View Full Version : Is it exist? And if so...

September 28th, 2011, 23:14

A TV commercial is running here these days that intrigued me for this;

Most of the ad is CGI (I doubt that there's a hundred aircraft for real), but the "main character" looks real. It is an all-red (no markings) low inverted gull wings with a tricycle gear (nose wheel is protruding a bit just behind the radial cowling). A "handle" under the tail act as a skid (for precaution I presumed) and a step appears on the left trailing edge. All these details had me thinking; "Wait a minute! This bird is for real!" This is the only picture I could find, sorry!

It looks like a cross-breed between an AT-6 and a Trojan, but I can't identify it. Anyone...?

September 28th, 2011, 23:16
Possibly a Nanchang CJ-6?

September 28th, 2011, 23:26
Possibly a Nanchang CJ-6?
:applause: That was quick! Thanks An-225:icon29:!

The cockpit is a bit different, but the general shape and ancillary equipment is there.

P.S.- I was wondering how the heck they could put their hands on a Chinese aircraft. Wikipedia told me;

Civilian Use Due to its inexpensive price and sturdy construction, the CJ-6A is a popular hobby plane. A used CJ-6 in the United States can cost as little as $75,000.[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanchang_CJ-6#cite_note-2) The aircraft appears on the civil register of the USA, Australia, UK, South Africa and other countries.

September 29th, 2011, 10:17
Hmmm...looks more like a Yak 52 to me, especially the step and canopy shape.

September 29th, 2011, 10:39
I was thinking Yak too.

September 29th, 2011, 10:50
See here:


September 29th, 2011, 11:07
New Zealand has a fleet of Yak/Nanchang ( difficult to tell apart, just by looking) which tours the airshow circuit.
T (http://rnzaf.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=airshow&action=display&thread=11074)hey are aerobatic, tough and reliable... and you can take the wife along to the airshow, in the back seat!

Always a favourite with the crowds.
Gavin Conroy has shot some great pics of these, scroll down this page, for example:



September 29th, 2011, 13:37
I could go for the Yak 52 if it was not for the tail. Compare those two pictures;

Nanchang CJ-6

and Yak 52

The Yak has a rudder that goes under the horizonal fins-elevators plane, the Nanchang rudder stops over, like in the above picture of my first post. Canopies can be changed over time, but structural modifications, like the tail in this case, are less frequent. Both have steps on the left wing trailing edge, and both have safety skids shaped like a handle.

I would take any one of them quite frankly. They both look fun to fly!

September 29th, 2011, 21:40
I would much prefer the Yak, one reason being the rudder extending below the elevators, it adds a LOT of rudder surface that is actually useful in spin recovery! From what I've read doing pre-purchase research (pipe dream lol) the Yak is usually ok in spin recovery, but can be a real mongrel to get out of a power on flat spin, I'd hate to be in a spinning Nanchang! (Of course this is speculation as I haven't read any reports on spinning the CJ-6, but I do love those Yaks :-) )

September 30th, 2011, 05:55
Was this the one in one of the Resident Evil movies? I thought that one was a Hollywood creation until I looked it up.