View Full Version : Another BT 67 sound possibility

July 9th, 2012, 13:41
I did some research on the real engines used on the real Bt 67 and this is what I found:

http://www.pwc.ca/en/engines/pt6a-67r (Below the pic of the engine, click on the "aircraft" tab.)

I noticed that the Shorts 360 uses the SAME engine...

Having deduced this all I located a site for FSX that has those engines
avail for free:

http://www.premaircraft.com/shorts360_FSX/index.html (scroll down and on the right below the cockpit picture is blue panel/box with free alternative sound pack

I tried them and they sound pretty much like what you see/hear in the
you-tube of a real BT 67 startup/roll out.

I know that there are other BT 67 sounds floating around
some good and some well.......Bless their hearts.

Anyway, here is a you tube video of the start up and if you give these sound files
a try you may think that it comes close to the real sound.
