View Full Version : How to Add Static Planes to Carriers?

July 11th, 2011, 11:53
We have static models of most common USN and IJN planes with wings folded to add to carriers but there are no instructions as how to add them. When I tried to add them to the ships, the ships just sailed away from underneath them. Can anyone help out on this please? it would add greatly to the realism of task forces to have the planes on deck, they just look silly with nothing on board ....

thanks for any help on this.

July 11th, 2011, 14:04
From the B24 Guy Files:

Carrier Multi-Aircraft Take Off Tutorial.

This process will place a virtual runway over the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, and allow wingmen or groups of AI aircraft, to populate or take off, from the carrier deck.

To make things easy, I created a new airbase in the airbase.dat file, (located in the CFS2\INFO folder.).

1. Create entry in airbase.dat file.

(You can have more then one just increase xxx numbers and change name)

Here is Data for the Airbases.dat file. Fill in the XXX with the next numbers in sequence and do not delete the little square eof marker.

name=Fake runway one
base_lat=N6* 8.70'
base_lon=E135* 4.68'

2. Build mission with yourself taking off from carrier.(Start with two wingmen)
(Make sure starting speed of carrier is zero.)

(Try to make the starting heading of the Carrier either North, South, East ,or West.)

This will make things easier when you decide to advance from here.

3. Fly mission, PAUSE, then Hit Shift-Z, and write down starting info. IE- lat, lon, alt, heading.

4. Exit mission Builder.

5. Edit the new "Fake runway one" airbase entry that you placed in the "airbase.dat" file. (use data from step 3)

6. Restart mission builder and load mission.

7. Change takeoff from "Name of Carrier" to "Fake runway one" airbase.

8. Save and Exit

9. Enjoy

Note: If the carrier speed is greater than 20 knts. your wingmen will start their takeoff roll as soon as you start your engine.


P.S. I some how left out the allegiance=0 section of the airbase entry. I hope this has not caused anyone any problems.

This is from an ANCIENT pre-SOH crash file - see if it works for your purposes !

July 11th, 2011, 15:53
wow thanks, i had no idea this was the way to do it, i was expecting some way to harden the deck to attach objects...if this will allow one to populate the ship with a full deck load of planes that is what i am seeking indeed.

so this new runway established on the ship will move with it no matter how it turns?

and can one dispose the wing men in a formation such as fore and aft so as to locate say up to 15 to 20 planes in rows somehow? that is my goal....to set up planes as they were disposed underway from base to action....but thanks so much for this, another intriguing aspect of CFS2:salute:


July 11th, 2011, 17:18
Hi Chris;

Don't shoot the messenger - I haven't had the need to even TRY this technique.

In my Freshman days of SOH CFS2 [Lurker, Junior Classman:icon_lol:] I copied Almost EVERYTHING that the more learned members of our Basement ever suggested for future reference. A lot of it is waiting for me to compile some Winter when I can't get out past the snow mountain in my driveway... There are others here with better compilations, BTW - I just happened to answer first.

This one just happened to catch my eye the other week and I remembered it when you asked. When it works [and, since the advice came from The B24 Guy, I have no doubt it will] please do us all a favor and DOCUMENT THE PROCESS for reporting here so that we can all share in the knowledge ?

Thanks and good flying ! :wavey:

July 11th, 2011, 18:21
OK thanks and no i did not mean at all to threaten the messenger lol...i am eager to try it, i will trot out some of my carriers and try it out soon and promise to report back.

I am hopeful indeed...thanks again and thanks for keeping copies of things...it helps a LOT.:salute:

July 11th, 2011, 19:09
I did have some older info on this and have set it up in the past. The reason why they are staying put is because you have to place the aircraft in the same position on deck from WAYPOINT TO WAYPOINT. Then they will move with the carrier.

July 11th, 2011, 19:56
ah? so you have to go in at each way point and place them again? that makes sense....thanks a lot of sharing that.

July 12th, 2011, 00:44
Yep...that's 1 trick I can remember...fried my brain on this sort of stuff years ago.

July 12th, 2011, 02:30
OK, wer have them moving from place to place with the carrier but how about aircraft takingoff before and after you do and landing before and after you do?

July 12th, 2011, 20:07
I never got around to that B. I just set up my own little practice attack loaded carrier mission. Just had a stack of aeroplanes on deck so I could try dropping some bombs in the middle of them...they really go off to, from what I can remember.

July 13th, 2011, 06:17
Can someone explane in more detail how you get the AI aircraft set on the carrier deck and then move then on the carrier so that they stay in the same position as the carrier moves.I can take The B24 Guys static aircraft and jack them up to the hight of the carrier deck,but getting them to move along with the carrier and stay parked on the deck but still move with the carrier is impossible. The reason is that when using the MB, unless you edit the mission file, has a minimum airspeed and alt.Thies are different for each plane type.In the MB the lowest I have ever been able to get them is 56ft. at about 120kts when building a mission.The problem is you can`t in the MB slow the AI aircraft down slow enough to match the speed of the carrier or bring the AI aircraft low enough to put them on the carrier deck using the MB when building a mission.I sure would like to find a fix for this problem.

July 13th, 2011, 17:59
I remember you do have to text edit the 'mis' file with something like notepad. Been checking through my old achives for the instructions but can't find them. Attached is a mis file I set up for the "A6M2_zero_Static"....only 1 plane loaded on deck in this one. Seperate 'aircraft' folder for this zero.

Edit: Don't think this particular file works right.

July 13th, 2011, 18:25
I belive there is a way it can be done but I would need someone that can work with air and ship files inorder to test my idea. if my idea works then you don`t have to edit any files.

July 14th, 2011, 01:51
See if you can get your head around this mis file in the achives here. You need to make some new folders from existing planes and rename the folders(follow the file names in the mis file for each 'unit'. Zip name "fulldeck.zip"

http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&FileType=cfs2-missions&page=downloads&ammm=15&pap=5 (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/page.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&FileType=cfs2-missions&page=downloads&ammm=15&pap=5)

July 14th, 2011, 10:09
thank you looks like we are getting closer and closer to the solution, I am glad to have so much great help on this as it appears to be complex but workable. Thanks again for all the helping hands.:salute:

I am seeking to achieve something close to this:


which was how task forces really looked en route

July 14th, 2011, 15:36
The folded wings static aircraft pack is here, if anybody wants them:


July 14th, 2011, 16:29
Yep that is the one, thanks for the linkey Editor :)

July 16th, 2011, 23:31
I'm beginning to get somewhere with these techniques....anybody else ??

July 17th, 2011, 08:35
BRAVO, Demorier !!!!!!

Can't wait for the finished technique to be posted !

July 17th, 2011, 13:37
Excellent ,i havent had time to try yet..so it is great to see

July 20th, 2011, 21:33
Is there anymore info about how to add AI aircraft to a moving carrier?

July 20th, 2011, 22:11
I'm after some more info on this post earlier from sc7500 (TheB24guy files). In particular what the numbers in red mean. Anybody know where there is some tutorial stuff maybe? I need it for trying to place more planes on the deck.

name=Fake runway one
base_lat=N6* 8.70'
base_lon=E135* 4.68'

July 21st, 2011, 00:48
Pretty bugie thing so far...need more knowledge (who doesn't).

July 21st, 2011, 02:31
In particular what the numbers in red mean. Anybody know where there is some tutorial stuff maybe? I need it for trying to place more planes on the deck.


I´m not an expert but to me those lines should indicate the position for your airplane and wingmen (AI aircrafts) to take actions in relation to the beggining of your runway in X,Y coordinates.
First number goes for lateral position (positive right, negative left)
Second number goes for longitudinal position (positive foward, negative backwards)
So, in this case: takeoff_start_pos=28,0
Your plane start 28 feets foward of the beginng of the runway. If you add wingmen through MB they will position in wichever way you decided. If you have many planes some may end positioned outside the runway. Generally not a problem.
Your plane will start centered in the runway. Again, depending on the width of the runway some of your wingmen may start outside the runway. Generally not a problem.
Landing_start_position is the point where your AI wingmen leaves you and land. If your flight path is a little high you generally see them dive to this position.

The rest is more or less self explaining. But ask if you have doubt or may be some other with more expertisse than me will clarify.

I don´t have more time but please read Cody Coyote MB tutorial book. It´s a MUST for many of this questions we have.

Cheers, Discus

July 21st, 2011, 04:22

Read pages 196-198 of Cody Coyote MB (Rev 4 2011) http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=49&id=3972

The positions given by take_off_start_position and others are relative to the center of the runway.

PD: I´ve tried adding planes to an aircraftcarrier through the DP with no luck. Yet I´ve added an airplane to another airplane before, as a loadout. This is the way you can simulate a tow for gliders. Not my invention. I´ve only changed the type of tow, adjusted the distance from the tow to the glider, etc. You can ad the Space Shuttle on top of a Boeing 747. Or "compile" a Mistel.
But I can tell you that, just for curiosity, I´ve added torpedoes to a RAF High Speed Launch in the aircraft folder. They were there and I could "drop" them. But I could only see them before they dropped and exploded on contact with the water. Back to the "lab".

July 21st, 2011, 23:21
Here is the problem with AI aircraft landing and taking off from a carrier.You can`t controll the alt or speed of the AI when landing much less where they park.If we could get the ships to accept a loadout then you have part of the problem solved.

There is another solutation, and that is to turn the AI aircraft you want to put on the deck into ships sitting the hight of the carrier deck.This way you can move them around have deck ops as well as takeoff ops and landing ops.I don`t know how to make ships or anyother structure or aircraft but I think it would work.I have talked about this idea for about 8 years but I think everyone thinks I am nuts.Think of it this way , a plastic aircraft sitting on a clear plastic stand.Here is somthing else to look into ,someone made a tender that moved and it hade a sub that moved with it.It was also I think set to do the same with aircraft.

July 22nd, 2011, 00:41
One problem that won't go away is that I can't get the aeroplanes to stack on the deck close to one another, so that the deck could be highly populated.....still poking around with it.

July 22nd, 2011, 04:49
One problem that won't go away is that I can't get the aeroplanes to stack on the deck close to one another, so that the deck could be highly populated.....still poking around with it.

Just wondering: Could that be the size of the collision bubble still with the size of an extended wings plane, and the CFS2 engine not admiting the player to put them through the MB close enough to collide and explode? You see folded wings aircrafts small enough to be parked closer, but CFS2´s engine "sees" them bigger and won´t let you make a "mistake" and let them explode at the startof a mission.

July 22nd, 2011, 08:55
....You see folded wings aircraft small enough to be parked closer, but CFS2s engine "sees" them bigger and won´t let you make a "mistake" and let them explode at the start of a mission...

That's easy enough to test - use MkMDLC to reduce the collision bubble to [2] and see if they still go boom !

MaxStuka's idea last week had validity, but didn't cooperate in my test case - I think it would with parked planes in a static environment.....

Try it and see !

July 22nd, 2011, 09:16
If someone would try what I suggested you might fine it would work.

July 22nd, 2011, 10:26
...If someone would try what I suggested you might fine it would work...

This is an interesting idea, Bob.

How do we elevate the planes to deck height ?


July 22nd, 2011, 10:32
Iam not sure, need to check into that.

Captain Kurt
July 22nd, 2011, 12:40
Adjust the wheel contact points in the aircraft config file to the height of the carrier deck.

July 22nd, 2011, 14:20
There is the answer.

The B24 Guy
July 22nd, 2011, 14:54
Hi All,

It is a bit tricky the more aircraft you add the harder it gets.
Bunch of good ideas here though.

I am not sure if I changed the collision bubble on the Static Aircraft or not.

One thing you can do is to replace the wheels with skids and also increase the MOI and aircraft weight in the config. file. This will help keep the AC on Deck. (Thanks to Pen for this idea)

You might also edit the carrier config. file and reduce the pitch of the ship.

Have fun,

Ali Cat
July 22nd, 2011, 15:59
Wonderful – what a read! Thank you everyone.

Demorier: That first pic of yours set me back in my seat. It's odd or maybe I'm an idiot but I would not have thought AC on the deck would have made that much difference. It's a stunning shot.

Thanks again,

July 22nd, 2011, 16:03
Would it be possible to make the planes non-exploding "weapons", add hardpoints to the carrier's DP file, and add the planes as weapon loadouts? Then a CV could have multiple "loadouts" of planes on deck. There is, of course, a limit to the number of hardpoints. Maybe this has already been suggested/tried. Just an idea.

July 22nd, 2011, 16:26
This is the way I have been getting the planes at deck height. The first bit of text is an attacking aircraft at 15000' travelling at 240 mph, and starts a short distance behind the carrier. The second text segment says the plane is at +70ft elevation and travelling at 30knots (the same as the carrier speed).
After placing the planes near deck on the carrier in MB you need to edit the mis file and change some of the data.
================================================== ====
[waypoint_path.0] ;;;attacking aircraft above
waypoint.0=1,0,S8* 9.50',E158* 30.00',+15000,,,,240,,0,0,1
waypoint.1=4096,0,S7* 42.50',E158* 30.00',+15000,,,,240,,0,0,1

================================================== ====

[waypoint_path.1] ;;;static plane on deck
waypoint.0=2,1,S8* 4.91',E158* 30.00',+70,,,,30,,8064,0,1
waypoint.1=4096,0,S7* 46.52',E158* 30.00',+70,,,,30,,0,0,1

July 22nd, 2011, 18:55
After taking a look at some of the ships I found that some ships have ship dynamics and others don`t. inorder to stop the pitch and roll of the ship all you need is to 0 out the pitch,bank and roll of the ship in the dynamics section of the config file.If a ship dosn`t have a dynimacs file coppy one that has been edited and copy or paste it at the bottem of the ship config file.

July 24th, 2011, 19:32
See if this helps, it is an old mission file that gives a full deck load according to what I found about it...but i havnet tried it yet...


July 24th, 2011, 20:44
Download mentioned on page one CrisG.

July 25th, 2011, 22:09
It is time we tried to solve this problem

July 31st, 2011, 14:26
Piloto Azul (Silvia Borja) created a sample Mis file with a full deck load of planes on a carrier, i found it on one of the orphaned sites that had her releases on it, and the link was still active, i saved it but not sure where at the moment, it may help us with this challenge. I will try to find and post.