View Full Version : CFS3 Zapper Where to find?

August 22nd, 2011, 23:34
I have zappers for ETO, PTO , Maw ...but for CFS3?
Thanks in advace.

August 22nd, 2011, 23:43
Hi Emile,
just copy the bdpzapper.exe and paste into your CFS3 install. Personally, I prefer the zapper originally used in MAW, because it deletes ALL the bdp files within the entire install. The later ETO version deletes from aircraft, guns, weapons and vehicles, but not from ships, buildings and possible other folders I've forgotten??

However its your personal choice - you may prefer the ETO BDPzapper.exe.

Sorry I don't have my cfs computer open so I cannot give you the exact name of the earlier version (which may have orginally been a .bat file?)

August 23rd, 2011, 09:03
try here for cfs3


also beaus site


hope this helps

joshua aka loverboy1

August 23rd, 2011, 16:54
You can actually make a zapper very easily.

1. Open notepad and paste the following text line:

del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\*.bdp" /s

2. Now close the file and save changes, the file should default
save in your documents as a .txt file

3. Name the file whatever you like and change the file tag from
".txt" to ".bat".

4. This will automatically change the file from a notepad icon
to a batch file icon.

5. Now place it in your CFS3 main folder and it should open a
DOS window when you click on it.

August 23rd, 2011, 17:03
If you have a zapper you want to modify you can open it with notepad but you have to open notepad first then open the file under the "file" drop down menu.

If you want to create a zapper for other things just change the folder and specific file names you want to zap as I did in the text below. I made a terrain files zapper when I was making lots of changes to my global layer but you can creat one for any file type you like.

del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\Terrains\*scenery.zx" /s
del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\Terrains\*terrdata.zx" /s
del "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\Terrains\*lcmosaic.zx" /s

August 23rd, 2011, 22:01
Hello and thanks a lot
Done and it works for all my installations CFS3, ETO, MAW and PTO:salute: