View Full Version : Shackleton for FsX - Now released!

August 13th, 2011, 02:28
W.I.P. over at Britsim:



huub vink
August 13th, 2011, 06:41
The Shackleton in an interesting aircraft, happy to see it will become available for FSX.


August 13th, 2011, 15:07
Holy smoke! Always like the Shack. I'm sure this is going to a well flown addition to my FSX hangar!

August 14th, 2011, 02:11
"Ysterplaat Tower, Shackleton 722 Requesting permission to taxi and hold short short of runway 22." "Shackleton 722, Ysterplaat Tower clears you to taxi to and hold short of runway 22." :wiggle: I seriously cannot wait for this aircraft! It might actually get me back into full scale simming..


August 14th, 2011, 05:43
Surely missed the Shackleton since Hugo's brilliant airplane. Hope to see it soon in my FSX hangar!

August 14th, 2011, 22:09

August 15th, 2011, 15:51

If you drop by Britsim.com you will find that Rob Already has it painted in SAAF colours.
She will be a jewel when released, As I said at Facebook the only thing missing will be the smell!!!


August 15th, 2011, 16:22
Wow awesome an early jobbie too! :salute:

August 16th, 2011, 10:53
I'll be waiting for this one! I would also like to see an Argus in my hanger!

August 16th, 2011, 11:48
I'll be waiting for this one! I would also like to see an Argus in my hanger!

I agree on an Argus. For those days you want to fly for 22 hours straight ... :)

Garry Russel is working on a detailed Bristol Britannia and CC-106/CL-44. BTW ...

Anyway, the Shack is looking very nice.



September 4th, 2011, 08:52
It's available for download, don't forget to get Garry Jones Griffon sounds too.

September 4th, 2011, 09:01


September 4th, 2011, 09:09
One of the few aircraft I was really waiting for, but I seem to have a severe case of 'downloadus interruptus'; over ten attempts and it keeps finishing prematurely...

September 4th, 2011, 09:26
One of the few aircraft I was really waiting for, but I seem to have a severe case of 'downloadus interruptus'; over ten attempts and it keeps finishing prematurely...

I got it using DAP after several failed attempts.

September 4th, 2011, 09:38
Roger, what is DAP and where do I get it? I've tried with IE, Firefox and Chrome but every time it fails... :banghead:

September 4th, 2011, 09:42
Roger, what is DAP and where do I get it? I've tried with IE, Firefox and Chrome but every time it fails... :banghead:

"Download Accellerator Pro" i belive (but spelled correctly of course :icon_lol:)

September 4th, 2011, 09:52
Thanks Stiz; I have already found it (Could have been the 'Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' too but I doubt they could help me...). Now I have a complete but corrupted download... :banghead::banghead:

September 4th, 2011, 10:02
Five attempts with DAP; one corrupted, one finished too soon and three 'could not be downloaded'...

September 4th, 2011, 10:04
I just got it on the 3rd try using IE. Now to find the sounds that Gary made for it, and I'll test it out. Can anyone tell me what file set to get?

September 4th, 2011, 10:08
Five attempts with DAP; one corrupted, one finished too soon and three 'could not be downloaded'...

Once you've gone through the terms and conditions and you get the final download button, copy the shortcut and paste it into the + window of DAP. Seems to work ok that way.

September 4th, 2011, 10:25
What a great job!:applause:



September 4th, 2011, 10:32
I just got it on the 3rd try using IE. Now to find the sounds that Gary made for it, and I'll test it out. Can anyone tell me what file set to get?

These - http://www.britsim.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=162&func=fileinfo&id=2143


September 4th, 2011, 10:39
Wow that's fantastic!


September 4th, 2011, 11:02
Is a no go for me. 16 download attempts, all failed trying Firefox, IE, and DAP. The model only shows 22 downloads at last look.

Guess will try later when their traffic is lower.

September 4th, 2011, 11:11
For those having difficulty downloading from Britsim, check their forum. Leif has kindly provided an alternate download link.

September 4th, 2011, 11:23
Thanks, I'll give that link a try. Strange thing is that I got their Provost and sounds earlier this week without a single problem?

Edit: That worked!

September 4th, 2011, 11:24
Alternate download location, as provided by BritSim:

https://www.transferbigfiles.com/c3a844ef-4286-43d4-940c-4df6a9d29881?rid=D%2bYl%2b43CtOErKjbRN%2fbrMA%3d%3 d

kilo delta
September 4th, 2011, 11:31
Thanks for the alternative download link.:salute:

By the by.....did you know that the Shackleton has been likened to an Elephant?...

Grey and wrinkly on the outside

and dark and smelly on the inside!:icon_lol:

September 4th, 2011, 11:55
Alternate download location, as provided by BritSim:

https://www.transferbigfiles.com/c3a844ef-4286-43d4-940c-4df6a9d29881?rid=D%2bYl%2b43CtOErKjbRN%2fbrMA%3d%3 d

... it seems to be very difficult to get the Shackleton.
This link gives the following answer:

This file has reached its maximum download limit.

:kilroy: Bernhard

September 4th, 2011, 11:59
Alternate download location, as provided by BritSim:

https://www.transferbigfiles.com/c3a844ef-4286-43d4-940c-4df6a9d29881?rid=D%2bYl%2b43CtOErKjbRN%2fbrMA%3d%3 d

I now get "This file has reached it's maximum limit" on the above link . I guess I'll try to sneak in when when it's not so busy .

September 4th, 2011, 12:03
Rob, thank you for another great model and Leif thank you for the download link !


Dave Torkington
September 4th, 2011, 12:23
Rob, thank you for another great model and Leif thank you for the download link !

Agreed! Stunning work -thank you Rob.

Might have been my download, but I had to tweak the 500Lb bomb to get it dropping and exploding using the saved flight... :salute:


September 4th, 2011, 12:28
Well, there seems to be some download issues from various spots here in North America. I ran tests with Firefox and lunascape in an attempt to help and found through lunascape that the downloads are stopping at approximately one third of the way through. if it were just myself, i would have a talk with my ISP, but others that are having the same problem are located throughout the continent. Its a shame really.. A terrible shame..

September 4th, 2011, 12:32
Worth persevering though Pam. Rob was kind enough to let me try it out at the beta stage, and even at that point it was stunning (especially with Gary's sounds dropped in). As you probably know, FSX is not my natural habitat, as my PC is not optimum spec for the sim - but Rob's Shack didn't make me drop a frame! Looking forward to getting the final version, thanks Rob. :salute:

September 4th, 2011, 14:06
Well, there seems to be some download issues from various spots here in North America. I ran tests with Firefox and lunascape in an attempt to help and found through lunascape that the downloads are stopping at approximately one third of the way through. if it were just myself, i would have a talk with my ISP, but others that are having the same problem are located throughout the continent. Its a shame really.. A terrible shame..


I am exactly 483 miles South of you - And Have downloaded Robs Shack from our website twice to put it on sendbigfiles.......it downloaded ALL 30mb in about 2 minutes....no I dont live in Silicon valley I live in a little town on the coast so I can claim "Super connection" And previously when I lived in Vegas I had NEVER experieinced a problem downloading from our host which is located in Utah.
And to top everything else in my ill concieved efforts to help ingrates who think that
freeware is a RIGHT and not a priveldge I have managed to have my personal account at snedbigfiles revoked because some ASS on this site linked to the tiny url I posted at the Pond , which caused it to crash from the traffic and SBF have now closed my account -- thanks

I DONT DO THIS FOR ANYTHING except the satisfaction of seeing excellent developers models get out to the public -- I DONT have payware or shareware
I am NOT an IT type , just a fan of old British aircraft who manages Britsim because
the owner (Rob English) has a very busy schedule.

Sorry if I am ranting but I have spent the day reading garbage and dealing with
ungrateful asses/


September 4th, 2011, 14:26

I am exactly 483 miles South of you - And Have downloaded Robs Shack from our website twice to put it on sendbigfiles.......it downloaded ALL 30mb in about 2 minutes....no I dont live in Silicon valley I live in a little town on the coast so I can claim "Super connection" And previously when I lived in Vegas I had NEVER experieinced a problem downloading from our host which is located in Utah.
And to top everything else in my ill concieved efforts to help ingrates who think that
freeware is a RIGHT and not a priveldge I have managed to have my personal account at snedbigfiles revoked because some ASS on this site linked to the tiny url I posted at the Pond , which caused it to crash from the traffic and SBF have now closed my account -- thanks

I DONT DO THIS FOR ANYTHING except the satisfaction of seeing excellent developers models get out to the public -- I DONT have payware or shareware
I am NOT an IT type , just a fan of old British aircraft who manages Britsim because
the owner (Rob English) has a very busy schedule.

Sorry if I am ranting but I have spent the day reading garbage and dealing with
ungrateful asses/


no apologies needed Leif.. i totally understand. And no, i'm not really complaining, just reporting my findings.. Were all of us that are experiencing problems using BendBroadband, i wouldnt hesitate to be chewing them up one side and down the other. However, thats not the case and its just a shame that so many of us will not be able to enjoy this aircraft.. Delighted though that others are :).. it looks spectacular..

September 4th, 2011, 14:27
All the best things come to those who wait Pam! :icon_lol:

September 4th, 2011, 14:50
The BritSim folks may kick my arse for this, but here's yet another alternative d/l location.

Provided the BritSim managers agree, fell free to pass it on.

Can't (shouldn't) stop the signal...especially when it's free.

- Edit: Hey, they could've kicked my arse for it!

September 4th, 2011, 14:56
Excellent. I've been waiting for this one.

I don't know what it is about the Shackleton. I don't really see it as particularly attractive, it doesn't have an exhaustive combat record and it's not exotic...but I've always admired it for some unknown reason.

It's like WWII English fighters; the Hurricane's always appealed to me more then the Spitfire.

Thanks guys.

September 4th, 2011, 15:00

Thanks but we are not going to go there. If Britsim wants to host it in free hosting they will do it but we will not lead the way. Its their file not ours.

I find it funny that I could not download the Shackleton from their site but I could several other files that I did not even care to have.

The issue is clearly on their server with that file. They will fix it I am sure.

September 4th, 2011, 15:12
My download got up to 22Mb before it dumped, now I'm not even getting 3Mb. I'll wait and try again in the wee hours of the AM. :)

September 4th, 2011, 15:16
Available, WOW, thanks!
Gonna download now.

September 4th, 2011, 15:31
My download got up to 22Mb before it dumped, now I'm not even getting 3Mb. I'll wait and try again in the wee hours of the AM. :)

Its definitely not server load causing their issues. I downloaded two files one 16 mb and the other 34 mb with out a problem. Then I tried the Shackleton again. It failed again as expected.

While I was downloading all three of the files I was running a wireshark capture to view the network traffic between their server and myself. When I hit the Shackleton download it generates a lot of error messages it does not generate on the other files.

September 4th, 2011, 16:49
After trying all day, I just had a good download from the BritSim site. I did a quick flight to make sure all is well. Seems to be good here in Maine.

September 4th, 2011, 17:26
Smooth and fast download for me (fiberglass internet connection though), and an eazy install as well.

Thanks Britsim! :salute:

September 4th, 2011, 17:31
Thank you Gentlemen

Nice to know I am not going crazy.....Its worth the wait - I notice that the number of downloads is starting to pickup in the last hour or so. Using the likes of hostmonster or godaddy puts you at THEIR pleasure so bandwidth depends on them, NOT Britsim. Anyway it is available right now, so get it, Rob has excelled himself this time. Its a thing of beauty.


September 4th, 2011, 18:24
It can't be bandwidth or the other files I downloaded would have failed as well.

September 4th, 2011, 20:37
Thank you Gentlemen

Nice to know I am not going crazy.....Its worth the wait - I notice that the number of downloads is starting to pickup in the last hour or so. Using the likes of hostmonster or godaddy puts you at THEIR pleasure so bandwidth depends on them, NOT Britsim. Anyway it is available right now, so get it, Rob has excelled himself this time. Its a thing of beauty.


Well I don't use hostmonster or godaddy and I can't download it either. Same issues as so many others have reported. Obviously a problem at the "other" end... It does looks like a nice plane though. Thanks for trying to help, Dave...

September 4th, 2011, 21:19
I was able to download the file after seven consecutive tries.. its a really nicely done aircraft and worth the effort, but now ive got a whole bunch of bad zip files that will have to be deleted.. oh well..

September 4th, 2011, 21:37
I was able to download the file after seven consecutive tries.. its a really nicely done aircraft and worth the effort, but now ive got a whole bunch of bad zip files that will have to be deleted.. oh well..

You're lucky, I still have bu**er all and I have given up trying.

September 4th, 2011, 21:41
I was able to download the file after seven consecutive tries.. its a really nicely done aircraft and worth the effort, but now ive got a whole bunch of bad zip files that will have to be deleted.. oh well..

Hey Warchild, my son came in the door literally 5 minutes ago, he spent the weekend in a cabin on Baker Mntn WA, but he presented me with a 2 cases of beers from Bend, some Rogue and Twilight. It eases my pain not getting the Shack tonite. Thank you Bend Oregon. :icon29:

September 4th, 2011, 23:25
::LOL:: then at least one good thing has come yourn way today.. Definately hope you enjoy the beer.. :ernae:

September 5th, 2011, 00:06
The Shackleton is well worth getting, I downloaded it on my second try. The reccomended engine sounds are awesome, my headphones were lit up and vibrating almost painfully. No surprise that real world crew members had a legacy of hearing problems. Thanks very much Rob and Gary.

September 5th, 2011, 00:41
Finally got the Shack and the sound package downloaded with no problems. What a great airplane! Haven't dropped any bombs or rafts yet, will do that later today (Mon). Thanks to the folks at BritSim who created this bird, and to Garry for the sound package. :salute:

September 5th, 2011, 05:18
Smooth and fast download for me (fiberglass internet connection though), and an eazy install as well.

Thanks Britsim! :salute:

Fibre here too, no joy :sleep: Thanks anyway :-)

September 5th, 2011, 05:22
I don't know if I have fiber or not, but I do get blazing fast downloads, it's just that, in this case, there's no plane in the download. I almost got it this morning. It got to 50% before crapping out again.

September 5th, 2011, 05:42
For everyone having difficulty downloading this, I've uploaded the aircraft to rapidshare. Links below.

Greetings from Tobago

September 5th, 2011, 07:01
One should really exercise a little patience and wait 24 hours or so.
All the "Gotta have it NOW" lot will have gone away and it is a case of one click and done she comes.
Sorry people, the Rapidshare link has been deleted as it is 'un-authorised' by the Britsim team.

September 5th, 2011, 08:24
Hi all
Britsim down for the time being, I managed to download on Rapidshare
in a whiff ....

September 5th, 2011, 09:14
Just got it from Britsim, first try :applause:

September 5th, 2011, 09:38
47683 Well done ol' chaps!

September 5th, 2011, 10:01
Nice shot DVJ - I would never have thought of flying it out of Dillingham!


September 5th, 2011, 15:24
Hi Guys,

Great looking model :applause:

Just a little bit of useless trivia but on all SAAF aircraft of the period the Springbok, be it in the castle or the roundel format, is always leaping toward the front of the aircraft when placed on the fuselage and towards the fuselage when placed on the wings.


September 5th, 2011, 15:26
What a joy to fly this magnificent beast!
In my opinion the Shackleton is the best freeware aircraft of 2011, so far!
Absolutely payware quality.


September 5th, 2011, 16:33
I have tried numerous times at different times of the day and still get corrupted sounds and aircraft files. Are there any other links available?


September 5th, 2011, 17:16
Well finally got the sounds,suggest you D/L the Griffin with the pic of the head set...the other is corrupted...this one..

Griffon Sounds (http://www.britsim.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=162&func=fileinfo&id=2143) (Sounds (http://www.britsim.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=162&func=select&id=3))
<dl><dt>Submitted By:</dt><dd> LeifH </dd><dt>Submitted On:</dt><dd> 26 Jun 2011 </dd><dt>File Size:</dt><dd> 27,019.58 Kb </dd><dt>Downloads:
</dt><dd> 165 </dd><dt>
</dt><dd>I read in the Blogs there,that Gary Jones is retiring from the Sound biz and Flight sim in general due to failing health. ...they suggest to Please post your thoughts and good wishes to him ,..On their blog He has provided some incredible sound files of aircraft over the last few years, He will be missed....yes We can second that!!

This Fine venerable war bird is further enhanced by this Sound set...a great mating of sight and sound...not to mention flying Qualities.

I have a question..I'm sure some SHACKLETON PILOTS can answer ....At 14,000..what could my power cruise settings be?...RPM.and BOOST (MP)?

The seat of my pants tells me if the Avro Shackleton engines are at a low deep growl?..it must be right.....Thanx guys..Vin!

September 5th, 2011, 18:10
Four attempts, four 'dongs' - corrupted download file.

September 5th, 2011, 18:26

I wish to thank you on behalf of the admin staff at Britsim for Direct linking to our site there by expanding the band width usage again !!! and by doing so making the Griffon sound and the Shack less available to your friends in the hobby. Nice going Ace

Everyone else here I would appreic

ate if you DID NOT direct link -- and for those of you with patience you might like to know that Rob English who owns Britsim is in the process of transferring our website from the American server we currently use
that causes the horrendous downloading problems and AGAIN To everyone who keeps saying that we are handing out CORRUPT files the problem is that due to the size of the files and the lack of bandwith of the American Server files are routinely cutoff before they finish downloading som when you go to unzip them they show as "corrupt".


Britsim Admin Staff

September 5th, 2011, 18:47
I'm getting the feeling that this is not going well.

For whatever reason it seems that it is not easily downloaded. I have no interest as to who's fault it is. What I do get interested in is seeing rogue uploads, critical opinions of other members well meaning intent, and arguments as to who/what is at fault.

The bottom line is that at the rate this thread seems to be going it's going to end soon. Too bad...it looks like a great plane.

September 5th, 2011, 19:33
That bit of info I posted ..I did not know the cut and paste was an active thing..really! was meant just for visual info,and not an active device..sorry bout that...however..they will handel it their way..less classy than would think.......Still ,in the overall picture ,its a great plane..for that I thank them!..Vin!

September 5th, 2011, 21:06
The Shackleton sound file is available on Avsim


September 6th, 2011, 04:18

I wish to thank you on behalf of the admin staff at Britsim for Direct linking to our site there by expanding the band width usage again !!! and by doing so making the Griffon sound and the Shack less available to your friends in the hobby. Nice going Ace

Everyone else here I would appreic

ate if you DID NOT direct link -- and for those of you with patience you might like to know that Rob English who owns Britsim is in the process of transferring our website from the American server we currently use
that causes the horrendous downloading problems and AGAIN To everyone who keeps saying that we are handing out CORRUPT files the problem is that due to the size of the files and the lack of bandwith of the American Server files are routinely cutoff before they finish downloading som when you go to unzip them they show as "corrupt".


Britsim Admin Staff

??? That is a link to your site specifically to the page of the sound files in question and not a hot link to the file.

It in no way can affect your bandwidth anymore than having the page on your site.

It only provides faster access to the download page for those who are looking for the sound files. This is exactly what you should do when pointing out what files can be found where.

You owe Beana an apology as he did nothing wrong.

September 6th, 2011, 04:25
In fact, the direct link cuts their bandwith usage as you donīt have to navigate thru all the pages and the server donīt need to deal with these pages requests. (Assuming that the pages and the plane packages are in the same server) :salute:
For the other side, using a direct link you bypass the License Agreement, witch i think is important.

I managed to download it thru the correct way already! Nice bird! Thanks Britsim!

September 6th, 2011, 05:23
What a joy to fly this magnificent beast!
In my opinion the Shackleton is the best freeware aircraft of 2011, so far!
Absolutely payware quality.


Agree 100%

September 6th, 2011, 07:59
Download problems here as well. I'm on my 4th attempt now, all file sizes have been different so far, Hrrrrmpf!

4th attempt lucky!!!!

September 6th, 2011, 08:12
RAF greets the Royal Navy :salute:


September 6th, 2011, 13:49
A downloading side note. Finally got a successful download, first try on my wife's computer. She and I are networked through a single DSL modem and both using Firefox. The Griffon sounds, however, was corrupt on both machines. Go figure.

Smashing Time
September 6th, 2011, 16:28
Why doesn't somebody put the "good" download on this site?
If that's a problem then this isn't worth the time of day!

September 6th, 2011, 16:42
That has to be done by the folks that made the plane, or they can grant permission for someone to do so.

Smashing Time
September 6th, 2011, 18:48
Has anybody tried?

September 6th, 2011, 18:53
The designer only hosts his files on Britsim. He is not going to change that.

Smashing Time
September 6th, 2011, 19:09
To bad people have waste their time on crap like this.

September 6th, 2011, 19:35
Smashing Time, kindly explain which crap you are referring to, the model or the fact you have problems downloading it.

Lots of people have problems downloading it, took me 7 attempts.

Smashing Time
September 6th, 2011, 19:38
Downloading. I won't waste my time anymore that two attempts.

September 6th, 2011, 19:39
I'm gonna ask you guys one time to keep it civil. I realize it's a frustrating thing, but it's not something anyone here is going to be able to do anything about.

Smashing Time
September 6th, 2011, 19:47
What was not civil?

September 6th, 2011, 20:06
The implication in my reply was not meant to be that you were not civil at this time, but I see a potential negative trend in the recent posts. I'm just trying to keep the discussion from going downhill from this point, thus allowing the thread to remain.

September 6th, 2011, 20:33
Yeah, it's been frustrating to the user base and of course those kind folks at Britsim who've brought us these lovely classic models. Sad thing they, the Britsim folks seem to be getting a raw deal from a service/server they are paying good money to but as explained, hopefully that shall be rectified soon when they switch servers. Outstanding job on the mighty Shackleton. The plane has long intrigued me as a throwback to an earlier but often better age of mechanical artistry & magnificence hence drawn into serving with distinction into and through many later eras of aviation. What a beauty!


September 7th, 2011, 00:19
Got it at least and love it - thanks to all who made this gem available.
It's worth every single DL attempt! (took me a lot of them).
However, at that unbeatable price I will not moan about any problems compared to what I get.


huub vink
September 7th, 2011, 00:24
After reading this thread I see a lot of frustration which, makes people react in a different way than they normally do.

From what I have heard and seen the model obviously is very nice. So probably worth the wait.

The designer who is the intellectual owner of the model, has chosen to make his models only available via Britsim. That is his own choice and he definitely has the right to chose where he makes his models available.

Britsim is currently experiencing difficulties to make the the model available to all those who want it.

I want to be very clear it serves no purpose to shout here that the designer should have made a different choice. And it does not make any sense to criticize Britsim, about the way they run they site!

It is a free model, respect it as precious gift. Britsim makes it available as a free service. Respect this and consider it as a helping hand from a good friend.

Don't bring your frustration about the fact that you can't download it in a first, second or tenth attempt to this forum! It serves no purpose and just leads to more frustration.

This thread is just to announce a new release and not to vent your frustration about the fact you have difficulties to download it!

If some of you keep behaving as spoiled children, I might be forced to close this thread or even take further actions.


September 7th, 2011, 01:03
"If some of you keep behaving as spoiled children, I might be forced to close this thread or even take further actions".
Or I will.
Now play nice.

September 7th, 2011, 01:39
All frustrations are quickly forgotten once you start flying this aircraft, as it really is a great model! Sounds are excellent too! :applause:




September 7th, 2011, 07:42
Fantastic work---thank you very much for this outstanding aircraft!
One question,is ist possible to set the view point a notch back?
Even with zoom set to 0.30 i feel to be too near to the panel.

September 7th, 2011, 08:12
All frustrations are quickly forgotten once you start flying this aircraft, as it really is a great model! Sounds are excellent too! :applause:




Great Screenies! I downloaded the sound set yesterday - oh WOW. Crank up the volume and turn up the subwoofer. The whole house vibrated.

September 7th, 2011, 08:28
Hi DVJ, this aircraft looks incredible. I have been trying to download it from britsim but not been able to successfully since yesterday. I was simply wondering how you were able to download it, perhaps i could also give it a try?

huub vink
September 7th, 2011, 08:29
Ferry, what does a Shackelton search in the "Waddenzee"? The water is so shallow there you can barely wet your feet! Beautiful shots however ;)


September 7th, 2011, 11:06
Hi DVJ, this aircraft looks incredible. I have been trying to download it from britsim but not been able to successfully since yesterday. I was simply wondering how you were able to download it, perhaps i could also give it a try?

Have you tried the alternate download link in the Britsim Forum?
That's how I got mine.

September 7th, 2011, 11:34
Ferry, what does a Shackelton search in the "Waddenzee"? The water is so shallow there you can barely wet your feet! Beautiful shots however ;)

It's looking for (Or should I say at?) the best looking water I've seen in FsX!


September 7th, 2011, 11:46
It's looking for (Or should I say at?) the best looking water I've seen in FsX!


Guess you found it! Nice shot's there, Ferry :applause:

September 7th, 2011, 17:43
Awesome aircraft...



September 7th, 2011, 20:48
Hi DVJ, this aircraft looks incredible. I have been trying to download it from britsim but not been able to successfully since yesterday. I was simply wondering how you were able to download it, perhaps i could also give it a try?

Sid, I used the alternative download site. Look for the link further back in the tread. Download was through Rapidshare.


September 7th, 2011, 20:49
Fantastic work---thank you very much for this outstanding aircraft!
One question,is ist possible to set the view point a notch back?
Even with zoom set to 0.30 i feel to be too near to the panel.

When in the VC, press and hold Ctrl, and toggle the Enter key. This will zoom you out.


Dave Torkington
September 8th, 2011, 00:49
Fantastic work---thank you very much for this outstanding aircraft!
One question,is ist possible to set the view point a notch back?
Even with zoom set to 0.30 i feel to be too near to the panel.

Hi Michael,

You can move the view point [or eyepoint] back permanently by altering a line in the Shackletons aircraft.cfg :

eyepoint=18.100, -1.45, 5.10

Change to

eyepoint=17.400, -1.45, 5.10

Altering the first value moves the eyepoint back / forward,
the second value left / right and
the third value up / down

September 8th, 2011, 01:30
RAF greets the Royal Navy :salute:


I recall a story about a Shackleton "bombing" a navy ship with toilet rolls but can't remember the details. Anyone else remember?

September 8th, 2011, 07:19
Thanks dvj and Dave!
Much better now----fantastic aircraft!

September 8th, 2011, 22:13
Thank you Rob for a lovely freeware aircraft, and a rare one too, and it downloaded in seconds from the Britsim website.

If the non-developing monsieur's knew what went into a project like this there would never be a single negative comment said. ever :salute:

September 8th, 2011, 23:52
Thank you Tim on behalf Rob and the dev team over at the Pond - I have had the pleasure of watching the likes of him, Dave Molyneaux , Keith Paine, Paul Gausden
work for seven years ...I know how much they put into them. Although I am disappointed in one thing at the moment , That Ted Cooks beautiful little Beardsmore Wee Bee which was also released at the same time, has been overshadowed, a shame because Ted produces some wonderful and very eclectic models -- this one has the Cherub sound files made by none other than Gary Jones attached.....if you like low and very slow this is for you


kilo delta
September 9th, 2011, 01:24
I've just noticed a dedicated AI Shackleton is now available in the Britsim File Library. Downloaded it on the first attempt.


September 9th, 2011, 02:49
Britsim invite all who have had difficulties down loading the Shack and the Griffon sound set to give it another try. Our Gracious host Rob has made some major server changes and we think you are all going to be pleasently surprised. Thanks to those who stood patiently by and supported the site while we had major problems giving you what you wanted.


Britsim admin

September 9th, 2011, 16:05
Thank you Tim on behalf Rob and the dev team over at the Pond - I have had the pleasure of watching the likes of him, Dave Molyneaux , Keith Paine, Paul Gausden
work for seven years ...I know how much they put into them. Although I am disappointed in one thing at the moment , That Ted Cooks beautiful little Beardsmore Wee Bee which was also released at the same time, has been overshadowed, a shame because Ted produces some wonderful and very eclectic models -- this one has the Cherub sound files made by none other than Gary Jones attached.....if you like low and very slow this is for you


Leif.. Thanks for mentioning the Wee Bee.. I'm sure many people here will be greatly interested in it..

September 23rd, 2011, 02:52
Now with my FSX fixed I can give my 2 cents worth here...

This FSX shack release has given me sleepless nights (phone calls at 2am from Aus and NZ). There are many Flight Dynamic issues with this aircraft but i am not here to slag it off. Many of the issues could have been avoided with a little research. Visually the model is very good! only issue i have is that the taxi lights dont drop from the wing....

I have merged her with our flight dynamics and .air file and now she flies like a real shack and not a 210T :jump: Our panel also sort of merges in and all the features works :)

Any legit owners of the FS9 shack wanting to add the flight dynamics to the FSX model can PM me :icon29::guinness:

September 23rd, 2011, 20:56
Good morning all,

I'm just having one slight issue with the merging of the FS9 FDE into the FSX model - she starts the mush/wallow in winds above 16kts.... any ideas?

October 9th, 2011, 10:08
Eyepoint (position within VC) adjusted to position that gives maximum SA and equal to position of pilot's in external view:

eyepoint=17.850, -1.45, 5.40
//eyepoint=18.100, -1.45, 5.10

October 9th, 2011, 19:58
Is their a way to zoom back in the panel?

October 9th, 2011, 21:06
Is their a way to zoom back in the panel?

If meaning zoom backwards, the "Minus" key works for me. The "Plus" key works to zoom back in.

Also, open the Kneeboard, select "Keys" and scroll down to "View Commands" for more options.

What part of SLC are you from? I went to Westminster College back in the late 70's-early 80's.

October 10th, 2011, 03:47
Is their a way to zoom back in the panel?

You can also re-position your eyepoint in flight:

CRTL ENTER=Backwards