View Full Version : BC PNW Lighthouses - new light effect update

August 14th, 2011, 05:07
After receiving some complaints about the default Microsoft rotating beacon effect that I used in my BC PNW Lighthouses project, I decided to create my own custom rotating beacon effect. I have released the updated light effects for all eighteen light houses at Bushpounder's (http://bushpounder.com/home/). Note that you must have my BC PNW Lighthouses project installed first; this is available from either AVSIM Library or FlightSim.Com, the file is called bcpnwlighthouses.zip at both places.

One big plus about Bushpounder's is that you can download without joining up; on the other hand if you enjoy bush flying in Canada or Alaska please take a look!

Regards, Mike Mann

August 14th, 2011, 05:34
Thanks, Mike.
Picking up the new effect now.

August 14th, 2011, 10:50
Thanks Mike! Much appreciated!