View Full Version : Windows 7 oom error

Bruce Thompson
May 4th, 2012, 07:51
I have Windows 7 with 8GB Ram but I still get an Out of memory error when running FSX.

If I start to fly as soon as it loads it's o.k. for about 10 or 15 mins then a CTD.

If I don't fly straight away and leave the load up screen running for a few mins, then oom error appears.

Anyone got any idea why this happens?


May 4th, 2012, 08:52
Although FSX is a 32bit application and will therefore only ever use the first 3gb of RAM that you have it shouldn't suffer OOM errors under normal use. The most likely culprit is an add-on that has a memory leak.

I've run into OOM errors with certain areas of ORBX scenery before, I used to have a consistent issue with Orcas Island and the A2A spitfire, but that has been resolved with later patches.

Knowing more about where you're flying and what add-ons are in play would help to narrow it down.

Bruce Thompson
May 4th, 2012, 09:15
HI AndyE1976,

Thanks for the prompt reply, I think you are right about ORBX and possible scenery leaks,
my choice of Airport could have something to do with it, it's Bowerman also an ORBX product.
I will try loading at a different airport and see what happens.



May 4th, 2012, 12:26
You are running 64bit W7 right?


May 4th, 2012, 12:55
I'm not surprised...

I run Orbx and get OOM's as well... Usually with higher than normal LOD settings but occasionally with stock 4.5 LOD and addons like Duke, NGX, or F1 Mustang/T182

Nothing can be done about it except to lower settings...

Bruce Thompson
May 4th, 2012, 14:50
You are running 64bit W7 right?


Yes that's right Dave 64bit Windows 7 it is.


Bruce Thompson
May 4th, 2012, 14:52
I'm not surprised...

I run Orbx and get OOM's as well... Usually with higher than normal LOD settings but occasionally with stock 4.5 LOD and addons like Duke, NGX, or F1 Mustang/T182

Nothing can be done about it except to lower settings...

Even with 8gig of ram installed?

May 4th, 2012, 18:18
Your physical memory has nothing to do with OOM errors...

Look at my sig fwiw...

May 5th, 2012, 01:00
I'm not surprised...

I run Orbx and get OOM's as well... Usually with higher than normal LOD settings but occasionally with stock 4.5 LOD and addons like Duke, NGX, or F1 Mustang/T182

Nothing can be done about it except to lower settings...

Yes, something can be done.
I read that recently on some French forums: the problems with OrbX sceneries is that sometimes some textures or other scenery files are missing. While these missing files do not create any visual issue, the sim keeps "looking for" them, which ends in a memory leak. Observing the failure events with a program nammed "ProcMon" shows clearly the names of the missing files. Creating some dummy/empty files with the relevant names and placing these files where FSX expects them is enough to solve the memory leak.

I'm flying mainly over PNW with Concrete and Darrington addons, I have never got an OOM error in the past 12 months.

EDIT: here is a link to the discussion I was referring to. The link goes through Google Translator to get the text (in French) automatically translated in English. There will surely be some translation problems here and there, but I'm sure you'll be able to understand the global content anyways:

May 5th, 2012, 05:52
Daube, this is interesting.

A rather lengthy and in depth process Chris has come across about Orbx products. This process of elimination he mentions sounds very laborious to find all the missing .agn files. Not a process I plan on undertaking. Nor should I (we) be expected to as their customers.
Orbx airports and scenery are exactly that. How many people need to go through this scanning and lengthy logging session like he mentions? It's already known what files come up as "missing" Now it's just a case of "FIX IT, ORBX"!!!
Now tell me that Orbx has never been aware of the situation. My guess is they have.

Now for the $300.00 question. Will Orbx fix it? :a1451:

Bruce Thompson
May 5th, 2012, 05:54
Thank you Daube for that information, I will follow this up.



Bruce Thompson
May 5th, 2012, 06:00
Daube, this is interesting.

A rather lengthy and in depth process Chris has come across about Orbx products. This process of elimination he mentions sounds very laborious to find all the missing .agn files. Not a process I plan on undertaking. Nor should I (we) be expected to as their customers.
Orbx airports and scenery are exactly that. How many people need to go through this scanning and lengthy logging session like he mentions? It's already known what files come up as "missing" Now it's just a case of "FIX IT, ORBX"!!!
Now tell me that Orbx has never been aware of the situation. My guess is they have.

Now for the $300.00 question. Will Orbx fix it? :a1451:

You are right OleBoy I think they should fix this problem of the missing AGN files, but I would'nt hold my breath for long.
I wonder if that's the reason they want us all to switch to Prepar3d?

Regards Bruce.

May 5th, 2012, 06:06
You are right OleBoy I think they should fix this problem of the missing AGN files, but I would'nt hold my breath for long.
I wonder if that's the reason they want us all to switch to Prepar3d?

Regards Bruce.

Well lets see. I only have two Orbx scenery add ons. PNW Blue and Anacortes. Also the freeware KHQM. Right now, I'm very happy I did not buy their products after reading about said issues.
My guess is that this news about their stuff will not be taken lightly. FSX or Prepar3D. I'm sure the issues are apparent in both.

By the way, I added this topic to my "subscribed" topics. The show's about to get interesting!! :sheep: