View Full Version : ACM 2.5

August 3rd, 2011, 07:45
Passing this on for a friend as I don't have the item he is asking about.

He has the Avro Arrow payware package, and wants to change a few things in the Aircraft.cfg file. When he loads the above, he says it seems to only show the extreme tail section in the right hand side and he says it looks magnified many times.

I have never seen this, have very little experience at using ACM, so have no idea how to remedy the situation so that he can make the mods he wants.

Has anyone seen this before?

August 3rd, 2011, 08:35
Some models just won't load into ACM properly. I don't know what it is about the models that keeps them from loading into the program....but I have run into a number of planes that ACM simply will not work with. And there's nothing to be done to fix the situation.


August 3rd, 2011, 10:19
It's just as OBIO has said. It's the same problem with many models. Recently I was to try modifying the shine on Bear Studios' MiG-15, and it loads only the front half and wings of the plane. No tail section, or landing gear, or cockpit. Only the front "shell" is loading. KBT's Mitsubishi F-2 is similar, most of it will be loading, but some piece will not.

And some models will not even show at all, or can cause to crash the programme. I think it has relation to how the model was compiled, but I cannot be sure.

August 3rd, 2011, 15:34
Same for me with the SectionF8 Sabre, nothing to do I'm affraid :-(

VPL Paolo Lao
August 3rd, 2011, 18:09
If the models are native FSX or FSX/2004, these wont load at all, if it's FS2004/FSX Port-over it will, at least some of them. I heard that the next version of ACM will be freeware,. still on the works.

August 4th, 2011, 08:29
Thanks for the replies! I knew the answer was in the "Biological Database" that is SOH!

August 4th, 2011, 22:06
I sure wish there was an updated version of ACM (or an equivalent program) that would allow you to tweak FSX planes as well as FS9 and older.

August 4th, 2011, 23:45
As I understand it the author when he saw the amount of work that would be needed to update ACM to work in FSX said no way will there be a update so unless someone else comes up with something similar it's Fs9 only, he did however update Aircraft Airfile Manager for FSX

August 5th, 2011, 22:18
It's just as OBIO has said. It's the same problem with many models. Recently I was to try modifying the shine on Bear Studios' MiG-15, and it loads only the front half and wings of the plane. No tail section, or landing gear, or cockpit. Only the front "shell" is loading. KBT's Mitsubishi F-2 is similar, most of it will be loading, but some piece will not.

This is because if some components are configured on the model with particular view options. These components are then not visible in ACM.