View Full Version : Coral Sea

March 31st, 2012, 19:00
I started work on this a while back but never finished it.My plans are to finish it when I go out to sea in June.I will still be able to upload it since I have internet access on my boat.

Right now I'm just working on my Model RailRoad and some Music,

Some pics of Shoho being sunk.


March 31st, 2012, 19:51
This looks like the making of a few interesting missions:icon_lol::applause:

Led Zeppelin
April 1st, 2012, 01:14
This is for RS or is it an update of the existing pack for PTO?

April 1st, 2012, 05:11
Maybe a bit of a different tack, but can you tell me quickly about your model rr?

I keep thinking I'll get started again in HO.

April 1st, 2012, 11:10
LZ-This will be for RS. My PTO install has alot of the RS planes and ships in it because it was used for the testing of the RS stuff.Before we knew that there was a RS being worked on Capt.Winters and I where getting the planes ready for the PTO update.When we foundout about RS Capt.Winters started using the RS for the planes.

When I was part of the PTO Team I worked alot with Capt.Winters on plane loadouts for different time periods in the Pacific. I also worked quite abit with Bravo on what textures we would need for differnet time periods. I would send him pics of some of the planes we needed and he would do the textures.I only gave pics of the Kates at Pearl and the late war planes for Enterprise.There is a Corsair night fighter from Enterprise Bravo did for me but it hasn't been released yet because Capt.Winters still needs to work on it.I still work with both these men and help whenever they ask or need it.I also make suggestions pn how to improve the planes.

Missions I have.

I found somewhere I can use for the attack on Truk.I have a mission set done for it but use RS planes in it and have redone the Enterprise Night Avenger XPD,

I have some Cactus Airforce missions flying the P-400 (RS).I think 8 missions. I started a few by the Marines flying the Wildcat also.

I plan on redoing the Eastern Solomons and Santa Cruz missions when I have a chance.

Alot of the missions use the RS planes and ships.Most of my RS ships have new XPD files in them for new effects.Plus some of them were made more realistic in RS being tougher to sink.

RS Missions

Working on Coral Sea in PNG.

Started on a Beaufighter mission pack for PNG.Will update this when PNG scenery is done.

Future planes.

PNG - There is so much that can be done here mission wise.

Milne Bay

Also some B-25 and A-so missions.

Attack on Rabaul. Waiting on the Helldiver because it was used for the first time at Rabaul.


CATF-This is what the AVG became in July 1942.This all depends on whether the airbases that they flew from are in the completed scenery.


Of course the AVG. I have plans for about 40 missions for this depending on airbases in the scenery.You will also be flying some RAF missions in the mission pack because they flew side by side with the AVG. The missions also depend on what airbases are put in.


I have a surprise package for this that I've been working on.I'm just waiting for a plane to come out.

There is more I'd like to work on but not everything I need is available yet.

April 1st, 2012, 11:22
Maybe a bit of a different tack, but can you tell me quickly about your model rr?

I keep thinking I'll get started again in HO.

Kelly - 20 years ago I had an HO layout with a 300 foot mainline.Was mostly Southern Pacific.

Now I am working in N Gauge with a smaller layout.Since I moved 10 years ago I don't have the space for a big layout.

This layout has about a 100 foot mainline and is also Southern Pacific.I have 2 passenger trains so far,a Daylight and and a regular passenger,Both with steam engines. I have some F-units for frieght and some small steam engines.Right now I'm working on a city and the passenger station for it. I still need to put more industries in but it is coming along.

One reason I like to go to NJ is I can get more stuff for my layout there.I've known the owner of the store for about 25 years,so I just call him,tell what I need,when I plan to be there and he has it waiting for me.


April 1st, 2012, 12:43
My danger is that I DO have room for a large-ish layout, but the neat thing about model RR's is that you don't have to do the whole world -- a microcosm of it, like a city or a small industrial area is enough to keep me busy. All I have to deal with now is the discipline not to try to be an HO Vanderbilt.

When I get going (probably next winter) perhaps we can compare notes.

April 1st, 2012, 13:03
My danger is that I DO have room for a large-ish layout, but the neat thing about model RR's is that you don't have to do the whole world -- a microcosm of it, like a city or a small industrial area is enough to keep me busy. All I have to deal with now is the discipline not to try to be an HO Vanderbilt.

When I get going (probably next winter) perhaps we can compare notes.

You also have to take into consideration what you want to run.With passenger trains you will need about 32 inch radius curves.With just freight ypu can go with 24 inch or smaller curves.

My layout has 1 city with some industries,mountains and some sidings for small industries outside the city.

April 2nd, 2012, 05:21
Found out about passenger trains the hard (I like to say empirical) way when I was a kid. The whole 4-car train pulled by a Mantua Pacific fell off the track to the inside of the 24-in curve. Later when I took high school physics, I found out why.

But now that it's April, it's time to get started on spring commissioning! I've never figured out how there can be so much to do on a 32ft boat, but that's where Ratty turns out to have been right.