View Full Version : Repaint help please

August 11th, 2011, 23:26
Can anyone point me to a "repaints made simple for complete morons" type tutorial? I've just downloaded Paintshop Pro and would like to learn how to make new skins. I've googled totorials, but most are over my head or don't cover what I need. :kilroy:

August 12th, 2011, 00:11
Try this tutorial by Tom Gibson, it's a pretty good entry-level how-to:
Anybody remember Eric Joiner's excellent tutorial from years ago??? I thought I had it as a file but I can't locate it, if anybody has a copy or a d/l link I'm sure Hern could benefit from it.

Ian Astill
August 12th, 2011, 03:54
I'd be particularly interested if there was a repaint guide by Morton or Sopwith Chameleon.......(hint hint) :icon_lol:

Sopwith Chameleon
August 12th, 2011, 05:42
:salute: .........this is what you want : http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum36-paintshop-pro/

.....I use Pixia myself

Advice from me ?

Save your work in progress, and when you've saved it, save it again - I can't count the number of times I've lost hours of work just thru being careless ........:banghead:

............never, ever save in DXT 1 format - it degrades & pixilates the image - always save as extended 16 bit 565 ......

Develop a very thick skin - people will always tell you when you get the humgrummet on the floggletoggle wrong .......

Best advice of all ?

Don't start :

10.30 pm : " I'll just have half an hour on that Cross & Blackwell Goatsucker Mk XVIIII I started painting "

12.00 am : " Its starting to look good - pity about the 11 million Rivets I've still got to do "

1.30 am : " Now, where in my 12 million reference books, was that nice 3 view of S/L Jumbo Trouser's Goatsucker with the Striking Nose Art of a Pink Elephant wearing Spats ?"

2.15 am : " According to Hillman Hunter's authoritive Biography of Jumbo, it wasn't a Pink Elephant, it was a Giraffe, or possibly an Aardvark ( Blurry, Grainy Photo in Book looks more like a Wildebeest )"

3.00. am : Inadvertantly nod off - head strikes delete button .......

August 12th, 2011, 06:00
:salute: .........this is what you want : http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum36-paintshop-pro/

.....I use Pixia myself

Advice from me ?

Save your work in progress, and when you've saved it, save it again - I can't count the number of times I've lost hours of work just thru being careless ........:banghead:

............never, ever save in DXT 1 format - it degrades & pixilates the image - always save as extended 16 bit 565 ......

Develop a very thick skin - people will always tell you when you get the humgrummet on the floggletoggle wrong .......

Best advice of all ?

Don't start :

10.30 pm : " I'll just have half an hour on that Cross & Blackwell Goatsucker Mk XVIIII I started painting "

12.00 am : " Its starting to look good - pity about the 11 million Rivets I've still got to do "

1.30 am : " Now, where in my 12 million reference books, was that nice 3 view of S/L Jumbo Trouser's Goatsucker with the Striking Nose Art of a Pink Elephant wearing Spats ?"

2.15 am : " According to Hillman Hunter's authoritive Biography of Jumbo, it wasn't a Pink Elephant, it was a Giraffe, or possibly an Aardvark ( Blurry, Grainy Photo in Book looks more like a Wildebeest )"

3.00. am : Inadvertantly nod off - head strikes delete button .......


That's one of the funniest responses you've ever had. That sounds so much like me working on missions some nights it's scary. Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning! :ernae:

P.S. - What exactly are humgrummets and floggetoggles?

Sopwith Chameleon
August 12th, 2011, 06:15

That's one of the funniest responses you've ever had. That sounds so much like me working on missions some nights it's scary. Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning! :ernae:

P.S. - What exactly are humgrummets and floggetoggles?

..........They're basically the same as Wimwams on the JimJam .........

August 12th, 2011, 08:08
..........They're basically the same as Wimwams on the JimJam .........

Isn't there a shot for that now ? :icon_lol:


August 12th, 2011, 08:25
P.S. - What exactly are humgrummets and floggetoggles?
You'd have to be a fan of the great BBC Radio show 'The Navy Lark' to fully understand those. I have been a fan for almost 50 years as my late father always used to put the show on the radio on Sunday lunchtime. A classic comedy set on a RN destroyer crewed by incompetents.

The BBC have been re-running the shows for many years and currently broadcast them online on BBC Radio 4 Extra once a week. The latest episode(s) can be found here for online listening.


As to the original post it is most important that you save your ongoing work in it's native program format if you are using layers (i.e. .psd, .psp, etc.) as this will preserve both the quality and any working layers. Once you save it as a .bmp all your layers will be gone and unrecoverable. Only use 'Save As' when selecting to save as a .bmp file (preferable with a different name) to make sure you don't overwrite the original file. Nothing is more frustrating than accidentally saving in the wrong format and wiping out many hours of your hard work.

August 12th, 2011, 13:15
I have got a very basic repainting tutorial for (ahem) Sturmovik. May be useful to you. Problems:
- It is in spanish.
- Is for Photoshop (but I think you can aply it for PSP).
- It uses the game blueprints, so it is no useful for begining from zero.

If you want it, tell me.


August 12th, 2011, 14:02
Sopwith, you certainly have the repaint routine down 100%. :icon_lol: Especially with your reference material. That nice 3-view drawing of whatever plane you're working on is always in some Osprey book or old Profile Pub that "Damn, I just saw it here a couple weeks ago..." but now it's buried under another layer of magazines and books.

August 12th, 2011, 21:44
Thanks everybody. I haven't had time to check out the suggestions yet, but I thank y'all for all the quick replys :salute:

August 13th, 2011, 06:45
Iam running Vista 32 bit and had no problems on my rebuilt pc untill I tried to D/L Pixia.Once I did I lost all my panals in CFS2. I can`t uninstall it and there is no way to fix my CFS2 panals for any of the aircraft.I have tried to D/L paint shop Pro but it won`t run eather. I have also tried to reinstall CFS2 but have the same problem with the panals.It seams that Pixia added another window to my CFS2 front panal view.

Ian Astill
August 13th, 2011, 06:52
Whilst we are on the subject of repaints. Is there anywhere I can find a good stock of PSP Paint Kits (apart from the alphasim stuff)

I'm particularly interested in the Aeroplane Heaven Bf109e and the Paul Rebuffat 109's but I'd like any that are out there

August 13th, 2011, 07:49
Just a quick trot through my archive yielded these:

David Green's FDG MustangPaint Kit.zip

Try Googling "Aeroplane Heaven paint kit" and see what turns up - you might be surprised ! :wavey:


August 13th, 2011, 10:55
IMHO= The real basic 'secret ' for doing skins is the the effective usage of layers in the paint program. I use paintshop Pro 7 myself.

August 13th, 2011, 18:55
My favourite painting program is Adobe Photoshop Essentials Version 2. It's quite old and came free with a drawing tablet. Unfortunately it wont run on Win7 64 bit so I have to coax an old and grumpy XP rig. As Oldwheat says, layers are your best friend, save often and utilise Gaussian Blur filter. Trial, error, frustration and then satisfaction will follow.

August 18th, 2011, 21:58
Thanks again. I got the new x3 version. Seems to be some differences in termniology, but I think I can work it out'

Seagull V
August 19th, 2011, 01:25
Anyone interested in repainting there is also a trial/demo version of Paint Shop Pro X3 that can be downloaded, gives you 30 days free trial which will be enough to either get you hooked or turn you off repainting.


Layers are definately a big help. The important thing is also to ensure that you are getting satisfaction out of what you are doing, tackle a simple repaint first of a subject that you are greatly interested in. Sometimes it will take a bit of trial and error before you get the look right. Most importantly - have fun !!!! If not having fun on some issue also ask the Supreme Gurus for advice - helped me greatly when I got started, and I still have much to learn.

August 19th, 2011, 21:51
Thanks again, I have a fairly old book on Gmax that covering textures that uses a paintshop pro a couple of marks ago. Some of its terminology seems out of date, but I think I can figure it out. A paint kit is way beyond my skill level just now. I have no idea how to use a image editor yet. I am going to take one of the simpler tutorials and follow it step by step. In the old navy it was called "makee, doee" Also, I have found a decent looking book on-line that supposed to teach paintshop pro to the very simpliest among us. (That be me.)