View Full Version : "Nice Little Pentax Here...'

December 23rd, 2011, 15:23

December 23rd, 2011, 17:07
Oh no, let's not go there. Worst film camera I have ever owned, a constant fragile POS! Used batteries like a rabbit poos pellets! Jam up your film, it was a total waste. I got a manual PENTAX K-1 and never looked at another automatic camera until DSLRs.


December 23rd, 2011, 17:48
Oh no, let's not go there. Worst film camera I have ever owned, a constant fragile POS! Used batteries like a rabbit poos pellets! Jam up your film, it was a total waste. I got a manual PENTAX K-1 and never looked at another automatic camera until DSLRs.


Just the motivation I needed to continue my hunt for an Olympus PEN F or PEN FT :mixedsmi:

December 23rd, 2011, 20:39
Hey All,

The F series Pens must have a really interesting film winding system in order to expose half frames (18by24 instead of 36by24) without light leakage and accounting for the gap between 36by24 frames. Interesting!


December 23rd, 2011, 20:48
Don't worry,
I've been engaged in heavy conversation with a guy that actually owns a PEN FT....I'll be just fine..& Contax G1/G2 is on the list too..:mixedsmi:

December 24th, 2011, 08:08
Oh no, let's not go there. Worst film camera I have ever owned, a constant fragile POS! Used batteries like a rabbit poos pellets! Jam up your film, it was a total waste. I got a manual PENTAX K-1 and never looked at another automatic camera until DSLRs.


Presumably you're confusing the MX with the ME (or ME Super), either that or my MX had something missing! The only battery powered circuit in my MX was the three bulb lightmeter which lasted on two watch batteries for years at a time. Other than that it was totally manual. It was my main camera from '82 to '98 when I succumbed to the charms of the MZ-3 before moving on to DSLRs from '05.

December 24th, 2011, 13:57
Presumably you're confusing the MX with the ME (or ME Super), either that or my MX had something missing! The only battery powered circuit in my MX was the three bulb lightmeter which lasted on two watch batteries for years at a time. Other than that it was totally manual. It was my main camera from '82 to '98 when I succumbed to the charms of the MZ-3 before moving on to DSLRs from '05.

Sitting corrected, yep it was a PENTAX ME. Used it for two years, hated every facet about it. Got the old manual K-1 and loved it.

December 26th, 2011, 04:38
An easy mistake as they shared the basic chassis, and if it was that scarring an experience you would not want to look at the beast again in a hurry! Funnily enough when I was trying to get SWMBO interested in using a semi-automatic SLR the choices were the ME Super (which had two push buttons for fiddling settings) and a Ricoh XR7 which seemed to be based on the semi-auto K series and she plumped for the XR7.

December 27th, 2011, 11:59
I loved the manual MX - and still have it! Never heard of a K1 film camera in the UK: KM, KX, K2 and K2 DMD, K1000 but not a K1?

December 27th, 2011, 13:56
I started out in serious film photography (as opposed to point and shoot 127 cameras) with a Pentax Spotmatic. This was followed by a Spotmatic II and my final film camera was a K1000. I still have the Spotmatic II (with a bagful of lenses/filters/flashes etc.) and K1000 (with the base lens) but they haven't had a film through them in many years.

I liked Pentax film stuff. :icon_lol: