View Full Version : Kidney Stones

December 30th, 2011, 12:41
This morning I woke to a big pain, I have had this 10 times in my life so I knew what it was and what to do, a kidney stone.
I passed it quickly, by noonish. it was about 3/16"
here is a blown up photo of it.


December 30th, 2011, 12:47
Ouch!! I have had the 'pleasure' of a kidney stone just the once & it is not something I care to repeat; you have my deepest sympathy Ickie. I was told (by one of the ladies I worked with at the time) that it is actually worse than childbirth!!

December 30th, 2011, 13:00
Wow! I've got one in my left kidney that is about 2 cm big. Next week the doctor is supposed to call me to schedule for the shock wave lithotripsy. I hope it pulverizes it.

December 30th, 2011, 13:29
Wow! I've got one in my left kidney that is about 2 cm big. Next week the doctor is supposed to call me to schedule for the shock wave lithotripsy. I hope it pulverizes it.

My son(42) has had a long history of stones . He has had lithotripsy several times over the years and they were fairly successful . The last stone(left kidney) a few weeks ago was very large according to the urologist and only broke up into three pieces . He is going to go to OSU Medical Center in Columbus on the 4th of Jan and have a tube placed into his back(nephrosotomy) and the next day(5th) they will try to extract the stones with a fiberoptic procedure and clean out as much as possible . The Doc's at OSU said that stones are partially made up of a lot of bacteria , calcium and other junk so he is on high dose tetracycliene 4 or 5 days prior to having the procedure and I'm sure something after . He said the tube stays in for 4 or 5 days to a week and then can be taken out in his Dr's office(Urologist)

I wish you both luck . Strangely enough they don't know a lot about what causes them . They thing it is a person's body chemistry . I don't thing heredity is a factor , at least not in his case. Neither I or his Mom have ever had them .


December 30th, 2011, 14:16
Had 2 bouts of stones in the early 90's. Second time I was in hospital for 6 days till the little blighter came out. Haven't had a problem with it since then.

December 30th, 2011, 14:16
i passed 9 stones in 5 months..all were just bigger than a BB.in total ive passed about 15 in the last 3 years....at one point every time i urinated i passed a gravel like stuff...i was able to "go into" a strainer used to tea,and captured alot of it and it was tested...said it was calcium.my GP sent me to a urgologist,,i saw an assosiate of the main doctor and he told me i wasnt having stones,that i had bladder cancer,and i then went through alot more testing..i finally saw the "real" urologist..he slid a scope up my urethra into my bladder and took a look...then said "what in the world makes you think you have bladder cancer?"...i said...your assosiate said that,i didnt...i was passing kidney stones,i never said anything about cancer...he then ripped the scope out ( it hurt like hell when he did that) and told me to get out of his office and he refused to see me if i was going to lie to him..and he stormed out.....so i filed a complaint with the california medical assotiation and i got a letter of appology about two months later...but nothing was ever done...

but the really odd thing?....it never hurt when i passed the stones....i just went through a period when i had to urinate constantly...like every minute...id dribble..litterally..leave the bathroom and run right back in....then i could feel something pass through my penis...and thunk..into the water it fell....no pain...wierd

December 30th, 2011, 15:19
Getting old is such a pleasure eh guys? If its not one thing its another and usually in some place we`d rather not go. Kidney stones is one thing I have yet to have the `pleasure`of, but today I can reveal I am having to sit upon a cushion ring. Camera eh, more like a Box Brownie was shoved up there. I will let your imaginations work on that one :kilroy:....

December 30th, 2011, 20:59
Getting old is such a pleasure eh guys? If its not one thing its another and usually in some place we`d rather not go. Kidney stones is one thing I have yet to have the `pleasure`of, but today I can reveal I am having to sit upon a cushion ring. Camera eh, more like a Box Brownie was shoved up there. I will let your imaginations work on that one :kilroy:....

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What other people do with there spare time is none of my business N....LOL

December 30th, 2011, 21:10
According to the del pain scale, Childbirth sits at an excruciating 45, and the average Kidney stone, at 50. I'm going to assume a broken FS9/FSX disc is in the upper 80s however.

I'm afraid to grow old guys...

December 30th, 2011, 23:55
Never had kidney stones yet (I'm 44), but had gallstones and wound up getting my gall bladder removed. 3 attacks, and on the third one I thought I was dying, I kid you not. By the time my wife got me to the ER, they took one look at me and immediately took me in the back, they thought I was having a heart attack. After they figured out what it was they gave me two shots of morphine for the pain, didn't do a thing. One shot of Demerol though, and I was floating on cloud nine without a care in the world. I love Demerol, lol! Took the ol' GB out a week later, and I don't miss it or the stones one little bit, other than I have to be careful about my low fat diet....which I'm not too good at, sigh....

December 31st, 2011, 02:33
Kidney stones are not always age related, I was just shy of 25 when I had mine; it was the same day Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson married, so at least I had a better day than them!

December 31st, 2011, 04:59
Kidney stones are not always age related, I was just shy of 25 when I had mine;
Yup, I was around 30 when I had mine. I have been told that if you have had one kidney stone then you are more prone to getting them again. This past summer I had to see a new-to-me urologist over an unrelated matter and as soon as I said I had passed a kidney stone 20 odd years ago the alarm bells went off in his head. Next thing I know he's scheduled blood tests, x-rays and an ultra-sound scan just to check on the situation. Thankfully everything came back clear (or at least he hasn't called back into his office to discuss the results so I assume they were clear) but it was worth the extra effort involved for the peace of mind.

December 31st, 2011, 05:12
I was 21 and living in Panama when I had my first one.

December 31st, 2011, 06:18
Yep, had a kidney stone. Also had gall bladder surgery, they couldn't do the new way, they hadda open me up and take it out. The gall bladder wasn't too bad; the kidney stone, OTOH, is the only time I've ever had to ride in an ambulance. And get shot with morphine. And pay, and pay.

Y'all get th' pictur.


December 31st, 2011, 06:24
I have passed one tiny little stone... so far. I now drink plenty of water and avoid sodas like the plague. The phosphoric acid found in most soft drinks binds with and strips calcium from your teeth and bones. This calcium is usually filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and can form kidney stones. I've known people who basically lived on sodas and had terrible kidney stone problems. When they changed their diets, the kidney stone problems were reduced. I also know some people who suffer with kidney stones and have excellent diets, they are just prone to having stones.

December 31st, 2011, 09:48
Had my first kidney stone last year. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Just yesterday morning I noticed two very small stones when I pee'd. No real problems this time, although I did have a back ache all day long.

December 31st, 2011, 11:06
You know what's funny, is that I stopped drinking sodas so I started drinking iced tea to kick the habit. Apparently though black tea is very high in oxalates which cause kidney stones. Now I drink La Croix water and San Pellegrino.

December 31st, 2011, 13:04
Had 1 about 4 or 5 years back. Had the pain followed by throwing up till nothing but green stuff came up and then dry heaves. Thought something inside of me had busted. Was the only time I've ever called much less ridden in a ambalance.

I've had rock fall on me in the coalmines, had back surgeries as a result. Nothing in my life hurt as bad as that kidney stone. I did'nt even ask for pain meds post op the 1st back surgery but let me tell you I was wanting that morphine shot well before it was due each time with that stuck stone.

Knock on wood, no probs since.

January 1st, 2012, 10:24
Friend of mine that is into natural remedies recommends drinking daily, apple cider vinegar to help with stones. It's available in tablet form for those who don't like the taste. His finance suffered with them
and he started giving her the ac vinegar and noticed a marked drop in them.

Mickey D
January 1st, 2012, 14:22
Kidney stones? Small potatoes. This is a kidney stone. Had it cut out of my left kindey back in May. Now another has formed. Having it blasted on Friday.

January 1st, 2012, 18:01
Mickey D, that's bad!!!

I've had two, the second was ythe worst. Had to go to the hospital for that one. They gave me Tylonol in an IV! It worked! Passed it next day, after four attacks. Doc told me to take a couple Advils when I first started feeling anything. Helped alot. The first one was crystaline, looked like crystals off a wall in a cave. Second one was size and shape of a grain of sand. Drink lots of water now. Last one was 10 plus years ago.

My son gets them all the time, some pretty good size. He says he can keep working when he gets them. My daughter had one when she was a young teenager, turned out to be calcium. She would drink milk like most people drink coffee, or whatever. I usually had to buy a gallon of milk everyday, for a family of five, and three of us never touched milk.

January 3rd, 2012, 20:12
Ickie, I feel your pain literally, having had stones off an on for the last 17 years. I thought that I was passing one just before Xmas and did the whole flushing out routine. On Xmas I thought that I the stones had passed, mine are very fine like grains of sand, but I was still under the weather. Anyway, last Thursday I went into see the doc about my "flu" and after some tests I got a call telling me that I needed to get to the hospital and check in, turns out it was not the flu but I had been in acute renal failure for the past week. For me there was no stone but I had gotten and infection that wound up almost shutting down my kidneys. I just got home from the hospital, and even going from the bedroom to my office is tiring. I can now say that this New Years Eve was both the worst, hospital stay, and best, I listened to my wife for a change instead of toughing it out which saved my sorry hide.

Take care of yourself, because it can get a lot worse than you think possible and faster than you think.