View Full Version : 'Red Tails,' Tuskegee Airmen ...rumour is ****** hobbit soon ,

January 21st, 2012, 14:33
will do a smaple set dedciated to this film for eto, i think as part of his great hand in adding the smoke and mirrors of high times in the air from real time films on this topic , his recent work for MAW , has been wonderful and excellent with a large reponse of great work .

again this is a rumour .....until he sets forth this set its a dream in my head ................thanks to video work by flyer1 - he did a preview of the maw work and now exepcting soon the

'Red Tails,' Tuskegee Airmen .................

praying and hoping the hobbit and flyer01 , pull it off


p.s. i know jack &^%&^%&^%& but dream

January 21st, 2012, 17:23
:icon_lol: Joshua, You are to much Fun..:icon_lol:

Okay I will finish this Tuskegee Airmen set I started in ETO.. Had several done anyway..
I am tied up right now.. Real Life issues..:icon_eek:
Still have 6 unfinished mission sets on the hard drive, might as well as finish this one.. :applause:
Red Tails in ETO..
Sounds like fun..

January 21st, 2012, 18:23
Something like this Joshua..:icon_lol:

Old Tiger
January 22nd, 2012, 04:22
:wavey:Looks good Owen, :medals:but take care of your Real Life issues first.

January 22nd, 2012, 05:16
It certainly looks a brilliant Film nice to see that it was released on my Birthday can't wait to see it and hopefully on DVD it will be worth the money.
I am also excited that if it was true about Red Tails being in CFS3 it would certainly be worth having in my collection