View Full Version : FSX Carenado Cirrus SR-22 Photos

Cirrus N210MS
March 2nd, 2012, 16:20
Looks like Carenado is doing a Cirrus which is sweet

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419564_251176134959208_129839447092878_569166_1378 949858_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419592_251176161625872_129839447092878_569167_2315 81929_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/418483_251176221625866_129839447092878_569169_2117 203796_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/406507_251176281625860_129839447092878_569171_1751 827761_n.jpg

Cirrus N210MS
March 2nd, 2012, 16:22
I Have the Eaglesoft Cirrus SR-22/SR20 for FSX not worth It if anyone wants to get a Cirrus in FSX ( get the Carenado when it comes out )

March 2nd, 2012, 18:41
And, despite this having been posted already (that Carenado is doing a Cirrus SR-22)...I just noticed in the VC screenshot...what I must have missed before when looking at these screenshots....

....The throttle handle. There was some speculation in a few other forums as to which avionics suite would be in the new aircraft. I can tell you, because I fly it in real life, that this is definitely the throttle handle (with the aluminum trim on both left and right sides of the leather center insert) of the newest Garmin G-1000 Perspective-equipped aircraft. It appears as though they have nothing but a blank slate where the FMS-style input pad exists in the plane (as I am sure they have not yet gotten that far into the project). Since the Perspective was adopted by Cirrus as the new avionics suite in 2008, it seems only fitting that this would be what Carenado would model. I hope that they are able to bring to the table a more realistic rendition of this outstanding panel suite, but Carenado have never really been known to break new ground when it comes to avionics. But one can still hope. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this plane more than any other announced FSX addon aircraft.

Cirrus N210MS
March 2nd, 2012, 19:13
And, despite this having been posted already (that Carenado is doing a Cirrus SR-22)...I just noticed in the VC screenshot...what I must have missed before when looking at these screenshots....

....The throttle handle. There was some speculation in a few other forums as to which avionics suite would be in the new aircraft. I can tell you, because I fly it in real life, that this is definitely the throttle handle (with the aluminum trim on both left and right sides of the leather center insert) of the newest Garmin G-1000 Perspective-equipped aircraft. It appears as though they have nothing but a blank slate where the FMS-style input pad exists in the plane (as I am sure they have not yet gotten that far into the project). Since the Perspective was adopted by Cirrus as the new avionics suite in 2008, it seems only fitting that this would be what Carenado would model. I hope that they are able to bring to the table a more realistic rendition of this outstanding panel suite, but Carenado have never really been known to break new ground when it comes to avionics. But one can still hope. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this plane more than any other announced FSX addon aircraft.

Aswell My Father Flys a SR-22 aswell in Real Life i have flown it aswell as co pilot
its very enjoyable to fly

March 2nd, 2012, 19:43
Aswell My Father Flys a SR-22 aswell in Real Life i have flown it aswell as co pilot
its very enjoyable to fly

..Always nice to meet another Cirrus addict!! :salute:

Cirrus N210MS
March 2nd, 2012, 21:04
..Always nice to meet another Cirrus addict!! :salute:

yes sir tommrrow were flying with a Group to LO6 death Valley in Real Life

so some air time in the cirrus is going to be fun

March 3rd, 2012, 13:38
Let me know how it goes! I gotta get out to the desert southwest sometime!

March 3rd, 2012, 22:53
I'll wait too. Cirrus is very interesting choice.

March 6th, 2012, 13:38
And, despite this having been posted already (that Carenado is doing a Cirrus SR-22)...I just noticed in the VC screenshot...what I must have missed before when looking at these screenshots....

....The throttle handle. There was some speculation in a few other forums as to which avionics suite would be in the new aircraft. I can tell you, because I fly it in real life, that this is definitely the throttle handle (with the aluminum trim on both left and right sides of the leather center insert) of the newest Garmin G-1000 Perspective-equipped aircraft. It appears as though they have nothing but a blank slate where the FMS-style input pad exists in the plane (as I am sure they have not yet gotten that far into the project). Since the Perspective was adopted by Cirrus as the new avionics suite in 2008, it seems only fitting that this would be what Carenado would model. I hope that they are able to bring to the table a more realistic rendition of this outstanding panel suite, but Carenado have never really been known to break new ground when it comes to avionics. But one can still hope. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this plane more than any other announced FSX addon aircraft.

Looks like the FADEC system..
