View Full Version : LHC Pasped W-1 Skylark Build 1.2 Launched

May 10th, 2012, 03:29
Bill thanks for the updated Skylark HD version-Really looks and flys great! Love the AM radio...

From LHC Website on the updated Skylark:

"Build 1.2 is now launched. We have made some improvements in the models, added some trinkets in the map box
including an antique AM band radio which will play some old air-waves music for a short moment. Other features
include 9 new interior Camera views (use A button to flip through them) and 11 new, brilliant exterior views as well,
(again, use A button when in the external Camera view mode). We have created 2 new paint schemes, and also
added 2 older 'post launch' Addon paint schemes, making the package a totally of 7 paint variant packages total.

We also 'tuned' the Skylark to run more efficient. We have lowered some of the textures to 1024 pixels, enabling
the Skylark to run very smoothly in very thick, high tech scenery packages.

The Installer was updated with better Registry coding and we have also added Prepar3D into the Installer so that
people purchasing the new Prepar3D Flight Training Simulator may install the Pasped Skylark into that as well.

We have done away with 'High Definition and Regular' versions and brought them together. They are now tuned to
fun fast with the best resolution affordable for fast performance.

Have fun with the overhauled, refined, tuned, renewed Skylark! "



May 10th, 2012, 09:18
Thank you very much!
Please, where can I update it?

May 10th, 2012, 09:20
I purchased mine at SimMarket and they had the updated link
I think it is also on LHC site
Click on link and scroll down

May 10th, 2012, 09:46
Thank you for the heads-up! I went through the Flight1 wrapper option, so for someone like me, it is just going about retrieving a new key through the Flight1 site (using my e-mail address and order number), and re-installing the product using the new product wrapper.

Edit: That actually doesn't seem to be working. I think it is looking for a different key type than what I have connected with the older Flight1 wrapper.

May 10th, 2012, 10:12
I purchased mine at SimMarket and they had the updated link
I think it is also on LHC site
Click on link and scroll down
Thank you papab, I brought it directly from its site, but I don't find the link now...

May 10th, 2012, 10:20
Hey Guys,

Sorry, I hadnt had a chance to announce this yet.

It is available at SimMarket now, as well as PayLoadz and Flight1. FlightSimStore and JustFlight should have it soon.

Thank you for the heads-up! I went through the Flight1 wrapper option, so for someone like me, it is just going about retrieving a new key through the Flight1 site (using my e-mail address and order number), and re-installing the product using the new product wrapper.

Edit: That actually doesn't seem to be working. I think it is looking for a different key type than what I have connected with the older Flight1 wrapper.

I think I know what it is John. I'll set about the links on it now and I'll send you a download key. I combined the two, regular and HD, into one, redid the textures for fastest performance and best appearance, and with Flight1, you have two keys, two versions, so I need to have a link to that other still. Should take just a couple of min's.


May 10th, 2012, 10:24
Thank you Bill! I noticed the installer/wrapper I still have on file is labeled "Pasped_Skylark_HD_F1" where as the new one is different.

I was actually just going to re-buy it again, but I'll be picking up another of your products now instead. ; )

May 10th, 2012, 10:30
Hey John,

Roger that and man, please dont rebuy it. Everyone is entitled to the updates. Thats part of my grand plan is improvements availability.

I have the link to the HD version key wrapper; here (http://lionheartworld.net/ps/Pasped_Skylark_HD_F1.exe)

May 10th, 2012, 10:33
Thanks again, Bill!

May 10th, 2012, 10:34
Bill, Does this update have the new 2.0 Quantum Slipstream warp drive? :icon_lol: Great stuff as always sir.

May 10th, 2012, 10:34
Thank you Bill, downloading now

May 10th, 2012, 10:35
Planes next for updating are the Tailwind, then Kodiak.

Updates are mainly for Camera views and new Installer registry codes. Any model enhancements possible will also be done.

On the Skylark, a neat feature added is an antique little AM radio in the glove box. Click on that for about 20 seconds of some antique radio wave noise. If you have some music you would like to replace that with, go to the LHC folder in the main FS sound folder. This is the sounds library for my planes. The sound file for the antique radio is SND200.wav. Replace that with what you want. You can compile several songs in WAV format into one via freeware Audacity (import, save in export, regular WAV format). Voila...

If you have some cool 1930's music (like from the U-Boot/Silent hunters websites) for the phonograph, you can add those into one string and play them in it. You'll need to splice them together though.

Also, if you have issues with the interior plexi, note that you can 'darken' the Alpha channel on the Skylark_Plexi_t.dds texture and that will reduce any glare.

Frame rates should be moderately improved, by the way.

Happy flying,


May 10th, 2012, 10:37
Bill, Does this update have the new 2.0 Quantum Slipstream warp drive? :icon_lol: Great stuff as always sir.

TJ, that is scheduled for 3.0. The world just isnt ready for Slipstream Drive in a 1930's classic radial two seater. Maybe in a USAF prototype 303 backwords engineered Goa-ould Death-Glider, maybe....


Dain Arns
May 10th, 2012, 10:48
Bill, I got the Skylark through Payloadz.
Sorry, I don't remember the procedure to get the update.

I have the email from the original purchase, but the link is expired.
Do I just make a request for additional downloads through that link to you?

May 10th, 2012, 10:52
...I have the link to the HD version key wrapper;

Sorry, that's the Flight1 link, and I have bought it by payloadz, please Bill, could you put a link on your website?

May 10th, 2012, 11:11
Hey guys,

To look up your orders for re-downloads, go to here; https://www.payloadz.com/buy/history.asp

Look up your purchases via your email address or purchase numbers.

If you have any problems, just email me with your data, at least an email, and I can also look through the records.

If you want, IM me here.

What I do is plug in a customers email address and move the search calendar back to 2008. That will usually cover all the years of purchases and bring up all purchases from that time. I just click the links 're-enable' downloads, and Voila, done. So if you cant find it, let me know and I'll go through it also. I usually find them pretty fast.


May 10th, 2012, 11:18
Downloaded and running like a charm. Accu-Feel adding great wind noise with the canopy rolled back.
Thanks for the update Bill. :ernae:

May 10th, 2012, 11:20
This is part of the updates, for those that are curious.

New Camera angles created around the Skylark for both interior and exterior. 9 New interior shots, and 11 new exterior shots. The Camera angles are awesome. I had never really used them before until I got the Carenado 185 in Prepar3D. I was pretty impressed with their camera exterior angles, so I set out to learn how its done and have been going crazy on these. So the Skylark is probably the 5th plane that I went nuts on with various camera angles. Everything from belly camera views (between the two landing gear pylons) to rear and forward quarter shots, to a close up of the canopy over the top of the cowling with some of the radial Wasp engine showing.

The new package has some repaints in it included. 2 From long ago, post LHC repaint addons, now included; the Cream and Green, and the Yellow Breitling. I created two more; Mercury's Ride and the Black and White 'Lion', (has a black cowling with a golden lion 'heraldry' symbol on it). The Lion version has a reddish burled wood version panel on it with a company signature on the glove box, and the Mercury has some racing decals from the old 1930's races on the rudder and instrument panel. The Mercury got a red colored, high shine instrument panel them, sort of like a neo classic hotrod theme, how they color match the panels now with the body work in old restored cars.

The model didnt get too much done to it. I added some things, retouched a few things, but not alot. I did add in some trinkets into the glove box, like a clickable radio, some Dapper Dan hair cream, spare spark plugs (Classic Champions), and some proper Beemans gum, lol.... Gotta have that.


May 10th, 2012, 11:23
TJ, that is scheduled for 3.0. The world just isnt ready for Slipstream Drive in a 1930's classic radial two seater. Maybe in a USAF prototype 303 backwords engineered Goa-ould Death-Glider, maybe....

Had much fun with the Death Glider. Off to go install in my new FSX re-install.

Thanks for the Skylark update. Great customer service.

May 10th, 2012, 11:28
...I have the link to the HD version key wrapper;

Sorry, that's the Flight1 link, and I have bought it by payloadz, please Bill, could you put a link on your website?

Here we go.

http://payloadz.com/d1/lookup.asp (http://payloadz.com/d1/lookup.asp)

Dain Arns
May 10th, 2012, 11:38
Bill, Payloadz is saying the link has expired, I sent an email request to you through them instead.

Also reminded me why I don't like to use Payloadz anymore, when they want me to buy a premium account first, to get to that link you provided a few posts back. :costum:

May 10th, 2012, 11:45
A minor little thing I noticed, two of the new HD schemes don't have thumbnails associated to them. Here are a couple of shots with the ladies of FTX Swanson. Just save/rename if you like these to the Pasped Skylark folder, then reference them in the respective aircraft.cfg entries.



May 10th, 2012, 12:00
i just dl from Simmarket,but it`s still version 1.1?

May 10th, 2012, 12:14
I downloaded from simmarket about 1 hour ago and itīs saying 1.2 in here.
Thanks Bill!

May 10th, 2012, 12:52
i just dl from Simmarket,but it`s still version 1.1?


Where does it say Build 1.1?

If you create a 'new folder' on your desktop and run the installer into that, then go in and check the Skylarks aircraft.cfg file in there, it should say Build 1.2 at the top. If on the SimMarket webpage, it says 'Build 1.1', they may have made a mistake on that.

Let me know.


May 10th, 2012, 12:55
A minor little thing I noticed, two of the new HD schemes don't have thumbnails associated to them. Here are a couple of shots with the ladies of FTX Swanson. Just save/rename if you like these to the Pasped Skylark folder, then reference them in the respective aircraft.cfg entries.


ACK! Roger that and thanks for the heads up. On my rig, it has all thumb nails. Something is wrong.

TJ. Can you look at the aircraft.cfg file and see if it says Build 1.2 please. I just want to make sure something is correct.


May 10th, 2012, 12:59

Where does it say Build 1.1?

If you create a 'new folder' on your desktop and run the installer into that, then go in and check the Skylarks aircraft.cfg file in there, it should say Build 1.2 at the top. If on the SimMarket webpage, it says 'Build 1.1', they may have made a mistake on that.

Let me know.


///Pasped Skylark by William Ortis of Lionheart Creations Ltd.
///Copyright 2010; Lionheart Creations Ltd.
///Airfiles created by Pam Brooker, Paul Frimston, and lite editing by William Ortis
///Build 1.1 with Generator Patch


May 10th, 2012, 13:14
Hey Michael,

Roger that and thanks. I will email SM now and see whats wrong.

If you can, send me your email via IM and I'll get you airborn now.


May 10th, 2012, 13:21
wow! how cool is that? :applause:

also i'm curious about what you may have planned for the kodiak. it's been my all time fav model since i bought it. i can't imagine it getting even better, but i am sure looking forward to it

May 10th, 2012, 13:23
Hey Michael,

Roger that and thanks. I will email SM now and see whats wrong.

If you can, send me your email via IM and I'll get you airborn now.


PM sent.
Thank you,Bill:icon29:

May 10th, 2012, 13:31
Hey Bill,
I checked and my aircraft.cfg did indeed read v1.1. This is from a fresh install. Prior to this update, I did not have the Pasped installed since my last FSX rebuild.


May 10th, 2012, 13:34
Ok, I just checked myself, downloaded it, and its not what I uploaded.

Give me a few to upload the proper version.

I kept the same installer name, so perhaps their system didnt update it because of the name? arrghh....

Sorry guys.. Give me a few.

:pop4: :blind:


May 10th, 2012, 14:05

Thanks much for the update. Downloaded the Flight1 from your link, no problems.

My config also has the v1.1 header, but when comparing it to the original 1.1, the config is definitely updated to the items in your readme's and as shown on the website. If we should have a different header, you could post it here and we could copy/paste, no?

am loading both FSX and Prepar3D versions now. I also added Luca Di Rocco's Black with Blue paint, (the only add-on texture I have found, other than your original extra's, by the way. "BlackPaintScheme.zip" Don't know where I originally downloaded it from.)65098

May 10th, 2012, 14:12
this is what i got from simmarket today:

It even came with the file "SkylarkBuild1.3Updates.jpg" in the DOCS folder (Witch actually talks about the 1.2 new features).
So, i think i have the correct file?

May 10th, 2012, 14:24
Hey guys,

Ok, I have figured out what happened....

You do have Build 1.2. The configs were not updated. I have been updating all of the configs on all the planes all week and on the Skylark, I didnt. I dont know how that didnt happen. I can swear I did, but there is the proof... arrgh. So you do have Build 1.2. I am uploading a new revised version though, so that should be up at Payloadz shortly, and I will communicate to Miguel at SimMarket also about this update, as well as FSS.

TJ, you said two thumbnails were missing in the plane selections center, and I figured out what I think is happening. FSX is slightly different then Prepar3D. P3D doesnt have the ability to have thumbnails in the main aircraft folder of that plane, its back to the thumbnails in 'each' texture folder. But... I had left the verbage for the custom named thumbnails in the FSX version, and I think that instead of FSX looking into a secondary location, it said 'I do not see this thumbnail you are talking about', so that is now fixed and checked in FSX, fine. :)

I'll post the new config file here in a bit so you all that have the FSX version do not have to redownload it. You have the right one.

Sorry about the mix up. I hate it when that happens. Quickest way to freak out my giant, gray, brittle, metallic super silver eyebrows..... :icon_eek:


May 10th, 2012, 15:03

SimMarket will be updated soon as well.

PayLoadz is loaded and ready
Flight1 Links are active
FlightSimStore in OZ is not yet active with the product line
JustFlight are also not yet active with the new 1.2

If you are using FSX, you will want this config file which fixes any issues with thumbnails with the last version uploaded earlier today. P3D will not need this.

Happy flying...


May 10th, 2012, 15:35
am loading both FSX and Prepar3D versions now. I also added Luca Di Rocco's Black with Blue paint, (the only add-on texture I have found, other than your original extra's, by the way. "BlackPaintScheme.zip" Don't know where I originally downloaded it from.)

I forgot to mention, nice paint scheme! I havent seen that one.


May 10th, 2012, 15:49
Thanks for the update mr.Bill! The Skylark + a2a accufeel + Phenick Field + The Radio .... almost thought that i was there ... :applause:


May 10th, 2012, 16:03
yessir, everything sorted out and cruising over PNW...just awesome:jump::jump:

May 10th, 2012, 16:23
I got mine directly from you (Lionheart website). I don't see how to get the update that way. Also, I checked, and I appear to still be at version 1.0 (so I must have missed 1.1). I have the HD version installed. Can I just install the new update on top (when I get it) or should I uninstall first?

May 10th, 2012, 18:08
I got mine directly from you (Lionheart website). I don't see how to get the update that way. Also, I checked, and I appear to still be at version 1.0 (so I must have missed 1.1). I have the HD version installed. Can I just install the new update on top (when I get it) or should I uninstall first?

Hey Griphos,

Read back a few, you will find the link for requesting another download.

I would delete your present one or move it out of FS 'before' you load the newest one. If you have repaints, then move the plane out of the FS folder system (like to the desktop) and then install the package. Allow the parts to overwrite, such as the LHC sound library, then reboot if you have Win64 or Win86. You can then reinstall your repaints into the newer build.


May 10th, 2012, 18:26
I read the whole thread carefully before posting, and just re-read it. If you mean the link to Payloadz, then it's not clear that is the link for those who bought directly. My assumption is that is another third-party method like Flight1 or Simmarket.

But I got an email from you so I'm good. And thanks for the answers on how to install.

May 10th, 2012, 23:15
Bill, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right but I guess I did. You sent me a new download link for Payloadz and now I am good to go. I'm glad I save all my order e-mails. Thank you for the update! :salute:

May 11th, 2012, 08:06
Bill, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right but I guess I did. You sent me a new download link for Payloadz and now I am good to go. I'm glad I save all my order e-mails. Thank you for the update! :salute:

Most welcome.

Thank the Lord there are also files online at the sales sites so I can paruse those when customers lose their info. Its happened to me enough times.


Bruce Thompson
May 12th, 2012, 06:34
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your prompt service with the new download link.:salute:



May 12th, 2012, 06:53
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your prompt service with the new download link.:salute:



Thank you very much,Bill.:icon29: