View Full Version : CFS2 install questions ?

August 22nd, 2011, 05:04
Well , I'm going to reinstall CFS2 after many years reading through all the threads and seeing all the enhanced terrain , mesh , airfields , AC , scenery , water , etc that is still being made today . Fortunately quite a bit of my addons have been downloaded right here on SOH . My questions are , I'm running on Win7 64bit and want to install on a second hard drive I have partitioned with about 150 Gigs I can devote to it . Just want to keep CFS2 far away from C:/Program Files , windows , etc and have a space for CFS2 only . Any problems placing CFS2 in it's non default location(C:/) ? Second question : Are there any Microsoft updates/patches after the basic CFS2 install ? Couldn't find any on Microsoft's CFS2 site other than mention of a forcefeed back problem which I don't use that particular stick .

Special thanks to Rami for his excellent "Guide to PTO Installation" . Excellent place to start .


Cody Coyote
August 22nd, 2011, 05:30
No problem at all with having CFS2 in a different location or even on a different drive. I'm running Windows 7, 64bit myself and have all of my flight sims installed on the D: drive. MS never released a patch or updates for CFS2. The one thing they did that is valuable is the enhanced country.cfg file. If you don't have it you should download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/games/combatfs2/articles_SDK_countryfile.aspx


August 22nd, 2011, 09:55
Thanks Cody Coyote for answering my questions and for the county.cfg link . I will probably start loading up later on this evening .
