View Full Version : P-51D 325th FG #40 "Mary Mac"

June 11th, 2012, 09:46
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Skins

Description: P-51D-20 44-14467 #40 "Mary Mac" was the assigned aircraft of Lt. Gordon H McDaniel, of the 318th FS/325th FG, based in Italy. He named his a/c after his wife, Mary, and himself, Mac. On 14 march 1945, Lt.McDaniel shot down five FW-190's in one mission, making him an 'ace in a day'. This aircraft was lost on 2 april 1945, being flown by Lt.P.J. Murphy. Repaint of the Shockwave WWII Mustang by Jan Kees Blom, based on paintkit by John Terrell.

by jankees (2007-12-09 01:06:10)

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