View Full Version : Inside St. Louis airport when storm hits (April 2011)

September 7th, 2011, 07:37
I was doing some tube watching last night and came across this one. Simply amazing the power of weather. Keep watching outside as weather degrades and panic sets in.


September 7th, 2011, 10:17
The panic only sets in when that stupid security guy starts shouting his head off!
What a nutter!
I hope he got the sack...!

September 7th, 2011, 11:03
The panic only sets in when that stupid security guy starts shouting his head off!
What a nutter!
I hope he got the sack...!

Really, those people standing in front of the big windows aren't too bright either. :icon_lol:

September 7th, 2011, 12:06
In situations such as these where the onset of whatever disaster is about to occur (and occur very fast) the brain just does not pick up on it. Your almost the deer and headlights situation. I would be so amazed and awestruck at the storm until the the wind really started zipping along then I would of understood the signs and found cover away from windows.

September 7th, 2011, 15:21
In situations such as these where the onset of whatever disaster is about to occur (and occur very fast) the brain just does not pick up on it. Your almost the deer and headlights situation. I would be so amazed and awestruck at the storm until the the wind really started zipping along then I would of understood the signs and found cover away from windows.

The other part of that is we are educating people that there are no dangers in life. After all, wouldn't they build 40 ft high window walls that can't break and hurt people? Wouldn't someone send everyone a text msg. saying a tornado was a few feet away? Why are those 100,000# airplanes rocking on their wheels?

Of course, there's also a tendency to not learn from what we see, but only after we feel... they probably were waiting for the commercial break...

I suppose someone will sue and next month there will be mandatory stickers to be placed on all windows saying: "Caution! Windows are glass and may not have the strength to resist a bird, football or tornado. Users are warned to avoid looking through, standing near or opening windows when a risk of breakage exists."

The only time I ever evacuated a control tower was when the winds reached 60Kts. The engineers had been asked and reported that the design strength was 75mph (when they were built and installed 20 years earlier). Fortunately, the wind contained no foreign objects and held up to a recorded peak gust of 72 KTS.