View Full Version : ALABEO Pitts released! (payware)

November 27th, 2011, 20:33
keeping my money saved for these gems...


November 27th, 2011, 20:56
Well there is nothing really new yet on the website.

I hope they have paypal - mentions using a credit card.

November 28th, 2011, 07:01
Well there is nothing really new yet on the website.

I hope they have paypal - mentions using a credit card.

Did you click on "Incomings" on the left navigation panel? There are a bunch of new screenshots of their two initial product offerings:
Pitts S-2S
Sukhoi SU-26

November 28th, 2011, 09:05
They both look fantastic - Carenado style fun planes.

November 28th, 2011, 13:00
The pitts is available now for purchase $21.95 :salute:

November 28th, 2011, 13:00
Looks like the Pitts may be available. I'm on my iPod posting this and can't tell for sure


November 28th, 2011, 13:37
Yes im downloading as i type

November 28th, 2011, 13:49
OMG - its great! Well done Alabeo team.

November 28th, 2011, 13:51
Blank textures for creating your own designs. OK, are they following the "Carenado" norm? Is there a layered paintkit?
Real flight model.
High quality 3D model, textures and sounds.
Detailed aerobatics maneuvers PDF.

Windows Vista or 7 (32 or 64 bits).
Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX with SP1 and SP2 (or Acceleration Pack) installed.
Pentium V/2GHz or similar – 2GB RAM – 512MB graphics card.
170 MB available hard disk space.

November 28th, 2011, 13:58
Man.... Ive got a fleet of pitts going now. I think i have every payware Pitt known.

November 28th, 2011, 14:01
Hi Olboy

I have only had a quick look and i cant find a layered paint kit - unless its well hidden.

Im no expert but i think that the flight model feels right and certainly aeros are fun.

This knocks spots off the old favourite - the Addictive sims one (shame as there are many repaints)

November 28th, 2011, 14:09
Hi Olboy

I have only had a quick look and i cant find a layered paint kit - unless its well hidden.

Im no expert but i think that the flight model feels right and certainly aeros are fun.

This knocks spots off the old favourite - the Addictive sims one (shame as there are many repaints)

I've got plenty of Pitts aircraft for the sim. And the Addictive Simulations Pitt's was/is a great subject for painting. I did many repaint for it and enjoyed it. Not to be negative, but I am. If Alabeo follows stride of Carenado, and don't supply a layered paint template, they won't get any of my cash. I'll wait for their competitor. No paintkit=no sale

November 28th, 2011, 14:15
In that case you wont ever have the joy of just gazing at this model - it looks like you can just reachout and run your hands allong that lushous, shiny skin.

Must go and take a cold shower! LOL


November 28th, 2011, 14:21
This is true. Although I get my gratification when I have the ability to apply "my" brushes, to "my" purchase. If I want to look at something beautiful, I'll gaze, and slobber at a real life beautiful woman :icon_lol:

To add to my above comments, like any model that we have in our hangers, they all eventually get pushed aside for the "next" like any new toy.

November 28th, 2011, 14:24
Ive always wanted to try body painting on an attractive woman!!

November 28th, 2011, 14:45
Looks great for the website.

Now what is the flight model truly like - stalls, slide-slips and spins all realistic ?

Can you pay by paypal ?

Oleboy have you overclocked your pc yet ?

November 28th, 2011, 15:06
Oleboy have you overclocked your pc yet ?

No. Too nervous. :icon_lol:

November 28th, 2011, 15:20
Just follow the steps I gave you - nice and smooth over here in overclocked land !!!

It was made to be overclocked - that was the official thread !

First off just when booting go into bios and save the current profile with the name "Default".

If it does not work the first time (it probably will however unless you entered something wrong) then on next boot after crash go into bios and load default.

Then try again. What could really go wrong? Most problems are when overclocking far too high and over a period of time.

(personally I would just try again without loading default)

I hereby label you "wimp of the realm" (passes sword from one shoulder to the next....just kidding!).

PM me if you wish to discuss and allay your fears through each step of the process.

November 28th, 2011, 16:17
I hereby label you "wimp of the realm" (passes sword from one shoulder to the next....just kidding!).

My apology for going off topic folks.

About the time I was going to start over clocking, I was already moving forward and involved with a repaint. When I get that finished I will make the attempt to over clock.

Meanwhile, back to the topic at hand. :salute:

November 28th, 2011, 17:02
No problem Oleboy, they helped me build my PC here specifically to OC and I've been too much of a scaredy cat to try it. Well, partly because FSX has been excellent for me w/o OC. However, some of the new Orbx stuff is taxing it and I can't have that, so I will have to OC now. ;)

BTW, isn't Sibwings working on a Pitts as well? As for the textures, I'm not surprised it's just a white texture. Wasn't the model made by Carenado and the rest handled by the other group?

November 28th, 2011, 17:11
I was the one who took it off topic lol.

I have just bought it. It is 21.95 US and bought with CC - need to register first. Paints are another download - 3 paints for 11MBs.

November 28th, 2011, 19:18
Oh my, I cant wait for the SU-26 to be ready, that thing in the Honda livery is a thing of beauty! Mind you I work for Honda! haha. Eagerly awaiting this one, and I hope its the same price as the Pitts... very affordable!

November 28th, 2011, 19:37
Yup I'm waiting for the Sukhoi too. This paint is awesome:


November 28th, 2011, 21:14
Faster than I think, the first Alabeo's product is available now!


November 28th, 2011, 23:40

Just a strange thing...did anybody discovered Carenado's C-172N texture names called? Starts with 'alabeo'... :icon_lol:

November 29th, 2011, 01:13
First off the plane looks great and for me frame rates are good. The price is good. I appreciate having another player in the marketplace.

EDIT - i did more testing and I am certain it does not stall or spin realistically. If putting rudder and stick on full to make it spin it resists and when it does as soon as you release pressure it has recovered.

For a stunt plane I wish the flight model was better - not just numbers - but behaviour.

November 29th, 2011, 02:15
Very happy with this new Pitts!!! As to the flight model...I'm sure we will see someone put out a modeifed one to satisfy the stunt pilots in all of us. For me just having it for the simple flight is awesome! Bring on the Su-26!!

November 29th, 2011, 03:39

Just a strange thing...did anybody discovered Carenado's C-172N texture names called? Starts with 'alabeo'... :icon_lol:

I think 'alabeo' means "roll"...as in to roll an aircraft. Makes me wonder if all Alabeo releases will be aerobatic aircraft.:confused:


November 29th, 2011, 05:56
Who did the FDE?

November 29th, 2011, 07:38
Basic aerobatics are good, although I'm having problems with spins and snap rolls. When pulling a snap roll it takes 10G and it's impossible to get it into a spin. Other then that it is superb and well yes she is a looker :)


November 29th, 2011, 08:19
I hope, the Su-26 will be release soon! And I hope, Alabeo will not mess up the Sukhoi's specific sounds as OctopusG did with his Wilga... :(
These 9-cylinder radial engines without exhaust have a very special and unique sound! And I like it very much! :)

November 29th, 2011, 09:10
Anyone know:

what the switch on the upper left of panel is for?

what the knob that pulls out/in at the pilots right knee is for ?

Andy B

November 29th, 2011, 09:22
Windows Vista or 7

A no go for me !

kilo delta
November 29th, 2011, 09:38
A no go for me !

I'd imagine those requirements are if you plan on running in DX10 mode. Most likely the aircraft will work fine under XP.

November 29th, 2011, 09:57
Very nice little aircraft. Really surprised at how easily it settled into landing. Other models have not been so easy for me ( a lot of T-38 might be the difference). The sounds on the runaway got my attention and leads me to think the Sukoi may have some authentic sounds. Of course, I wouldn't know the difference anyway, but unexpected life-like sounds of this model may be an indication.


November 29th, 2011, 10:30
I agree JAllen - those rumbles are very enhancing to the experience

November 29th, 2011, 10:40
Anyone know:

what the switch on the upper left of panel is for?

what the knob that pulls out/in at the pilots right knee is for ?

Andy B

Haven't purchased the Pitts yet, but going from memory, and if the S-2S is anything like the S-2B or S-1S, I think the knob you're referring to will be the Alternate Air control. No idea on the switch on the upper left.


November 29th, 2011, 12:37
Thanks for the info Darrel

November 29th, 2011, 13:05
Have to admit it is beautifully modeled and textured and is a great temptation for me to hit the BUY button. I wonder though why they have no video available(or if so I missed it). I know the engine sounds on Carenado products are usually very good but I would still like to hear before I buy. Especially interested in prop sounds as anyone who has witnessed the Pitts in person knows is very loud.


November 29th, 2011, 14:37
Have to admit it is beautifully modeled and textured and is a great temptation for me to hit the BUY button. I wonder though why they have no video available(or if so I missed it). I know the engine sounds on Carenado products are usually very good but I would still like to hear before I buy. Especially interested in prop sounds as anyone who has witnessed the Pitts in person knows is very loud.


Be warned that the flight model is not realistic however - the bird does not spin. I thought realistic meant it would be like Carenado's Cessna Skymaster. It flies like a default plane not an addon.

I vote for a patch.


November 29th, 2011, 14:47
I have got into spins - not got out of them LOL - have you got full realism in settings?

November 29th, 2011, 15:13
I have got into spins - not got out of them LOL - have you got full realism in settings?

Yes. Now stall the plane first and try to get it to spin (with full rudder). To get out of them simply just take your hand off the stick and feet off the rudder pedals. The effect is instant.

I proved it by letting go of the controls and eating an ice-cream...yep full recovery instantly.

Again talking spins not inability to recover from dives, lets assume you are at altitude first.

Without feet on the rudder pedals and hands on the stick how many times does the plane spin (not turning in small circles) after you have stalled and are forcing a spin ?

Answer = zero.

Compare to Ant's Tiger Moth or Carenado's Cessna Skymaster.

Another person agrees:

November 29th, 2011, 15:16
Be warned that the flight model is not realistic however - the bird does not spin. I thought realistic meant it would be like Carenado's Cessna Skymaster. It flies like a default plane not an addon.

I vote for a patch.


Hey P38man, thanks for the link. If I had wanted to listen to someone scream that would have been very helpful:isadizzy::isadizzy:. I just don't understand how ALABEO thinks that video would help sell this aircraft. Come on, not one sound from the actual product??? Oh wait, I think I heard some kind of buzzing sound at one point :icon_lol:. Also, thanks for the info on the flight model, you would think that if you're producing aerobatic aircraft that sort of thing should be a priority. Come on ALABEO, you're gonna have to do more than show a few pretty (well actually stunning) pictures. All that said, I do really wish them success as I love the kind of aircraft they have set their sights set on.


November 29th, 2011, 16:56
Last thoughts
- for the price point I have nothing to complain about.
- in other respects feels OK to me.
- model looks great
- for me model sounds great with extra sounds eg creaking
- liveries are awesome
- very enjoyable to fly
- for this price point it is a superior plane

November 29th, 2011, 17:16
Fixed Gear, No Flaps

November 29th, 2011, 17:53
Sorry I know, that was a copy and paste I used on another website I put in before editing. I adjusted about 30 seconds after posting though your post was 20 mins later after that!
I also got all the detail (despite ages searching yesterday) for the max RPMs so deleted that whole bit.

November 30th, 2011, 02:25
I like this plane alot - great fun to fly ! One thing i did not like is that every paint have the same pilot - so i play a little ........ now i have white, blue, silvergrey and red with silver-stipes helmets for the pilot and a bit more of "individuality" .

kilo delta
November 30th, 2011, 03:20
I hope, the Su-26 will be release soon! And I hope, Alabeo will not mess up the Sukhoi's specific sounds as OctopusG did with his Wilga... :(
These 9-cylinder radial engines without exhaust have a very special and unique sound! And I like it very much! :)

Quite a sound,alright.:)
Here's a clip of the one that was based at my local field.


Andrey Tsvirenko
November 30th, 2011, 04:34
BTW, isn't Sibwings working on a Pitts as well?

True :) But in our pack will be S1 and S2B, no S2S.

As for subj, I do believe interior and exterior were done by different developers. Exterior is stunning, new world in fsx development, tons of polygons and pixels and no freezes!
But panel were done in hurry for sure - a lot of fake (no circuits breakers working, fake tumbler, are fuelmeters working ? why there is no alt static lever but note about it, why there is not compass table but place for it)
Seems they knew about Sibwings too hahaha :))

FDE... I'm not expert, but don't amazed with it. I loved Flight Unlimited (1995) this is my own reference of aerobatic on PC.

November 30th, 2011, 04:42
True :) But in our pack will be S1 and S2B, no S2S.

As for subj, I do believe interior and exterior were done by different developers. Exterior is stunning, new world in fsx development, tons of polygons and pixels and no freezes!
But panel were done in hurry for sure - a lot of fake (no circuits breakers working, fake tumbler, are fuelmeters working ? why there is no alt static lever but note about it, why there is not compass table but place for it)
Seems they knew about Sibwings too hahaha :))

FDE... I'm not expert, but don't amazed with it. I loved Flight Unlimited (1995) this is my own reference of aerobatic on PC.

Instead of cutting on another developer why not put yours out so it can be tested and fairly judged. Seems you've been dragging your feet...sure hope the wait is worth it seeing as how you find the time to rip into another developer. Just my two cents.

Andrey Tsvirenko
November 30th, 2011, 04:50
Instead of cutting on another developer why not put yours out so it can be tested and fairly judged. Seems you've been dragging your feet...sure hope the wait is worth it seeing as how you find the time to rip into another developer. Just my two cents.

Well, please do not got me wrong, it just my impression. If I wasn't invited for testing, but found name of our company in this topic ) nothing personal to Alabeo or someone else, just impression from model. Sorry if I don't understood your words correct.

November 30th, 2011, 04:59
I understood exactly what you were saying and frankly as a customer of yours I'm put off by your comments about another developer especially when it seems you are dragging your feet on your pitts. If you asked me its bad business for any develeoper to put down another especially in a thread that announces a new product. I love your Cessna but will now rethink any future purchases.

Andrey Tsvirenko
November 30th, 2011, 05:08
I understood exactly what you were saying and frankly as a customer of yours I'm put off by your comments about another developer especially when it seems you are dragging your feet on your pitts. If you asked me its bad business for any develeoper to put down another especially in a thread that announces a new product. I love your Cessna but will now rethink any future purchases.

Common man :) If I'm developer I could not say a word about another one ? Competition is always good thing, I'm always glad with any constructive critics, and I hope Alabeo guys will got my words right.

November 30th, 2011, 05:18
I love your Cessna but will now rethink any future purchases.

Good god Skyhawka4m don't overreact so dramatically. One developer criticizing another might not be prudent. But criticism is the judgement of the merits and faults of the work of another developer. It's the motor of progression and quality improvement.

BTW condering your reaction I might take offence to your sexist avatar...

November 30th, 2011, 05:20
I still say its in bad taste how he put his words...and he knew exactly what he was saying. Coming form a developer who's been dragging their feet forever on a subject that he says was rushed because they knew SIBWINGS was doing one? Why rush when it seems they will enver get theirs out?

November 30th, 2011, 09:14
I completely agree with you Skyhawka

November 30th, 2011, 12:45
OK, I'm gonna jump right in the middle of this controversy and give my opinion....................skyhawka4m, you MUST keep your avatar :icon_lol:.


November 30th, 2011, 12:58
Andrey was asked about his company's Pitts, but Andrey it was very bad manners to jump in with your criticisms of the ALABEO aircraft. They don't have a representative yet at SOH to refute you comments which makes this even more unfair, so please keep any comments balanced. Failure to do so could result in a ban...which nobody wants!

November 30th, 2011, 13:17
OK skyhawka4m, you MUST keep your avatar :icon_lol:.


Oh boy...

November 30th, 2011, 13:55
Opens the door. Looks around and comments.

No need to come back and read any further because the topic is so far out in left field from where it originally began, everyone is better off going to Alabeo just to window shop. (shuts the door) :running:

November 30th, 2011, 14:08
Opens the door. Looks around and comments.

No need to come back and read any further because the topic is so far out in left field from where it originally began, everyone is better off going to Alabeo just to window shop. (shuts the door) :running:

I'm not going to close it at this stage because I believe ALABEO as a new start-up deserve better. I urge posters to continue the thread on the subject at hand...Their new Pitts.

November 30th, 2011, 14:38
Well said

November 30th, 2011, 18:22
Very much considering getting the S-2S. Would like to hear how she is on frames. I don't have the most powerful computer. What is the resolution of the textures?

November 30th, 2011, 18:26
OK, I'm gonna jump right in the middle of this controversy and give my opinion....................skyhawka4m, you MUST keep your avatar :icon_lol:.


Oh boy...

@ Anneke Just tryin to lighten the mood,no offense meant.

Now back on track....... does anyone have a video of the Pitts besides the one above? I do want the Pitts, but I have been burned before with pretty pictures. Does anyone else think it odd that no one from ALABEO is commenting here?


November 30th, 2011, 19:22
So anyway, the exterior and interior look superb.... but what you guys are saying is the fde isn't?

Perhaps the fde's aren't meant to be outstanding... and this is a sort of "econoline" for Carenado...

Still I might buy it :)

November 30th, 2011, 22:39
For me on my system
- frame rates are great
- exterior is surreal it is so so good.
- vc is great and immersive
- love the sounds (I don't have the volume up much though to protect my wittle ears over long flights)
- FDE is great other than stalls require you to have the rudder on to spin - honestly no biggie really as only a small handful of planes can do that in FSX. More about FDE requires someone with more experience than me though. I am happy with it. A lot of power to tame - is challenging for me so far.
- at this price point what even comes near for this type of aircraft ? (only must buys, for me, like the Skylark and the Pitcairn Autogyro)

Looking forward to my next purchase from them! (now that is enough from me)

November 30th, 2011, 23:35
I completely agree with P38man :salute:

November 30th, 2011, 23:54
Okay Guys, here is my opinion about this Pitts:

- The textures are superb...maybe the best of the best on the sim market. Great job from Alabeo/Carenado - as always.
- Framerates is very very good on my old PC at average graphics settings.
- The sounds is quite good - but a littlebit peal to me at idle power. But isn't a big thing.
- The FDE...well, as everybody knows, FSX doesn't designed to aerobatics manuevers, rather for heavy and standard aircrafts simulation. So if we not planned to doing any special aerobatics manuevers with this Pitts, just standard rolls and loops, then we will be totally satisfied with it. The incapacity of complex maneuvers is not Alabeo's fault, it is FSX fault generally.
- The price is low enough, so this aircraft is a gem of my hangar - I can't wait for his Sukhoi! :)

December 1st, 2011, 00:36
Ahh, and one more thing...there's a little bug: G-ITII in Breitling Angel colours is a two seater with 2-blade prop aircraft in the real life, Alabeo pull over this livery his one seater 3-blade prop Pitts. :)

December 1st, 2011, 01:48
The incapacity of complex maneuvers is not Alabeo's fault, it is FSX fault generally

??? There are quite a few free & payware aerobatic planes available that can perform 'complex' maneuvers.

December 1st, 2011, 01:52
I am very happy with the Alabeo Pitts S2S and agree completely with Zlin - also i am looking forward to the SU-26 !!!!

Is some of the existing Owners of the Pitts interested at the modified pilot-textures ? If yes, please let me know.

Kindly regards


December 1st, 2011, 02:10
Official Alabeo Pitts Video here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFZ478-02Ps

December 1st, 2011, 02:29
??? There are quite a few free & payware aerobatic planes available that can perform 'complex' maneuvers.

:) Please tell me some examples... :)
If you think you are right, please watch this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkx1puleUU
Then go to FSX and try to do the same! Lomcevak especially, when the aircraft spins around his wings! But I bespeak to you: it is impossible!
You can do somekind of "Lomcevak", yes, but this figure goes from FSX flight model-counting mistake, when your PC going to tangle of FDE-computing. :)

December 1st, 2011, 03:36
Then go to FSX and try to do the same! Lomcevak especially, when the aircraft spins around his wings!

The question is if the Pitts e.g. spins and snaps like a real one does and with the same control inputs. The answer is no but it's of course possible to achieve that with a good FDE in FSX.
There's a considerable difference between 'complex' maneuvers you initially mentioned (and which I responded to) and 'gyroscopic' maneuvers like the Lomcovak you suddenly brought up.
Not even the best RW aerobatic pilot can exactly predict where and how such a maneuver ends.

December 1st, 2011, 03:47
...question though-- has anyone figured out if the paintkit is layered or not?


December 1st, 2011, 03:58
There is no layerd Paintkit - as in "good old Carenado-Manner" there is a folder with blank textures.

December 1st, 2011, 04:04
....I may still pick it up, however!


December 1st, 2011, 05:35
The question is if the Pitts e.g. spins and snaps like a real one does and with the same control inputs. The answer is no but it's of course possible to achieve that with a good FDE in FSX.

Please show me an FSX video where we can see the exactly the same maneuvers as in real life aircraft can do. I didn't see yet never ever.

There's a considerable difference between 'complex' maneuvers you initially mentioned (and which I responded to) and 'gyroscopic' maneuvers like the Lomcovak you suddenly brought up.
Not even the best RW aerobatic pilot can exactly predict where and how such a maneuver ends.

Sorry, I think any Lomcovak figure is definitely not a basic maneuver, and we must call it 'complex' or 'difficult', therefore it doesn't matter if it is gyroscopic or not.
The tone is on not basic maneuvers.

December 1st, 2011, 05:47
Please show me an FSX video where we can see the exactly the same maneuvers as in real life aircraft can do. I didn't see yet never ever.
Sorry, I think any Lomcovak figure is definitely not a basic maneuver, and we must call it 'complex' or 'difficult', therefore it doesn't matter if it is gyroscopic or not.
The tone is on not basic maneuvers.

??? You seriously claim that's impossible to perform a RW standard spin entry in FSX ? With a good FDE this is something really basic. Even the spin attitude and rotation rate can be controlled....
On the other hand you state that this is not about 'basic' maneuvers. That doesn't make sense to me.
If you want we can discuss this via PM further as this thread has gone a bit off topic...

December 1st, 2011, 06:08
By the time this discussion has ended Alabeo will have their SU26 and updated FDE's released :)


I am happy with my purchase! It has some very fun features as well .. Anyone noticed that you can move your helmet visor up and down?

edit: I wouldn't mind if Alabeo made a combination of their Pitts and Su 26


December 1st, 2011, 06:47
??? You seriously claim that's impossible to perform a RW standard spin entry in FSX ? With a good FDE this is something really basic. Even the spin attitude and rotation rate can be controlled....

Who speaking about basic spin possibility? I'm not! I just talking about snap rolls and Lomcevak. These maneuvers is NOT realistic in FSX - or even impossible.
Btw, if you mentioned that, the basic rolls seems very unrealistic in most of freeware and payware aircrafts. For one reason: the aileron effectivity is really bad, because if we move suddenly our stick to the neutral position during performing roll (at the end of the maneuvers for example), the aircraft roll away and not stopped immediatelly as we planned and as real aircrafts do (Extra, Sokhoi, Cap, Pitts, etc). It is ~10-80-180 degrees, depends on add-on aircraft type. Very disturbing FSX effect.

December 1st, 2011, 06:49
Anyone noticed that you can move your helmet visor up and down?

Yeah, if you press 'Shift+2' then you can move that up and down. Very cool feature! :)

December 1st, 2011, 07:08
I bought this little Pitts, not because I am an aerobat, because I like the look of the little bipes. The exterior is a beautiful work of art, the sounds are so believable and the cockpit is ok. The panel is nice but if a little bit more were done it would match the beauty of the exterior. Case in point, the edge of the fuselage framing the panel is an ugly 2D texture. If just the edging fasteners were 3D modeled? I suppose they had to keep detail down to maintain frames especially if the purpose is aerobatics in which case there's not much notice of such detail anyway, right? It flies so smooth on my rig that I feel no need to count frames and looks and sounds so good no need to count rivets either. Price point? If you can afford payware, no problem. Really enjoy the throaty growl of the engine and the rumbles and squeaks on the runway. Is it accurate? Give me a ride in your RW Pitt S2 and I will tell you.


December 1st, 2011, 07:18
:) Please tell me some examples... :)
If you think you are right, please watch this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkx1puleUU
Then go to FSX and try to do the same! Lomcevak especially, when the aircraft spins around his wings! But I bespeak to you: it is impossible!
You can do somekind of "Lomcevak", yes, but this figure goes from FSX flight model-counting mistake, when your PC going to tangle of FDE-computing. :)

Tim Conrad (Piglet's) Zlin here in the freeware library can do a bunch of things, it's probably got the best aerobatic fde I've seen.

Also, I have the IRIS Christen Eagle - how does this compare? Should I buy this too?

December 1st, 2011, 08:26
1. Who speaking about basic spin possibility? I'm not! I just talking about snap rolls and Lomcevak. These maneuvers is NOT realistic in FSX - or even impossible.
2. the aileron effectivity is really bad, because if we move suddenly our stick to the neutral position during performing roll, the aircraft roll away and not stopped immediatelly as we planned and as real aircrafts do. Very disturbing FSX effect.

1. FYI, a snap roll is nothing more than a spin in the horizontal plane. So that's 'basic' as well. And of course snaps are possible in FSX.
2. Wrong again. Realistic FSX planes stop immediately upon neutralizing the ailerons...(if the real plane does of course).
Again, if you want to continue off topic....PM me.

December 1st, 2011, 08:35
How did you get rid of the pilot in the second shot? These shots are very nice!

By the time this discussion has ended Alabeo will have their SU26 and updated FDE's released :)


I am happy with my purchase! It has some very fun features as well .. Anyone noticed that you can move your helmet visor up and down?

edit: I wouldn't mind if Alabeo made a combination of their Pitts and Su 26


December 1st, 2011, 09:23
1. FYI, a snap roll is nothing more than a spin in the horizontal plane. So that's 'basic' as well. And of course snaps are possible in FSX.
2. Wrong again. Realistic FSX planes stop immediately upon neutralizing the ailerons...(if the real plane does of course).
Again, if you want to continue off topic....PM me.

I think, PM is not necessary, because we discuss from FSX and Alabeo's Pitts flight model, so our posts is absolutely ontopic.

For your 1st point:
Maybe my english is not so perfect, and I can't explain my opinion enough well, sorry for that.
But as far as I know, doing a snap roll isn't a basic maneuvers. A simple roll is that, but snap-rolls are not. Look after it on the Aresti-table - if you know what is it - if you can't beleive me.
In a snap-roll, you get much more G's than a "simple" vertical roll. And the aircrafts gets more stress too. Therefore performing snap-roll strictly prohibited with lot of (aerobatics) training aircrafts. Of course, Pitts can do snap-rolls - but just in real life. Unfortunately we cannot do it with Alebo's Pitts in FSX. But isn't Alebo's fault, is it only an FSX fault - as I said before.

To your 2nd point:
As I see, you have a different concept about word "immediatelly"... :) When I say "immediatelly" that means zero degree overtilting and zero second respond.
But if I doing a quick-roll with this Pitts, then I want to stop it so I move the stick to the neutral position quickly, unfortunately elapse 1-2 seconds till the aircraft's rolling is over. If you not noticed this thing yet, then maybe you're playing with a different simulator, not FSX. :)

I hope, you can understand my poor english...sorry for that again.

December 1st, 2011, 09:32
Tim Conrad (Piglet's) Zlin here in the freeware library can do a bunch of things, it's probably got the best aerobatic fde I've seen.

Ehhh...you can't be serious...Tim's Zlin is one of the best freeware aerobatics aircraft, and I love it, but he have the same problems than any other FSX aerobatics aircraft. The overtilting and aileron-respond is very poor. :(

December 1st, 2011, 09:32
While I can see your point to a degree I also feel that if you desire to go into this at the level of detail you seem to then discussing it via PM as has been asked by Mr. Stolle would be preferred.

December 1st, 2011, 09:45
Ehhh...you can't be serious...Tim's Zlin is one of the best freeware aerobatics aircraft, and I love it, but he have the same problems than any other FSX aerobatics aircraft. The overtilting and aileron-respond is very poor. :(

Huh? Poor control response? That's exactly opposite of what I experience. I can do hammerheads, and hold a knife edge for a little while. It's a bit touchy on the ground but it's one of my favorite planes to mess around in.

December 1st, 2011, 09:54
Zlin must have a different product to mine - its so responsive im nearly killing myself every flight! lOL

December 1st, 2011, 10:02
What Zlin is trying to say is that the inertia on most planes is too high, even in Tims Zlin. The roll rate isn't the problem, that the roll doesn't stop immediately when neutralizing the aileron is the point he's trying to make.
Even when you apply full opposite aileron the Zlin continues to roll into the 'wrong' direction.

December 1st, 2011, 10:23
What Zlin is trying to say is that the inertia on most planes is too high, even in Tims Zlin. The roll rate isn't the problem, that the roll doesn't stop immediately when neutralizing the aileron is the point he's trying to make.
Even when you apply full opposite aileron the Zlin continues to roll into the 'wrong' direction.

That's the point!!
Many thanks bstolle! Finally, you can understand what I trying to explain with my poor english!
My only problem is that you wrote: the roll doesn't stop immediatelly when neutralizing ailerons!

And one more important thing, just for making clear for everybody: I am NOT DEFEND ALABEO!! AND I NEVER DID IT! Alabeo made a really execlusive, and superb aircraft, I can't wait his Sukhoi too! Everything comes from FSX itself, that nobody can eliminate in his products (aircrafts): the roll doesn't stop when we neutralize the ailerons. One guy a few months (or years?) ago wrote a little executable file for his Edge-540 for made more realistic aileron-effect, and really seems much good than any other (freeware or payware) aircrafts.

December 1st, 2011, 10:32
One guy a few months (or years?) ago wrote a little executable file for his Edge-540 for made more realistic aileron-effect, and really seems much good than any other (freeware or payware) aircrafts.

That makes me wonder if it's exclusive to that particular aircraft, or can be adapted to others with the same characteristics. Might be worth investigating.

December 1st, 2011, 10:34
This is a neat little package... and cheap so well worth it!


December 1st, 2011, 10:35
That makes me wonder if it's exclusive to that particular aircraft, or can be adapted to others with the same characteristics. Might be worth investigating.

Can you point me to that "Edge" plane?

December 1st, 2011, 10:46
Can you point me to that "Edge" plane?

Sorry Guys, I really can't remember where I found it. :( I think the author was a german guy... But as far as I remember, this little stuff works together only with that Edge-540. But I'm not sure in that.

December 1st, 2011, 13:30
Quick question for someone who has purchased already: How does the activation work? Do they send you a key and do you have to activate online?


Edit: I forgot to mention that I went to their website and asked about a video with engine sounds and they replied very quickly that they thought it was a good idea and they would look into it. I also pointed them to this thread in case they wanted to join in.

December 1st, 2011, 15:13
They gave a key code online and in an email.

You then to install had to type in your email address and that code. From memory there was nothing stating you had to be online to activate and it was instant so I "guess" that there was no activation but that the files were personalised.

I have no evidence other than the speed of the process. When activating there is usually a tiny wait.

Looking forward to Sukhoi now!

December 1st, 2011, 18:01
They gave a key code online and in an email.

You then to install had to type in your email address and that code. From memory there was nothing stating you had to be online to activate and it was instant so I "guess" that there was no activation but that the files were personalised.

I have no evidence other than the speed of the process. When activating there is usually a tiny wait.

Looking forward to Sukhoi now!

OK Thanks, only reason I asked is I don't like to expose the FSX machine to the internet unless neccessary.


December 1st, 2011, 19:20
Can you point me to that "Edge" plane?

I believe this is the one Zlin is talking about. Maybe he will confirm.

Sorry Guys, I really can't remember where I found it. :( I think the author was a german guy... But as far as I remember, this little stuff works together only with that Edge-540. But I'm not sure in that.

Zlin, is this the one you're referring to?


December 1st, 2011, 21:03

December 2nd, 2011, 01:11
I believe this is the one Zlin is talking about. Maybe he will confirm.

Zlin, is this the one you're referring to?


Yeah, exactly this aircraft mentioned by me! As everybody can see in this movie, the aileron works much better than any other add-on aircraft. Not perfect yet, but much more better.

December 2nd, 2011, 10:20
My only problem is that you wrote: the roll doesn't stop immediatelly when neutralizing ailerons!

Its weird - i have full realism set for aircraft and find that doing a four point hesitation roll is no prob. the roll just stops on neutral aileron.

Could it be that the spring on my Cyborg X stick is so forcefull that it makes sure i really do return to neutral? I find anything off centre will keep it rolling.

December 2nd, 2011, 14:45
I can confirm also that rolling stops instantly for me when neutralizing ailerons.

The plane is very responsive and behaves realistically in other ways many others do not. For instance when climbing if you push the stick forward suddenly you should experience a loss of lift. This happens every time in Il2-1946 (which I flew exclusively for 2 years and gives me my grounding in flight models - I am no expert just that experience only) but rarely in FSX. It happens with this plane.

I had based my initial opinion about its flying realism on the lack of spinning ability (you need to hold the rudder) however it seems to excel in most other areas. I am now more impressed with it. This is no default plane flight model.

I was flat out wrong to judge it on one thing and not the whole flight model.

December 8th, 2011, 07:23
Anyone know how close they are to releasing the Sukhoi? The Pitts looks great, but I really want the Sukhoi!

December 8th, 2011, 08:01
I'd imagine those requirements are if you plan on running in DX10 mode. Most likely the aircraft will work fine under XP.

Nope is not running under XP ;) I have no textures.

kilo delta
December 8th, 2011, 09:00
Nope is not running under XP ;) I have no textures.

Any other XP users having the same issues? Have you tried converting the textures into another format? :)

December 8th, 2011, 09:06
not for this moment

edit: must be convert from bmp. to dds.

December 8th, 2011, 13:49
Well I finally decided to buy. What a great piece of modelling! for the money:engel016:






December 8th, 2011, 14:15
My observations;


Too much specular.
Too much (overall) cartoonish look on the exterior. Crayons?

December 8th, 2011, 15:10
My observations;
Too much specular.
Too much (overall) cartoonish look on the exterior. Crayons?

Well we'll just have to agree to differ.
I think for a first product from a new developer this is a fantastic model. I also like the glass especially: there is a "bloom" like effect which is the way sun-on-glass should look like without the frame rate debilitating internal, FsX bloom.

December 8th, 2011, 16:11
Well we'll just have to agree to differ.
I think for a first product from a new developer this is a fantastic model. I also like the glass especially: there is a "bloom" like effect which is the way sun-on-glass should look like without the frame rate debilitating internal, FsX bloom.

Sorry, though I'm honestly not trying to bash the model as I don't have it. All I can base judgment on are the photos displayed on the net. I have read a lot of good comments, and looked a many screens. From what I do see it appears to be superior in a lot of areas compared to past payware developed. Being a painter I notice things (like others I am sure) that don't catch the average eye.

Now I'll step down the ladder a rung or two. Even my paint work could be a LOT better. I'm learning.

December 8th, 2011, 16:39
Funny...this seems to be some of the best visual work on a flight sim plane that I've ever seen. :jump: The use of a custom fresnel ramp and envmap seem to be giving a quite outstanding lighting effect on the plane.

December 8th, 2011, 17:46
I think the look is great. Watching the shade move across from one side of the plane to the other adds immersion for me.

I also think it looks more realistic. I went to a real-life flight show a few weeks ago.

I think the plane is also a fantastic first release for the price. I would like it to spin but that is all.

Since spinning is caused (according to wikipedia) by rate of yaw I tried changing some variables purely in the aircraft.cfg that only affected this aspect and none other. Initial results are actually surprisingly very good I think considering I did not touch the air file at all. I did get it to spin a little without changing anything else that I could see. Doing more testing though.

Like the sounds too.

My opinions.

December 8th, 2011, 17:50
I dont have it, but apparently it is non aerobatic . No hammerheads, spins or snap rolls

December 9th, 2011, 08:30
My observations;

Too much specular.
Too much (overall) cartoonish look on the exterior. Crayons?

Wow - are your screen settings OK mate?!!!! LOL

December 9th, 2011, 18:21
I bought this but I don't really fly it that much. Get's a bit boring when I remember I cannot perform aerobatics :(

This would be awesome with a good FDE update.

December 10th, 2011, 00:45
I bought this but I don't really fly it that much. Get's a bit boring when I remember I cannot perform aerobatics :(

This would be awesome with a good FDE update.

I think, the FDE is quite perfect, except the ailerons. Check my movie about FDE testing:


December 10th, 2011, 06:25
I think, the FDE is quite perfect, except the ailerons. Check my movie about FDE testing:


How is it perfect when I can't do any aerobatic maneuvers? Spins, hammerheads, knife edge etc???

December 12th, 2011, 06:54
How is it perfect when I can't do any aerobatic maneuvers? Spins, hammerheads, knife edge etc???

Concerning hammerhead... :)


If you read a bit back, you can see my opinion about FDE. Alabeo did a great work with his Pitts, all FDE errors comes from FSX itself. Unfortunately. I hope, MS Flight will be better in this matter.

December 12th, 2011, 07:30
Alabeo did a great work with his Pitts, all FDE errors comes from FSX itself. Unfortunately.

Repeating the same things doesn't make them less wrong...it's not FSX that is in error. Please stop blaming FSX for imperfect FDEs.
Have you tried a standard competition spin entry with the Pitts or a snap roll ? In both cases you need full aileron to get her to snap or spin and that's simply not the way it is IRL.
But IF you continue to keep full rudder during the hammerhead she almost makes a 360 on the spot! etc....
I like the Albeo Pitts and I also find the ailerons to be quite crisp and realistic.
The FDE is very good especially for a first release but there's still a lot to learn for Alabeo FDE (and sound) wise.

December 12th, 2011, 07:47
Funny...this seems to be some of the best visual work on a flight sim plane that I've ever seen. :jump:

It likely is, considering the textures appear to be photo-real. It's not a new method. If a painter has the correct photos, this method can be applied to any model. Although it generally tends to be more time consuming than the average repaint. Not to mention, the real shine competes with the specular, and is over powering.

December 12th, 2011, 08:57
It likely is, considering the textures appear to be photo-real. It's not a new method. If a painter has the correct photos, this method can be applied to any model. Although it generally tends to be more time consuming than the average repaint. Not to mention, the real shine competes with the specular, and is over powering.

Each to their own - i think it makes you feel like you can run your hands over the bodywork and carress it - the other Pitts by Addictive Sims always looked so dirty.

December 12th, 2011, 09:13
Anyone else having a descrepancy between the ASI and the actual readout in FSX?

The gauge reads in mph however shift+z reveals the speed in knots. I think the gauge is actually showing knots...


December 12th, 2011, 09:23
I would expect airspeed in knots - and knots and MPH are different im sure you know. MPH is ground speed not nessicarly airspeed.

December 12th, 2011, 09:25
I would expect airspeed in knots - and knots and MPH are different im sure you know. MPH is ground speed not nessicarly airspeed.

Yeeeaaah, let me be more clear.

The gauge displays MPH per the small text near the top. FSX reads 170 kts. The gauge reads 170 kts. Obviously something is not right. Either they need to change the markings in the cockpit to say knots, or adjust the air file.

If the airspeed indicator is in mph the red text with shift+z should read around 145 kts.

Ground speed is ground speed whether it's in knots or mph.

December 12th, 2011, 09:37
Definitely a type. The ASI label should read kts.


The ASI registers airspeed not groundspeed, regardless if it's in mph, kts, km/h or any other unit.

December 12th, 2011, 10:38
Definitely a type. The ASI label should read kts.

I'm not so sure though. The placards in the VC read in mph....

December 12th, 2011, 10:47
The readout in the upper left corner (of the screen) is always correct.

December 12th, 2011, 10:53
Definitely a type. The ASI label should read kts.


The ASI registers airspeed not groundspeed, regardless if it's in mph, kts, km/h or any other unit.

Yes - thats correct and i never said otherwise - so its just that the label is wrong!!

December 12th, 2011, 10:55
You did say otherwise hehe...

I would expect airspeed in knots - and knots and MPH are different im sure you know. MPH is ground speed not nessicarly airspeed.

December 12th, 2011, 10:56
Yeeeaaah, let me be more clear.

Ground speed is ground speed whether it's in knots or mph.

But you can have 50 knts airspeed indicated on an ASI but into a 50 knt steady head wind you could have a ground speed of 0! (in any calibration you like!)

December 12th, 2011, 11:04
But you can have 50 knts airspeed indicated on an ASI but into a 50 knt steady head wind you could have a ground speed of 0! (in any calibration you like!)


December 12th, 2011, 11:13
But you can have 50 knts airspeed indicated on an ASI but into a 50 knt steady head wind you could have a ground speed of 0! (in any calibration you like!)


December 12th, 2011, 11:17
I'd say the code driving the needle is using the wrong units.
You can use either one, as seen by this:http://www.chiefaircraft.com/aircraft/flight-instruments/airspeed-indicators.html

December 12th, 2011, 11:20
I think I'll just shoot a quick email over there and see what they say.

December 13th, 2011, 00:01
Repeating the same things doesn't make them less wrong...it's not FSX that is in error. Please stop blaming FSX for imperfect FDEs.
Have you tried a standard competition spin entry with the Pitts or a snap roll ? In both cases you need full aileron to get her to snap or spin and that's simply not the way it is IRL.
But IF you continue to keep full rudder during the hammerhead she almost makes a 360 on the spot! etc....
I like the Albeo Pitts and I also find the ailerons to be quite crisp and realistic.
The FDE is very good especially for a first release but there's still a lot to learn for Alabeo FDE (and sound) wise.

I ignored your post because clearly visible that you have absolutely no idea how it works FSX. If the working of aileron is good for you, then you never sit in an real aircraft's seat, and never control it by yourself. If it is true, then how can you compare FSX's FDE to anything? Or if you are a IRL pilot too, then how cannot see the difference between real aircraft and FSX?

FYI: FSX designed eminently for heavy jets such as Boeing, Airbus, etc. For simulate of these heavys the MSFS is quite perfect, the best programm on the market - better than X-Plane - prove that lot of professional add-ons such as iFly, PMDG, etc. Everybody may knows this, and may agree with it. But none of MS FS can attend realistic aerobatics and helicopter aerodynamics. If you trying to do any difficult and complex maneuvers, the FS going to crazy, and your aircraft flies as a leafs in the wind. The most of helicopters flies very unrealistic, lot of them close to uncontrollable. Every simmer knows this who ever trying to make those figures. If you cannot agree with it, then you are a blind man who have no any aerodinamical experience and we haven't any talk each other.
The FDE is a generic FSX fault you must accept it.

Finally, this is a (I hope honestly) free forum with free opinions, so I can share my opinions freely about Alabeo's FDE or FSX faults as I did above. So please do not determine for me what I should say from FSX or Pitts. Thank you.

December 13th, 2011, 01:41
YES Sir, of course Sir, how could I be so wrong, I'm sorry Sir.....

December 13th, 2011, 01:53
YES Sir, of course Sir, how could I be so wrong, I'm sorry Sir.....

You're lamentable.
End of our discussion. Forever. Please ignore and do not respond to my further posts in this forum! Thank you.

December 13th, 2011, 03:19
Please ignore and do not respond to my further posts in this forum!

ok, ignoring & not responding, ROFL

December 13th, 2011, 03:46
With all due respect, what bstolle does for the aircraft that are used in FSX, is all based on mathematics. I've experienced it first hand what can be done with the correct numbers. Not his work personally, but Warchilds.

From a leaf (as you say) to a graceful, and very control-able object. It can be done. Some FDE's, many actually, would take more time than it's worth investing. (my opinion) After all, FSX IS a toy, a game. It's not a so called simulator. But, for the price, it's the best there is currently that fill a niche for a lot of people.

December 13th, 2011, 04:12
Please keep it civil gents. I really don't want to close Alabeo's inaugural thread.

December 13th, 2011, 04:40
That would make two of us :kilroy:

December 13th, 2011, 06:41
yeah - its a $20 addon for a $40 flight sim, not a NASA designed flight simulator for the USAF....please keep it real :kilroy:

December 13th, 2011, 07:37
yeah - its a $20 addon for a $40 flight sim, not a NASA designed flight simulator for the USAF....please keep it real :kilroy:

What? the FDE or the discussion? The mods and I asked Zlin several times to continue this discussion via PM but that didn't work out.
I don't get it. You really think that working for a few month on highly realistic FDE is a bad idea just because the plane and the sim are cheap (or even free) ???

December 13th, 2011, 18:30
working on something together is one thing....bashing the cheese out of it is another.

December 13th, 2011, 18:56
Guys, how about this for an idea...

Start a new thread on the topic of FDE's, FSX, and Aerobatics. We asked once to stop this here, at this point it's a request.

January 8th, 2012, 04:48

I found on my download page an patch for XP Users.

January 8th, 2012, 06:27
and now it works well
