View Full Version : In Development: Let L-410 Turbolet

January 17th, 2012, 12:40
It looks like an FSX-native Let L-410 Turbolet is in development, and the creator/team is looking for assistance!


It's a Czech aircraft, and we've seen a great series for FS2004 produced by PWDT, but nothing for FSX other than a port-over that's not fully functional and of course has some typical (and atypical) port-over flaws.

Perhaps some people here can come to this developer's assistance.

(If you are not logged into Avsim, you apparently can't see the images, so I have posted them below)



January 17th, 2012, 13:47
An update:
Just heard from the modeller. He said that he obviously can't promise completion yet since it's so early in the project, but just so you know....he is the same person that created the 3D model of the PWDT version that was so popular in FS2004!
Hopefully some talent in the FS community will assist.

January 18th, 2012, 13:02
Final bump and update since there seems to be a lack of interest in this freeware development.

He gave me the link to his development gallery:

January 18th, 2012, 13:27
Just because no one posts, doesn't mean there's a lack of interest. I loved the 410s in FS9, and I'm glad they're making a comeback, but sometimes there really isn't anything to say other than, "cool." I think as the project gets farther along, more people will have more to say.

January 18th, 2012, 15:15
Just displaying my interest in case you feeding back to the designer, This looks very high quality. I enjoy yet his 2004 model infrequently. I'm trying to think why I don't fly it as often and I can only think its the turbo-jet thing in MSFS. The only one I really get on with is the ISDT KingAir. That's not to knock this product of course! :icon_lol:

January 18th, 2012, 15:37
Final bump and update since there seems to be a lack of interest in this freeware development.

He gave me the link to his development gallery:
I've learned not to take a lack of interest too personally. Folks are busy, they see something new, they stop by and read and then move on. If I didn't upload something I'd done because of what I saw as a lack of interest, I wouldn't upload a single thing. I had over 400 views on one project I posted and only one reply and that was about something unrelated to the thread, lol. Of course the other possibility is that this is an airplane that while a lot of folks think the developement shots look awesome, isn't something they're terribly interested in. You may be excited about it and rightfully so, but don't look for everyone to simply start ooooh and aaaaahing over it or even show any real interest. Just wait for the release and see everyone come out of the woodwork to download it, lol.:salute:

January 18th, 2012, 15:42
Forgot to mention that I have the FS9 version in FSX and it's an amazing aircraft to fly, especially on short field landings and take offs. Someone a long time ago posted a great video showing the 410 landing on Jungle roads with barely enough room for the wings. They'd stop on the road, unload the Village supplies and then take off again just as the road made a sharp turn to the left, lol. Great stuff!!:salute:

January 18th, 2012, 16:43
Understood. A few factors are in play here though. Some for my position on this, some neutral, and some counter-points if you will:

1. The developer is known (creator of the PWDT models) and is seeking assistance, so I wanted to be sure that anybody willing to help noticed this thread. It got kicked to the second page within just a few hours of being posted without my gallery update.

2. Yes, this is a brand new project, and I realize that many people may wait until release to comment. However, in addition to point 1 above, I've also noticed quite a bit of (appropriate, expected) enthusiasm towards the excellent, established developers here when they post a project still in early (modelling) stages such as this.

I'm sure that if this was a preview of a project authored by a few greats here (won't single them out), the thread would explode. This is an expected result after observing this forum for a while, but it all goes back to point 1, after also seeing the willingness of some to provide both encouragement to the author, and assistance.

3. Obviously it's not a warbird. It's a commuter airliner, so there already is reduced interest from this crowd. That's understandable on it's own.

I did tell the developer at Avsim that I posted his news here, and he appreciated it, so that is indeed yet another factor. Whether or not he follows up on his own here is obviously an unknown, but I have to believe that he is at least checking in on it occasionally.
This is a tight-knit forum with some top-notch developer support, but that tight-knitness(?) also perpetuates tolerance of some attitudes towards others (within the forum and externally) that I hope won't discourage and/or frustrate some fresh developers (as I've already seen it has with other projects).

All in all, just making sure those are aware of this, and I didn't want to see it pushed to the wayside quite as fast as it did.
For those that wish to help, great!
Otherwise, hopefully we can look forward to flying this excellent addon sometime in the future! :)

January 18th, 2012, 17:41
youd be surprised at the number of people here who are into more than warbirds. However, yes, many of them are quite quiet most of the time.. Still, if you look at the interest generated in the russian airlines threads and the other tubliner threads, and count the views on this thread ( not the replies ) I think you'll see there is an avid interest here :) Including my own..

January 18th, 2012, 22:41
3. Obviously it's not a warbird. It's a commuter airliner, so there already is reduced interest from this crowd.

It's exactly the other way round for me!!!!!!!
But it looks like they only need a gauge programmer

January 18th, 2012, 22:45
Same here, only limited interest in wartime planes. Love GA and regional commuters. So this might be great. I'm not a programmer though :monkies:

January 19th, 2012, 08:17
He could recycle the gauges from the FS9 version for a start and later on implement new ones.

In any case, I hope he finishes it one day, as the L-410 is a cool plane.

January 19th, 2012, 08:38
i just now saw this post..(mabe because it got pushed to page 2) but the LET-410 is one of my fav's.....id love to see this plane finished...i know nothing about plane making so im useless for helping...and as far as "warbirds" they are what got me into planes as a kid...but as far as flight sim goes...i like anything with a "yoke"......i dont feel "right" flying a P-51 with my CH yoke and throttle quad..

January 19th, 2012, 12:56
I've been trying to port the 2004 version into FSX for several months now with limited success, so I'd love to see an FSX version.

January 19th, 2012, 13:03
Indeed. Me too. I only have a light interest in war birds. I generally fly anything with everything in between;-) I'd love to see this baby in the FSX skies.

I was gonna say "I'm only here for the beer" (remember that one guys?) BUT, in all honesty, I come here for great family, friendlyness and you guys ('n Gals) expertise.