View Full Version : Normandie-Niemen country.cfg

Killer Svend
April 23rd, 2012, 04:53
Whenever I have solved one problem, I run into the next. This time is it the upper mentioned again in a fresh cfs2 installation on my F/drive.I downloaded the expanded country.cfg file and installed it.Here is Russia country no.5. I opened the ****ry.cfg file from the screen-pack and here is the country France Normandie-Niemen also no 5 ? So I said to myself replace Country Russia with France Normandie-Niemen. I did and fired up the game/campaign France Normanie Niemen and got the message: SCR_NATIONALITY_NNbis.JPG can't read ? I tried to move the Country to no.18 and with same result. I never faced this kind of problems with other campaigns, What the He.. is wrong?:ques:
Killer Svend

April 23rd, 2012, 05:27
As long as the nationality number, e.g. 5 or 18 is the same in the country.cfg file and the missions, it should work. What is the "bis" doing in the "SCR_NATIONALITY_NNbis.JPG" file? It should read "SCR_NATIONALITY_NN.JPG". At least this game keeps our ageing brains active. :iidea:

April 23rd, 2012, 05:32
Killer Svend,

When I did the Normandie-Niemen campaign, I changed it to allegiance 18. But if I remember correctly, the Normandie-Niemen screenies have a flaw. I think one of the jpeg screen shots is misnamed.

The order of the sceen shots is listed here...

screen_images=scr_nationality_NN bis.jpg, scr_single_mission_NN.jpg, scr_briefing_NN.jpg, scr_selectpilot_NN.jpg, scr_training_mission_NN.jpg, scr_squadron_NN.jpg, scr_advanced info_NN.jpg, scr_advanced info_NN.jpg, dlg_pilotdetails_NN.bmp, dlg_certificate_NN.bmp

The actual screen shot (in the package) is named scr_nationality_NN.jpg

So to fix, you have one of two options...

1) Rename that section in the country.cfg so that it reads scr_nationality_NN.jpg

2) Rename the jpeg image so that it is named scr_nationality_NN bis.jpg

Either of these two solutions will fix your problem.

P.S. - Part of this is just learning how to troubleshoot. :jump:

Killer Svend
April 23rd, 2012, 07:10
Done-Flying-Thank You
Killer Svend:salute: