View Full Version : JR Lucariny's P-51's

August 4th, 2011, 22:08
Hey Guys,
I need help with JR Lucariny's P-51's B"s or D's. Specifically, I'm having trouble with the VC's with all of these versions. Have you guys also had a problem with these and is there a fix? Has anyone done a version of these planes with a working VC? Please advise...

August 5th, 2011, 03:53

What packages are you using that contain these aircraft? One of the weaknesses of these aircraft is that they are conversions from FS9, and these aircraft typically do not come with a virtual cockpit. If you are looking for CFS2 P-51 Mustangs, let me know and I can post the links, these DO have virtual cockpits.

August 6th, 2011, 10:57
Thanks Rami for replying. I read your posts often. The CFS2 packages I’ve found are Sopwith Chamelon’s offerings. These do have vc’s but I can’t get them to work. Are there others? Or have I done something wrong with these? Since they include everything I simply added them but the vc’s don’t work.

August 6th, 2011, 11:27

If you are looking for Mustangs designed for CFS2, there are some really nice ones available with virtual cockpits and they are fully mission capable.




August 6th, 2011, 14:00
Thank you Rami, those aircraft are wonderful. I tend to collect all Cfs2 versions of various aircraft and those aircraft are already part of my collection. Do you know of any other JR Lucariny P-51’s with working vc’s? I pretty much have everything else. Been collecting Cfs2 aircraft off and on since 2000 and have about 200 gig’s worth.

August 6th, 2011, 16:44
Hi joeyjet87, you say the VC does not work could you be more specific, Like
1, there is no VC at all
2, I see a VC but there are no gauges
3, I see a VC with gauges but the flight control animations don't work.
As far as I know Mr LUCARINY's planes are donation ware for fs9. If that is the case no one here would be able to provide you with a fix or patch to make a converted plane work in CFS2 unless we expressly had Mr Lucariny's permission, Since the best and easiest way to fix the plane for CFS2 would be to get the original author to do it. Why don't you ask him?

August 6th, 2011, 21:15
Thanks Simonu,
During flight there is no vc at all. No gauges, nothing! Just free flight, like you’re Superman!
You're right the plane was converted for CFS2. I was hoping there may have been a fix posted or something. I have sent a note to Sopwith Chameleon on his site.

August 6th, 2011, 22:15
I don't have these aircraft installed, but it would appear from what I'm reading is that there is no VC that was put/designed into the Lucariny's P-51 models. Thus there would be no visual VC in the flight sim.

August 7th, 2011, 03:37
I do know a small hack for planes that have no VC model that simply makes the external model show instead, if the cockpit that you see when you veiw the plane from the outside is reasonably detailed it may be satisfactory. A real VC would have to be built using the original design program and source files. Let me see if I can remember how to do the hack.

August 7th, 2011, 04:30
Yes I remember, Before I go on, you should know that this hack forces the external model to be used which ever view you use. It will show in the back ground of the flat panel view as well and it will certainly effect your frame rates since the sim will be rendering model parts you cannot see. Also since it is the external model you will be seeing from inside, some parts will be invisible, (it depends, as I said on how detailed the cockpit is in the external model) So you may not like the result. It works ok in some planes, but not all, and is more suited to fighters with canopys that open than bombers where you will not see a fuselage interior. You should therefore make a back up of any file before trying to edit them.

Now as always there are more than one way to do this. Use MDLC to extract a scasm source edit it and then use MDLC to recompile. That does require the use of MDLC at the command line as the GUI doesn't give you the full power of MDLC.
If you do not already know how to use MDLC to get a scasm source I 'm afraid you will have to look elsewhere for that.
The info you need is shown in this example from a different plane

;uName: gen_model uOffset: 0x68
IfVarAnd( :L0051F6 0x68 0x8002 )
Call( :L0051D6 )
The key number is 0x8002, change it to 0x8003 save and recompile the source, job done.

The second way to do this is to hex edit the model itself and saves all the bother with MDLC and using the command line, but of course you need a hex editor instead.
My favorite is HxD get it here (http://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/) and make a donation its good.

So open the mdl with the hex editor
you will see lots of numbers but do not fear
Use the search tab or type "CTRL F" to bring up the "Find" tool
We are looking for the following "Hex-values"

00 68 00 02 00 80
and change it to

00 68 00 03 00 80
Thats it. Save and close
You can do this with any plane that lacks a VC but the results are not always good, Still, its easy to undo and shows the power of Hex editing.

Once you have the external model showing you may also need to adjust the aircraft.cfg to line the view eyepoint up with the pilots head. Open the aircraft.cfg in wordpad
eyepoint=z, x, y where z is fore/aft x is port/starboard and y is up/down

Just a final word, before you ask, there is no possibilty of adding real gauges to this psudo VC

August 7th, 2011, 20:18
Thank you Simonu,
I’m overwhelmed! What a wealth of info to my dilemma here. I’m going to try your remedy and see if I can get it to work. It’s guys like you that make this site so enjoyable. Thanks again man!
I think this is the link where I got the addon to begin with:
http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=SopwithChameleon&ammm=15&pap=4 (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=downloads&FileUploadName=SopwithChameleon&ammm=15&pap=4)

It’s been awhile, but I’ll let you know what happens.

December 13th, 2015, 12:47
We are looking for the following "Hex-values"

00 68 00 02 00 80
and change it to

00 68 00 03 00 80

THANKS A MILLION for that info, Simonu! I've been wishing for something like that for ages now to use with the CFS2 AI planes that I've hex-edited to be player-flyable :)

After your initial hex-edit, most of my time was spent twiddling with the "Eyepoint" settings to get them 'just right' (in perspective with the pilot's head/eye level), and the results came out fairly good :)

Thanks again!

December 13th, 2015, 14:12

If you are looking for Mustangs designed for CFS2, there are some really nice ones available with virtual cockpits and they are fully mission capable.




These links lead nowhere! something is wrong

December 13th, 2015, 15:22
These links lead nowhere! something is wrong

Those links are older than dirt. Like this thread. It is from 2011. The whole library was rebuilt since than.