View Full Version : Why does JAVA suck so much?

September 23rd, 2011, 12:59
Every darn time I allow Java Scripts to run on my system, every darn time I allow Java to update...I get nasties through Java. My system just finished its daily full anti-virus/malware sweep (a tad shy of 3 hours 20 minutes to scan just over 2 and a half MILLION files...the majority of those files being related to flight sim in one way or another) and MSE picked up 4 or 5 nasties...all exploits through JAVA. So, why do I keep allowing Java scripts to run? THE EF if I know!


September 23rd, 2011, 15:29
Every darn time I allow Java Scripts to run on my system, every darn time I allow Java to update...I get nasties through Java. My system just finished its daily full anti-virus/malware sweep (a tad shy of 3 hours 20 minutes to scan just over 2 and a half MILLION files...the majority of those files being related to flight sim in one way or another) and MSE picked up 4 or 5 nasties...all exploits through JAVA. So, why do I keep allowing Java scripts to run? THE EF if I know! OBIO "Java" updated itself and I got 14 rootkit infections I can;t remove. Never use your CFS/FS computer for internet, set up a cheap garage sale discard as I have for you "web" computer and have your main offline box as your game/writing/whatever machine. You find a fix for Java's virus problem let me know buddy, you ain;'t the only one. Tony Bones

September 23rd, 2011, 15:31
Every darn time I allow Java Scripts to run on my system, every darn time I allow Java to update...I get nasties through Java. My system just finished its daily full anti-virus/malware sweep (a tad shy of 3 hours 20 minutes to scan just over 2 and a half MILLION files...the majority of those files being related to flight sim in one way or another) and MSE picked up 4 or 5 nasties...all exploits through JAVA. So, why do I keep allowing Java scripts to run? THE EF if I know!


Java and Javascript are two different things entirely. It is important to update your Java as quickly as possible so you get the latest security updates. You definitely are not getting nasties from the official updates themselves. Java is a popular thing to exploit because it is a powerful programming language that can easily access and modify system files. It is also cross platform and is widely used on mobile devices as well.

If you are paranoid about javascript running in your browser, you can disable it but you'll likely lose a lot of functionality on websites. It is pretty rare to find a site nowadays that doesn't use any javascript for one reason or another.

September 24th, 2011, 08:17
I've never had a proble with Java, Javescript, or their updates. Sounds like it could possibly be updates from a bogus Java website that's installing malware. Or their software has been comprimised and they don't realise it.

September 24th, 2011, 08:53
I've never had a proble with Java, Javescript, or their updates. Sounds like it could possibly be updates from a bogus Java website that's installing malware. Or their software has been comprimised and they don't realise it.

There have been some big problems recently with official Java updates, which is why I rarely let it update itself; on one occasion when an update got past me it 'killed' aicarriers2 (a lot of people had this problem apparently).

Java is a necessary evil, because it is used so widely; but I try to avoid sites with a lot of Java content and, like I said, try not to let it update; I rely on proper security software to protect my PC, not on the desperate attempts of the likes of Java and Microsoft to patch the holes that they created themselves - touch wood, it has proved to be effective so far.