View Full Version : new to CFS2, reccomended downloads?

August 7th, 2011, 09:28
Hi everybody, just discovered this forum. I love playing CFS2 and noticed you guys make up a ton of downloads. After looking through them, I have no idea where to start so could you guys give me a little direction? I'm thinking like some new planes, some campaigns & missions and better scenery (the stock scenery leaves much to be desired). Is there a way to play eureopean campaigns on CFS2? I noticed there was a lot of stuff for that on the CFS2 downloads.

Also, how do i access the CFS2 root file? i have been through all the CFS2 program files and can't find it, even when i specify to show hidden folders (I run CFS2 on windows 7)


August 7th, 2011, 11:18
Recommended scenery improvement:

New Textures:


R (http://www.demons7th.com/pactex.html)ecommended Aircraft:

The reworked stock aircraft by B24 Guy:

http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=The B24 Guy

Other personal favourites:
http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/hago/hangar1.htm (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=The B24 Guy)

Recommended ships:

(http://www.geocities.jp/mtyjr101/index.htm)http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=The Virtual Navy&ammm=15&pap=1
(http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=The Virtual Navy&ammm=15&pap=1)http://www.simviation.com/lair/cfs2sully.htm

The "root file" as you call it is CFS2.CFG. The various settings are in that it is in the same directory as the CFS2.EXE file.

Ian Astill
August 7th, 2011, 12:19
Hi Andrew. I'm new around here aswell. You'll learn plenty just browsing through different threads.

What you will see is that there are MANY MANY add ons around and there are more made every week. Some will be to your taste and others may not be

What I would recommend is that you make at least two installs of the game. One to test new stuff in and one to play. This should minimize any suffering! Most add ons work great but there will be the odd one that may not be to your liking.

Pretty Much every aspect of the game has been tweaked and improved in some way. Sounds, effects, weapons, scenery, aircraft, flight models, theatre, ships, and MUCH more is available

Rami has put together a great tutorial on creating a european install complete with European water, Textures and Airbases. I recommend you go through it. It is easy to do but it is a longish process


A few sites:

Mortons sky drive (some great repaints and a few complete planes):https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7f2604cfe3f60274

So (https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=7f2604cfe3f60274)pwith C's site (same as above): http://sopwithc.wetpaint.com/

P (http://sopwithc.wetpaint.com/)aul Rebuffats site (Great spits and 109s):

I would recommend having a browse through this thread and getting hold of the soundpacks available as they really add a lot to the game: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?5960-Aircraft-engine-sounds
Also Make sure you take the time to look through the library AND THE ARCHIVE (I spent a few weeks wondering where all the swag was before I discovered the archive

There is far too much to cover in just one reply so if you need to know anything just ask and someone will be able to help you :jump:

August 7th, 2011, 19:04
Rhumbaflappy's mesh


August 7th, 2011, 21:17
Download and install one of Rami's campaigns. It'll give you plenty of aircraft and scenery and teach you a little bit about working with cfs2. Follow the instructions carefully and you should be ok. The first one will be a lot of work because you'll have a lot to install, but a most of it is a one time deal and the next one will be a lot easier.If you need help you get plenty of help here at the forum. Plus, you will have a fun campaign to fly.

August 8th, 2011, 05:39
thanks guys for all the guidance I am sure I will come up with more questions.

If I download one of Rami's campaigns (he has ALOT of them!) do they come with everything such as aircraft & scenery or do I have to download them seperately?

August 8th, 2011, 05:49
thanks guys for all the guidance I am sure I will come up with more questions.

If I download one of Rami's campaigns (he has ALOT of them!) do they come with everything such as aircraft & scenery or do I have to download them seperately?


You have to download them separately. Unfortunately for newbies, I don't do auto-installers.

If you'd like to get started on flying something that is "plug and play," I would suggest flying my good friend Captain Kurt's 9th Fighter Squadron campaign in the Pacific, which has everything you need (I think) once the auto-installer is finished.

It's also a LONG campaign, giving you plenty of time to build up your skills.


Here is the description: "A historical campaign for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2
By Kurt “Captain Kurt” Schwabauer

Starting in March 1942, the CFS2 pilot will get to fly a total of 106 historical missions with the 9th FS as it moves from Australia to and through New Guinea, to Biak, to the Philippines and finally winding up at Okinawa in August 1945. The pilot will transition through the P-40E, P-40K, P-38F, P-38H, P-47D razorback, P-38J and P-38L.

UPDATE: This new package fixes the gray areas around some of the airfield.

Fixed: New campaign files with corrections for several missions.

Uploaded by Captain Kurt"

Once you learn the basics of how to install aircraft, scenery, and ships, it will be easier for you to "run the gauntlet" of setting up one of my campaigns. (insert sarcastic comment here :icon_lol:)

And thank you for noticing the body of my work!

August 9th, 2011, 07:41
wow, thanks rami! just downloaded the campaign by captain kurt & played a few missions. All i have to say is its an awesome campaign that'll be sure to keep me busy for the next few months:jump:

just one thing though. when i play the missions the radio function doesn't seem to be working. I've looked through all the settings and can't find a setting to disable/enable it. also the radar that shows other aircraft isn't working (this works fine in the stock CFS2 missions).

August 9th, 2011, 07:54

If you're flying in full screen mode, you'll want to hit the ALT key and select the "options" menu. If the box that says "radio communication" is not checked, that would explain why you're not receiving radio communications.

Next, the term in CFS2 for radar in the sim is "tactical display." If you're not sure what key toggles it on and off, go to the options menu, select "settings," then "controller assignments."

On this screen, scroll down until you see "toggle tactical display." This should tell you which key to use to turn it on and off.

August 9th, 2011, 08:03
ok, got it. thanks, rami.

time to splash some zeroes.....

August 9th, 2011, 17:34

I am following your ETO install guide for Europe scenery but have a question. When I install the LOD 5 mesh can I keep the stock mesh too or do I HAVE to overwrite? I'm asking this because I want to keep the stock Pacific theater scenery. The instructions only specify a Europe-only install.

August 9th, 2011, 18:03

Good question. I set up that guide on the principle that you will create a separate install for the ETO. In fact, I have two! (1939-1942, 1943-1945)

If you just want to install the LOD 5, 7, and 8 mesh, you should have little problems, because you're just dealing with elevation.

Where you'll really knock a wrench into your machinery is if you follow the instructions to replace the stock coastlines with Rhombaflappy's new ones. In fact, the three campaigns I did for the Pacific specify that you SHOULD NOT use Rhumba's coastlines, but the stock ones instead.

In short....take the time to install a couple versions of the ETO and MTO if you have the hard drive space, it will make your life MUCH easier!

August 10th, 2011, 00:53
It's a hell of a good question, isn' it ! there's so much to add-on.
Most of us have been collecting add-ons for years.
I would say just start playing with the sim and when you get interested or annoyed at some particular thing you would like to see different, just ask in this forum. :running: