I don't know why so many are jumping ship, I for one am still enjoying this forum, and would dearly miss it.

December 31st, 2008, 06:37
Don't forget... this is fun! is Roberts signature and motivation , its also about the only reward we as dev's get .. there has been far too little return on investment , being called full of .... takes the fun out of this bigtime.

December 31st, 2008, 06:39
I think it's just post-holiday blahs. Seem to remember times like this here before, on occasion.


December 31st, 2008, 06:42
Well i personally have a great respect for all of you developers..Its not an easy task from what I have read,and I see that its not well recieved or rewarded at times...For that I feel some what ashamed to know it goes on......

But I want to say to everyone here and leaving that I wish them all well,and will not question their personal decissions on this matter.......

As Robert says..This is susposed to be fun..If you feel its no anymore,I respect your decission......

Personally I would like to see no one go.......

December 31st, 2008, 07:06
Robert, I too will miss you if you leave for good. You have always been a positive person and free with sharing your talents.

If you must go, go in peace. You will always be welcomed back by me.