View Full Version : Multiplayer with individual skins

January 24th, 2012, 13:19
Good evening,

I've recently found out about the ETO expansions for CFS3, what a great idea!

Two friends and I have started playing through the missions, and I'm wondering if I can create bespoke missions with dedicated aircraft for each player? So for example we each take off in a Spitfire with our own initials on the side.

Can this be done?

I'm familiar with the concept of editing dds textures in FSX, so I think I'm ok with creating aircraft.

I've never used the CFS Mission Editor though. I'm familiar with writing HTML in Notepad and looking at the XMLs it looks quite similar. I've downloaded the mission editor and I'm going to work through it, but I'd appreciate a heads-up if what I'm suggesting is impossible?



FireStorm II
January 24th, 2012, 13:57
That would require a standalone for each skin,
and everyone who joins, must have these standalones.
(player must always match what the Host has selected)

and Welcome to the forum Jimbo!

January 25th, 2012, 02:56
jimbo what we used to do up to 16 players each wiht there own skin, is the host would biuld a mission wiht just his plane,for the complete mission, he then would make for each other plane that was to fly a listing for each with a tack off and one more wave point, then save it, open the mission in notepad, and woudl then hand edit by copy and pasting the wave point from the main plane to each indivdule plane that way everybdy was on the same page,it does take some getting used to, but is doable, i would also use the mission builder and not the eidtor does make it a lil eaiser,the only draw back to this are, no respawns, and the fact that every single player has to have each standalone a/cin there folder, and the host will have to select only the planes that are to be allowed in that session when he sets it up, as i siad takes some getting used to but once you get the basic figured out,it is a heck of a time, once you get a mission built give me a shout illbe happy to look it over and see if it looks formatted right..

welcome as well


January 26th, 2012, 13:14
Cool, thanks for that. i'll have a go at it.


January 26th, 2012, 13:47
Hi Jimbo27,
have you seen the guides for creating stand-alone aircraft? that will help quickly set up separate a/c for each skin you want to see in your mission. there are probably guides here on the sim-outhouse site. Also Ndicki's earlier skins on this site come with a guide for standalones.

I'm not a mission builder but i would have thought you could set up a mission where each individual stand alone plane was called within the single formation?