View Full Version : FA08 - Polk City - Fantasy of Flight - Development update

May 3rd, 2012, 12:31
After John Terrell's (Bomber_12th) call to arms on making a better version of Kermit Weeks' "Fantasy of Flight" in FSX, and after my friend Nio proposed my name, I had no choice but to volunteer. I have never been there but the data that John sent me and the stuff I found on line was enough to start. I have read so much about the place and Kermit Weeks that the subject intrigued me enough to jump into it.

I started from John's initial work, where he had done some corrections and added static planes on the tarmac. Then I started modelling the main building of the site. Now the building is almost complete and I did a first import to FSX, replacing the default one, just to see how it looks. Still some more details to be added on this one (AC units and stuff on the roofs and, if I manage, two flags on the poles) but the major stuff I wanted to achieve, the colours and the reflective windows and entrance sign, seem more or less OK. I will continue with the rest of the buildings and whatever smaller objects I can model. Then I will continue on the rest of the surrounding grounds. A good photoscenery background would really do this place justice but having no previous experience doing that I would appreciate any assistance. I also don't know if any good resolution photos exist for this.

The following shots show the airport with just the main building replaced. Check Acme Ad (https://www.ladysavings.com/publix-weekly-ad/?acme/) and Bashas Ad (https://www.ladysavings.com/publix-weekly-ad/?bashas/). The rest is default FSX (except for the static planes that John had added). The P-51 is John's masterpiece "Twilight Tear" in the "now" version. Thanks John!

I will post updates as they come along on this thread for anyone interested. Any comments are always welcome:







May 3rd, 2012, 12:33
Some more from further away:







May 3rd, 2012, 13:24
That is truly looking great!!!!:medals:


May 3rd, 2012, 14:15
I live 45 miutes from there and you really captured the look and feel!
Great job!

May 3rd, 2012, 14:58
WTG, it's coming along nicely. I'll definitely be adding this when it's ready.

May 3rd, 2012, 15:22
It's just incredible the level of detail that Dimus has been incorporating into this project! As Dimus mentions, his work up to this point has been reproducing the main museum complex shown - the water tower and other buildings surrounding Dimus' work, is the crummy old default MS stuff. It is amazing comparing the MS default objects to what Dimus has been able to do - it is night and day difference, not only in detail and clarity, but even drastically different in scale and proportions. Not only are the architectural elements all so perfectly reproduced, but details like the rails and spot lamps atop the hangars, the entrance sign, and various window details, are just brilliant! I have immensely enjoyed watching as Dimus' work has come together to this point, behind the scenes, and I'm always looking forward to that next update!

May 3rd, 2012, 15:51
Why are you posting photos of the real building to fool us? :jump:

I had to google to find out what and where this place is about. Too bad I live quite a few states away.

May 3rd, 2012, 16:18
Well worth a visit to Kermit's playground if you're down this way....

May 3rd, 2012, 16:32
You're doing a great job Dimus! I live only about 8 miles from there if you need any pictures taken. Thanks!

May 4th, 2012, 00:29
Thank you guys! This exercise is a good substitute for actually being there as the chances of this happening for me are very slim. This place looks incredible.

I appreciate the offers for info. So far I had quite enough photos. However, I realised that I do not have too many closer shots of the rest of the buildings, the two smaller ones south of the main complex. I have a few from overhead that will work for now, but if any of you have any more it would be nice.

May 4th, 2012, 01:06
Looking great!!!!!

May 4th, 2012, 04:08
Really great work Dimus:ernae:

May 4th, 2012, 04:42
Here a few more, you may or may not have...



May 4th, 2012, 05:03
Thank you! These will come in handy when I do the white hangar. I had no pics of the back side.

I have now rearranged the entrance a bit, adding more fencing, an access ramp for the disabled on the left and a couple of benches. I also realised that I have missed the signature of Kermit Weeks below the poetic words on the entrance. Finally I will add a few AC units here and there on the roofs and be done with it.

May 4th, 2012, 12:12

I believe that I was the one who suggested you for this.

For that I do not apologise.

Simply great work my friend.



May 5th, 2012, 14:23
Yes, Nio, I'm afraid it's all your fault!:icon_lol:

I don't regret it either, I just hope I will have the energy to get this going and reach some acceptable level of completeness.

I now completed the main complex to the level of detail I consider enough. As said the main entrance was rearranged slightly, added ramps and the US flag, as well as the FoF flag on the tower. I also added the winged globe shape and other artwork on the center entrance doors towards the ramp side.

I now intend to move on to the water tower.





May 5th, 2012, 15:26
Just amazing how nice this is shaping up! I particularly like the winged-shaped design elements around the doors leading to the ramp - just as they really are! The detail all around the entrance is also especially great!

May 5th, 2012, 20:22
Need more??

64776 64777 64778 64779


May 6th, 2012, 04:40
Here is a nice overhead shot of part the Museum's layout including the water tower.


May 6th, 2012, 13:32
Thank you all for the pics. They all help.

I added a few more details around the entrance before moving to the water tower:




May 6th, 2012, 15:07
Looking great Dimus!


May 6th, 2012, 18:05
Looks awesome Dimus. Love how you modelled all those art deco details, even the outdoor seating looks a bit art deco.

May 7th, 2012, 02:37
Yep, it seems everything is art deco here, even the seating:


It is a pleasure modelling everything in this place as there is not one dull object to make. Everything is beautiful. The water tower that I'm now doing is an awesome structure.

May 10th, 2012, 13:48
This has been one of the most fun objects I have modelled and textured in my very short scenery making career:








The actual one has a beacon on top. Is it possible to include a flashing light on top of an object? Any help would be appreciated.

May 10th, 2012, 17:30
My 2 High schoolers go there every year for a field trip, Ive been there twice and I can tell you that this scenery is spot on. Great job and very well done. :salute:


May 10th, 2012, 17:39
It's just getting better and better, Dimus! It's awesome to see everything done to such a high level of detail and accuracy, with all of the structures scaled so well besides. I love the recent details of the accurately recreated guard posts, fences, and outdoor eating area.

May 10th, 2012, 18:54
Really beautiful scenery. We toured the museum back in 2007 between a business trip and visit with family.

Any chance this might also work with FS9??


May 11th, 2012, 03:47
You Sir, are a true artist! Great work!

May 11th, 2012, 08:53
Really beautiful scenery. We toured the museum back in 2007 between a business trip and visit with family.

Any chance this might also work with FS9??


I have never made any scenery for FS9. I am creating all mdl files as FSX mdl and the airport bgls as FSX bgl from ADE. To be sure I would need to recompile all the models. I do have FS9 though, and I might as well test it at some point to see how it behaves.

Thank you all for your encouragement!

May 12th, 2012, 14:51
And thank you for your talented work. Hope you can work something out for FS9.


May 14th, 2012, 08:57
The auxiliary buildings had more work than expected and I am making a lot of corrections to the main one too, on the back and south side.

Does anyone know if there is a way to install a rotating red beacon on the top of that water tower?

May 15th, 2012, 13:36
OK, I updated my ADE to 1.50 and realised that scruffyduck has added beacons to the objects that you can add in airports. I stuck a default one on top of the water tower. The problem is that the actual one flashes red and white (as the original WWII beacons) while the default ones for modern airports are green and white. Anyway, it will do for now and I will look at it again later.

I made a few enhancements on the back (east) and south sides of the main complex, before moving on to the rest of the buildings:

East side (back entrance)

South side:



May 15th, 2012, 14:23
Just keeps getting better and better...:applause:


May 17th, 2012, 12:47
One more building done. Now it's just that crummy old one in the back that is the last remaining from the default ones. Then it will be just adding stuff (like the new white maintenance hangar) and forming the surrounding area.




May 17th, 2012, 16:33
Great pictures
Looking forward to this one

May 20th, 2012, 10:22
Here is the latest update with the third building added and a few stuff in between (containers, garbage can etc):









A static Connie is going to be needed at some point to go next to the main entrance. Any suggestions about that would be appreciated.

May 22nd, 2012, 12:35
We now have water:


A looong solid fence/wall:

And a main gate which needs some work on the alpha channel of a specific texture but I do not have the courage to do today:

I would appreciate anyone's suggestion about the static Connie. It looks like this:

May 23rd, 2012, 12:26
The gate was corrected:

But what is that in the distance?

Indeed a Connie with Lufthansa livery:


Thanks to Manfred Jahn who gave me permission to convert the FS9 AI version of the Starliner to FSX static object using the SAMM program by Don Grovestine. The textures will need to be slightly altered to show more faded, US registration and without LH wording.

Now moving to the big white hangar.

May 23rd, 2012, 12:39

This scenery is absolutely amazing!
It keeps getting better and better....

Great job Sir!


May 23rd, 2012, 12:51

You are doing greater things here than i could ever imagine.

It is an absolute pleasure to see this project grow.

Thank you for sharing your progress with us.



May 23rd, 2012, 13:24
Dimus, it is just getting more and more incredible by the moment! The work you're doing is just superb, and so highly appreciated! As I've mentioned to you before, I've been longing for something like this since the earliest days of FS2004, and I could have never imagined someone doing such an excellent job recreating this airfield/museum. I love all of the details you have added into the "backlot" areas, and it is awesome that the airfield will be complete with the water features! Thank you too for continuing to share images of the progress!

Also, great news regarding the use of Manfred's Connie! It is a superb model, and it already looks great as part of the scenery.

May 24th, 2012, 00:13
Haven't had time to visit the forums for a while..... and then upon return I find this !!

Awesome! I've visited FoF a few times and it is the source of our Fieseler Storch of course! Looks amazing ! I mostly made pictures of what's INSIDE, so cant help you. But by the looks of it, you don't need any help .... LOL !

Wonderful stuff... will make sure Kermit sees it too ! He'll love it !

May 24th, 2012, 00:41
Thanks guys! I've learned a lot of things in the process and I enjoy it. It is a great subject, as all the objects that I model are so fun and beautiful in their art-deco style. My concern is the FPS hit due to all the details but I do my best to minimize it. It is good that a lot of textures are shared between the buildings.

Actually, Francois, I must say that I have been contacted by the company who handles the social media for FoF and Kermit Weeks. Its president has offered me valuable assistance in the way of providing pictures from angles I did not have and other information. I understand that Kermit might have already seen some of the initial pictures of it. I have not mentioned this so far to not create a fuss and great expectations. Now that it has progressed past the major hurdles, I am confident that I can finish it.

More to come soon...

May 24th, 2012, 01:10
Cool. If you need any 'inside' contacts to the PR people at FoF itself, let me know.

May 24th, 2012, 10:41
Connie paint adjusted to resemble the FoF craft. Registration is also correct:



This is indeed a great model. Thanks again Manfred!

May 25th, 2012, 07:27
Great job on this! I would not worry about frame rates too much please keep it complex and interesting.

Mr. Weeks is one lucky guy to own and fly so many great airplanes and from such a cool and interesting location. I just saw a special on hd cable about him and his planes and he flew an old Soviet biplane and the Duck around. He says the Grumman Duck is still his favorite plane.

May 25th, 2012, 08:13
Great job on this! I would not worry about frame rates too much please keep it complex and interesting.

Mr. Weeks is one lucky guy to own and fly so many great airplanes and from such a cool and interesting location. I just saw a special on hd cable about him and his planes and he flew an old Soviet biplane and the Duck around. He says the Grumman Duck is still his favorite plane.

Yep, "Million Dollar Collections" is the name of the show for which one of the recent episodes (originally airing several weeks back, and then again this past week) covers Weeks' collection. If you have the Velocity channel, be sure to look for it. Another great one, when it comes up on Velocity, is called "Renaissance Man", with an episode in particular called "The Engine That Won the War", which is all about the development and use of the Rolls-Royce Merlin - absolutely some of the best TV-viewing you can find.

Also, be sure to check out all of the videos that continue to be uploaded at the Fantasy of Flight Youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/FantasyOfFlight

And if you are on Facebook, you can follow Kermit Weeks and/or the Fantasy of Flight museum through their individual Facebook pages.

May 26th, 2012, 13:10
Great job on this! I would not worry about frame rates too much please keep it complex and interesting.

OK, complex and interesting it is then:

These are going to be too many probably but I'm really proud of how this building turned out. It is good when you have good pictures to work out textures from.

Starting again from what one sees when entering the site:


Welcome to the Orlampa Conference Center, where east meets west:


The big white maintenance hangar details and as shown from across one of the water bodies:




Together with the Connie:


This building concludes the big structures. Now some more little details are left to model and then I will focus on the terrain. At the moment it is just landclass polygons, aprons and AFCAD. I'll try to see if a good photoreal background can be added.

May 26th, 2012, 13:39
WOW!!! This is just so cool! It's almost hard to believe that that hangar has now been modeled and in-place!

I like the various containers you've got positioned around the scenery - several aircraft have shown up to Fantasy of Flight in such containers - pulled out, and put together - shipped in from elsewhere, following restoration. There have been rumors over the years, of certain, complete aircraft, being stored at Fantasy of Flight in crates/containers, as future projects, such as a whole, complete, P-47, though I don't know about that for sure.

This is one of the aircraft that resides in the "big white hangar" (the collection's maintenance hangar): https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10150702844156182.420970.62639881181&type=3

It used to be airworthy, and flown not too long ago (at least as of the 90's), but has been static for many years. Unfortunately it sounds like it will take quite a bit of work to get the aircraft flying again. It is amazingly complete throughout (and came from the Indian AF). Also currently in the white hangar (amongst many other projects) is the collection's Spitfire Mk.XVI and B-25, with both receiving attention to be brought back to flight status again. Unfortunately, despite how large the collection is, only a certain amount can be kept in flight-ready status at any given time - with aircraft which were airworthy at one time, being 'pickled' until their time to fly again is chosen. Here are some photos of the Spitfire, looking a bit tired after resting so many years since last flying: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150580863486182.404488.62639881181&type=3

May 26th, 2012, 14:15
Thanks, I think it will be much more fps friendly than some of those super complex and massive airports you can buy. But if you do slim it down please keep a complex version as well.

This is one grand job, amazing and beautiful. Thanks for the work.

May 30th, 2012, 12:30
Added some more stuff tonight:



These are the areas where they have now erected those climbing and rope sliding structures. I don't thing I will be adding those. Too complicated and not so "aeronautical" imho.

The surrounding landclass is also complete. I only need to add a few more stuff and will soon start testing this for release of an initial version, using landclass and FSX textures for the ground, as is seen in the screenshots (Actually what you see in my screens for ground is GEX NA). Then I might look into adding a photoreal background, if a good one can be found.

May 30th, 2012, 12:43
Dimus, that is great news, and I love all of those details!

May 30th, 2012, 15:26
Dimus, your scenery is looking perfect! I'm glad you're not putting the climbing structures in. I understand Kermit wanting these, I just don't understand why he put them right up front...kind of takes away from the view. I took a pic of my new car (what else :icon_lol:) a few weeks ago there and you can see what I mean. Keep up the great work and thanks!

June 6th, 2012, 01:59
Nice car there!:applause:

A short break from development due to work but expect to restart next week. Getting close now.

I am considering adding some custom traffic in this to make it more lively and the easiest that comes to mind seems to be a default DC-3/C-47 doing circuits. I would like to have one painted as the collection's C-47. I tried to find some normandy repaints for the default DC-3 but could not find any. Does anyone know if any exist, olive drab, invasion stripes and all? If not I would have to make one and include it in the package.

June 7th, 2012, 08:19
Dimus, besides the examples of possibilities I mentioned to you in my last e-mail (Ford Trimotor, Sikorsky S-39), Kermit will be starting to fly his Gee Bee Z very soon again (first time in about 10 years). There is a freeware FSX native Gee Bee Z by Wozza, available at Flightsim.com, that would look great doing circuits at Fantasy of Flight, filename geebeez4.zip

Here's the aircraft undergoing a recent engine run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ADpfLN3cDzQ

The collection's B-25, which I consider just as authentic as the Flying Heritage Collection's B-25 (for having everything in it, and the correct cowls/exhaust and intakes), is getting closer to flying again as well, having sat "pickled" for many years after only flying for a short time after being fully restored in the mid-late 90's (simply because there are too many aircraft in the collection, and not enough people to maintain them all at the same time, though that might be changing). There was a video recently posted to the FOF Facebook page of it having its engines run up. Also it seems that plans are being put together to get the collection's B-24 back in the air again in the future.

June 7th, 2012, 22:16
Thank you John, the Gee-Bee sounds great. Perhaps I will have both buzzing around, a small one and a big one, they would make good contrast.

Any ideas about a default C-47 normady repaint? It seems I will have to make one from scratch. A repaint of the Stearman is also needed.

I am currently working on the static DC-3 that stands on the south end of the runway with the Fantasy of Flight logo under the wings.

June 8th, 2012, 12:51
How about the Duck? His favorite plane out of all of them. He flies it from a nearby lake that I think is very close to the grounds. There is a nice freeware one with a thread here.

June 8th, 2012, 13:32
I thought of the Duck but it may be a bit complicated to have it take off from the lake. I'll look into it as I have Swingman's great freeware.

Meanwhile I installed the Gee Bee and buzzed the place. Art Deco overdose!!!:




Check out the signs and runway markers. I am also experimenting with some 3d grass lining on the edge of the ramp (not shown here).


It's great that Wozza includes the actual collection's paint.

June 8th, 2012, 14:07
I can't believe I forgot about his Duck! I think it would look just as great flying from the grass runways (which it does as well) as it would from the lake. One of the examples included by Swingman (and through Full's FSX native conversion) is the very same Duck that Kermit owns. (He also has another that has been under long-term restoration to flying condition, off-site)

With Full's conversion of the FS9 Ford Trimotor to FSX native, it too will look great (and proper) flying from Fantasy of Flight in this repaint: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?106-Search-Results&cm=LISTFILES
which is of the very Trimotor that is in the collection and flown.

Amongst so much great work you've put into this scenery, Dimus, I love the little details of the signs (just as they really are), and having a static B-25 out on the maintenance hangar ramp, just like the collection's B-25 has been for about the last year (during the day), getting ready to fly again.

June 11th, 2012, 13:31
I like the Trimotor idea! It will save me making a repaint. So I will add the Trimotor and the Bee for AI but the user will have to manually install these planes and the repaint. I will just include the flightplan bgl in my scenery folder. Thanks again John!

I finished with the DC-3, a low poly static object painted the best I could to represent the one on the south side by the fence shown in take off pose with fake spinning props and a mannequin crew member hanging on the door. At least it won't eat up your FPS:





June 12th, 2012, 14:11
I started populating the RV resort east of the fence, just to make it vaguely resemble what is there with simple RV models I made (some of them have outhouses:icon_lol:).


Some overheads compared with Google images. It is the best I could do with landclass/waterclass polygons. Textures are GEX:

A good photoreal underlay would really make this scenery show much better. I have no such experience on this so may be later. Any offers on that respect are of course welcome.

June 12th, 2012, 15:20
A good photoreal underlay would really make this scenery show much better. I have no such experience on this so may be later. Any offers on that respect are of course welcome.

In this area there is a combination of 3m mesh source and 30cm photo source available. The photo source is from 2008. File size for the photo shouldn't be *that* bad, depending upon how large of an area was to be included. The mesh would be a much smaller file, as that compiles down at a good %.

I know if anyone has been to Florida they might wonder about hi-res mesh for the state, seeing as it's max elevation is around 350 feet. But having finer terrain detail helps when fitting photo work on top.

I can grab and tweak as necessary any mesh. I could start the photo and then if someone (cough, Ed Wells) wanted to autogen it. Or I can just get the photo in the proper FSX format, if anyone wanted to do any cleaning, sharpening, color correction.

June 12th, 2012, 16:08
Fantastic work! It will be as incredible as that great freeware scenery Duxford and just as popular.

June 13th, 2012, 00:21
Meshman, thank you very much for the offer.

I have no idea how to obtain the photo source but 30cm sounds OK, plus I guess it can be sharpened in places. For coverage area I believe that what is included in the "big picture" above would be enough. As for the mesh, I have applied a flatten to the whole area shown above but that can change of course, you obviously know better.

I would be very interested to work on handling the photo and autogen it once you have it in proper FSX format.

I think I will release a version as is and maybe work on a photoreal update later.

June 13th, 2012, 08:36
Dimus, I've got a grab at the following boundaries, if you want to check in Google Earth; 28.18 x -81.84 - -81.795 x 28.15 (N W E S). It's at 120mb and will compile down to about 10%+- of that size. The imagery is a little brownish, as a lot of the airborne work is done just coming out of winter. But adding a little green to it should get it to match better.

If you need a different size area, LMK and I'll grab it. Otherwise I can get the source zipped and uploaded to my site for you.

June 13th, 2012, 10:08
Dimus, besides everything since (like the RV lot, which I think is yet another great touch of reality being added to the scenery!), I just wanted to make sure to tell you, great job on the static DC-3! For those that have not seen the real thing, Dimus has recreated it very faithfully, down to those special faux props which were designed to make the props look as if they were spinning. The aircraft is positioned as it is, to serve as a billboard next to the highway that is at the end of the main runway (it being the same DC-3 which used to be positioned next to the highway with the tail up and nose in the ground, looking like it had crashed - which resulted in a number of 911 calls over during the time it was like that, by people thinking that an airplane had really crashed).



Stan V.
June 13th, 2012, 11:04
Dimus, besides everything since (like the RV lot, which I think is yet another great touch of reality being added to the scenery!), I just wanted to make sure to tell you, great job on the static DC-3! For those that have not seen the real thing, Dimus has recreated it very faithfully, down to those special faux props which were designed to make the props look as if they were spinning. The aircraft is positioned as it is, to serve as a billboard next to the highway that is at the end of the main runway (it being the same DC-3 which used to be positioned next to the highway with the tail up and nose in the ground, looking like it had crashed - which resulted in a number of 911 calls over during the time it was like that, by people thinking that an airplane had really crashed).



Has anybody ever created southern tree textures with spanish moss hanging down? (see the background tree in the first photo.)

June 13th, 2012, 13:39
Dimus, I've got a grab at the following boundaries, if you want to check in Google Earth; 28.18 x -81.84 - -81.795 x 28.15 (N W E S). It's at 120mb and will compile down to about 10%+- of that size. The imagery is a little brownish, as a lot of the airborne work is done just coming out of winter. But adding a little green to it should get it to match better.

If you need a different size area, LMK and I'll grab it. Otherwise I can get the source zipped and uploaded to my site for you.

Meshman, the area you grabbed covers even more than I planned. Would I still be able to crop it?

Thanks again for your help.

June 13th, 2012, 17:12
Meshman, the area you grabbed covers even more than I planned. Would I still be able to crop it?

Thanks again for your help.

Dimus, give me the coordinates that you want and I'll trim it down. The image must be square/rectangular and from that you can create what is called a blendmask to crop out any area that you don't want to show. I'll be happy to offer any guidance to assist you on your efforts. It's terms and process that seems confusing, until you do it the first time and say "That's it?".

I admire the work done so far and try to go back into the memory banks because I know I've driven by this airport a few times when down in Florida, but the years tend to make things foggy...:isadizzy:

June 14th, 2012, 00:36
Meshman, I looked at it again. If you can, just bring the east side to 81 49' 40'' to crop out most of Polk City as I don't wish to get into that. I will mask out the rest that I don't need.

I more or less know the theory behind it but just have never put it to practice. Thank you also for your kind words.

Last night was the first time I attempted to use the scenery and fly from it. I flew full's Ercoupe and John's "Twilight Tear" and tried approaches on both runways. It seemed to work OK on my old system with no hickups. Landing on the grass with A2A's Accufeel was fun.

June 16th, 2012, 14:35
Now working on repainting the Guy Diotte's statics to represent the collection's planes. There will be a B-25, a PBY and a Stearman. Here is the B25:


I have also added the new storage facilities north of the site:


Won't be long now. Just the statics and the AI traffic to do. I have Meshman's photo background (thanks again Meshman!) but will work on it for a later version. For the moment I will release a landclass polygon version only.

June 17th, 2012, 14:03
The repainted Stearman and PBY. Guy's static is a normal, turret nose while the actual FoF one is turretless:



June 17th, 2012, 14:49
Gets better and better, thanks. Looking forward to the release and shooting some landings.

June 17th, 2012, 17:14
Incredible attention to detail - I love the repainted aircraft models, Dimus!

June 18th, 2012, 14:45
Please forgive me for posting all the time but I'm relatively new to this and every new bit feels like another achievement.

We now have a dock for the Duck on lake Agnes plus working water runways (36W-18W), taxiways and parking by the wooden pier. There is also a ramp via which you can exit the water and taxi to the runway or the cement ramp. I also added a custom refuelling station next to the maintenance hangar. The AI Gee Bee is also working, starting up and making circuits:







June 18th, 2012, 14:53
No problem Dimus...we're loving the results of your labours. Looks like you could spend an hour or two just exploring your Fantasy of Flight.:applause:

June 20th, 2012, 14:09
If my ASE is correct, it is raining today in Polk City. That did not stop the AI Bee from taking off for a circuit:


Check out the fire box and the hydrant. Thank you to rdaniell for pointing out the error in the AFCAD, now the AI plan works. Also thanks to rdaniell and Bomber_12th who pointed out some issues to me that have been taken care of. I will extend the testing one more day and then release the first version.

June 21st, 2012, 05:00
....This project is simply OUTSTANDING. Before you take your first flight from it, may I suggest thay you just taxi around to take in all the detail work that Dimus has put into it. While Dimus has posted several screen shots, you just have to experience it on your computer.

When you are ready to take a flight, you have several alternative starting places, e.g., grass runways, ramp locations, water runways, or by the dock.